Blocks of code are used to give conditionals and loops greater scope, as in more traditional programming languages.

§1. During code compilation, we must keep track of statement blocks: those forming the body of "if", "while" or "repeat". The phrase as a whole does not count as a block as such, unlike in C. In the following example, S is the "scope level", i.e., the number of blocks currently open:

To show what this means:
    if the player is in the Arboretum:                                    = 0
        say "You are surrounded by trees.";                               = 1
        repeat with the menace running through trees in the Arboretum:    = 1
            say "[The menace] crowds in.";                                = 2
    otherwise:                                                            = 0
        say "This is a thankfully open space."                            = 1

In principle, this information belongs to the current stack frame, since it's within the context of a stack frame that code is compiled. But it would be wasteful to store arrays for statement blocks inside every stack frame structure, because in practice we only compile within one stack frame at a time, and we finish each before beginning the next. So we store the block stack in the only instance of a private structure.

define MAX_BLOCK_NESTING 50  largest possible value of S at any position
typedef struct block_stack {
    int pb_sp;  stack pointer for the block stack which follows:
    struct phrase_block pb_stack[MAX_BLOCK_NESTING+1];
} block_stack;

typedef struct phrase_block {
    struct control_structure_phrase *from_structure;  e.g., "if" or "while"
    struct parse_node *block_location;  where block begins
    struct parse_node *switch_val;  for a switch statement
    struct inter_schema *tail_schema;  code to add when the block closes
    struct csi_state compilation_state;  details needed to compile that code
    int label_following;  or -1 if none is used
} phrase_block;

§2. Pushing, popping. We need to keep track of two positions on the stack: the top (filled) entry, and, sometimes, the one above it.

block_stack current_block_stack;
phrase_block *block_being_compiled = NULL;  the one being compiled, if any
phrase_block *block_being_opened = NULL;  the one about to open, if any

§3. We need to be careful changing any of these without keeping the others in line, so the only code allowed to change them is here:

void CodeBlocks::empty_stack(void) {
    current_block_stack.pb_sp = 0;
    block_being_compiled = NULL;
    block_being_opened = NULL;

§4. Pushing happens in two stages. First we make a pointer to what will be, but is not yet, the top of the stack:

void CodeBlocks::prepush_stack(void) {
    block_being_opened = &(current_block_stack.pb_stack[current_block_stack.pb_sp]);

§5. And then we actually increment the stack pointer:

void CodeBlocks::push_stack(void) {
    block_being_compiled = block_being_opened;
    block_being_opened = NULL;

§6. Popping is easier:

void CodeBlocks::pop_stack(void) {
    if (current_block_stack.pb_sp > 0)
        block_being_compiled = &(current_block_stack.pb_stack[current_block_stack.pb_sp - 1]);
        block_being_compiled = NULL;
    block_being_opened = NULL;  which should be true anyway

§7. Activation and deactivation. If a phrase needs code blocks, Inform should call this when compilation begins:

void CodeBlocks::begin_code_blocks(void) {
    if (Frames::current_stack_frame() == NULL)
        internal_error("tried to use blocks outside stack frame");
    if (block_being_compiled)
        internal_error("tried to begin block stack already in use");
    CodeBlocks::empty_stack();  which it should be anyway
    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "Block stack now active\n");

§8. And this when it ends. The stack should in fact be empty, but just in case we are recovering from some kind of problem, we'll empty anything somehow left on it.

void CodeBlocks::end_code_blocks(void) {
    while (block_being_compiled) {
        current_sentence = block_being_compiled->block_location;
    block_being_compiled = NULL;
    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "Block stack now inactive\n");

§9. The life of a block. So now let's follow what happens when a block is being compiled. Suppose we have:

repeat through the Table of Odds:

When Inform begins to compile this invocation, it observes that the phrase being invoked is followed by a code block, and calls the following routine to warn us. (That doesn't mean the block is opening yet: the setup code for the loop hasn't been compiled yet.)

void CodeBlocks::beginning_block_phrase(control_structure_phrase *csp) {
    if (current_block_stack.pb_sp == MAX_BLOCK_NESTING) {
        if (problem_count == 0) internal_error("block stack overflow");
    Construct the next phrase block9.1;

§9.1. In the case of a repeat through a Table, we need to create two loop variables. In addition to those, the loop we're compiling will inevitably change the two row selection variables (always called ct_0 and ct_1), so we need to protect their contents; we push them onto the stack before the loop begins, and pull them again when it finishes.

