To tidy up blocks of rule and phrase definition in the syntax tree.

§1. Blocks of imperative code in Inform 7 source text enter the syntax tree at IMPERATIVE_NT nodes: some define phrases, some define rules. Those nodes are initially followed by a run of UNKNOWN_NT nodes for the actual code. The process of "acceptance" turns such definitions into a subtree, as follows:

IMPERATIVE_NT 'every turn'                IMPERATIVE_NT 'every turn
UNKNOWN_NT 'say "Hello!"'            -->      INVOCATION_LIST_NT 'say "Hello!"'
UNKNOWN_NT 'now the guard is alert'           INVOCATION_LIST_NT 'now the guard is alert'

ImperativeSubtrees::accept needs to be called on every IMPERATIVE_NT node in order for this to work; note that it does nothing further, but also causes no harm, if called multiple times on the same node. ImperativeSubtrees::accept_all can therefore safely be used to sweep up any IMPERATIVE_NT nodes not already processed.

void ImperativeSubtrees::accept_all(void) {
    if (problem_count > 0) return;  for then the tree is perhaps broken anyway
    SyntaxTree::traverse(Task::syntax_tree(), ImperativeSubtrees::accept);

void ImperativeSubtrees::accept(parse_node *p) {
    ImperativeSubtrees::accept_inner(p, TRUE);
void ImperativeSubtrees::accept_body(parse_node *p) {
    ImperativeSubtrees::accept_inner(p, FALSE);

void ImperativeSubtrees::accept_inner(parse_node *p, int accept_header) {
    if ((Node::get_type(p) == IMPERATIVE_NT) && (p->down == NULL)) {
        if (Node::get_impdef(p)) return;
        parse_node *header = p;
        parse_node *end_def = p;
        while ((end_def->next) && (Node::get_type(end_def->next) == UNKNOWN_NT))
            end_def = end_def->next;
        if (header != end_def) {
             splice so that p->next to end_def become the children of p:
            p->down = p->next;
            p->next = end_def->next;
            end_def->next = NULL;
            for (parse_node *inv_p = p->down; inv_p; inv_p = inv_p->next)
            Parse the structure of the code block1.1;
         worry about the preamble in the node p
        if (accept_header)

§1.1. After acceptance, and therefore exactly once, the structure of the code in the definition is parsed and checked for sanity.

Though it is now a historical relic, Inform has two different syntaxes for blocks of code: "colon syntax", introduced in March 2008, which uses Python-like colons and indentation to show structural subdivision; and "begin/end syntax", which uses explicit marker phrases like "end if" and "end while". The compiler continues to support both though they cannot be mixed in a single IMPERATIVE_NT subtree.

The old syntax is retained not for compatibility with old code — very little remains from the pre-2008 era which has not been modernised — but because some partially sighted users find tabbed indentation difficult to manage with screen-readers.

Here, then, we must work out which syntax is used, decipher it, and turn the list into a proper tree structure in a single unified format. We will also try to find and report as many problems as we can which are due to code blocks being improperly opened or closed, because punctuation errors in rules are one of the biggest sources of beginners' difficulties with Inform, and we want to catch and report these problems early.

This means looking out for control structures such as "if" and "while": see Control Structures (in supervisor) for where these are defined.

Parse the structure of the code block1.1 =

    int initial_problem_count = problem_count;

    parse_node *imperative_node = p;

    parse_node *uses_colon_syntax = NULL;
    parse_node *uses_begin_end_syntax = NULL;
    parse_node *mispunctuates_begin_end_syntax = NULL;
    parse_node *requires_colon_syntax = NULL;

    (a.1) See which block syntax is used by conditionals and loops1.1.1;
    (a.2) Report problems if the two syntaxes are mixed up with each other1.1.2;
    if (problem_count > initial_problem_count) return;

    if (uses_colon_syntax) (b.1) Annotate the parse tree with indentation levels1.1.3;
    (b.2) Annotate the parse tree with control structure usage1.1.4;

    (c) Expand comma notation for blocks1.1.5;
    if (problem_count > initial_problem_count) return;

    if (uses_colon_syntax) (d) Insert end nodes and check the indentation1.1.6;
    if (problem_count > initial_problem_count) return;

    (e) Structure the parse tree to match the use of control structures1.1.7;
    if (problem_count > initial_problem_count) return;

    (f) Police the structure of the parse tree1.1.8;
    if (problem_count > initial_problem_count) return;

    (g) Optimise out the otherwise if nodes1.1.9;
    if (problem_count > initial_problem_count) return;

    (h) Remove any end markers as no longer necessary1.1.11;
    if (problem_count > initial_problem_count) return;

    if (uses_colon_syntax == FALSE)
        (i) Remove any begin markers as no longer necessary1.1.13;

    (j) Insert code block nodes so that nodes needing to be parsed are childless1.1.15;
    (k) Insert instead marker nodes1.1.17;
    (l) Break up say phrases1.1.19;

§1.1.1. (a.1) See which block syntax is used by conditionals and loops1.1.1 =

    parse_node *p;
    for (p = imperative_node->down; p; p = p->next) {
        control_structure_phrase *csp =
        if (csp) {
            int syntax_used = Annotations::read_int(p, colon_block_command_ANNOT);
            if (syntax_used == FALSE) {  i.e., doesn't end with a colon
                 don't count "if x is 1, let y be 2" — with no block — as deciding it
                if ((csp->subordinate_to == NULL) &&
                    syntax_used = NOT_APPLICABLE;
            if (syntax_used != NOT_APPLICABLE) {
                if (syntax_used) {
                    if (uses_colon_syntax == NULL) uses_colon_syntax = p;
                } else {
                    Note what looks like a begin-end piece of syntax1.1.1.1;
            if ((csp->requires_new_syntax) && (requires_colon_syntax == NULL))
                requires_colon_syntax = p;
        if (ControlStructures::detect_end(Node::get_text(p))) {
            if (uses_begin_end_syntax == NULL)
                uses_begin_end_syntax = p;

