Elements of the model world, such as objects, have properties associated with them. Here we look after the identities of these different properties.

§1. Definitions.

§2. The English word "property" is a little vague. It can mean a particular property of a given thing — say, the weight of a car — or it can mean the measurement in general terms as applied to a range of things — say, the notion of weight.

When we need to distinguish these, we'll call the latter a "property name". In this and the following sections we will lay down the foundations for knowledge about things by establishing how property names are created, what makes some property names unlike others, and so on.

They are divided into two groups: the either/or properties, which something either has or doesn't have, such as "closed"; and the valued properties, which something has in degrees or in different flavours, such as "carrying capacity" or "colour". (These are called "valued" because they associate a value with the owner; it isn't that either/or properties are unloved.)

typedef struct property {
    struct wording name;  name of property
    int ambiguous_name;  does this look like a property test, e.g., "point of view"?
    struct compilation_module *owning_module;  where defined

     the basic nature of this property
    int either_or;  is this an either/or property? if not, it is a valued one
    struct property_permission *applicable_to;  lists who has permission to have this
    int do_not_compile;  for e.g. the "specification" pseudo-property
    int include_in_index;  is this property shown in the indexes?

     runtime implementation
    int metadata_table_offset;  position in the property_metadata word array at run-time
    struct package_request *prop_package;  where to find:
    struct inter_name *prop_iname;  the identifier we would like to use at run-time for this property
    int translated;  has this been given an explicit translation?
    int prn_emitted;  has this been emitted to Inter yet?

     temporary use only
    int indexed_already;  and has it been, thus far in index construction?
    int visited_on_traverse;  for temporary use when compiling objects
    struct possession_marker pom;  for temporary use when checking implications

     used only for either-or properties
    int implemented_as_attribute;  if so: is it an I6 attribute at run-time?
    struct property *negation;  and which property name (if any) negates it?
    int stored_in_negation;  this is the dummy half of an either/or pair
    struct adjective_meaning *adjectival_meaning_registered;  and has it been made an adjective yet?
    struct adjectival_phrase *adjectival_phrase_registered;  similarly
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    struct grammar_verb *eo_parsing_grammar;  exotic forms used in parsing

     used only for valued properties
    struct kind *property_value_kind;  if not either/or, what kind of value does it hold?
    struct binary_predicate *setting_bp;  and which relation sets it?
    struct binary_predicate *stored_bp;  does it store the content of a relation?
    int used_for_non_typesafe_relation;  expressing, e.g., a 1-1 relation to a kind
    int also_a_type;  and is its name the same as that of the kind of value?
    int run_time_only;  does not correspond to an I7 property

     used only for condition properties, a special kind of valued properties
    struct inference_subject *condition_of;  or is it a condition of an object?
    int condition_anonymously_named;  if so, is it named just "... condition"?

} property;

§3. The only four properties which have special significance to core Inform (though plugins are interested in many others):

property *P_specification = NULL;  a pseudo-property for indexing kinds
property *P_variable_initial_value = NULL;  a pseudo-property for initialising variables
property *P_indefinite_appearance_text = NULL;
property *P_description = NULL;  a text property for holding annotations
property *P_grammatical_gender = NULL;  a value property describing names

§4. Creation. We have two basic operations: (1) To find the structure corresponding to a given textual name, creating it afresh if necessary. If we do obtain an existing one, we need to make absolutely certain that we aren't using an either/or property where a valued property is wanted, or vice versa.

property *Properties::obtain(wording W, int valued) {
    parse_node *p = ExParser::parse_excerpt(PROPERTY_MC, W);
    property *prn;
    if (p == NULL) {
        prn = Properties::create(W, NULL, NULL);
        if (valued) {
            Properties::Valued::make_setting_relation(prn, W);
            prn->either_or = FALSE;
        } else {
            prn->either_or = TRUE;
    } else {
        prn = Rvalues::to_property(p);
        if ((valued) && (prn->either_or))
            internal_error("either/or property made into valued");
        if ((valued == FALSE) && (prn->either_or == FALSE))
            internal_error("valued property made into either/or");
    return prn;

