How changes to storage objects are translated into C.

§1. References identify storage objects which are being written to or otherwise modified, rather than having their current contents read.

There are seven possible ways to modify something identified by a reference, and we need constants to identify these ways at runtime:

#define i7_lvalue_SET 1
#define i7_lvalue_PREDEC 2
#define i7_lvalue_POSTDEC 3
#define i7_lvalue_PREINC 4
#define i7_lvalue_POSTINC 5
#define i7_lvalue_SETBIT 6
#define i7_lvalue_CLEARBIT 7

§2. Those seven ways correspond to seven Inter primitives, with the following signatures:

primitive !store         ref val -> val
primitive !preincrement  ref -> val
primitive !postincrement ref -> val
primitive !predecrement  ref -> val
primitive !postdecrement ref -> val
primitive !setbit        ref val -> void
primitive !clearbit      ref val -> void

Since C functions can have their return values freely ignored, we will in fact implement !setbit and !clearbit as if they too had the signature ref val -> val.

For all these primitives, then, the first operand A1 is a ref, and the following function should be used to generate from it:

void CReferences::A1_as_ref(code_generation *gen, inter_tree_node *P) {
    C_GEN_DATA(memdata.next_node_is_a_ref) = TRUE;
    Vanilla::node(gen, InterTree::first_child(P));
    C_GEN_DATA(memdata.next_node_is_a_ref) = FALSE;

§3. That sets a temporary mode which is immediately detected and cleared by the generator for whatever A1 actually is. That generator is expected to call this function to detect whether it's a ref. In this mode, A1 is compiled not to a valid C expression to evaluate the contents of A1, but instead to a function call which will modify A1, and which is missing one or two final arguments.

Note that the mode is auto-exited at once. This is all a bit clumsy, but is correct.

int CReferences::am_I_a_ref(code_generation *gen) {
    int answer = C_GEN_DATA(memdata.next_node_is_a_ref);
    C_GEN_DATA(memdata.next_node_is_a_ref) = FALSE;
    return answer;

§4. So, then, here goes:

int CReferences::invoke_primitive(code_generation *gen, inter_ti bip, inter_tree_node *P) {
    text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen);
    text_stream *store_form = NULL;
    switch (bip) {
        case STORE_BIP:         store_form = I"i7_lvalue_SET"; break;
        case PREINCREMENT_BIP:  store_form = I"i7_lvalue_PREINC"; break;
        case POSTINCREMENT_BIP: store_form = I"i7_lvalue_POSTINC"; break;
        case PREDECREMENT_BIP:  store_form = I"i7_lvalue_PREDEC"; break;
        case POSTDECREMENT_BIP: store_form = I"i7_lvalue_POSTDEC"; break;
        case SETBIT_BIP:        store_form = I"i7_lvalue_SETBIT"; break;
        case CLEARBIT_BIP:      store_form = I"i7_lvalue_CLEARBIT"; break;
        default: return NOT_APPLICABLE;
    if (store_form) This does indeed modify a value by reference4.1;
    return FALSE;

§4.1. Some storage objects, like variables, can be generated to C code which works in either an lvalue or rvalue context. For example, the Inter variable frog generates just as the C variable i7_mgl_frog.1 It's then fine to generate code like either 10 + i7_mgl_frog, where it is used in a val context, or like i7_mgl_frog++, where it is used in a ref context.

But other storage objects are not so lucky, and those need to generate to different function calls, one used in a ref setting, one used in a val. That's what is done by the "A1 as ref" mode set up above.