§ It's possible in oddball cases to mis-punctuate such as to fool us, so:

Note what looks like a begin-end piece of syntax1.1.1.1 =

    if ((uses_begin_end_syntax == NULL) && (mispunctuates_begin_end_syntax == NULL)) {
        if (<phrase-beginning-block>(Node::get_text(p)))
            uses_begin_end_syntax = p;
            mispunctuates_begin_end_syntax = p;

§1.1.2. (a.2) Report problems if the two syntaxes are mixed up with each other1.1.2 =

    if ((uses_colon_syntax) && (mispunctuates_begin_end_syntax)) {
        current_sentence = imperative_node;
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source(2, mispunctuates_begin_end_syntax);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadOldSyntax));
            "The rule or phrase definition %1 seems to use indentation and colons to group "
            "phrases together into 'if', 'repeat' or 'while' blocks. That's fine, but then "
            "this phrase seems to be missing some punctuation - %2. Perhaps a colon is missing?");

    if ((uses_colon_syntax) && (uses_begin_end_syntax)) {
        current_sentence = imperative_node;
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source(2, uses_colon_syntax);
        Problems::quote_source(3, uses_begin_end_syntax);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BothBlockSyntaxes));
            "The rule or phrase definition %1 seems to use both ways of grouping phrases "
            "together into 'if', 'repeat' and 'while' blocks at once. Inform allows two "
            "alternative forms, but they cannot be mixed in the same definition. %P"
            "One way is to end the 'if', 'repeat' or 'while' phrases with a 'begin', and "
            "then to match that with an 'end if' or similar. ('Otherwise' or 'otherwise if' "
            "clauses are phrases like any other, and end with semicolons in this case.) "
            "You use this begin/end form here, for instance - %3. %P"
            "The other way is to end with a colon ':' and then indent the subsequent phrases "
            "underneath, using tabs. (Note that any 'otherwise' or 'otherwise if' clauses "
            "also have to end with colons in this case.) You use this indented form here - %2.");

    if ((requires_colon_syntax) && (uses_begin_end_syntax)) {
        current_sentence = imperative_node;
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source(2, requires_colon_syntax);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NotInOldSyntax));
            "The construction %2, in the rule or phrase definition %1, is only allowed if the "
            "rule is written in the 'new' format, that is, with the phrases written one to a "
            "line with indentation showing how they are grouped together, and with colons "
            "indicating the start of such a group.");

§1.1.3. If we're using Pythonesque notation, then the number of tab stops of indentation of a phrase tells us where it belongs in the structure, so we mark up the tree with that information.

(b.1) Annotate the parse tree with indentation levels1.1.3 =

    Annotations::write_int(imperative_node, indentation_level_ANNOT,
    parse_node *p;
    for (p = imperative_node->down; p; p = p->next) {
        int I = Lexer::indentation_level(Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(p)));
        Annotations::write_int(p, indentation_level_ANNOT, I);

§1.1.4. Note that we are a little cautious about recognising phrases which will open blocks, such as "repeat...", because of the dangers of false positives; so we look for the "begin" keyword, or the colon. We're less cautious with subordinate phrases (such as "otherwise") because we know their wonding more certainly, and similarly for "end X" phrases.

(b.2) Annotate the parse tree with control structure usage1.1.4 =

    for (parse_node *p = imperative_node->down; p; p = p->next) {
        control_structure_phrase *csp;
        csp = ControlStructures::detect(Node::get_text(p));
        if (csp) {
            if ((Annotations::read_int(p, colon_block_command_ANNOT)) ||
                (<phrase-beginning-block>(Node::get_text(p))) ||
                (csp->subordinate_to)) {
                Node::set_control_structure_used(p, csp);
                if (csp == case_CSP) Trim a switch case to just the case value1.1.4.1;
        csp = ControlStructures::detect_end(Node::get_text(p));
        if (csp) Node::set_end_control_structure_used(p, csp);

§ At this point anything at all can be a case value: it won't be parsed or type-checked until compilation.

Trim a switch case to just the case value1.1.4.1 =

    Node::set_text(p, GET_RW(<control-structure-phrase>, 1));

§1.1.5. "Comma notation" is when a comma is used in an "if" statement to divide off only a single consequential phrase, as in

if the hat is worn, try dropping the hat;

Such a line occupies a single node in its routine's parse tree, and we need to break this up.

(c) Expand comma notation for blocks1.1.5 =

    for (parse_node *p = imperative_node->down; p; p = p->next)
        if (Node::get_control_structure_used(p) == NULL) {
            control_structure_phrase *csp;
            csp = ControlStructures::detect(Node::get_text(p));
            if ((csp == if_CSP) && (<phrase-with-comma-notation>(Node::get_text(p))))
                Effect a comma expansion1.1.5.1;

§ Effect a comma expansion1.1.5.1 =

    wording BCW = GET_RW(<phrase-with-comma-notation>, 1);  text before the comma
    wording ACW = GET_RW(<phrase-with-comma-notation>, 2);  text after the comma

     First trim and annotate the "if ..." part
    Annotations::write_int(p, colon_block_command_ANNOT, TRUE);  it previously had no colon...
    Node::set_control_structure_used(p, csp);  ...and therefore didn't have its CSP set
    Node::set_text(p, BCW);

     Now make a new node for the "then" part, indenting it one step inward
    parse_node *then_node = InvocationLists::new(ACW);
    Annotations::write_int(then_node, results_from_splitting_ANNOT, TRUE);
    Annotations::write_int(then_node, indentation_level_ANNOT,
        Annotations::read_int(p, indentation_level_ANNOT) + 1);

    parse_node *last_node_of_if_construction = then_node, *rest_of_defn = p->next;

     Attach the "then" node after the "if" node:
    p->next = then_node;

    Deal with an immediately following otherwise node, if there is one1.;

    if (uses_colon_syntax == FALSE) {
        last_node_of_if_construction->next = ImperativeSubtrees::end_node(p);
        last_node_of_if_construction->next->next = rest_of_defn;
    } else {
        last_node_of_if_construction->next = rest_of_defn;

§ Deal with an immediately following otherwise node, if there is one1. =

    if (rest_of_defn)
        if ((uses_colon_syntax == FALSE) ||
            (Annotations::read_int(p, indentation_level_ANNOT) ==
                Annotations::read_int(rest_of_defn, indentation_level_ANNOT))) {
            if (Node::get_control_structure_used(rest_of_defn) == otherwise_CSP)
                Deal with an immediately following otherwise1.
            else if (ControlStructures::abbreviated_otherwise(Node::get_text(rest_of_defn)))
                Deal with an abbreviated otherwise node1.;

§ We string a plain "otherwise" node onto the "if" construction.