Construct the next phrase block9.1 =

    block_being_opened->switch_val = NULL;
    block_being_opened->tail_schema = NULL;
    block_being_opened->block_location = current_sentence;
    block_being_opened->from_structure = csp;
    block_being_opened->label_following = -1;

§10. Slightly later on, we know these:

void CodeBlocks::attach_back_schema(inter_schema *I, csi_state CSIS) {
    block_being_opened->switch_val = NULL;
    if (Invocations::get_no_tokens(CSIS.inv) > 0)
        block_being_opened->switch_val = CSIS.tokens->token_vals[0];
    block_being_opened->tail_schema = I;
    block_being_opened->compilation_state = CSIS;

§11. At this next stage, the preliminary code for the loop (if it's a loop) has been compiled, and we're ready to open the actual block:

void CodeBlocks::open_code_block(void) {
    if (current_block_stack.pb_sp != MAX_BLOCK_NESTING) CodeBlocks::push_stack();
    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "Start of block level %d\n", current_block_stack.pb_sp);

§12. A division in a code block occurs at the "otherwise" point of an "if", for example, but also for cases in a switch-style "if", so there can be many of them.

void CodeBlocks::divide_code_block(void) {
    if (block_being_compiled == NULL) return;  for problem recovery only
    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "Division in block level %d\n", current_block_stack.pb_sp);

§13. Whatever we pushed earlier, we now pull:

void CodeBlocks::close_code_block(void) {
    if (block_being_compiled == NULL) return;  for problem recovery only
    if (block_being_compiled->label_following >= 0) {
        WRITE_TO(TL, ".loop_break_%d", block_being_compiled->label_following);

    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "End of block level %d\n", current_block_stack.pb_sp);

§14. Bodies. Are we in the body of a loop, perhaps indirectly?

int CodeBlocks::inside_a_loop_body(void) {
    int i;
    for (i = current_block_stack.pb_sp-1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (ControlStructures::is_a_loop(current_block_stack.pb_stack[i].from_structure))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§15. What can we find about the block we are most immediately in? Note that if there is no current block stack, we behave as if the block stack were empty, but (as long as nobody tries to open or close any blocks) no internal errors are issued. This allows the typechecker to run even when there is no current block stack, which is important when typechecking an expression whose evaluation requires the use of a phrase.

int CodeBlocks::current_block_level(void) {
    return current_block_stack.pb_sp;

wchar_t *CodeBlocks::name_of_current_block(void) {
    if (block_being_compiled == NULL) return NULL;
    return ControlStructures::incipit(block_being_compiled->from_structure);

parse_node *CodeBlocks::start_of_current_block(void) {
    if (block_being_compiled == NULL) return NULL;
    return block_being_compiled->block_location;

parse_node *CodeBlocks::switch_value(void) {
    if (block_being_compiled == NULL) return NULL;
    return block_being_compiled->switch_val;

§16. Breakage. We break out of the current loop by jumping to a label placed just after the loop ends.

int unique_breakage_count = 0;
void CodeBlocks::emit_break(void) {
    for (int i = current_block_stack.pb_sp-1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (ControlStructures::permits_break(current_block_stack.pb_stack[i].from_structure)) {
            if (current_block_stack.pb_stack[i].label_following == -1)
                current_block_stack.pb_stack[i].label_following =
                WRITE_TO(TL, ".loop_break_%d", current_block_stack.pb_stack[i].label_following);
    internal_error("not inside a loop block");

§17. Blocks and scope. When "let" creates something, this is called:

void CodeBlocks::set_scope_to_current_block(local_variable *lvar) {
    if (Frames::current_stack_frame())

§18. But when loops create something, this is called instead, because the loop counter exists in one scope level inside the one holding the loop header phrase:

void CodeBlocks::set_scope_to_block_about_to_open(local_variable *lvar) {
    if (Frames::current_stack_frame())
            current_block_stack.pb_sp + 1);