This does indeed modify a value by reference4.1 =

    inter_tree_node *ref = InterTree::first_child(P);
    if ((CMemoryModel::handle_store_by_ref(gen, ref)) ||
        (CObjectModel::handle_store_by_ref(gen, ref))) {
        Handle the ref using the incomplete-function mode4.1.1;
    } else {
        Handle the ref with C code working either as lvalue or rvalue4.1.2;

§4.1.1. Handle the ref using the incomplete-function mode4.1.1 =

    WRITE("("); CReferences::A1_as_ref(gen, P);
    if (bip == STORE_BIP) { VNODE_2C; } else { WRITE("0"); }
    WRITE(", %S))", store_form);

§4.1.2. Handle the ref with C code working either as lvalue or rvalue4.1.2 =

    switch (bip) {
        case PREINCREMENT_BIP:  WRITE("++("); VNODE_1C; WRITE(")"); break;
        case POSTINCREMENT_BIP: WRITE("("); VNODE_1C; WRITE(")++"); break;
        case PREDECREMENT_BIP:  WRITE("--("); VNODE_1C; WRITE(")"); break;
        case POSTDECREMENT_BIP: WRITE("("); VNODE_1C; WRITE(")--"); break;
        case STORE_BIP:         WRITE("("); VNODE_1C; WRITE(" = "); VNODE_2C; WRITE(")"); break;
        case SETBIT_BIP:        VNODE_1C; WRITE(" = "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(" | "); VNODE_2C; break;
        case CLEARBIT_BIP:      VNODE_1C; WRITE(" = "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(" &~ ("); VNODE_2C; WRITE(")"); break;


char *i7_read_string(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t S);
void i7_write_string(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t S, char *A);
i7word_t *i7_read_list(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t S, int *N);
void i7_write_list(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t S, i7word_t *A, int L);
i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_TEXT_TY_Transmute(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_txt);
i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_BlkValueRead(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_from, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_pos, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_do_not_indirect, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_long_block, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_chunk_size_in_bytes, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_header_size_in_bytes, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_flags, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_entry_size_in_bytes, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_seek_byte_position);
i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_BlkValueWrite(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_to, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_pos, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_val, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_do_not_indirect, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_long_block, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_chunk_size_in_bytes, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_header_size_in_bytes, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_flags, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_entry_size_in_bytes, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_seek_byte_position);
i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_txt, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_ch, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_dsize, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_p, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_cp, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_r);

char *i7_read_string(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t S) {
    fn_i7_mgl_TEXT_TY_Transmute(proc, S);
    int L = fn_i7_mgl_TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(proc, S, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    char *A = malloc(L + 1);
    if (A == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc);
    for (int i=0; i<L; i++) A[i] = fn_i7_mgl_BlkValueRead(proc, S, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    A[L] = 0;
    return A;

void i7_write_string(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t S, char *A) {
    fn_i7_mgl_TEXT_TY_Transmute(proc, S);
    fn_i7_mgl_BlkValueWrite(proc, S, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    if (A) {
        int L = strlen(A);
        for (int i=0; i<L; i++) fn_i7_mgl_BlkValueWrite(proc, S, i, A[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_LIST_OF_TY_GetLength(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_list);
i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_LIST_OF_TY_SetLength(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_list, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_newsize, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_this_way_only, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_truncation_end, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_no_items, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_ex, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_dv);
i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_LIST_OF_TY_GetItem(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_list, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_forgive, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_no_items);
i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_LIST_OF_TY_PutItem(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_list, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_v, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_no_items, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_nv);

i7word_t *i7_read_list(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t S, int *N) {
    int L = fn_i7_mgl_LIST_OF_TY_GetLength(proc, S);
    i7word_t *A = calloc(L + 1, sizeof(i7word_t));
    if (A == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc);
    for (int i=0; i<L; i++) A[i] = fn_i7_mgl_LIST_OF_TY_GetItem(proc, S, i+1, 0, 0);
    A[L] = 0;
    if (N) *N = L;
    return A;

void i7_write_list(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t S, i7word_t *A, int L) {
    fn_i7_mgl_LIST_OF_TY_SetLength(proc, S, L, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    if (A) {
        for (int i=0; i<L; i++)
            fn_i7_mgl_LIST_OF_TY_PutItem(proc, S, i+1, A[i], 0, 0);