§5. And: (2) To create a new structure outright.

property *Properties::create(wording W, package_request *using_package, inter_name *using_iname) {
    W = Articles::remove_article(W);
    Ensure that the new property name is one we can live with5.1;
    See if the property name already has a meaning, which may or may not be okay5.2;

    property *prn = CREATE(property);
    Initialise the property name structure5.3;
    Does the new property have the same name as a kind of value?5.4;
    Note the significance of this property, if it needs compiler support5.6;

    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) Register the property name as a noun5.8
    else Properties::exclude_from_index(prn);

    LOGIF(PROPERTY_CREATIONS, "Created property: $Y\n", prn);
    return prn;

§5.1. Ensure that the new property name is one we can live with5.1 =

    int unfortunate = FALSE;
    if ((<k-kind>(W)) && (<<rp>> == K_value)) {
        unfortunate = TRUE;
        Problems::Issue::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
            "the single word 'value' cannot be used as the name of a property",
            "because it has a much broader meaning already. Inform uses the "
            "word 'value' to mean any number, time of day, name of something, "
            "etcetera: and because of that very broadness, Inform cannot decide "
            "what kind of value a simple 'value' might be. So 'A door has "
            "a value' is not allowed; but 'A door has a number called the "
            "room number' would be fine.");
    if (Wordings::length(W) > MAX_WORDS_IN_ASSEMBLAGE-2) {
        Problems::Issue::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_PropertyNameTooLong),
            "this is too long a name for a single property to have",
            "and would become unwieldy.");
        W = Wordings::truncate(W, MAX_WORDS_IN_ASSEMBLAGE-2);
    if (<unsuitable-name>(W)) {
        unfortunate = TRUE;
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        Problems::Issue::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_PropertyNameUnsuitable));
            "The sentence %1 seems to create a new property called '%2', but "
            "this is not a good name, and I think I must have misread what "
            "you wanted. Maybe the punctuation is wrong?");
    if (unfortunate) W = Feeds::feed_text(L"problem recovery name");

§5.2. Name clashes between properties and other constructs are surprisingly often unproblematic, so we won't reject a name just because it already means something.

See if the property name already has a meaning, which may or may not be okay5.2 =

    if (<s-type-expression-or-value>(W)) {
        int okay = FALSE;
        parse_node *spec = <<rp>>;
        if (Specifications::is_kind_like(spec)) okay = TRUE;
        if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(spec, CON_table_column)) okay = TRUE;
        if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(spec, CON_property)) okay = TRUE;
        if (Specifications::is_description(spec)) okay = TRUE;
        if (ParseTree::is(spec, NONLOCAL_VARIABLE_NT)) okay = TRUE;
        if (okay == FALSE) {
            LOG("Existing meaning: $P", spec);
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
            Problems::quote_kind_of(3, spec);
            Problems::Issue::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_PropertyNameClash));
                "You wrote %1, but '%2' is not free to be the name of a fresh "
                "property: it already has a meaning (as %3).");

§5.3. So by this point the new property will be allowed.

define UNSET_TABLE_OFFSET -654321

Initialise the property name structure5.3 =

    prn->name = W;
    prn->owning_module = Modules::find(current_sentence);
    prn->ambiguous_name = <name-looking-like-property-test>(W);
    prn->applicable_to = NULL;
    prn->either_or = FALSE;
    prn->prop_package = using_package;
    prn->prop_iname = using_iname;
    prn->prn_emitted = FALSE;
    prn->translated = FALSE;
    prn->do_not_compile = FALSE;
    prn->indexed_already = FALSE;
    prn->visited_on_traverse = -1;
    prn->include_in_index = TRUE;
    prn->metadata_table_offset = UNSET_TABLE_OFFSET;
    prn->run_time_only = FALSE;

§5.4. Does the new property have the same name as a kind of value?5.4 =

    if (<k-kind>(W))
        Properties::Valued::make_coincide_with_kind(prn, <<rp>>);

§5.5. This is a collection of the English names of some properties which have special significance to Inform. Each one is recognised as it is created by the Standard Rules (which are in English, so there's no need to translate this to any other language).