Deal with an immediately following otherwise1. =

    then_node->next = rest_of_defn;
    last_node_of_if_construction = last_node_of_if_construction->next;
    rest_of_defn = rest_of_defn->next;

§ An abbreviated otherwise clause looks like this:

otherwise award 4 points;

and we want to split this, too, into distinct nodes.

Deal with an abbreviated otherwise node1. =

    parse_node *otherwise_node = Node::new(CODE_BLOCK_NT);
    Annotations::write_int(otherwise_node, results_from_splitting_ANNOT, TRUE);
    Annotations::write_int(otherwise_node, indentation_level_ANNOT,
        Annotations::read_int(p, indentation_level_ANNOT));
        Wordings::one_word(Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(rest_of_defn))));  extract just the word "otherwise"
    Node::set_control_structure_used(otherwise_node, otherwise_CSP);

    then_node->next = otherwise_node;
    otherwise_node->next = rest_of_defn;

        Wordings::trim_first_word(Node::get_text(rest_of_defn)));  to remove the "otherwise"

    Annotations::write_int(rest_of_defn, indentation_level_ANNOT,
        Annotations::read_int(rest_of_defn, indentation_level_ANNOT) + 1);

    last_node_of_if_construction = rest_of_defn;
    rest_of_defn = rest_of_defn->next;

§1.1.6. If the old-style syntax is used, there are explicit "end if", "end repeat" and "end while" nodes in the list already. But if the Pythonesque syntax is used then we need to create these nodes and insert them into the list; we do these by reading off the structure from the pattern of indentation. It's quite a long task, since this pattern may contain errors, which we have to report more or less helpfully.

(d) Insert end nodes and check the indentation1.1.6 =

    parse_node *p, *prev, *run_on_at = NULL;
    parse_node *first_misaligned_phrase = NULL, *first_overindented_phrase = NULL;
    int k, indent, expected_indent = 1, indent_misalign = FALSE, indent_overmuch = FALSE,
        just_opened_block = FALSE;

     the blocks open stack holds blocks currently open
    parse_node *blstack_opening_phrase[GROSS_AMOUNT_OF_INDENTATION+1];
    control_structure_phrase *blstack_construct[GROSS_AMOUNT_OF_INDENTATION+1];
    int blstack_stage[GROSS_AMOUNT_OF_INDENTATION+1];
    int blo_sp = 0, suppress_further_problems = FALSE;

    if (Annotations::read_int(imperative_node, indentation_level_ANNOT) != 0)
        Issue problem message for failing to start flush on the left margin1.1.6.1;

    for (prev = NULL, p = imperative_node->down, k=1; p; prev = p, p = p->next, k++) {
        control_structure_phrase *csp = Node::get_control_structure_used(p);
        Determine actual indentation of this phrase1.1.6.2;
        Compare actual indentation to what we expect from structure so far1.1.6.3;
        Insert begin marker and increase expected indentation if a block begins here1.1.6.4;

    indent = 1;
    Try closing blocks to bring expected indentation down to match1.1.6.5;

    if (indent_overmuch) Issue problem message for an excess of indentation1.1.6.7
    else if (run_on_at) Issue problem message for run-ons within phrase definition1.1.6.8
    else if (indent_misalign) Issue problem message for misaligned indentation1.1.6.6;

§ Controversially:

Issue problem message for failing to start flush on the left margin1.1.6.1 =

    current_sentence = imperative_node;
    Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(1, current_sentence);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NonflushRule));
        "The phrase or rule definition %1 is written using tab indentations "
        "to show how its phrases are to be grouped together. But in that "
        "case the opening line needs to be on the left margin, not indented.");
    suppress_further_problems = TRUE;

§ Here we set indent to the number of tab-stops in from the margin, or to expected_indent if the text does not appear to be at the start of its own line in the source (because it runs on from a previous phrase, in which case we set the run_on_at flag: except for following on from cases in switches with a non-control-structure, which is allowed, because otherwise the lines often look silly and short).

Determine actual indentation of this phrase1.1.6.2 =

    indent = expected_indent;
    if (Annotations::read_int(p, indentation_level_ANNOT) > 0)
        indent = Annotations::read_int(p, indentation_level_ANNOT);
    else if (Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(p))) {
        switch (Lexer::break_before(Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(p)))) {
            case '\n': indent = 0; break;
            case '\t': indent = 1; break;
                if ((prev) && (csp == NULL)) {
                    control_structure_phrase *pcsp = Node::get_control_structure_used(prev);
                    if ((pcsp) && (pcsp->allow_run_on)) break;
                if ((Annotations::read_int(p, results_from_splitting_ANNOT) == FALSE) &&
                    (run_on_at == NULL)) run_on_at = p;
    if (indent >= GROSS_AMOUNT_OF_INDENTATION) Record an excess of indentation1.;

§ We now know the indent level of the line as read, and also the expected_indent given the definition so far. If they agree, fine. If they don't agree, it isn't necessarily bad news — if each line's indentation were a function of the last, there would be no information in it, after all. Roughly speaking, when indent is greater than we expect, that must be wrong — it means indentation has jumped inward as if to open a new block, but blocks are opened explicitly and not by simply raising the indent. But when indent is less than we expect, this may simply mean that the current block(s) has or have been closed, because blocks are indeed closed implicitly just by moving the indentation back in.

