An action pattern is a description which may match many actions or none. The text "doing something" matches every action, while "throwing something at a door in a dark room" is seldom matched.

§1. Action patterns are an unusual feature of Inform as a programming language, and not only because actions do not really occur in other languages.1 An AP is like a tuple of conditions to be applied to a tuple of values: that is, it is like a condition \(\phi(C)\) which applies to a compound structure \(C = (c_1, c_2, ...)\) where \(\phi(C) = \phi_1(c_1)\land \phi_2(c_2)\land ...\), with each \(\phi_i\) being a predicate which the term \(c_i\) must match.

With an action, \(c_1, c_2, ...\) are the action variables: the actor, the noun, and the second noun are the obvious examples, but there can be others depending on the action (the Going action provides at least five more), and so on. So, for example, "putting something edible into an open container" can be seen as the tuple: $$ (c_a = {\it player}, {\it edible}(c_n), {\it open}(c_s)\land {\it container}(c_s)) $$ where \(c_a\), \(c_n\) and \(c_s\) are the actor, noun and second noun components of the action being tested. The individual conditions in this tuple are called the "clauses" of the AP, for want of a better word, and are the topic of the section Action Pattern Clauses.

Complicating this relatively simple picture, the choice of action — in this example, "putting it into" — is not represented by a clause but by a special structure called an action_name_list. There are implementation reasons for this, but basically it is because the list tends to be a disjunction, i.e., a choice of alternative actions, whereas the clauses tend to be conjunctions of requirements. Finally, APs can also be written in the past tense, or refer to how often they have occurred before.

§2. A simple special case is used to express the applicability of a rule in a parameter- rather than action-based rulebook.

For example, the "reaching inside" rulebook in the Standard Rules applies to a single parameter object. When the author writes "Rule for reaching inside an open container", say, the applicability of this rule is an AP with action_list set to NULL but with parameter_kind set to K_object, and the tuple of clauses has just a single term: \(({\it open}(c_p) \land{\it container}(c_p))\), where \(c_p\) is the parameter variable.

Such APs are called "parametric", and are actually the easiest to deal with by far. They have no action_list, no duration, and the tuple of clauses is always just a single term. Non-parametric APs are said to be "action-based".

§3. All APs arise from parsing natural language text, and retain a memory of the text they came from; for which, see Parse Action Patterns.

typedef struct action_pattern {
    struct wording text_of_pattern;  text giving rise to this AP

    struct action_name_list *action_list;  if this is action-based
    struct kind *parameter_kind;  if this is parametric

    struct ap_clause *ap_clauses;

    struct time_period *duration;  to refer to repetitions in the past
} action_pattern;

§4. Unlike most data structures in the compiler, APs can churn quickly into and out of existence on the stack during parsing, and so the following directly returns a struct, rather than allocating a permanent object and returning only a pointer to it.

action_pattern ActionPatterns::temporary(wording W) {
    action_pattern ap;
    ap.ap_clauses = NULL;
    ap.text_of_pattern = W;
    ap.action_list = NULL;
    ap.parameter_kind = NULL;
    ap.duration = NULL;
    return ap;

§5. Permanent copies can subsequently be made thus:

action_pattern *ActionPatterns::perpetuate(action_pattern ap) {
    action_pattern *sap = CREATE(action_pattern);
    *sap = ap;
    return sap;

action_pattern *ActionPatterns::new(wording W) {
    action_pattern ap = ActionPatterns::temporary(W);
    return ActionPatterns::perpetuate(ap);


void ActionPatterns::log(action_pattern *ap) {
    ActionPatterns::write(DL, ap);

void ActionPatterns::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap == NULL) WRITE("<null-ap>");
    else if (ap->parameter_kind) {
        WRITE("<parametric: ");
        APClauses::write(OUT, ap);
    } else {
        WRITE("<action-based: ");
        if (ap->action_list == NULL) WRITE("unspecified");
        else ActionNameLists::log_briefly(ap->action_list);
        if (ap->ap_clauses) { WRITE(" * "); APClauses::write(OUT, ap); }
        if (ap->duration) { WRITE(" * duration: "); Occurrence::log(OUT, ap->duration); }

