To read in structural definitions of natural language written in a meta-language called Preform.

§1. Definitions.

§2. Introduction.


§3. The parser reads source text against a specific language only, if language_of_source_text is set; or, if it isn't, from any language.

PREFORM_LANGUAGE_TYPE *language_of_source_text = NULL;
PREFORM_LANGUAGE_TYPE *language_being_read_by_Preform = NULL;

§4. Preform is parsed with the regular lexer, using the following set of characters as word-breaking punctuation marks:


§5. That's what it would look like in the Preform file, but here is how it's typed in the Inform source code. Definitions like this one are scattered all across the Inform web, in order to keep them close to the code which relates to them. The inweb tangler compiles them in two halves: the instructions right of the ==> arrows are extracted and compiled into a C routine called the "compositor" for the nonterminal (see below), while the actual grammar is extracted and placed into Inform's "Preform.txt" file.

In the document of Preform grammar extracted from Inform's source code to lay the language out for translators, the ==> arrows and formulae to the right of them are omitted — those represent semantics, not syntax.

    <competitor> ::=
        <ordinal-number> runner |    ==> TRUE
        runner no <cardinal-number>				==> FALSE

§6. Each nonterminal, when successfully matched, can provide both or more usually just one of two results: an integer, to be stored in *X, and a void pointer, to be stored in *XP. For example, <k-kind> matches if and only if the text declares a legal kind, such as "number"; its pointer result is to the kind found, such as K_number. But <competitor> only results in an integer. The ==> arrow is optional, but if present, it says what the result is if the given production is matched; the inweb tangler, if it sees an expression on the right of the arrow, assigns that value to the integer result. So, for example, "runner bean" or "beetroot" would not match <competitor>; "4th runner" would match with integer result TRUE; "runner no 17" would match with integer result FALSE.

Usually, though, the result(s) of a nonterminal depend on the result(s) of other nonterminals used to make the match. In the compositing expression, so called because it composes together the various intermediate results into one final result, R[1] is the integer result of the first nonterminal in the production, R[2] the second, and so on; RP[1] and so on hold the pointer results. Here, on both productions, there's just one nonterminal in the line, <ordinal-number> in the first case, <cardinal-number> in the second. So the following refinement of <competitor> means that "4th runner" matches with integer result 4, because <ordinal-number> matches "4th" with integer result 4, and that goes into R[1]. Similarly, "runner no 17" ends up with integer result 17. "The pacemaker" matches with integer result 1; here there are no intermediate results to make use of, so R[...] can't be used.

    <competitor> ::=
        the pacemaker |    ==> 1
        <ordinal-number> runner |    ==> R[1]
        runner no <cardinal-number>				==> R[1]

§7. The arrows and expressions are optional, and if they are omitted, then the result integer is set to the production number, counting up from 0. For example, given the following, "polkadot" matches with result 1, and "green" with result 2.

    <race-jersey> ::=
        yellow | polkadot | green | white

§8. Implementation. We must first clarify how word ranges, once matched in the parser, will be stored. Within each production, word ranges are numbered upwards from 1. Thus:

    man with ... on his ...

would, if it matched successfully, generate two word ranges, numbered 1 and 2. These are stored in memory belonging to the nonterminal; they are usually, but not always, then retrieved by whatever part of Inform requested the parse, using the GET_RW macro rather than a function call for speed. It's rare, but a few internal nonterminals also generate word ranges: they use the corresponding PUT_RW macro to do so. Lastly, we can pass word ranges up from one nonterminal to another, with INHERIT_RANGES.

This form of storage incurs very little time or space overhead, and is possible only because the parser never backtracks. But it also follows that word ranges are overwritten if a nonterminal calls itself directly or indirectly: that is, the inner one's results are wiped out by the outer one. But this is no problem, since we never extract word-ranges from grammar which is recursive.

Word range 0 is reserved in case we ever need it for the entire text matched by the nonterminal, but at present we don't need that.

define MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION 5  in fact, one less than this, since range 0 is reserved
define GET_RW(nt, N) (nt->range_result[N])
define PUT_RW(nt, N, W) { nt->range_result[N] = W; }
define INHERIT_RANGES(from, to) {
    for (int i=1; i<MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION; i++)  not copying range 0
        to->range_result[i] = from->range_result[i];
define CLEAR_RW(from) {
    for (int i=0; i<MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION; i++)  including range 0
        from->range_result[i] = EMPTY_WORDING;

§9. So here's the nonterminal structure. There are a few further complications for speed reasons:

define INFINITE_WORD_COUNT 1000000000
typedef struct nonterminal {
    struct vocabulary_entry *nonterminal_id;  e.g. "<cardinal-number>"
    int voracious;  if true, scans whole rest of word range
    int multiplicitous;

    int marked_internal;  has, or will be given, an internal definition...
    int (*internal_definition)(wording W, int *result, void **result_p);  ...this one

    struct production_list *first_production_list;  if not internal, this defines it

    int (*result_compositor)(int *r, void **rp, int *inters, void **inter_ps, wording *interW, wording W);

    struct wording range_result[MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION];  storage for word ranges matched

    int optimised_in_this_pass;  have the following been worked out yet?
    int min_nt_words, max_nt_words;  for speed
    struct range_requirement nonterminal_req;
    int nt_req_bit;  which hashing category the words belong to, or \(-1\) if none

    int number_words_by_production;
    unsigned int flag_words_in_production;

    int watched;  watch goings-on to the debugging log
    int nonterminal_tries;  used only in instrumented mode
    int nonterminal_matches;  ditto
} nonterminal;

§10. Each (external) nonterminal is then defined by lists of productions: potentially one for each language, though only English is required to define all of them, and English will always be the first in the list of lists.

typedef struct production_list {
    PREFORM_LANGUAGE_TYPE *definition_language;
    struct production *first_production;
    struct production_list *next_production_list;
    struct match_avinue *as_avinue;  when compiled to a trie rather than for Preform
} production_list;

§11. So now we reach the production, which encodes a typical "row" of grammar; see the examples above. A production is another list, of "ptokens" (the "p" is silent). For example, the production

    runner no <cardinal-number>

contains three ptokens. (Note that the stroke sign and the defined-by sign are not ptokens; they divide up productions, but aren't part of them.)

Like nonterminals, productions also count the minimum and maximum words matched: in the above example, both are 3.

There's a new idea here as well, though: struts. A "strut" is a run of ptokens in the interior of the production whose position relative to the ends is not known. For example, if we match:

    frogs like ... but not ... to eat

then we know that in a successful match, "frogs" and "like" must be the first two words in the text matched, and "eat" and "to" the last two. They are said to have positions 1, 2, \(-1\) and \(-2\) respectively: a positive number is relative to the start of the range, a negative relative to the end, so that position 1 is always the first word and position \(-1\) is the last.

But we don't know where "but not" will occur; it could be anywhere in the middle of the text. So the ptokens for these words have position 0. A run of such ptokens, not counting wildcards like ..., is called a strut. We can think of it as a partition which can slide backwards and forwards. Many productions have no struts at all; the above example has just one. It has length 2, not because it contains two ptokens, but because it is always two words wide.

Finding struts when Preform grammar is read in means that we don't have to do so much work devising search patterns at parsing time, when speed is critical.

typedef struct production {
    struct ptoken *first_ptoken;  the linked list of ptokens
    int match_number;  0 for /a/, 1 for /b/ and so on

    int no_ranges;  actually one more, since range 0 is reserved (see above)

    int min_pr_words, max_pr_words;  for speed
    struct range_requirement production_req;

    int no_struts;  the actual number, this time
    struct ptoken *struts[MAX_STRUTS_PER_PRODUCTION];  first ptoken in strut
    int strut_lengths[MAX_STRUTS_PER_PRODUCTION];  length of the strut in words

    int production_tries;  used only in instrumented mode
    int production_matches;  ditto
    struct wording sample_text;  ditto

    struct production *next_production;  within its production list
} production;

§12. And at the bottom of the chain, the lowly ptoken. Even this can spawn another list, though: the token fried/green/tomatoes is a list of three ptokens joined by the alternative_ptoken links.

There are two modifiers left to represent: the effects of ^ (negation) and _ (casing), and they each have flags. If the ptoken is at the head of a list of alternatives, they apply to all of the alternatives, even though set only for the headword.

Each ptoken has a range_starts and range_ends number. This is either \(-1\), or marks that the ptoken occurs as the first or last in a range (or both). For example, in the production

    make ... from {rice ... onions} and peppers

the first ... ptoken has start and end set to 1; rice has start 2; onions has end 2. Note that the second ..., inside the braces, doesn't start or end anything; it normally would, but the wider range consumes it.