Compare actual indentation to what we expect from structure so far1.1.6.3 =

    if (indent == 0) {
        Record a misalignment of indentation1.;
        Record a phrase within current block1.;
    } else {
        if ((csp) && (csp->subordinate_to)) {
            Compare actual indentation to what we expect for an intermediate phrase1.;
            just_opened_block = TRUE;
        } else {
            if (expected_indent < indent) Record a misalignment of indentation1.;
            if (expected_indent > indent)
                Try closing blocks to bring expected indentation down to match1.1.6.5;
            expected_indent = indent;
            Record a phrase within current block1.;
    if (expected_indent < 1) expected_indent = 1;

§ This is a small variation used for an intermediate phrase like "otherwise". These are required to be at the same indentation as the line which opened the block, rather than being one tab step in from there: in other words they are not deemed part of the block itself. They can also occur in "stages", which is a way to enforce one intermediate phrase only being allowed after another one — for instance, "otherwise if..." is not allowed after an "otherwise" within an "if".

Compare actual indentation to what we expect for an intermediate phrase1. =

    if (expected_indent < indent) {
        Issue problem for an intermediate phrase not matching1.;
    } else {
        Try closing blocks to bring expected indentation down to match1.1.6.5;
        if ((blo_sp == 0) ||
            (csp->subordinate_to != blstack_construct[blo_sp-1])) {
            Issue problem for an intermediate phrase not matching1.;
        } else {
            if (blstack_stage[blo_sp-1] > csp->used_at_stage)
                Issue problem for an intermediate phrase out of sequence1.;
            blstack_stage[blo_sp-1] = csp->used_at_stage;

§ In colon syntax, blocks are explicitly opened; they are only implicitly closed. Here is the opening:

If p is a node representing a phrase beginning a block, and we're in the colon syntax, then it is followed by a word which is the colon: thus if p reads "if x is 2" then the word following the "2" will be ":".

Insert begin marker and increase expected indentation if a block begins here1.1.6.4 =

    if ((csp) && (csp->subordinate_to == NULL) &&
        (Annotations::read_int(p, colon_block_command_ANNOT))) {
        if (csp->indent_subblocks) expected_indent++;
        blstack_construct[blo_sp] = csp;
        blstack_stage[blo_sp] = 0;
        blstack_opening_phrase[blo_sp++] = p;
        just_opened_block = TRUE;

§ Now for the closing of colon-syntax blocks. We know that blocks must be being closed if the indentation has jumped backwards: but it may be that many blocks are being closed at once. (It may also be that the indentation has gone awry.)

Try closing blocks to bring expected indentation down to match1.1.6.5 =

    if ((just_opened_block) &&
        (blo_sp > 0) &&
        (!(blstack_construct[blo_sp-1]->body_empty_except_for_subordinates)) && (p))
        Issue problem for an empty block1.;
    while (indent < expected_indent) {
        parse_node *opening;
        if (blo_sp == 0) {
            Record a misalignment of indentation1.;
            indent = expected_indent;
        if ((blstack_construct[blo_sp-1]->body_empty_except_for_subordinates) &&
            (expected_indent - indent == 1)) {
            indent = expected_indent;
        if (blstack_construct[blo_sp-1]->indent_subblocks) expected_indent--;
        opening = blstack_opening_phrase[--blo_sp];
        Insert end marker to match the opening of the block phrase1.;

§ Record a phrase within current block1. =

    if ((blo_sp > 0) &&
        (blstack_stage[blo_sp-1] == 0) &&
        (blstack_construct[blo_sp-1]->body_empty_except_for_subordinates)) {
        Issue problem for non-case in a switch1.;
    just_opened_block = FALSE;

§ An end marker is a phrase like "end if" which matches the "if... begin" above it: here we insert such a marker at a place where the source text indentation implicitly requires it.

Insert end marker to match the opening of the block phrase1. =

    parse_node *implicit_end = ImperativeSubtrees::end_node(opening);
    implicit_end->next = prev->next; prev->next = implicit_end;
    prev = implicit_end;

§ Here we throw what amounts to an exception...

Record a misalignment of indentation1. =

    indent_misalign = TRUE;
    if (first_misaligned_phrase == NULL) first_misaligned_phrase = p;

§ ...and catch it with something of a catch-all message:

Issue problem message for misaligned indentation1.1.6.6 =

    if (suppress_further_problems == FALSE) {
        LOG("$T\n", imperative_node);
        current_sentence = imperative_node;
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(2, first_misaligned_phrase);
            "The phrase or rule definition %1 is written using the 'colon and indentation' "
            "syntax for its 'if's, 'repeat's and 'while's, where blocks of phrases grouped "
            "together are indented one tab step inward from the 'if ...:' or similar phrase "
            "to which they belong. But the tabs here seem to be misaligned, and I can't "
            "determine the structure. The first phrase going awry in the definition seems "
            "to be %2, in case that helps. %P"
            "This sometimes happens even when the code looks about right, to the eye, if rows "
            "of spaces have been used to indent phrases instead of tabs.");

§ And another...

Record an excess of indentation1. =

    indent_overmuch = TRUE;
    if (first_overindented_phrase == NULL) first_overindented_phrase = p;

§ ...caught here:

Issue problem message for an excess of indentation1.1.6.7 =

    if (suppress_further_problems == FALSE) {
        current_sentence = imperative_node;
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(2, first_overindented_phrase);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TooMuchIndentation));
            "The phrase or rule definition %1 is written using tab indentations to show how "
            "its phrases are to be grouped together. But the level of indentation goes far "
            "too deep, reaching more than 25 tab stops from the left margin.");

§ Issue problem message for run-ons within phrase definition1.1.6.8 =

    if (suppress_further_problems == FALSE) {
        current_sentence = imperative_node;
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(2, run_on_at);
            "The phrase or rule definition %1 is written using the 'colon and indentation' "
            "syntax for its 'if's, 'repeat's and 'while's, but that's only allowed if each "
            "phrase in the definition occurs on its own line. So phrases like %2, which follow "
            "directly on from the previous phrase, aren't allowed.");

§ It's a moot point whether the following should be incorrect syntax, but it far more often happens as an accident than anything else, and it's hard to think of a sensible use.