<notable-properties> ::=
    description |
    specification |
    indefinite appearance text |
    variable initial value

§5.6. Note the significance of this property, if it needs compiler support5.6 =

    if (<notable-properties>(W)) {
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case 0: P_description = prn;
            case 1: P_specification = prn;
                Properties::Valued::set_kind(prn, K_text);
                prn->do_not_compile = TRUE;
                prn->include_in_index = FALSE;
                World::Permissions::grant(model_world, P_specification, TRUE);
            case 2: P_indefinite_appearance_text = prn;
                Properties::Valued::set_kind(prn, K_text);
                prn->do_not_compile = TRUE;
                prn->include_in_index = FALSE;
                    P_indefinite_appearance_text, TRUE);
            case 3: P_variable_initial_value = prn;
                prn->do_not_compile = TRUE;
                Properties::Valued::set_kind(prn, K_value);
                prn->include_in_index = FALSE;
                World::Permissions::grant(nonlocal_variables, P_variable_initial_value, TRUE);

§5.7. To clarify their meanings as nouns, the word "property" can be prepended; thus "the property open", for instance. We achieve this by registering the name in both forms. The following grammar is used to construct this prefix.

<property-name-construction> ::=
    property ...

§5.8. Register the property name as a noun5.8 =

    Nouns::new_proper_noun(W, NEUTER_GENDER,
        PROPERTY_MC, Rvalues::from_property(prn));
    word_assemblage wa =
        Preform::Nonparsing::merge(<property-name-construction>, 0,
    wording AW = WordAssemblages::to_wording(&wa);
    Nouns::new_proper_noun(AW, NEUTER_GENDER,
        PROPERTY_MC, Rvalues::from_property(prn));

§6. As kinds.

kind *Properties::to_kind(property *prn) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("took kind of null property");
    kind *stored = prn->property_value_kind;
    if (prn->either_or) stored = K_truth_state;
    return Kinds::unary_construction(CON_property, stored);


wording Properties::get_name(property *prn) {
    if (prn == NULL) return EMPTY_WORDING;
    return prn->name;

§8. Parsing property names. The following matches any property name, optionally preceded by the definite article:

<property-name> internal {
    W = Articles::remove_the(W);
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property)
        if (Wordings::match(W, prn->name)) {
            *XP = prn;
            return Wordings::first_wn(W) + Wordings::length(prn->name) - 1;
    return FALSE;

§9. With two variants:

<either-or-property-name> internal {
    W = Articles::remove_the(W);
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property)
        if (prn->either_or)
            if (Wordings::match(W, prn->name)) {
                *XP = prn;
                return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

<value-property-name> internal {
    W = Articles::remove_the(W);
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property)
        if (prn->either_or == FALSE)
            if (Wordings::match(W, prn->name)) {
                *XP = prn;
                return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§10. For tiresome internal reasons, we also need a version which is voracious (and doesn't accept the definite article):

<property-name-v> internal ? {
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property)
        if (Wordings::starts_with(W, prn->name)) {
            *XP = prn;
            return Wordings::first_wn(W) + Wordings::length(prn->name) - 1;
    return FALSE;

§11. We call a property name "ambiguous" if, syntactically, it looks like a reference to a property of something. For example, "point of view" could be mistaken for the "point" property of something called "view". Formally, it's ambiguous if it matches the following:

<name-looking-like-property-test> ::=
    *** of ***

§12. And this internal is exactly like <property-name> except that it only matches ambiguous cases.