There are really only three kinds of ptoken, wildcards, fixed words, and nonterminals, but it's fractionally quicker to differentiate the sorts of wildcard here, so we'll actually divide them into five. The remaining wildcard, the ...... form of ..., is represented as MULTIPLE_WILDCARD_PTC but with the balanced_wildcard flag set.

typedef struct ptoken {
    int ptoken_category;  one of the *_PTC values

    int negated_ptoken;  the ^ modifier applies
    int disallow_unexpected_upper;  the _ modifier applies

    struct nonterminal *nt_pt;  for NONTERMINAL_PTC ptokens

    struct vocabulary_entry *ve_pt;  for FIXED_WORD_PTC ptokens
    struct ptoken *alternative_ptoken;  linked list of other vocabulary ptokens

    int balanced_wildcard;  for MULTIPLE_WILDCARD_PTC ptokens: brackets balanced?

    int result_index;  for NONTERMINAL_PTC ptokens: what result number, counting from 1?
    int range_starts;  1, 2, 3, ... if word range 1, 2, 3, ... starts with this
    int range_ends;  1, 2, 3, ... if word range 1, 2, 3, ... ends with this

    int ptoken_position;  fixed position in range: 1, 2, ... for left, \(-1\), \(-2\), ... for right
    int strut_number;  if this is part of a strut, what number? or \(-1\) if not

    int ptoken_is_fast;  can be checked in the fast pass of the parser

    struct range_requirement token_req;

    struct ptoken *next_ptoken;  within its production list
} ptoken;

§13. The parser records the result of the most recently matched nonterminal in the following global variables:

int most_recent_result = 0;  this is the variable which inweb writes <<r>>
void *most_recent_result_p = NULL;  this is the variable which inweb writes <<rp>>

§14. Preform's aim is to purge the Inform source code of all English vocabulary, but we do still the letters "K" and "L", to define the wording of kind constructors.

vocabulary_entry *CAPITAL_K_V;
vocabulary_entry *CAPITAL_L_V;

§15. Preform can run in an instrumented mode, which collects statistics on the usage of syntax it sees, but there's a performance hit for this. So it's enabled only if the constant INSTRUMENTED_PREFORM defined to TRUE: here's where to do it.


typedef struct range_requirement {
    int no_requirements;
    int ditto_flag;
    int DW_req;
    int DS_req;
    int CW_req;
    int CS_req;
    int FW_req;
    int FS_req;
} range_requirement;

int no_req_bits = 0;

§17. Logging. Descending these wheels within wheels:

void Preform::log_language(void) {
    int detailed = FALSE;
    nonterminal *nt;
    LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal) {
        LOG("%d/%d: ", nt->nonterminal_matches, nt->nonterminal_tries);
        LOG("%V: ", nt->nonterminal_id);
        if (nt->internal_definition) LOG("  (internal)\n");
        else {
            production_list *pl;
            for (pl = nt->first_production_list; pl; pl = pl->next_production_list) {
                LOG("  $J:\n", pl->definition_language);
                production *pr;
                for (pr = pl->first_production; pr; pr = pr->next_production) {
                    LOG("   "); Preform::log_production(pr, detailed);
                    #ifdef INSTRUMENTED_PREFORM
                    LOG("      %d/%d: ", pr->production_matches, pr->production_tries);
                    if (Wordings::nonempty(pr->sample_text)) LOG("<%W>", pr->sample_text);
                    LOG(" ==> ");
        LOG("  min %d, max %d\n\n", nt->min_nt_words, nt->max_nt_words);
    LOG("%d req bits.\n", no_req_bits);


void Preform::log_production(production *pr, int detailed) {
    if (pr->first_ptoken == NULL) LOG("<empty-production>");
    ptoken *pt;
    for (pt = pr->first_ptoken; pt; pt = pt->next_ptoken) {
        Preform::log_ptoken(pt, detailed);
        LOG(" ");


void Preform::log_ptoken(ptoken *pt, int detailed) {
    if ((detailed) && (pt->ptoken_position != 0)) LOG("(@%d)", pt->ptoken_position);
    if ((detailed) && (pt->strut_number >= 0)) LOG("(S%d)", pt->strut_number);
    if (pt->disallow_unexpected_upper) LOG("_");
    if (pt->negated_ptoken) LOG("^");
    if (pt->range_starts >= 0) { LOG("{"); if (detailed) LOG("%d:", pt->range_starts); }
    ptoken *alt;
    for (alt = pt; alt; alt = alt->alternative_ptoken) {
        if (alt->nt_pt) {
            LOG("%V", alt->nt_pt->nonterminal_id);
            if (detailed) LOG("=%d", alt->result_index);
        } else {
            LOG("%V", alt->ve_pt);
        if (alt->alternative_ptoken) LOG("/");
    if (pt->range_ends >= 0) { if (detailed) LOG(":%d", pt->range_ends); LOG("}"); }

§20. A less detailed form used in linguistic problem messages:

void Preform::write_ptoken(OUTPUT_STREAM, ptoken *pt) {
    if (pt->disallow_unexpected_upper) WRITE("_");
    if (pt->negated_ptoken) WRITE("^");
    if (pt->range_starts >= 0) WRITE("{");
    ptoken *alt;
    for (alt = pt; alt; alt = alt->alternative_ptoken) {
        if (alt->nt_pt) {
            WRITE("%V", alt->nt_pt->nonterminal_id);
        } else {
            WRITE("%V", alt->ve_pt);
        if (alt->alternative_ptoken) WRITE("/");
    if (pt->range_ends >= 0) WRITE("}");

§21. This is a typical internal nonterminal being defined. It's used only to parse inclusion requests for the debugging log. Note that we use the "1" to signal that a correct match must have exactly one word.

<preform-nonterminal> internal 1 {
    nonterminal *nt = Preform::detect_nonterminal(Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W)));
    if (nt) { *XP = nt; return TRUE; }
    return FALSE;

§22. To use which, the debugging log code needs:

void Preform::watch(nonterminal *nt, int state) {
    nt->watched = state;

§23. Building grammar. So, to begin. Since we can't use Preform to parse Preform, we have to define its syntactic tokens by hand:

vocabulary_entry *AMPERSAND_V;
vocabulary_entry *BACKSLASH_V;
vocabulary_entry *CARET_V;
vocabulary_entry *COLONCOLONEQUALS_V;
vocabulary_entry *QUESTIONMARK_V;
vocabulary_entry *QUOTEQUOTE_V;
vocabulary_entry *SIXDOTS_V;
vocabulary_entry *THREEASTERISKS_V;
vocabulary_entry *THREEDOTS_V;
vocabulary_entry *THREEHASHES_V;
vocabulary_entry *UNDERSCORE_V;
vocabulary_entry *language_V;
vocabulary_entry *internal_V;

§24. And off we go.

void Preform::begin(void) {
    CAPITAL_K_V      = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"k");
    CAPITAL_L_V      = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"l");

    Register the internal and source-code-referred-to nonterminals24.1;

    AMPERSAND_V      = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"&");
    BACKSLASH_V      = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"\\");
    CARET_V          = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"^");
    COLONCOLONEQUALS_V = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L":" ":=");
    QUESTIONMARK_V     = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"?");
    QUOTEQUOTE_V     = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"\"\"");
    SIXDOTS_V        = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"......");
    THREEASTERISKS_V = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"***");
    THREEDOTS_V      = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"...");
    THREEHASHES_V    = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"###");
    UNDERSCORE_V     = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"_");
    language_V         = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"language");
    internal_V         = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"internal");

§24.1. The tangler of inweb replaces the [[nonterminals]] below with invocations of the REGISTER_NONTERMINAL and INTERNAL_NONTERMINAL macros.

Register the internal and source-code-referred-to nonterminals24.1 =

    nonterminal *nt;
    LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal)
        if ((nt->marked_internal) && (nt->internal_definition == NULL))
            internal_error("internal undefined");

§25. These macros connect nonterminals with their mentions in the Inform source code, and with the compositor routines compiled for them by inweb. It invokes REGISTER_NONTERMINAL if it has compiled Preform productions for a nonterminal, and compiled a compositor routine; the name of which is the nonterminal's name with a C suffix. If it found an internal nonterminal, it invokes INTERNAL_NONTERMINAL, and compiles a routine whose name has the suffix R as the definition.

define REGISTER_NONTERMINAL(quotedname, identifier)
    identifier = Preform::find_nonterminal(Vocabulary::entry_for_text(quotedname));
    identifier->result_compositor = identifier##C;
define INTERNAL_NONTERMINAL(quotedname, identifier, min, max)
    identifier = Preform::find_nonterminal(Vocabulary::entry_for_text(quotedname));
    identifier->min_nt_words = min; identifier->max_nt_words = max;
    identifier->internal_definition = identifier##R;
    identifier->marked_internal = TRUE;

§26. Parsing Preform is exactly what Preform would do elegantly, but of course, for chicken-and-egg reasons, we need to do the job by hand. Fortunately the syntax is very simple.

int Preform::parse_preform(wording W, int break_first) {
    if (break_first) {
        WRITE_TO(wd, "%+W", Wordings::one_word(Wordings::first_wn(W)));
        W = Feeds::feed_stream_punctuated(wd, PREFORM_PUNCTUATION_MARKS);
    int nonterminals_declared = 0;
        if (Lexer::word(wn) == PARBREAK_V) continue;
        if ((Wordings::last_wn(W) >= wn+1) && (Lexer::word(wn) == language_V)) {
            Parse a definition language switch26.1;
        if ((Wordings::last_wn(W) >= wn+1) && (Lexer::word(wn+1) == internal_V)) {
            Parse an internal nonterminal declaration26.2;
        if ((Wordings::last_wn(W) >= wn+2) && (Lexer::word(wn+1) == COLONCOLONEQUALS_V)) {
            Parse an external nonterminal declaration26.3;
        internal_error("language definition failed");
    return nonterminals_declared;

§26.1. We either switch to an existing natural language, or create a new one.

Parse a definition language switch26.1 =

    WRITE_TO(lname, "%W", Wordings::one_word(wn+1));
    if (nl == NULL) {
        LOG("Missing: %S\n", lname);
        internal_error("tried to define for missing language");
    language_being_read_by_Preform = nl;

§26.2. Parse an internal nonterminal declaration26.2 =

    nonterminal *nt = Preform::find_nonterminal(Lexer::word(wn));
    if (nt->first_production_list) internal_error("internal is defined");
    nt->marked_internal = TRUE;

§26.3. The declaration continues until the end of the text, or until we reach a paragraph break. Internally, it's a list of productions divided by stroke symbols.