Issue problem for an empty block1. =

    if (suppress_further_problems == FALSE) {
        LOG("$T\n", imperative_node);
        current_sentence = imperative_node;
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(2, prev);
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(3, p);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_EmptyIndentedBlock));
            "The phrase or rule definition %1 is written using the 'colon and indentation' "
            "syntax for its 'if's, 'repeat's and 'while's, where blocks of phrases grouped "
            "together are indented one tab step inward from the 'if ...:' or similar phrase "
            "to which they belong. But the phrase %2, which ought to begin a block, is "
            "immediately followed by %3 at the same or a lower indentation, so the block "
            "seems to be empty - this must mean there has been a mistake in indenting the "

§ Issue problem for non-case in a switch1. =

    if (suppress_further_problems == FALSE) {
        current_sentence = imperative_node;
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source_eliding_begin(2, p);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NonCaseInIf));
            "In the phrase or rule definition %1, the phrase %2 came as a surprise since "
            "it was not a case in an 'if X is...' but was instead some other miscellaneous "

§ Issue problem for an intermediate phrase not matching1. =

    if ((indent_misalign == FALSE) && (suppress_further_problems == FALSE)) {
        current_sentence = p;
        if (csp->subordinate_to == if_CSP) {
            LOG("$T\n", imperative_node);
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_MisalignedOtherwise),
                "this doesn't match a corresponding 'if'",
                "as it must. An 'otherwise' must be vertically underneath the 'if' to which "
                "it corresponds, at the same indentation, and if the 'otherwise' uses a colon "
                "to begin a block then the 'if' must do the same.");
        if (csp->subordinate_to == switch_CSP)
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_MisalignedCase),
                "this seems to be misplaced since it is not a case within an 'if X is...'",
                "as it must be. Each case must be placed one tab stop in from the 'if X "
                "is...' to which it belongs, and the instructions for what to do in that "
                "case should be one tab stop further in still.");

§ Issue problem for an intermediate phrase out of sequence1. =

    if ((indent_misalign == FALSE) && (suppress_further_problems == FALSE)) {
        current_sentence = p;
        if ((csp == default_case_CSP) || (csp == case_CSP))
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_DefaultCaseNotLast),
                "'otherwise' must be the last clause if an 'if ... is:'",
                "and in particular it has to come after all the '-- V:' case values supplied.");
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_MisarrangedOtherwise),
                "this seems to be misplaced since it is out of sequence within its 'if'",
                "with an 'otherwise if...' coming after the more general 'otherwise' rather "
                "than before. (Note that an 'otherwise' or 'otherwise if' must be vertically "
                "underneath the 'if' to which it corresponds, at the same indentation.");

§1.1.7. And after all that work, the routine's parse tree still consists only of a linked list of nodes; but at least it now contains the same pattern of nodes whichever syntax is used. We finally make a meaningful tree out of it.

(e) Structure the parse tree to match the use of control structures1.1.7 =

    parse_node *routine_list = imperative_node->down;
    parse_node *top_level = Node::new(CODE_BLOCK_NT);

    imperative_node->down = top_level;

    parse_node *attach_owners[MAX_BLOCK_NESTING+1];
    parse_node *attach_points[MAX_BLOCK_NESTING+1];
    control_structure_phrase *attach_csps[MAX_BLOCK_NESTING+1];
    int attach_point_sp = 0;

     push the top level code block onto the stack
    attach_owners[attach_point_sp] = NULL;
    attach_csps[attach_point_sp] = NULL;
    attach_points[attach_point_sp++] = top_level;

    parse_node *overflow_point = NULL;  if any overflow is found
    for (parse_node *pn = routine_list, *pn_prev = NULL; pn; pn_prev = pn, pn = pn->next) {
         unstring this node from the old list
        if (pn_prev) pn_prev->next = NULL;
        Attach the node to the routine's growing parse tree1.1.7.1;
    if (overflow_point) {
        current_sentence = overflow_point;
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BlockNestingTooDeep),
            "compound phrases have gone too deep",
            "perhaps because many have begun but not been properly ended?");

§ Attach the node to the routine's growing parse tree1.1.7.1 =

    int go_up = FALSE, go_down = FALSE;
    control_structure_phrase *csp = Node::get_end_control_structure_used(pn);
    if (csp) go_up = TRUE;
    else {
        csp = Node::get_control_structure_used(pn);
        if (csp) {
            go_down = TRUE;
            if (ControlStructures::opens_block(csp) == FALSE) {
                go_up = TRUE;
                Node::set_type(pn, CODE_BLOCK_NT);
    if (go_up) Move the attachment point up in the tree1.;
    Attach this latest node1.;
    if (go_down) Move the attachment point down in the tree1.;

§ Move the attachment point up in the tree1. =

    control_structure_phrase *superior_csp = attach_csps[attach_point_sp-1];
    if ((superior_csp) && (superior_csp->subordinate_to)) Pop the CSP stack1.;
    if (go_down == FALSE) Pop the CSP stack1.;

§ Attach this latest node1. =

    parse_node *to = attach_points[attach_point_sp-1];
    if ((go_up) && (go_down) && (attach_owners[attach_point_sp-1]))
        to = attach_owners[attach_point_sp-1];
    SyntaxTree::graft(Task::syntax_tree(), pn, to);

§ Move the attachment point down in the tree1. =

    parse_node *next_attach_point = pn;
    if (go_up == FALSE) {
        pn->down = Node::new(CODE_BLOCK_NT);
        next_attach_point = pn->down;
    Push the CSP stack1.;

§ It's an error to let this underflow, but we'll catch that problem later.

Pop the CSP stack1. =

    if (attach_point_sp != 1) attach_point_sp--;

§ An overflow, however, we must catch right here.