<ambiguous-property-name> internal ? {
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property)
        if (prn->ambiguous_name) {
            if (Wordings::starts_with(W, prn->name)) {
                *XP = prn;
                return Wordings::first_wn(W) + Wordings::length(prn->name) - 1;
    return FALSE;

§13. But the following slow routine, not used very often, is also convenient for finding the length of the longest property name at the start of an excerpt. (The assertion parser uses this to break text like "carrying capacity 20".)

int Properties::match_longest(wording W) {
    int maxlen = -1;
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property)
        if (Wordings::starts_with(W, prn->name))
            if (maxlen < Wordings::length(prn->name))
                maxlen = Wordings::length(prn->name);
    return maxlen;

§14. Permissions. Each property has a list of permissions for its usage attached. These are important enough to have their own section: here, all we do is...

property_permission *Properties::permission_list(property *prn) {
    return prn->applicable_to;
void Properties::set_permission_list(property *prn, property_permission *pp) {
    prn->applicable_to = pp;

§15. Logging.

void Properties::log(property *prn) {
    if ((Streams::I6_escapes_enabled(DL)) || (prn == NULL)) return;
    if (prn->either_or) {
        property *neg = Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn);
        if (neg) { LOG("=~"); Properties::log_basic_pname(neg); }
    } else {
        LOG("=$u", Properties::Valued::kind(prn));

void Properties::log_basic_pname(property *prn) {
    if (prn == NULL) { LOG("<null-property>"); return; }
    if (Wordings::nonempty(prn->name)) { LOG("'%W'", prn->name); }
    else if (prn->prop_iname) { LOG("%n", prn->prop_iname); }
    else { LOG("nameless"); }

§16. Access to details. As we have seen, there are two fundamentally different forms of property, and for clarity we define two test routines, even though each is the negation of the other:

int Properties::is_either_or(property *prn) {
    return prn->either_or;
int Properties::is_value_property(property *prn) {
    if (prn->either_or == FALSE) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§17. More miscellaneously: the following flags correspond to two ways in which properties can be "unofficial". First, the pseudo-properties like "indefinite appearance" have no existence at run-time, and can't be compiled, so:

int Properties::can_be_compiled(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->do_not_compile)) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§18. Second, a property might be missed out of the Index pages for clarity's sake:

int Properties::is_shown_in_index(property *prn) {
    return prn->include_in_index;
void Properties::exclude_from_index(property *prn) {
    prn->include_in_index = FALSE;

§19. During indexing we try to avoid mentioning properties more than once:

void Properties::set_indexed_already_flag(property *prn, int state) {
    prn->indexed_already = state;
int Properties::get_indexed_already_flag(property *prn) {
    return prn->indexed_already;

§20. Used to support the run-time storage code: see "Properties of Objects".

void Properties::offset_in_runtime_metadata_table_is(property *prn, int pos) {
    prn->metadata_table_offset = pos;
int Properties::get_offset_in_runtime_metadata_table(property *prn) {
    return prn->metadata_table_offset;

§21. Translated names of properties. Some properties have translated names mechanically generated by Inform (indeed all properties initially have, as we saw above), but others must have names corresponding to those used in the template: these are, we say, "translated". The following routine accomplishes that. It is normally used in response to explicit requests in the source text (see below), but can also be used by plugins to give their favourite properties names which will help their own run-time support code to work.

void Properties::set_translation(property *prn, wchar_t *t) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("translation set for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->stored_in_negation)) {
        Properties::set_translation(Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn), t);
    for (int i=0; ((t[i]) && (i<31)); i++) {
        if ((Characters::isalpha(t[i])) || (Characters::isdigit(t[i])) || (t[i] == '_'))
            PUT_TO(T, t[i]);
            PUT_TO(T, '_');
    Produce::change_translation(prn->prop_iname, T);
    Hierarchy::make_available(Emit::tree(), prn->prop_iname);
    prn->translated = TRUE;

void Properties::set_translation_S(property *prn, text_stream *t) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("translation set for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->stored_in_negation)) {
        Properties::set_translation_S(Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn), t);
    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, t) {
        int c = Str::get(pos);
        if ((isalpha(c)) || (Characters::isdigit(c)) || (c == '_'))
            PUT_TO(T, c);
            PUT_TO(T, '_');
    Str::truncate(T, 31);
    Produce::change_translation(prn->prop_iname, T);
    prn->translated = TRUE;

int Properties::has_been_translated(property *prn) {
    return prn->translated;