§7. This simple parser converts text to a parametric AP of kind K. The parser for action-based APs is very much more complicated: see Parse Action Patterns.

action_pattern *ActionPatterns::parse_parametric(wording W, kind *K) {
    parse_node *spec = ParseClauses::parse_spec(W);
    if (Dash::validate_parameter(spec, K) == FALSE) return NULL;
    action_pattern *ap = ActionPatterns::new(W);
    ap->parameter_kind = K;
    APClauses::set_spec(ap, PARAMETRIC_AP_CLAUSE, spec);
    return ap;

§8. Access to the actions mentioned:

int ActionPatterns::involves_actions(action_pattern *ap) {
    if ((ap) && (ActionNameLists::nonempty(ap->action_list))) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int ActionPatterns::covers_action(action_pattern *ap, action_name *an) {
    if (ap == NULL) return TRUE;
    return ActionNameLists::covers_action(ap->action_list, an);

action_name *ActionPatterns::single_positive_action(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap) return ActionNameLists::single_positive_action(ap->action_list);
    return NULL;

int ActionPatterns::is_named(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap) return ActionNameLists::is_single_NAP(ap->action_list)?TRUE:FALSE;
    return FALSE;

void ActionPatterns::suppress_action_testing(action_pattern *ap) {
    if ((ap->duration == NULL) && (ap->action_list))

§9. And the historical side:

int ActionPatterns::refers_to_past(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap->duration) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void ActionPatterns::convert_to_present_tense(action_pattern *ap) {
    ap->duration = NULL;

§10. This determines whether an action pattern, if tested, would create temporary variables, as in the example "taking something (called the gift)":

int ActionPatterns::makes_callings(action_pattern *ap) {
    LOOP_OVER_AP_CLAUSES(apoc, ap)
        if (Descriptions::makes_callings(apoc->clause_spec))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§11. Finally but importantly, one major use of APs is to define the applicability of rules in rulebooks. These must be sorted in order of increasing breadth of applicability, and therefore we need a careful measure of which APs are more specific than which others. For example, "taking the red fish" is more specific than "taking an animal" which is more specific than "taking or dropping a thing".

This is a strcmp-like function for use in sorting algorithms. The global variable c_s_stage_law is slyly set to whatever is being checked, so that after this function returns, the value remaining in it must have been the decisive factor.

int ActionPatterns::compare_specificity(action_pattern *ap1, action_pattern *ap2) {
    if ((ap1 == NULL) && (ap2)) return -1;
    if ((ap1) && (ap2 == NULL)) return 1;
    if ((ap1 == NULL) && (ap2 == NULL)) return 0;

        "Comparing specificity of action patterns:\n(1) $A\n(2) $A\n", ap1, ap2);

    int rv = APClauses::compare_specificity(ap1, ap2);
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.4.1 - Action/How/What Happens";

    rv = ActionNameLists::compare_specificity(ap1->action_list, ap2->action_list);
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.5.1 - Action/When/Duration";

    rv = Occurrence::compare_specificity(ap1->duration, ap2->duration);
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.5.2 - Action/When/Circumstances";

    rv = Conditions::compare_specificity_of_CONDITIONs(
        APClauses::spec(ap1, WHEN_AP_CLAUSE), APClauses::spec(ap2, WHEN_AP_CLAUSE));
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.6.1 - Action/Name/Is This Named";

    if ((ActionPatterns::is_named(ap1)) && (ActionPatterns::is_named(ap2) == FALSE))
        return 1;
    if ((ActionPatterns::is_named(ap1) == FALSE) && (ActionPatterns::is_named(ap2)))
        return -1;

    return 0;