Push the CSP stack1. =

    if (attach_point_sp <= MAX_BLOCK_NESTING) {
        attach_owners[attach_point_sp] = pn;
        attach_csps[attach_point_sp] = csp;
        attach_points[attach_point_sp++] = next_attach_point;
    } else {
        if (overflow_point == NULL) overflow_point = pn;

§1.1.8. We now have a neatly structured tree, so from here on anything we do will need a recursive procedure.

Firstly, the tree is certainly neat, but it can still contain all kinds of nonsense: "if" blocks with multiple "otherwise"s, for example. This is where we look for such mistakes.

(f) Police the structure of the parse tree1.1.8 =

    int n = problem_count;
    ImperativeSubtrees::police_code_block(imperative_node->down, NULL);
    if (problem_count > n) LOG("Local parse tree: $T\n", imperative_node);

§2. Which recursively uses the following:

void ImperativeSubtrees::police_code_block(parse_node *block, control_structure_phrase *context) {
    for (parse_node *p = block->down, *prev_p = NULL; p; prev_p = p, p = p->next) {
        current_sentence = p;

        control_structure_phrase *prior =
        control_structure_phrase *csp = Node::get_end_control_structure_used(p);
        if ((csp) && (csp != prior)) {
            if (prior == NULL) Issue problem for end without begin2.1
            else Issue problem for wrong sort of end2.2;

        csp = Node::get_control_structure_used(p);
        if (csp) {
            if (ControlStructures::opens_block(csp)) {
                if ((p->next == NULL) ||
                    (Node::get_end_control_structure_used(p->next) == NULL))
                    Issue problem for begin without end2.3;
            } else {
                if (context == NULL)
                    Choose a problem for a loose clause2.4
                else if (context != csp->subordinate_to)
                    Choose a problem for the wrong clause2.5
                else if ((csp == otherwise_CSP) && (p->next))
                    Choose a problem for otherwise not occurring last2.6
                else if ((csp == default_case_CSP) && (p->next))
                    Issue a problem for the default case not occurring last2.7;

        if (p->down) ImperativeSubtrees::police_code_block(p, csp);

§2.1. These used to be much-seen problem messages, until Inform moved to Pythonesque structure-by-indentation. Nowadays "end if", "end while" and such are automatically inserted into the stream of commands, always in the right place, and always passing these checks. But the problem messages are kept for the sake of old-format source text, and for refuseniks.

Issue problem for end without begin2.1 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem_with_note(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_EndWithoutBegin),
        "this is an 'end' with no matching 'begin'",
        "which should not happen: every phrase like 'if ... begin;' should eventually be "
        "followed by its bookend 'end if'. It makes no sense to have an 'end ...' on its "
        "Perhaps the problem is actually that you opened several such begin... end "
        "'blocks' and accidentally closed them once too many? This is very easily done.");

§2.2. Issue problem for wrong sort of end2.2 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wide_text(2, prior->keyword);
    Problems::quote_source(3, prev_p);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_WrongEnd));
        "You wrote %1, but the end I was expecting next was 'end %2', "
        "finishing the block you began with %3.");

§2.3. Issue problem for begin without end2.3 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BeginWithoutEnd),
        "the definition of the phrase ended with no matching 'end' for this 'begin'",
        "bearing in mind that every begin must have a matching end, and that the one "
        "most recently begun must be the one first to end. For instance, 'if ... begin' "
        "must have a matching 'end if'.");

§2.4. Choose a problem for a loose clause2.4 =

    if (csp == otherwise_CSP)
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_OtherwiseWithoutIf),
            "this is an 'else' or 'otherwise' with no matching 'if' (or 'unless')",
            "which must be wrong.");
    else if (csp == otherwise_if_CSP)
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_OtherwiseIfMisplaced),
            "the 'otherwise if' clause here seems not to be occurring inside a large 'if'",
            "and seems to be freestanding instead. (Though 'otherwise ...' can usually "
            "be used after simple one-line 'if's to provide an alternative course of action, "
            "'otherwise if...' is a different matter, and is used to divide up larger-scale "
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
            "this clause can't occur outside of a control phrase",
            "which suggests that the structure of this routine is wrong.");

§2.5. Choose a problem for the wrong clause2.5 =

    if ((csp == otherwise_CSP) || (csp == otherwise_if_CSP)) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wide_text(2, context->keyword);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_OtherwiseInNonIf));
            "The %1 here did not make sense inside a '%2' structure: it's provided for 'if' "
            "(or 'unless').");
    } else
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
            "this clause is wrong for the phrase containing it",
            "which suggests that the structure of this routine is wrong.");

§2.6. Choose a problem for otherwise not occurring last2.6 =

    int doubled = FALSE, oi = FALSE;
    for (parse_node *p2 = p->next; p2; p2 = p2->next) {
        if (Node::get_control_structure_used(p2) == otherwise_CSP) {
            current_sentence = p2;
            doubled = TRUE;
        if (Node::get_control_structure_used(p2) == otherwise_if_CSP)
            oi = TRUE;
    if (doubled)
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_DoubleOtherwise),
            "that makes two unconditional 'otherwise' or 'else' clauses for this 'if'",
            "which is forbidden since 'otherwise' is meant to be a single (optional) "
            "catch-all clause at the end.");
    else if (oi)
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_OtherwiseIfAfterOtherwise),
            "this seems to be misplaced since it is out of sequence within its 'if'",
            "with an 'otherwise if...' coming after the more general 'otherwise' rather "
            "than before. (If there's an 'otherwise' clause, it has to be the last clause "
            "of the 'if'.)");
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
            "'otherwise' must be the last clause",
            "but it seems not to be.");

§2.7. This shouldn't happen because the switch construct requires Python syntax and the structure of that was checked at indentation time, but just in case.

Issue a problem for the default case not occurring last2.7 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
        "'otherwise' must be the last clause",
        "which must be wrong.");

§1.1.9. The tree is now known to be correctly structured, and there are no possible problem messages left to issue. It's therefore safe to begin rearranging it. We'll first eliminate one whole construction: "otherwise if whatever: ..." can now become "otherwise: if whatever: ...".