§22. And this is the routine which is called by the assertion parser in response to sentences like:

The initial appearance property translates into I6 as "initial".

void Properties::translates(wording W, parse_node *p2) {
    property *prn = NULL;
    if (<property-name>(W)) prn = <<rp>>;
    wchar_t *text = Lexer::word_text(Wordings::first_wn(ParseTree::get_text(p2)));

    Make sure this is a genuine and previously untranslated property22.1;

    Properties::set_translation(prn, text);
    LOGIF(PROPERTY_TRANSLATIONS, "Property <$Y> translates as <%w>\n", prn, text);

    if (prn->either_or)
        Check to see if a sense reversal has taken place in translation22.2;

§22.1. Make sure this is a genuine and previously untranslated property22.1 =

    if (prn == NULL)  {
        Problems::Issue::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NonPropertyTranslated),
            "this property does not exist",
            "so cannot be translated.");
    if ((prn->translated) &&
        (Str::eq_wide_string(Produce::get_translation(Properties::iname(prn)), text) == FALSE)) {
        Problems::Issue::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TranslatedTwice),
            "this property has already been translated",
            "so there must be some duplication somewhere.");

§22.2. But there is a kick in the tail, which is that translation can reverse the run-time parity of an either/or property. The Standard Rules normally say:

The open property translates into I6 as "open".

This means that information about openness is stored as open within the template; an open door has open set, for instance. If we had written:

The closed property translates into I6 as "open".

then the relevant data would still have been stored as open, but with the opposite sense; an open door would now be one with open cleared. (Of course we'd never want to do something so confusing, but the facility exists because Inform 7 made a few either/or properties opposite in sense to their analogous Inform 6 ones.)

Check to see if a sense reversal has taken place in translation22.2 =

    property *neg = Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn);
    if (neg) {
        LOGIF(PROPERTY_TRANSLATIONS, "Storing this way round: $Y\n", prn);

§23. Traversing properties. These routines are to help other parts of Inform to visit each property just once, when working through some complicated search space. (Visiting an either/or property also visits its negation.)

int property_traverse_count = 0;
void Properties::begin_traverse(void) {

int Properties::visited_in_traverse(property *prn) {
    if (prn->visited_on_traverse == property_traverse_count) return TRUE;
    prn->visited_on_traverse = property_traverse_count;
    if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
        property *prnbar = Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn);
        if (prnbar) prnbar->visited_on_traverse = property_traverse_count;
    return FALSE;

§24. The "possession marker" is similarly used to keep tabs on which either/or properties things seem to have, but only as temporary data used when working on implications. Here we only make it available as storage.

possession_marker *Properties::get_possession_marker(property *prn) {
    return &(prn->pom);

§25. Compiling property values. Small as it may be, this routine contains two important principles: one, that property values of something are drawn from the most specific knowledge we have about it; and two, that if we have no knowledge of any specificity, then we fill in a default value.

void Properties::compile_inferred_value(value_holster *VH, inference_subject *infs, property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (Properties::can_be_compiled(prn) == FALSE)) return;
    while (infs) {
        if (Properties::compile_property_value_inner(VH, infs, prn)) return;
        infs = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(infs);
    if (Properties::is_either_or(prn))
        Properties::EitherOr::compile_default_value(VH, prn);
        Properties::Valued::compile_default_value(VH, prn);

§26. Here we look for a specific subject's knowledge about our property, and if we find it, we compile it and return TRUE; if not we do nothing and return FALSE.