Parse an external nonterminal declaration26.3 =

    nonterminal *nt = Preform::find_nonterminal(Lexer::word(wn));
    production_list *pl;
    Find or create the production list for this language26.3.1;
    wn += 2;
    int pc = 0;
    while (TRUE) {
        int x = wn;
        while ((x <= Wordings::last_wn(W)) && (Lexer::word(x) != STROKE_V) && (Lexer::word(x) != PARBREAK_V)) x++;
        if (wn < x) {
            production *pr = Preform::new_production(Wordings::new(wn, x-1), nt, pc++);
            wn = x;
            Place the new production within the production list26.3.2;
        if ((wn > Wordings::last_wn(W)) || (Lexer::word(x) == PARBREAK_V)) break;  reached end
        wn++;  advance past the stroke and continue

§26.3.1. Find or create the production list for this language26.3.1 =

    for (pl = nt->first_production_list; pl; pl = pl->next_production_list)
        if (pl->definition_language == language_being_read_by_Preform)
    if (pl == NULL)	{
        pl = CREATE(production_list);
        pl->definition_language = language_being_read_by_Preform;
        pl->first_production = NULL;
        pl->as_avinue = NULL;
        Place the new production list within the nonterminal26.3.1.1;

§ Place the new production list within the nonterminal26.3.1.1 =

    if (nt->first_production_list == NULL) nt->first_production_list = pl;
    else {
        production_list *p = nt->first_production_list;
        while ((p) && (p->next_production_list)) p = p->next_production_list;
        p->next_production_list = pl;

§26.3.2. Place the new production within the production list26.3.2 =

    if (pl->first_production == NULL) pl->first_production = pr;
    else {
        production *p = pl->first_production;
        while ((p) && (p->next_production)) p = p->next_production;
        p->next_production = pr;

§27. Nonterminals are identified by their name-words:

nonterminal *Preform::detect_nonterminal(vocabulary_entry *ve) {
    nonterminal *nt;
    LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal)
        if (ve == nt->nonterminal_id)
            return nt;
    return NULL;

nonterminal *Preform::find_nonterminal(vocabulary_entry *ve) {
    nonterminal *nt = Preform::detect_nonterminal(ve);
    if (nt) return nt;

    nt = CREATE(nonterminal);
    nt->nonterminal_id = ve;

    nt->voracious = FALSE;
    nt->multiplicitous = FALSE;

    nt->optimised_in_this_pass = FALSE;
    nt->min_nt_words = 1; nt->max_nt_words = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT;
    nt->nt_req_bit = -1;

    nt->first_production_list = NULL;
    nt->marked_internal = FALSE;
    nt->internal_definition = NULL;
    nt->result_compositor = NULL;

    nt->number_words_by_production = FALSE;
    nt->flag_words_in_production = 0;

    for (int i=0; i<MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION; i++)
        nt->range_result[i] = EMPTY_WORDING;

    nt->watched = FALSE;
    nt->nonterminal_tries = 0; nt->nonterminal_matches = 0;
    return nt;

§28. We now descend to the creation of productions for (external) nonterminals.

production *Preform::new_production(wording W, nonterminal *nt, int pc) {
    production *pr = CREATE(production);
    pr->match_number = pc;
    pr->next_production = NULL;

    pr->no_ranges = 1;  so that they count from 1; range 0 is unused

    pr->no_struts = 0;  they will be detected later

    pr->min_pr_words = 1; pr->max_pr_words = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT;

    pr->production_tries = 0; pr->production_matches = 0;
    pr->sample_text = EMPTY_WORDING;

    ptoken *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
    Parse the row of production tokens into a linked list of ptokens28.1;
    pr->first_ptoken = head;
    return pr;



Parse the row of production tokens into a linked list of ptokens28.1 =

    int result_count = 1;
    int negation_modifier = FALSE, lower_case_modifier = FALSE;
    int unescaped = TRUE;
    int bracing_mode = OUTSIDE_PTBRACE;
    ptoken *bracing_begins_at = NULL;
    int tc = 0;
        if (unescaped) Parse the token modifier symbols28.1.1;

        ptoken *pt = Preform::parse_slashed_chain(nt, pr, i, unescaped);
        if (pt == NULL) continue;  we have set the production match number instead

        if (pt->ptoken_category == NONTERMINAL_PTC) Assign the ptoken a result number28.1.3;

        Modify the new token according to the current token modifier settings28.1.2;

        if (tc++ < MAX_PTOKENS_PER_PRODUCTION) {
            if (head == NULL) head = pt; else tail->next_ptoken = pt;
            tail = pt;

§28.1.1. Parse the token modifier symbols28.1.1 =

    if (Lexer::word(i) == CARET_V) { negation_modifier = TRUE; continue; }
    if (Lexer::word(i) == UNDERSCORE_V) { lower_case_modifier = TRUE; continue; }
    if (Lexer::word(i) == BACKSLASH_V) { unescaped = FALSE; continue; }
    switch (bracing_mode) {
        case OUTSIDE_PTBRACE:
            if (Lexer::word(i) == OPENBRACE_V) {
                bracing_mode = ABOUT_TO_OPEN_PTBRACE; continue;
        case INSIDE_PTBRACE:
            if (Lexer::word(i) == CLOSEBRACE_V) {
                if (bracing_begins_at) {
                    int rnum = pr->no_ranges++;
                    if ((i+2 <= Wordings::last_wn(W)) && (Lexer::word(i+1) == QUESTIONMARK_V) &&
                        (Vocabulary::test_flags(i+2, NUMBER_MC))) {
                        rnum = Vocabulary::get_literal_number_value(Lexer::word(i+2));
                        i += 2;
                    bracing_begins_at->range_starts = rnum;
                    tail->range_ends = rnum;
                bracing_mode = OUTSIDE_PTBRACE; bracing_begins_at = NULL; continue;

§28.1.2. Modify the new token according to the current token modifier settings28.1.2 =

    if (negation_modifier) pt->negated_ptoken = TRUE;
    if (lower_case_modifier) pt->disallow_unexpected_upper = TRUE;

    unescaped = TRUE;
    negation_modifier = FALSE;
    lower_case_modifier = FALSE;

    switch (bracing_mode) {
        case OUTSIDE_PTBRACE:
            if (((pt->ptoken_category == SINGLE_WILDCARD_PTC) ||
                (pt->ptoken_category == MULTIPLE_WILDCARD_PTC) ||
                (pt->ptoken_category == POSSIBLY_EMPTY_WILDCARD_PTC))
                && (pr->no_ranges < MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION)) {
                int rnum = pr->no_ranges++;
                pt->range_starts = rnum;
                pt->range_ends = rnum;
            if (pr->no_ranges < MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION)
                bracing_begins_at = pt;
            bracing_mode = INSIDE_PTBRACE;

§28.1.3. Assign the ptoken a result number28.1.3 =

    if (result_count < MAX_RESULTS_PER_PRODUCTION) {
        if ((i+2 <= Wordings::last_wn(W)) && (Lexer::word(i+1) == QUESTIONMARK_V) &&
            (Vocabulary::test_flags(i+2, NUMBER_MC))) {
            pt->result_index = Vocabulary::get_literal_number_value(Lexer::word(i+2));
            i += 2;
        } else {
            pt->result_index = result_count;


ptoken *Preform::parse_slashed_chain(nonterminal *nt, production *pr, int wn, int unescaped) {
    wording AW = Wordings::one_word(wn);
    Expand the word range if the token text is slashed29.1;
    ptoken *pt = NULL;
    Parse the word range into a linked list of alternative ptokens29.2;
    return pt;

§29.1. Expand the word range if the token text is slashed29.1 =

    wchar_t *p = Lexer::word_raw_text(wn);
    int k, breakme = FALSE;
    if (unescaped) {
        if ((p[0] == '/') && (islower(p[1])) && (p[2] == '/') && (p[3] == 0)) {
            pr->match_number = p[1] - 'a';
            return NULL;
        if ((p[0] == '/') && (islower(p[1])) && (p[2] == p[1]) && (p[3] == '/') && (p[4] == 0)) {
            pr->match_number = p[1] - 'a' + 26;
            return NULL;
        for (k=0; (p[k]) && (p[k+1]); k++)
            if ((k > 0) && (p[k] == '/'))
                breakme = TRUE;
    if (breakme) AW = Feeds::feed_text_full(p, FALSE, L"/");  break only at slashes

§29.2. Parse the word range into a linked list of alternative ptokens29.2 =

    ptoken *alt = NULL;
    for (; Wordings::nonempty(AW); AW = Wordings::trim_first_word(AW))
        if (Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(AW)) != FORWARDSLASH_V) {
            int mode = unescaped;
            if (Wordings::length(AW) > 1) mode = FALSE;
            ptoken *latest = Preform::new_ptoken(Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(AW)), mode, nt, pr->match_number);
            if (alt == NULL) pt = latest;
            else alt->alternative_ptoken = latest;
            alt = latest;

§30. So we come to the end of the trail: the code to create a single ptoken. In "escaped" mode, where a backslash has made the text literal, it just becomes a fixed word; otherwise it could be any of the five categories.