(g) Optimise out the otherwise if nodes1.1.9 =

    int n = problem_count;
    if (problem_count > n) LOG("Local parse tree: $T\n", imperative_node);

§1.1.10. We made a similar manoeuvre above, but for one-line "otherwise do something" phrases following one-line "if", not for the wider case of "otherwise if". We didn't handle this back then because to do so would have made it impossible to issue good problem messages for failures to use "otherwise if" correctly.

void ImperativeSubtrees::purge_otherwise_if(parse_node *block) {
    for (parse_node *p = block->down, *prev_p = NULL; p; prev_p = p, p = p->next) {
        if (Node::get_control_structure_used(p) == otherwise_if_CSP) {
            parse_node *former_contents = p->down;
            parse_node *former_successors = p->next;

             put an otherwise node in the position previously occupied by p
            parse_node *otherwise_node = Node::new(CODE_BLOCK_NT);
            Node::set_control_structure_used(otherwise_node, otherwise_CSP);
             extract just the word "otherwise"
            Node::set_text(otherwise_node, Wordings::one_word(Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(p))));
            if (prev_p) prev_p->next = otherwise_node; else block->down = otherwise_node;

             move p to below the otherwise node
            otherwise_node->down = p;
            Node::set_control_structure_used(p, if_CSP);
            p->next = NULL;
            Node::set_text(p, Wordings::trim_first_word(Node::get_text(p)));

             put the code previously under p under a new code block node under p
            p->down = Node::new(CODE_BLOCK_NT);
            p->down->down = former_contents;

             any further "otherwise if" or "otherwise" nodes after p follow
            p->down->next = former_successors;
        if (p->down) ImperativeSubtrees::purge_otherwise_if(p);

§1.1.11. End nodes are now redundant: maybe they got here as explicit "end if" phrases in the source text, or maybe they were auto-inserted by the indentation reader, but now that the structure is known to be correct they serve no further purpose. We remove them.

(h) Remove any end markers as no longer necessary1.1.11 =



void ImperativeSubtrees::purge_end_markers(parse_node *block) {
    for (parse_node *p = block->down, *prev_p = NULL; p; prev_p = p, p = p->next) {
        if (Node::get_end_control_structure_used(p)) {
            if (prev_p) prev_p->next = p->next; else block->down = p->next;
        if (p->down) ImperativeSubtrees::purge_end_markers(p);

§1.1.13. The "begin" keyword at the end of control constructs in the old-style syntax can now be removed, too.

(i) Remove any begin markers as no longer necessary1.1.13 =



void ImperativeSubtrees::purge_begin_markers(parse_node *block) {
    for (parse_node *p = block->down, *prev_p = NULL; p; prev_p = p, p = p->next) {
        if (Node::get_control_structure_used(p))
            if (<phrase-beginning-block>(Node::get_text(p)))
                Node::set_text(p, GET_RW(<phrase-beginning-block>, 1));
        if (p->down) ImperativeSubtrees::purge_begin_markers(p);

§1.1.15. This all makes a nice tree, but it has the defect that the statements heading block-opening phrases (the ifs, whiles, repeats) have child nodes (the blocks of code consequent on them). We want them to be leaves for now, so that we can append statement-parsing data underneath them later. So we insert blank code block nodes to mark these phrases, and transfer the control structure annotations to them.

(j) Insert code block nodes so that nodes needing to be parsed are childless1.1.15 =



void ImperativeSubtrees::insert_cb_nodes(parse_node *block) {
    for (parse_node *p = block->down, *prev_p = NULL; p; prev_p = p, p = p->next) {
        if (ControlStructures::opens_block(Node::get_control_structure_used(p))) {
            parse_node *blank_cb_node = Node::new(CODE_BLOCK_NT);
            Node::set_control_structure_used(p, NULL);
            blank_cb_node->down = p;
            blank_cb_node->next = p->next;
            p->next = p->down;
            p->down = NULL;
            if (prev_p) prev_p->next = blank_cb_node; else block->down = blank_cb_node;
            p = blank_cb_node;
        if (p->down) ImperativeSubtrees::insert_cb_nodes(p);

§1.1.17. Now:

(k) Insert instead marker nodes1.1.17 =



void ImperativeSubtrees::read_instead_markers(parse_node *block) {
    for (parse_node *p = block->down, *prev_p = NULL; p; prev_p = p, p = p->next) {
        if (<instead-keyword>(Node::get_text(p))) {
            Node::set_text(p, GET_RW(<instead-keyword>, 1));
            parse_node *instead_node = Node::new(CODE_BLOCK_NT);
            Node::set_control_structure_used(instead_node, instead_CSP);
            instead_node->next = p->next;
            p->next = instead_node;
        if (p->down) ImperativeSubtrees::read_instead_markers(p);

§1.1.19. Now:

(l) Break up say phrases1.1.19 =



void ImperativeSubtrees::break_up_says(parse_node *block) {
    for (parse_node *p = block->down, *prev_p = NULL; p; prev_p = p, p = p->next) {
        int sf = NO_SIGF;
        wording W = Node::get_text(p);
        if (Annotations::read_int(p, from_text_substitution_ANNOT)) sf = SAY_SIGF;
        else if (<other-significant-phrase>(W)) {
            sf = <<r>>; W = GET_RW(<other-significant-phrase>, 1);
        switch (sf) {
            case SAY_SIGF: {
                parse_node *blank_cb_node = Node::new(CODE_BLOCK_NT);
                Node::set_control_structure_used(blank_cb_node, say_CSP);
                blank_cb_node->next = p->next;
                Node::set_text(blank_cb_node, Node::get_text(p));
                p->next = NULL;
                if (prev_p) prev_p->next = blank_cb_node; else block->down = blank_cb_node;

                current_sentence = p;
                ImperativeSubtrees::unroll_says(blank_cb_node, W, 0);
                p = blank_cb_node;
            case NOW_SIGF: {
                Node::set_control_structure_used(p, now_CSP);
                parse_node *cond_node = Node::new(CONDITION_CONTEXT_NT);
                Node::set_text(cond_node, W);
                p->down = cond_node;
        if (p->down) ImperativeSubtrees::break_up_says(p);

void ImperativeSubtrees::unroll_says(parse_node *cb_node, wording W, int depth) {
    while (<phrase-with-comma-notation>(W)) {
        wording AW = GET_RW(<phrase-with-comma-notation>, 1);
        wording BW = GET_RW(<phrase-with-comma-notation>, 2);
        W = AW;
        Bite off a say term3.1;
        W = BW;
    Bite off a say term3.1;