int Properties::compile_property_value_inner(value_holster *VH, inference_subject *infs, property *prn) {
    inference *inf;
        if (World::Inferences::get_inference_type(inf) == PROPERTY_INF) {
            current_sentence = World::Inferences::where_inferred(inf);
            int sense = (World::Inferences::get_certainty(inf) > 0)?TRUE:FALSE;
            property *inferred_property = World::Inferences::get_property(inf);
            if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
                if (inferred_property == prn) {
                    Properties::EitherOr::compile_value(VH, inferred_property, sense);
                    return TRUE;
                if (inferred_property == Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn)) {
                    Properties::EitherOr::compile_value(VH, inferred_property, sense?FALSE:TRUE);
                    return TRUE;
            } else {
                if (inferred_property == prn) {
                    if (sense) {
                        parse_node *val = World::Inferences::get_property_value(inf);
                        if (val == NULL) internal_error("malformed property inference");
                        Properties::Valued::compile_value(VH, inferred_property, val);
                        return TRUE;
                    } else {
                        internal_error("valued property with negative certainty");
    return FALSE;

§27. Emitting to Inter.

inter_name *Properties::iname(property *prn) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("tried to find iname for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->stored_in_negation))
        return Properties::iname(Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn));
    if (prn->prop_iname == NULL) {
        prn->prop_package = Hierarchy::package(prn->owning_module, PROPERTIES_HAP);
        Hierarchy::markup_wording(prn->prop_package, PROPERTY_NAME_HMD, prn->name);
        prn->prop_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_with_memo(PROPERTY_HL, prn->prop_package, prn->name);
    return prn->prop_iname;

package_request *Properties::package(property *prn) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("tried to find package for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->stored_in_negation))
        return Properties::package(Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn));
    return prn->prop_package;

void Properties::emit_single(property *prn) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("tried to find emit single for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->stored_in_negation)) {
    if (prn->prn_emitted == FALSE) {
        inter_name *iname = Properties::iname(prn);

        kind *K = prn->property_value_kind;
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) K = K_truth_state;
        if (K == NULL) internal_error("kindless property");
        prn->prn_emitted = TRUE;

        Emit::property(iname, K);
        if (prn->run_time_only) Emit::permission(prn, K_object, NULL);
        if (prn->translated) Produce::annotate_i(iname, EXPLICIT_ATTRIBUTE_IANN, 1);
        Produce::annotate_i(iname, SOURCE_ORDER_IANN, (inter_t) prn->allocation_id);

void Properties::emit(void) {
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property) {
        kind *K = prn->property_value_kind;
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
            if (prn->stored_in_negation) continue;
            K = K_truth_state;
        if (K == NULL) internal_error("kindless property");
        property_permission *pp;
            inference_subject *subj = pp->property_owner;
            if (subj == NULL) internal_error("unowned property");
            kind *K = InferenceSubjects::as_kind(subj);
            if (K) Emit::permission(prn, K, Properties::OfValues::annotate_table_storage(pp));

void Properties::emit_default_values(void) {
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property) {
        kind *K = prn->property_value_kind;
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
            if (prn->stored_in_negation) continue;
            K = K_truth_state;

void Properties::annotate_attributes(void) {
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property) {
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
            if (prn->stored_in_negation) continue;
            Produce::annotate_i(Properties::iname(prn), EITHER_OR_IANN, 0);
            if (Properties::EitherOr::implemented_as_attribute(prn)) {
                Produce::annotate_i(Properties::iname(prn), ATTRIBUTE_IANN, 0);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(prn->name))
            Produce::annotate_w(Properties::iname(prn), PROPERTY_NAME_IANN, prn->name);
        if (prn->run_time_only)
            Produce::annotate_i(Properties::iname(prn), RTO_IANN, 0);

void Properties::emit_instance_permissions(instance *I) {
    inference_subject *subj = Instances::as_subject(I);
    property_permission *pp;
        property *prn = pp->property_granted;
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn))
            if (prn->stored_in_negation) continue;
        Emit::instance_permission(prn, Instances::emitted_iname(I));