If the text refers to a nonterminal which doesn't yet exist, then this creates it; that's how we deal with forward references.

ptoken *Preform::new_ptoken(vocabulary_entry *ve, int unescaped, nonterminal *nt, int pc) {
    ptoken *pt = CREATE(ptoken);
    pt->next_ptoken = NULL;
    pt->alternative_ptoken = NULL;
    pt->negated_ptoken = FALSE;
    pt->disallow_unexpected_upper = FALSE;

    pt->result_index = 1;
    pt->range_starts = -1; pt->range_ends = -1;

    pt->ptoken_position = 0;
    pt->strut_number = -1;

    pt->ve_pt = NULL;
    pt->nt_pt = NULL;
    pt->balanced_wildcard = FALSE;
    pt->ptoken_is_fast = FALSE;

    wchar_t *p = Vocabulary::get_exemplar(ve, FALSE);
    if ((unescaped) && (p) && (p[0] == '<') && (p[Wide::len(p)-1] == '>')) {
        pt->nt_pt = Preform::find_nonterminal(ve);
        pt->ptoken_category = NONTERMINAL_PTC;
    } else {
        pt->ve_pt = ve;
        pt->ptoken_category = FIXED_WORD_PTC;
        if (unescaped) {
            if (ve == SIXDOTS_V) {
                pt->ptoken_category = MULTIPLE_WILDCARD_PTC;
                pt->balanced_wildcard = TRUE;
            if (ve == THREEDOTS_V) pt->ptoken_category = MULTIPLE_WILDCARD_PTC;
            if (ve == THREEHASHES_V) pt->ptoken_category = SINGLE_WILDCARD_PTC;
            if (ve == THREEASTERISKS_V) pt->ptoken_category = POSSIBLY_EMPTY_WILDCARD_PTC;

    if (pt->ptoken_category == FIXED_WORD_PTC) {
        ve->flags |= (nt->flag_words_in_production);
        if (nt->number_words_by_production) ve->literal_number_value = pc;

    return pt;

§31. Optimisation calculations. After each round of fresh Preform grammar, we need to recalculate the various maximum and minimum lengths, struts, and so on, because those all depend on knowing the length of text a token will match, and new grammar may have changed that.

int first_round_of_nt_optimisation_made = FALSE;

void Preform::optimise_counts(void) {
    nonterminal *nt;
    LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal) {
        if (nt->marked_internal) {
            nt->optimised_in_this_pass = TRUE;
        } else {
            nt->optimised_in_this_pass = FALSE;
            nt->min_nt_words = 1; nt->max_nt_words = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT;
    if (first_round_of_nt_optimisation_made == FALSE) {
        first_round_of_nt_optimisation_made = TRUE;
        #ifdef PREFORM_OPTIMISER
    LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal) Preform::optimise_nt(nt);
    LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal) Preform::optimise_nt_reqs(nt);

void Preform::optimise_nt(nonterminal *nt) {
    if (nt->optimised_in_this_pass) return;
    nt->optimised_in_this_pass = TRUE;
    Compute the minimum and maximum match lengths31.1;

    production_list *pl;
    for (pl = nt->first_production_list; pl; pl = pl->next_production_list) {
        production *pr;
        for (pr = pl->first_production; pr; pr = pr->next_production) {
            ptoken *last = NULL;  this will point to the last ptoken in the production
            Compute front-end ptoken positions31.2;
            Compute back-end ptoken positions31.3;
            Compute struts within the production31.4;
            Work out which ptokens are fast31.5;
    Mark the vocabulary's incidence list with this nonterminal31.6;

§31.1. The minimum matched text length for a nonterminal is the smallest of the minima for its possible productions; for a production, it's the sum of the minimum match lengths of its tokens.

Compute the minimum and maximum match lengths31.1 =

    int min = -1, max = -1;
    production_list *pl;
    for (pl = nt->first_production_list; pl; pl = pl->next_production_list) {
        production *pr;
        for (pr = pl->first_production; pr; pr = pr->next_production) {
            int min_p = 0, max_p = 0;
            ptoken *pt;
            for (pt = pr->first_ptoken; pt; pt = pt->next_ptoken) {
                int min_t, max_t;
                Preform::ptoken_extrema(pt, &min_t, &max_t);
                min_p += min_t; max_p += max_t;
                if (min_p > INFINITE_WORD_COUNT) min_p = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT;
                if (max_p > INFINITE_WORD_COUNT) max_p = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT;
            pr->min_pr_words = min_p; pr->max_pr_words = max_p;
            if ((min == -1) && (max == -1)) { min = min_p; max = max_p; }
            else {
                if (min_p < min) min = min_p;
                if (max_p > max) max = max_p;
    if (min >= 1) {
        nt->min_nt_words = min; nt->max_nt_words = max;

§31.2. A token is "elastic" if it can match text of differing lengths, and "inelastic" otherwise. For example, in English, <indefinite-article> is elastic (it always matches a single word). If the first ptoken is inelastic, we know it must match words 1 to \(L_1\) of whatever text is to be matched, and we give it position 1; if the second is also inelastic, that will match \(L_1+1\) to \(L_2\), and it gets position \(L_1+1\); and so on. As soon as we hit an elastic token — a wildcard like ..., for example — this predictability stops, and we can only assign position 0, which means that we don't know.

Note that we only assign a nonzero position if we know where the ptoken both starts and finishes; it's not enough just to know where it starts.

Compute front-end ptoken positions31.2 =

    int posn = 1;
    ptoken *pt;
    for (pt = pr->first_ptoken; pt; pt = pt->next_ptoken) {
        last = pt;
        int L = Preform::ptoken_width(pt);
        if ((posn != 0) && (L != PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) {
            pt->ptoken_position = posn;
            posn += L;
        } else {
            pt->ptoken_position = 0;  thus clearing any expired positions from earlier
            posn = 0;

§31.3. And similarly from the back end, if there are inelastic ptokens at the end of the production (and which are separated from the front end by at least one elastic one).

The following has quadratic running time in the number of tokens in the production, but this is never larger than about 10.

Compute back-end ptoken positions31.3 =

    int posn = -1;
    ptoken *pt;
    for (pt = last; pt; ) {
        if (pt->ptoken_position != 0) break;  don't use a back-end position if there's a front one
        int L = Preform::ptoken_width(pt);
        if ((posn != 0) && (L != PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) {
            pt->ptoken_position = posn;
            posn -= L;
        } else break;

        ptoken *prevt = NULL;
        for (prevt = pr->first_ptoken; prevt; prevt = prevt->next_ptoken)
            if (prevt->next_ptoken == pt)
        pt = prevt;

§31.4. By definition, a strut is a maximal sequence of one or more inelastic ptokens each of which has no known position. (Clearly if one of them has a known position then all of them have, but we're in no hurry so we don't exploit that.)

Compute struts within the production31.4 =

    pr->no_struts = 0;
    ptoken *pt;
    for (pt = pr->first_ptoken; pt; pt = pt->next_ptoken) {
        if ((pt->ptoken_position == 0) && (Preform::ptoken_width(pt) != PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) {
            if (pr->no_struts >= MAX_STRUTS_PER_PRODUCTION) continue;
            pr->struts[pr->no_struts] = pt;
            pr->strut_lengths[pr->no_struts] = 0;
            while ((pt->ptoken_position == 0) && (Preform::ptoken_width(pt) != PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) {
                pt->strut_number = pr->no_struts;
                pr->strut_lengths[pr->no_struts] += Preform::ptoken_width(pt);
                if (pt->next_ptoken == NULL) break;  should be impossible
                pt = pt->next_ptoken;

§31.5. Work out which ptokens are fast31.5 =

    ptoken *pt;
    for (pt = pr->first_ptoken; pt; pt = pt->next_ptoken)
        if ((pt->ptoken_category == FIXED_WORD_PTC) && (pt->ptoken_position != 0)
            && (pt->range_starts < 0) && (pt->range_ends < 0))
            pt->ptoken_is_fast = TRUE;

§31.6. Weak requirement: one word in range must match one of these bits Strong ": all bits in this range must be matched by one word

Mark the vocabulary's incidence list with this nonterminal31.6 =

    int first_production = TRUE;
    range_requirement nnt;
    for (pl = nt->first_production_list; pl; pl = pl->next_production_list) {
        production *pr;
        for (pr = pl->first_production; pr; pr = pr->next_production) {
            ptoken *pt;
            for (pt = pr->first_ptoken; pt; pt = pt->next_ptoken) {
                if ((pt->ptoken_category == FIXED_WORD_PTC) && (pt->negated_ptoken == FALSE)) {
                    ptoken *alt;
                    for (alt = pt; alt; alt = alt->alternative_ptoken)
                        Preform::set_nt_incidence(alt->ve_pt, nt);
    for (pl = nt->first_production_list; pl; pl = pl->next_production_list) {
        production *pr;
        for (pr = pl->first_production; pr; pr = pr->next_production) {
            range_requirement prt;
            int all = TRUE, first = TRUE;
            ptoken *pt;
            for (pt = pr->first_ptoken; pt; pt = pt->next_ptoken) {
                if ((pt->ptoken_category == FIXED_WORD_PTC) && (pt->negated_ptoken == FALSE)) {
                    ptoken *alt;
                    for (alt = pt; alt; alt = alt->alternative_ptoken)
                        Preform::set_nt_incidence(alt->ve_pt, nt);
                    Preform::atomic_rreq(&(pt->token_req), nt);
                } else all = FALSE;
                int self_referential = FALSE, empty = FALSE;
                if ((pt->ptoken_category == NONTERMINAL_PTC) &&
                    (pt->nt_pt->min_nt_words == 0) && (pt->nt_pt->max_nt_words == 0))
                    empty = TRUE;  even if negated, notice
                if ((pt->ptoken_category == NONTERMINAL_PTC) && (pt->negated_ptoken == FALSE)) {
                     if (pt->nt_pt == nt) self_referential = TRUE;
                    pt->token_req = pt->nt_pt->nonterminal_req;
                if ((self_referential == FALSE) && (empty == FALSE)) {
                    if (first) {
                        prt = pt->token_req;
                    } else {
                        Preform::concatenate_rreq(&prt, &(pt->token_req));
                    first = FALSE;
            if (first_production) {
                nnt = prt;
            } else {
                Preform::disjoin_rreq(&nnt, &prt);
            first_production = FALSE;
            pr->production_req = prt;
    nt->nonterminal_req = nnt;