§3.1. Bite off a say term3.1 =

    if ((Wordings::length(W) > 1) ||
        (Wide::cmp(Lexer::word_text(Wordings::first_wn(W)), L"\"\"") != 0)) {
        if ((Wordings::length(W) == 1) &&
            (Vocabulary::test_flags(Wordings::first_wn(W), TEXTWITHSUBS_MC)) && (depth == 0)) {
            wchar_t *p = Lexer::word_raw_text(Wordings::first_wn(W));
            Check that substitution does not contain suspicious punctuation3.1.1;
            wording A = Feeds::feed_C_string_expanding_strings(p);
            if (<verify-expanded-text-substitution>(A))
                ImperativeSubtrees::unroll_says(cb_node, A, depth+1);
        } else {
            parse_node *say_term_node = Node::new(INVOCATION_LIST_SAY_NT);
            Node::set_text(say_term_node, W);
            SyntaxTree::graft(Task::syntax_tree(), say_term_node, cb_node);

§3.1.1. Check that substitution does not contain suspicious punctuation3.1.1 =

    int k, sqb = 0;
    for (k=0; p[k]; k++) {
        switch (p[k]) {
            case '[': sqb++; if (sqb > 1) Issue problem message for nested substitution3.1.1.2; break;
            case ']': sqb--; if (sqb < 0) Issue problem message for unopened substitution3.1.1.4; break;
            case ':': if ((k>0) && (Characters::isdigit(p[k-1])) && (Characters::isdigit(p[k+1]))) break;
            case ';':
                if (sqb > 0) Issue PM_TSWithPunctuation problem3.1.1.6;
            case ',':
                if (sqb > 0) Issue problem message for comma in a substitution3.1.1.1;
    if (sqb != 0) Issue problem message for unclosed substitution3.1.1.3;

§ And the more specialised:

Issue problem message for comma in a substitution3.1.1.1 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TSWithComma),
        "a substitution contains a comma ','",
        "which is against the rules, because 'say' is a special phrase in which the comma "
        "divides items in a list of things to say, and so it loses its ordinary meanings. "
        "Because of this, no text substitution can contain a comma. "
        "(If you're trying to use a value produced by a phrase with a phrase "
        "option - say 'the best route from A to B, using even locked doors' - "
        "you'll need to put this in a 'let' variable first and then say that, "
        "or else define a better text substitution to do the job for you.)");

§ Issue problem message for nested substitution3.1.1.2 =

    if ((p[k+1] == 'u') && (p[k+2] == 'n') && (p[k+3] == 'i') && (p[k+4] == 'c') &&
        (p[k+5] == 'o') && (p[k+6] == 'd') && (p[k+7] == 'e') && (p[k+8] == ' ')) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NestedUSubstitution),
            "the text here contains one substitution '[...]' inside another",
            "which is not allowed. Actually, it looks as if you might have got into this "
            "by typing an exotic character as part of the name of a text substitution - "
            "those get rewritten automatically as '[unicode N]' for the appropriate Unicode "
            "character code number N. Either way - this isn't allowed.");
    } else {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NestedSubstitution),
            "the text here contains one substitution '[...]' inside another",
            "which is not allowed. (If you just wanted a literal open and closed square "
            "bracket, use '[bracket]' and '[close bracket]'.)");

§ Issue problem message for unclosed substitution3.1.1.3 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_UnclosedSubstitution),
        "the text here uses an open square bracket '[', which opens a substitution "
        "in the text, but doesn't close it again",
        "so that the result is malformed. (If you just wanted a literal open square "
        "bracket, use '[bracket]'.)");

§ Issue problem message for unopened substitution3.1.1.4 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_UnopenedSubstitution),
        "the text here uses a close square bracket ']', which closes a substitution in the "
        "text, but never actually opened it",
        "with a matching '['. (If you just wanted a literal close square bracket, use "
        "'[close bracket]'.)");

§ Something devious happens when text following a "say" is found. Double-quoted text is literal if it contains no square brackets, but is expanded if it includes text substitutions in squares. Thus:

"Look, [the noun] said."


"Look, ", the noun, " said."

This is then re-parsed with the following nonterminal; note that we report any problem with misuse of commas — really, of square brackets — before handing back to <s-say-phrase> to parse the list.

<verify-expanded-text-substitution> ::=
    *** . *** |    ==> Issue PM_TSWithPunctuation problem3.1.1.6; ==> { fail };
    , *** |        ==> Issue PM_EmptySubstitution problem3.; ==> { fail };
    *** , |        ==> Issue PM_EmptySubstitution problem3.; ==> { fail };
    *** , , *** |  ==> Issue PM_EmptySubstitution problem3.; ==> { fail };
    ...            ==> { -, - }

§ So now just the problem messages:

Issue PM_TSWithPunctuation problem3.1.1.6 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TSWithPunctuation),
        "a substitution contains a '.', ':' or ';'",
        "which suggests that a close square bracket ']' may have gone astray.");

§ And:

Issue PM_EmptySubstitution problem3. =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_EmptySubstitution),
        "the text here contains an empty substitution '[]'",
        "which is not allowed. To say nothing - well, say nothing.");

§4. The following manufactures end nodes to match a given begin node.

parse_node *ImperativeSubtrees::end_node(parse_node *opening) {
    parse_node *implicit_end = InvocationLists::new(EMPTY_WORDING);
    Annotations::write_int(implicit_end, indentation_level_ANNOT,
        Annotations::read_int(opening, indentation_level_ANNOT));
    return implicit_end;