The constant AL_BITMAP used in this code has a pleasingly Arabic sound to it — a second-magnitude star, an idiotically tall hotel — but is in fact a combination of the meaning codes found in an adjective list.

void Preform::optimise_nt_reqs(nonterminal *nt) {
    production_list *pl;
    for (pl = nt->first_production_list; pl; pl = pl->next_production_list) {
        production *pr;
        range_requirement *prev_req = NULL;
        for (pr = pl->first_production; pr; pr = pr->next_production) {
            Preform::optimise_req(&(pr->production_req), prev_req);
            prev_req = &(pr->production_req);
    Preform::optimise_req(&(nt->nonterminal_req), NULL);

void Preform::optimise_req(range_requirement *req, range_requirement *prev) {
    if ((req->DS_req & req->FS_req) == req->DS_req) req->DS_req = 0;
    if ((req->DW_req & req->FW_req) == req->DW_req) req->DW_req = 0;

    if ((req->CS_req & req->FS_req) == req->FS_req) req->FS_req = 0;
    if ((req->CW_req & req->FW_req) == req->FW_req) req->FW_req = 0;

    if ((req->CS_req & req->DS_req) == req->DS_req) req->DS_req = 0;
    if ((req->CW_req & req->DW_req) == req->DW_req) req->DW_req = 0;

    if ((req->FW_req & req->FS_req) == req->FW_req) req->FW_req = 0;
    if ((req->DW_req & req->DS_req) == req->DW_req) req->DW_req = 0;
    if ((req->CW_req & req->CS_req) == req->CW_req) req->CW_req = 0;
    req->no_requirements = TRUE;
    if ((req->DS_req) || (req->DW_req) || (req->CS_req) || (req->CW_req) || (req->FS_req) || (req->FW_req))
        req->no_requirements = FALSE;

    req->ditto_flag = FALSE;
    if ((prev) &&
        (req->DS_req == prev->DS_req) && (req->DW_req == prev->DW_req) &&
        (req->CS_req == prev->CS_req) && (req->CW_req == prev->CW_req) &&
        (req->FS_req == prev->FS_req) && (req->FW_req == prev->FW_req))
        req->ditto_flag = TRUE;


void Preform::mark_nt_as_requiring_itself(nonterminal *nt) {
    nt->nonterminal_req.DS_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.DW_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));

void Preform::mark_nt_as_requiring_itself_first(nonterminal *nt) {
    nt->nonterminal_req.DS_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.DW_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.FS_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.FW_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));

void Preform::mark_nt_as_requiring_itself_conj(nonterminal *nt) {
    nt->nonterminal_req.DS_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.DW_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.CS_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.CW_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.FS_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.FW_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));

void Preform::mark_nt_as_requiring_itself_augmented(nonterminal *nt, int x) {
    nt->nonterminal_req.DS_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.DW_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    nt->nonterminal_req.CW_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt) + x);
    nt->nonterminal_req.FW_req |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt) + x);

void Preform::set_nt_incidence(vocabulary_entry *ve, nonterminal *nt) {
    int R = Vocabulary::get_ntb(ve);
    R |= (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt));
    Vocabulary::set_ntb(ve, R);

int Preform::test_nt_incidence(vocabulary_entry *ve, nonterminal *nt) {
    int R = Vocabulary::get_ntb(ve);
    if (R & (Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt))) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


int Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nonterminal *nt) {
    if (nt->nt_req_bit == -1) {
        int b = RESERVED_NT_BITS + ((no_req_bits++)%(32-RESERVED_NT_BITS));
        nt->nt_req_bit = (1 << b);
    return nt->nt_req_bit;

void Preform::assign_bitmap_bit(nonterminal *nt, int b) {
    if (nt == NULL) internal_error("null NT");
    nt->nt_req_bit = (1 << b);

int Preform::test_word(int wn, nonterminal *nt) {
    int b = Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt);
    if ((Vocabulary::get_ntb(Lexer::word(wn))) & b) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void Preform::mark_word(int wn, nonterminal *nt) {
    Preform::set_nt_incidence(Lexer::word(wn), nt);

void Preform::mark_vocabulary(vocabulary_entry *ve, nonterminal *nt) {
    Preform::set_nt_incidence(ve, nt);

int Preform::test_vocabulary(vocabulary_entry *ve, nonterminal *nt) {
    int b = Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt);
    if ((Vocabulary::get_ntb(ve)) & b) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Preform::get_range_disjunction(wording W) {
    int R = 0;
        R |= Vocabulary::get_ntb(Lexer::word(i));
    return R;

int Preform::get_range_conjunction(wording W) {
    int R = 0;
        if (i == Wordings::first_wn(W)) R = Vocabulary::get_ntb(Lexer::word(i));
        else R &= Vocabulary::get_ntb(Lexer::word(i));
    return R;


int Preform::nt_bitmap_violates(wording W, range_requirement *req) {
    if (req->no_requirements) return FALSE;
    if (Wordings::length(W) == 1) {
        int bm = Vocabulary::get_ntb(Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W)));
        if (((bm) & (req->FS_req)) != (req->FS_req)) return TRUE;
        if ((((bm) & (req->FW_req)) == 0) && (req->FW_req)) return TRUE;
        if (((bm) & (req->DS_req)) != (req->DS_req)) return TRUE;
        if ((((bm) & (req->DW_req)) == 0) && (req->DW_req)) return TRUE;
        if (((bm) & (req->CS_req)) != (req->CS_req)) return TRUE;
        if ((((bm) & (req->CW_req)) == 0) && (req->CW_req)) return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
    int C_set = ((req->CS_req) | (req->CW_req));
    int D_set = ((req->DS_req) | (req->DW_req));
    int F_set = ((req->FS_req) | (req->FW_req));
    if ((C_set) && (D_set)) {
        int disj = 0;
            int bm = Vocabulary::get_ntb(Lexer::word(i));
            disj |= bm;
            if (((bm) & (req->CS_req)) != (req->CS_req)) return TRUE;
            if ((((bm) & (req->CW_req)) == 0) && (req->CW_req)) return TRUE;
            if ((i == Wordings::first_wn(W)) && (F_set)) {
                if (((bm) & (req->FS_req)) != (req->FS_req)) return TRUE;
                if ((((bm) & (req->FW_req)) == 0) && (req->FW_req)) return TRUE;
        if (((disj) & (req->DS_req)) != (req->DS_req)) return TRUE;
        if ((((disj) & (req->DW_req)) == 0) && (req->DW_req)) return TRUE;
    } else if (C_set) {
            int bm = Vocabulary::get_ntb(Lexer::word(i));
            if (((bm) & (req->CS_req)) != (req->CS_req)) return TRUE;
            if ((((bm) & (req->CW_req)) == 0) && (req->CW_req)) return TRUE;
            if ((i == Wordings::first_wn(W)) && (F_set)) {
                if (((bm) & (req->FS_req)) != (req->FS_req)) return TRUE;
                if ((((bm) & (req->FW_req)) == 0) && (req->FW_req)) return TRUE;
    } else if (D_set) {
        int disj = 0;
            int bm = Vocabulary::get_ntb(Lexer::word(i));
            disj |= bm;
            if ((i == Wordings::first_wn(W)) && (F_set)) {
                if (((bm) & (req->FS_req)) != (req->FS_req)) return TRUE;
                if ((((bm) & (req->FW_req)) == 0) && (req->FW_req)) return TRUE;
        if (((disj) & (req->DS_req)) != (req->DS_req)) return TRUE;
        if ((((disj) & (req->DW_req)) == 0) && (req->DW_req)) return TRUE;
    } else if (F_set) {
        int bm = Vocabulary::get_ntb(Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W)));
        if (((bm) & (req->FS_req)) != (req->FS_req)) return TRUE;
        if ((((bm) & (req->FW_req)) == 0) && (req->FW_req)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§36. The first operation on RRs is concatenation. Suppose we are required to match some words against X, then some more against Y.

void Preform::concatenate_rreq(range_requirement *req, range_requirement *with) {
    req->DS_req = Preform::concatenate_ds(req->DS_req, with->DS_req);
    req->DW_req = Preform::concatenate_dw(req->DW_req, with->DW_req);
    req->CS_req = Preform::concatenate_cs(req->CS_req, with->CS_req);
    req->CW_req = Preform::concatenate_cw(req->CW_req, with->CW_req);
    req->FS_req = Preform::concatenate_fs(req->FS_req, with->FS_req);
    req->FW_req = Preform::concatenate_fw(req->FW_req, with->FW_req);

§37. The strong requirements are well-defined. Suppose all of the bits of m1 are found in X, and all of the bits of m2 are found in Y. Then clearly all of the bits in the union of these two sets are found in XY, and that's the strongest requirement we can make. So:

int Preform::concatenate_ds(int m1, int m2) {
    return m1 | m2;

§38. Similarly, suppose all of the bits of m1 are found in every word of X, and all of those of m2 are in every word of Y. The most which can be said about every word of XY is to take the intersection, so:

int Preform::concatenate_cs(int m1, int m2) {
    return m1 & m2;

§39. Now suppose that at least one bit of m1 can be found in X, and one bit of m2 can be found in Y. This gives us two pieces of information about XY, and we can freely choose which to go for: we may as well pick m1 and say that one bit of m1 can be found in XY. In principle we ought to choose the rarest for best effect, but that's too much work.

int Preform::concatenate_dw(int m1, int m2) {
    if (m1 == 0) return m2;  the case where we have no information about X
    if (m2 == 0) return m1;  and about Y
    return m1;  the general case discussed above

§40. Now suppose that each word of X matches at least one bit of m1, and similarly for Y and m2. Then each word of XY matches at least one bit of the union, so:

int Preform::concatenate_cw(int m1, int m2) {
    if (m1 == 0) return 0;  the case where we have no information about X
    if (m2 == 0) return 0;  and about Y
    return m1 | m2;  the general case discussed above

§41. The first word of XY is the first word of X, so:

int Preform::concatenate_fs(int m1, int m2) {
    return m1;

int Preform::concatenate_fw(int m1, int m2) {
    return m1;

§42. The second operation is disjunction: we'll write X/Y, meaning that the text has to match either X or Y. This is easier, since it amounts to a disguised form of de Morgan's laws.

void Preform::disjoin_rreq(range_requirement *req, range_requirement *with) {
    req->DS_req = Preform::disjoin_ds(req->DS_req, with->DS_req);
    req->DW_req = Preform::disjoin_dw(req->DW_req, with->DW_req);
    req->CS_req = Preform::disjoin_cs(req->CS_req, with->CS_req);
    req->CW_req = Preform::disjoin_cw(req->CW_req, with->CW_req);
    req->FS_req = Preform::disjoin_fs(req->FS_req, with->FS_req);
    req->FW_req = Preform::disjoin_fw(req->FW_req, with->FW_req);

§43. Suppose all of the bits of m1 are found in X, and all of the bits of m2 are found in Y. Then the best we can say is that all of the bits in the intersection of these two sets are found in X/Y. (If they have no bits in common, we can't say anything.)

int Preform::disjoin_ds(int m1, int m2) {
    return m1 & m2;

§44. Similarly, suppose all of the bits of m1 are found in every word of X, and all of those of m2 are in every word of Y. The most which can be said about every word of XY is to take the intersection, so:

int Preform::disjoin_cs(int m1, int m2) {
    return m1 & m2;

§45. Now suppose that at least one bit of m1 can be found in X, and one bit of m2 can be found in Y. All we can say is that one of these various bits must be found in X/Y, so:

int Preform::disjoin_dw(int m1, int m2) {
    if (m1 == 0) return 0;  the case where we have no information about X
    if (m2 == 0) return 0;  and about Y
    return m1 | m2;  the general case discussed above

§46. And exactly the same is true for conjunctions:

int Preform::disjoin_cw(int m1, int m2) {
    if (m1 == 0) return 0;  the case where we have no information about X
    if (m2 == 0) return 0;  and about Y
    return m1 | m2;  the general case discussed above

int Preform::disjoin_fw(int m1, int m2) {
    return Preform::disjoin_cw(m1, m2);

int Preform::disjoin_fs(int m1, int m2) {
    return Preform::disjoin_cs(m1, m2);

void Preform::clear_rreq(range_requirement *req) {
    req->DS_req = 0; req->DW_req = 0;
    req->CS_req = 0; req->CW_req = 0;
    req->FS_req = 0; req->FW_req = 0;

void Preform::atomic_rreq(range_requirement *req, nonterminal *nt) {
    int b = Preform::nt_bitmap_bit(nt);
    req->DS_req = b; req->DW_req = b;
    req->CS_req = b; req->CW_req = b;
    req->FS_req = 0; req->FW_req = 0;

void Preform::log_range_requirement(range_requirement *req) {
    if (req->DW_req) { LOG(" DW: %08x", req->DW_req); }
    if (req->DS_req) { LOG(" DS: %08x", req->DS_req); }
    if (req->CW_req) { LOG(" CW: %08x", req->CW_req); }
    if (req->CS_req) { LOG(" CS: %08x", req->CS_req); }
    if (req->FW_req) { LOG(" FW: %08x", req->FW_req); }
    if (req->FS_req) { LOG(" FS: %08x", req->FS_req); }

§47. Now to define elasticity:

int Preform::ptoken_width(ptoken *pt) {
    int min, max;
    Preform::ptoken_extrema(pt, &min, &max);
    if (min != max) return PTOKEN_ELASTIC;
    return min;

§48. An interesting point here is that the negation of a ptoken can in principle have any length, except that we specified ^ example to match only a single word — any word other than "example". So the extrema for ^ example are 1 and 1, whereas for ^ <sample-nonterminal> they would have to be 0 and infinity.

void Preform::ptoken_extrema(ptoken *pt, int *min_t, int *max_t) {
    *min_t = 1; *max_t = 1;
    if (pt->negated_ptoken) {
        if (pt->ptoken_category != FIXED_WORD_PTC) { *min_t = 0; *max_t = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT; }
    switch (pt->ptoken_category) {
        case NONTERMINAL_PTC:
            Preform::optimise_nt(pt->nt_pt);  recurse as needed to find its extrema
            *min_t = pt->nt_pt->min_nt_words;
            *max_t = pt->nt_pt->max_nt_words;
            *max_t = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT;
            *min_t = 0;
            *max_t = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT;

§49. Parsing. Since I have found that well-known computer programmers look at me strangely when I tell them that Inform doesn't use yacc, or antlr, or for that matter any of the elegant theory of LALR parsers, perhaps an explanation is called for.

One reason is that I am sceptical that formal grammars specify natural language terribly well — which is ironic, considering that the relevant computer science, dating from the 1950s and 1960s, was strongly influenced by Noam Chomsky's generative linguistics. Such formal descriptions tend to be too rigid to be applied universally. The classical use case for yacc is to manage hierarchies of associative operators on different levels: well, natural language doesn't have those.

Another reason is that yacc-style grammars tend to react badly to uncompliant input: that is, they correctly reject it, but are bad at diagnosing the problem, and at recovering their wits afterwards. For Inform purposes, this would be too sloppy: the user more often miscompiles than compiles, and quality lies in how good our problem messages are in reply.

Lastly, there are two pragmatic reasons. In order to make Preform grammar extensible, we couldn't use a parser-compiler like yacc anyway: we have to interpret our grammar, not compile code to parse it. And we also want speed; folk wisdom has it that yacc parsers are about half as fast as a shrewdly hand-coded equivalent. (gcc abandoned the use of bison for exactly this reason some years ago.) Until Preform's arrival in February 2011, Inform had a hard-coded syntax analyser scattered throughout its code, which often made what were provably the minimum possible number of comparisons. Even Preform's parser is intentionally lean.

§50. Make of that apologia what you will. Speed is important in the following code, but not critical: I optimised it until profiling showed that Inform spent only about 6\% of its time here.

int ptraci = FALSE;  in this mode, we trace parsing to the debugging log
int preform_lookahead_mode = FALSE;  in this mode, we are looking ahead
int fail_nonterminal_quantum = 0;  jump forward by this many words in lookahead
void *preform_backtrack = NULL;  position to backtrack from in voracious internal

int Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(nonterminal *nt, wording W, int *result,
    void **result_p) {
    time_t start_of_nt = time(0);
    if (nt == NULL) internal_error("can't parse a null nonterminal");
    int success_rval = TRUE;  what to return in the event of a successful match
    fail_nonterminal_quantum = 0;

    int teppic = ptraci;  Teppic saves Ptraci
    ptraci = nt->watched;

    if (ptraci) {
        if (preform_lookahead_mode) ptraci = FALSE;
        else LOG("%V: <%W>\n", nt->nonterminal_id, W);

    int input_length = Wordings::length(W);
    if ((nt->max_nt_words == 0) ||
        ((input_length >= nt->min_nt_words) && (input_length <= nt->max_nt_words))) {
        Try to match the input text to the nonterminal50.2;

    The nonterminal has failed to parse50.1;

§50.1. The routine ends here...

The nonterminal has failed to parse50.1 =

    if (ptraci) LOG("Failed %V (time %d)\n", nt->nonterminal_id, time(0)-start_of_nt);
    ptraci = teppic;
    return FALSE;

§.1. ...unless a match was made, in which case it ends here. At this point Q and QP will hold the results of the match.

The nonterminal has successfully parsed.1 =

    if (result) *result = Q; if (result_p) *result_p = QP;
    most_recent_result = Q; most_recent_result_p = QP;
    ptraci = teppic;
    return success_rval;

§50.2. Here we see that a successful voracious NT returns the word number it got to, rather than TRUE. Otherwise this is straightforward: we delegate to an internal NT, or try all possible productions for an external one.


Try to match the input text to the nonterminal50.2 =

    int unoptimised = FALSE;
    if ((Wordings::empty(W)) || (input_length >= RANGE_OPTIMISATION_LENGTH))
        unoptimised = TRUE;
    if (nt->internal_definition) {
        if (nt->voracious) unoptimised = TRUE;
        if ((unoptimised) || (Preform::nt_bitmap_violates(W, &(nt->nonterminal_req)) == FALSE)) {
            int r, Q; void *QP = NULL;
            if (Wordings::first_wn(W) >= 0) r = (*(nt->internal_definition))(W, &Q, &QP);
            else { r = FALSE; Q = 0; }
            if (r) {
                if (nt->voracious) success_rval = r;
                if (ptraci) LOG("Succeeded %d\n", time(0)-start_of_nt);
                The nonterminal has successfully parsed.1;
        } else {
            if (ptraci) {
                LOG("%V: <%W> violates ", nt->nonterminal_id, W);
    } else {
        if ((unoptimised) || (Preform::nt_bitmap_violates(W, &(nt->nonterminal_req)) == FALSE)) {
            void *acc_result = NULL;
            production_list *pl;
            for (pl = nt->first_production_list; pl; pl = pl->next_production_list) {
                PREFORM_LANGUAGE_TYPE *nl = pl->definition_language;
                if ((language_of_source_text == NULL) || (language_of_source_text == nl)) {
                    production *pr;
                    int last_v = FALSE;
                    for (pr = pl->first_production; pr; pr = pr->next_production) {
                        int violates = FALSE;
                        if (unoptimised == FALSE) {
                            if (pr->production_req.ditto_flag) violates = last_v;
                            else violates = Preform::nt_bitmap_violates(W, &(pr->production_req));
                            last_v = violates;
                        if (violates == FALSE) {
                            Parse the given production50.2.1;
                        } else {
                            if (ptraci) {
                                LOG("production in %V: ", nt->nonterminal_id);
                                Preform::log_production(pr, FALSE);
                                LOG(": <%W> violates ", W);
            if ((nt->multiplicitous) && (acc_result)) {
                int Q = TRUE; void *QP = acc_result;
                The nonterminal has successfully parsed.1;
        } else {
            if (ptraci) {
                LOG("%V: <%W> violates ", nt->nonterminal_id, W);

§50.2.1. So from here on we look only at the external case, where we're parsing the text against a production.

Parse the given production50.2.1 =

    if (ptraci) {
        Log the production match number50.2.1.1;
        Preform::log_production(pr, FALSE); LOG("\n");

    int slow_scan_needed = FALSE;
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    parse_node *added_to_result = NULL;
    if ((input_length >= pr->min_pr_words) && (input_length <= pr->max_pr_words)) {
        int Q; void *QP = NULL;
        Actually parse the given production, going to Fail if we can't50.2.1.2;

        #ifdef INSTRUMENTED_PREFORM  record the sentence containing the longest example
        if (Wordings::length(pr->sample_text) < Wordings::length(W)) pr->sample_text = W;

        if (ptraci) {
            Log the production match number50.2.1.1;
            LOG("succeeded (%s): ", (slow_scan_needed)?"slowly":"quickly");
            LOG("result: %d\n", Q); LOG_OUTDENT;
        The nonterminal has successfully parsed.1;

    if (ptraci) {
        Log the production match number50.2.1.1;
        #ifdef CORE_MODULE
        if (added_to_result) LOG("added to result (%s): $P\n",
            (slow_scan_needed)?"slowly":"quickly", added_to_result);
            LOG("failed (%s)\n", (slow_scan_needed)?"slowly":"quickly");

§ Log the production match number50.2.1.1 =

    if (pr->match_number >= 26) {
        LOG("production /%c%c/: ", 'a'+pr->match_number-26, 'a'+pr->match_number-26);
    } else {
        LOG("production /%c/: ", 'a'+pr->match_number);

§ Okay. So, the strategy is: a fast scan checking the easy things; if that's not sufficient, a slow scan checking the rest; then making sure brackets match, if there were any, and last composing the intermediate results into the final ones. For example, if the production is

    adjust the <achingly-slow> to the <exhaustive> at once

then the fast scan verifies the presence of "adjust the" and "at once"; the slow scan next looks for all occurrences of "to the", the single strut for this production; and only then does it test the two slow nonterminals on the intervening words, if there are any.

Actually parse the given production, going to Fail if we can't50.2.1.2 =

    int intermediates[MAX_RESULTS_PER_PRODUCTION];
    void *intermediate_ps[MAX_RESULTS_PER_PRODUCTION];
    int parsed_open_pos = -1, parsed_close_pos = -1;

    Try a fast scan through the production50.;
    if (slow_scan_needed) Try a slow scan through the production50.;

    if ((parsed_open_pos >= 0) && (parsed_close_pos >= 0))
        if (Wordings::paired_brackets(Wordings::new(parsed_open_pos, parsed_close_pos)) == FALSE)
            goto Fail;
    Compose and store the result50.;

§ Once we have successfully matched the line, we need to compose the intermediate results into a final result. If inweb has compiled a compositor routine for the nonterminal, we call it: note that it can then return FALSE to fail the production after all, and can even return FAIL_NONTERMINAL to abandon not just this production, but all of the productions. (This is quite useful as a way to put exceptional syntaxes into the grammar, since it can make subsequent productions only available in some cases.)

If there's no compositor then the integer result is the production's number, and the pointer result is null.

define FAIL_NONTERMINAL -100000

Compose and store the result50. =

    if (nt->result_compositor) {
        intermediates[0] = pr->match_number;
        int f = (*(nt->result_compositor))(&Q, &QP, intermediates, intermediate_ps, nt->range_result, W);
        if (f == FALSE) goto Fail;
        if (nt->multiplicitous) {
            #ifdef CORE_MODULE
            added_to_result = QP;
            acc_result = (void *) ParseTree::add_possible_reading((parse_node *) acc_result, QP, W);
            goto Fail;
        if ((f >= FAIL_NONTERMINAL) && (f < FAIL_NONTERMINAL_TO)) {
            fail_nonterminal_quantum = f - FAIL_NONTERMINAL;
            The nonterminal has failed to parse50.1;
    } else {
        Q = pr->match_number; QP = NULL;

§ In the fast scan, we check that all fixed words with known positions are in those positions.

Try a fast scan through the production50. =

    ptoken *pt;
    int wn = -1, tc;
    for (pt = pr->first_ptoken, tc = 0; pt; pt = pt->next_ptoken, tc++) {
        if (pt->ptoken_is_fast) {
            int p = pt->ptoken_position;
            if (p > 0) wn = Wordings::first_wn(W)+p-1;
            else if (p < 0) wn = Wordings::last_wn(W)+p+1;
            if (Preform::parse_fixed_word_ptoken(wn, pt) == FALSE) {
                slow_scan_needed = FALSE;
                goto Fail;  the word should have been here, and it wasn't
            if (pt->ve_pt == OPENBRACKET_V) parsed_open_pos = wn;
            if (pt->ve_pt == CLOSEBRACKET_V) parsed_close_pos = wn;
            checked[tc] = wn;
        } else {
            slow_scan_needed = TRUE;
            checked[tc] = -1;
    if ((slow_scan_needed == FALSE) && (wn != Wordings::last_wn(W))) goto Fail;  input text goes on further

§ The slow scan is more challenging. We want to loop through all possible strut positions, where by "possible" we mean that $$ s_i+\ell_i <= s_{i+1}, \quad i = 0, 1, ..., s $$ and that for each \(i\) the \(i\)-th strut matches the text beginning at \(s_i\).

Try a slow scan through the production50. =

    int spos[MAX_STRUTS_PER_PRODUCTION];  word numbers for where we are trying the struts
    int NS = pr->no_struts;
    Start from the lexicographically earliest strut position50.;
    ptoken *backtrack_token = NULL;
    int backtrack_index = -1, backtrack_to = -1, backtrack_tc = -1;
    while (TRUE) {
        Try a slow scan with the current strut positions50.;
        FailThisStrutPosition: ;
        if (backtrack_token) continue;
        Move on to the next strut position50.;

§ We start by finding the lexicographically earliest, i.e., we find the earliest possible position for \(s_0\), then the earliest position from \(s_0+\ell_0\) for \(s_1\), and so on. (Our wildcards are not greedy: we match with shortest possible text rather than longest.)

In all of the code below, the general case with NS greater than 1 is actually valid code for all cases, but experiment shows about a 5\% speed gain from handling the popular case of one strut separately.

Start from the lexicographically earliest strut position50. =

    if (NS == 1) {
        spos[0] = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W, pr->struts[0], pr->strut_lengths[0], Wordings::first_wn(W));
        if (spos[0] == -1) goto Fail;
    } else if (NS > 1) {
        int s, from = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        for (s=0; s<NS; s++) {
            spos[s] = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W, pr->struts[s], pr->strut_lengths[s], from);
            if (spos[s] == -1) goto Fail;
            from = spos[s] + pr->strut_lengths[s] + 1;

§ In the general case, we move the final strut forward if we can; if we can't, we move the penultimate one, then move the final one to the first subsequent position valid for it; and so on. Ultimately this results in the first strut being unable to move forwards, at which point, we've lost.

Move on to the next strut position50. =

    if (NS == 0) goto Fail;
    else if (NS == 1) {
        spos[0] = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W, pr->struts[0], pr->strut_lengths[0], spos[0]+1);
        if (spos[0] == -1) goto Fail;
    } else if (NS > 1) {
        int s;
        for (s=NS-1; s>=0; s--) {
            int n = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W, pr->struts[s], pr->strut_lengths[s], spos[s]+1);
            if (n != -1) { spos[s] = n; break; }
        if (s == -1) goto Fail;
        int from = spos[s] + 1; s++;
        for (; s<NS; s++) {
            spos[s] = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W, pr->struts[s], pr->strut_lengths[s], from);
            if (spos[s] == -1) goto Fail;
            from = spos[s] + pr->strut_lengths[s] + 1;

§ We can now forget about struts, thankfully, and check the remaining unchecked ptokens.

Try a slow scan with the current strut positions50. =

    int wn = Wordings::first_wn(W), tc;
    ptoken *pt, *nextpt;
    if (backtrack_token) {
        pt = backtrack_token; nextpt = backtrack_token->next_ptoken;
        tc = backtrack_tc; wn = backtrack_to;
        goto Reenter;
    for (pt = pr->first_ptoken, nextpt = (pt)?(pt->next_ptoken):NULL, tc = 0;
        pt = nextpt, nextpt = (pt)?(pt->next_ptoken):NULL, tc++) {
        Reenter: ;
        int known_pos = checked[tc];
        if (known_pos >= 0) {
            if (wn > known_pos) goto Fail;  a theoretical possibility if strut lookahead overreaches
            wn = known_pos+1;
        } else {
            if (pt->range_starts >= 0) nt->range_result[pt->range_starts] = Wordings::one_word(wn);
            switch (pt->ptoken_category) {
                case FIXED_WORD_PTC: Match a fixed word ptoken50.; break;
                case SINGLE_WILDCARD_PTC: Match a single wildcard ptoken50.; break;
                case MULTIPLE_WILDCARD_PTC: Match a multiple wildcard ptoken50.; break;
                case POSSIBLY_EMPTY_WILDCARD_PTC: Match a possibly empty wildcard ptoken50.; break;
                case NONTERMINAL_PTC: Match a nonterminal ptoken50.; break;
            if (pt->range_ends >= 0)
                nt->range_result[pt->range_ends] = Wordings::up_to(nt->range_result[pt->range_ends], wn-1);
    if (wn != Wordings::last_wn(W)+1) goto FailThisStrutPosition;

§ Match a fixed word ptoken50. =

    int q = Preform::parse_fixed_word_ptoken(wn, pt);
    if (q == FALSE) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    if (pt->ve_pt == OPENBRACKET_V) parsed_open_pos = wn;
    if (pt->ve_pt == CLOSEBRACKET_V) parsed_close_pos = wn;

§ Match a single wildcard ptoken50. =


§ Match a multiple wildcard ptoken50. =

    if (wn > Wordings::last_wn(W)) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    int wt;
    Calculate how much to stretch this elastic ptoken50.;
    if (wn > wt) goto FailThisStrutPosition;  zero length
    if (pt->balanced_wildcard) {
        int i, bl = 0;
        for (i=wn; i<=wt; i++) {
            if ((Lexer::word(i) == OPENBRACKET_V) || (Lexer::word(i) == OPENBRACE_V)) bl++;
            if ((Lexer::word(i) == CLOSEBRACKET_V) || (Lexer::word(i) == CLOSEBRACE_V)) {
                if (bl < 0) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
        if (bl != 0) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    wn = wt+1;

§ Match a possibly empty wildcard ptoken50. =

    int wt;
    Calculate how much to stretch this elastic ptoken50.;
    wn = wt+1;

§ A voracious nonterminal is offered the entire rest of the word range, and returns how much it ate. Otherwise, we offer the maximum amount of space available: if, for word-count reasons, that's never going to match, then we rely on the recursive call to Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range returning a quick no.

Match a nonterminal ptoken50. =

    if ((wn > Wordings::last_wn(W)) && (pt->nt_pt->min_nt_words > 0)) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    int wt;
    if (pt->nt_pt->voracious) wt = Wordings::last_wn(W);
    else if ((pt->nt_pt->min_nt_words > 0) && (pt->nt_pt->min_nt_words == pt->nt_pt->max_nt_words))
        wt = wn + pt->nt_pt->min_nt_words - 1;
    else Calculate how much to stretch this elastic ptoken50.;

    if (pt == backtrack_token) {
        if (ptraci)
            LOG("Reached backtrack position %V: <%W>\n",
                pt->nt_pt->nonterminal_id, Wordings::new(wn, wt));
        preform_backtrack = intermediate_ps[pt->result_index];
    if (ptraci) LOG_INDENT;
    int q = Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(pt->nt_pt, Wordings::new(wn, wt),
        &(intermediates[pt->result_index]), &(intermediate_ps[pt->result_index]));
    if (ptraci) LOG_OUTDENT;
    if (pt == backtrack_token) { preform_backtrack = NULL; backtrack_token = NULL; }
    if (pt->nt_pt->voracious) {
        if (q > 0) { wt = q; q = TRUE; }
        else if (q < 0) { wt = -q; q = TRUE;
            backtrack_index = pt->result_index; backtrack_to = wn;
            backtrack_token = pt; backtrack_tc = tc;
            if (ptraci)
                LOG("Set backtrack position %V: <%W>\n",
                    pt->nt_pt->nonterminal_id, Wordings::new(wn, wt));
        } else { wt = wn; }
    if (pt->negated_ptoken) q = q?FALSE:TRUE;
    if (q == FALSE) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    if (pt->nt_pt->max_nt_words > 0) wn = wt+1;

§ How much text from the input should this ptoken match? We feed it as much as possible, and to calculate that, we must either be at the end of the run, or else know exactly where the next ptoken starts: because its position is known, or because it's a strut.

This is why two elastic nonterminals in a row won't parse correctly:

    frog <amphibian> <pond-preference> toad

Preform is unable to work out where the central boundary will occur. In theory it should try every possibility. But that's inefficient: in practice the solution is to write the grammar to minimise these cases, and then to set up <amphibian> as a voracious token, so that it decides the boundary position for itself. (If <amphibian> is not voracious, the following calculation probably gives the wrong answer.)

Calculate how much to stretch this elastic ptoken50. =

    ptoken *lookahead = nextpt;
    if (lookahead == NULL) wt = Wordings::last_wn(W);
    else {
        int p = lookahead->ptoken_position;
        if (p > 0) wt = Wordings::first_wn(W)+p-2;
        else if (p < 0) wt = Wordings::last_wn(W)+p;
        else if (lookahead->strut_number >= 0) wt = spos[lookahead->strut_number]-1;
        else if ((lookahead->nt_pt)
            && (pt->negated_ptoken == FALSE)
            && (Preform::ptoken_width(pt) == PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) {
            wt = -1;
            nonterminal *target = lookahead->nt_pt;
            int save_preform_lookahead_mode = preform_lookahead_mode;
            preform_lookahead_mode = TRUE;
            for (int j = wn+1; j <= Wordings::last_wn(W); j++) {
                if (Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(target, Wordings::new(j, Wordings::last_wn(W)), NULL, NULL)) {
                    if ((pt->nt_pt == NULL) ||
                        (Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(pt->nt_pt, Wordings::new(wn, j-1), NULL, NULL))) {
                        wt = j-1; break;
                } else {
                    if (fail_nonterminal_quantum > 0) j += fail_nonterminal_quantum - 1;
            preform_lookahead_mode = save_preform_lookahead_mode;
            if (wt < 0) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
        } else wt = wn;

§51. Here we find the next possible match position for the strut beginning start and of width len in words, which begins at word from or after. Note that the strut might run up right to the end of the input text: for example, in

    neckties ... tied ***

the word "tied" is a strut, because the *** makes its position uncertain, but since *** might match the empty text, "tied" might legally be the last word in the input text.

int Preform::next_strut_posn_after(wording W, ptoken *start, int len, int from) {
    int last_legal_position = Wordings::last_wn(W) - len + 1;
    while (from <= last_legal_position) {
        ptoken *pt;
        int pos = from;
        for (pt = start; pt; pt = pt->next_ptoken) {
            if (pt->ptoken_category == FIXED_WORD_PTC) {
                if (Preform::parse_fixed_word_ptoken(pos, pt)) pos++;
                else break;
            } else {
                int q = Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(pt->nt_pt,
                    Wordings::new(pos, pos+pt->nt_pt->max_nt_words-1),
                    NULL, NULL);
                if (pt->negated_ptoken) q = q?FALSE:TRUE;
                if (q) pos += pt->nt_pt->max_nt_words;
                else break;
            if (pos-from >= len) return from;
    return -1;

§52. Finally, a single fixed word, with its annotations and alternatives.

int Preform::parse_fixed_word_ptoken(int wn, ptoken *pt) {
    vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(wn);
    int m = pt->disallow_unexpected_upper;
    ptoken *alt;
    for (alt = pt; alt; alt = alt->alternative_ptoken)
        if ((ve == alt->ve_pt) &&
            ((m == FALSE) || (Word::unexpectedly_upper_case(wn) == FALSE)))
            return (pt->negated_ptoken)?FALSE:TRUE;
    return (pt->negated_ptoken)?TRUE:FALSE;

§53. Reading Preform syntax from a file.

wording Preform::load_from_file(filename *F) {
    feed_t id = Feeds::begin();
    if (TextFiles::read(F, FALSE,
        NULL, FALSE, Preform::preform_helper, NULL, NULL) == FALSE)
        internal_error("Unable to open Preform definition");
    return Feeds::end(id);

§54. We simply feed the lines one at a time:

void Preform::preform_helper(text_stream *item_name,
    text_file_position *tfp, void *vnl) {
    WRITE_TO(item_name, "\n");
    Feeds::feed_stream_punctuated(item_name, PREFORM_PUNCTUATION_MARKS);