Generating code to perform an invocation.

§1. Upper level: compiling from whole lists. Here, we are given an invocation list invl, and we must generate Inter code to carry it out. The code in this section does some complicated things; the test grpup :invocations may be helpful when maintaining it.

void CompileInvocations::list(value_holster *VH, parse_node *invl, wording W,
        int allow_implied_newlines) {
    Check that the list is in canonical form1.1;
    Tell the holster we intend to generate Inter code1.2;

    if (InvocationLists::length(invl) > 0) {
        LOGIF(MATCHING, "Compiling from %d invocation(s)\n", InvocationLists::length(invl));
        source_location sl = Lexer::word_location(Wordings::first_wn(W));
        parse_node *first_inv = InvocationLists::first_reading(invl);
        Use runtime resolution only if necessary1.3;

§1.1. The invocation list has already been typechecked by Dash (in values). This means that any invocation which could be disproved has been removed, and what's left is either "proven" — i.e., certain to be applicable — or "unproven" — i.e., only applicable if certain runtime checks are performed.

Here we check that the list does indeed contain 0 or more unproven invocations followed by 0 or 1 proven ones, and that all invocations have the same number of tokens.

Check that the list is in canonical form1.1 =

    int no_proven = 0, no_unproven = 0, common_token_count = -1, noncanonical = FALSE;
    parse_node *inv;
        int N = Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv);
        if (common_token_count == -1) common_token_count = N;
        else if (common_token_count != N) noncanonical = TRUE;
        if (Invocations::is_marked_unproven(inv)) {
            if (no_proven > 0) noncanonical = TRUE;
        } else {
            if (no_proven > 1) noncanonical = TRUE;
    if (noncanonical) {
        LOOP_THROUGH_INVOCATION_LIST(inv, invl) LOG("$e\n", inv);
        internal_error("invocation list not in canonical form");

§1.2. In fact it is impossible for this to be called with VH->vhmode_wanted set to anything other than INTER_VAL_VHMODE or INTER_VOID_VHMODE.

Tell the holster we intend to generate Inter code1.2 =

    if (VH->vhmode_wanted == INTER_VAL_VHMODE) VH->vhmode_provided = INTER_VAL_VHMODE;
    else VH->vhmode_provided = INTER_VOID_VHMODE;

§1.3. Our task is to compile code which executes the first applicable invocation. If there is any possibility that none are, we must generate code to produce a runtime problem message in that case.

Since the list is in canonical form, if the first invocation is proven then it is the only one, and therefore no runtime resolution will be needed.

Use runtime resolution only if necessary1.3 =

    if (Invocations::is_marked_unproven(first_inv)) {
        Compile using runtime resolution to choose between invocations1.3.1;
    } else {
        tokens_packet tokens = CompileInvocations::new_tokens_packet(first_inv);
        CompileInvocations::single(VH, first_inv, &sl, &tokens, allow_implied_newlines);

§1.3.1. We get to here if the first invocation is unproven, meaning that at compile time it was impossible to determine whether it was type-safe to execute. We must therefore compile code to determine this at runtime.

There are two basic forms of this: "void mode", where the phrases are going to be Inform 6 statements in a void context, and "value mode", where the phrases will be expressions being evaluated.

Compile using runtime resolution to choose between invocations1.3.1 =

    id_body *idb = Node::get_phrase_invoked(first_inv);

    int void_mode = FALSE;
    if (idb->type_data.manner_of_return == DECIDES_NOTHING_MOR) void_mode = TRUE;
    Compile the resolution1.3.1.2;

§ Our basic idea is best explained in void mode, where it's much simpler to carry out. Suppose we have invocations I1, ..., In, and tokens T1, ..., Tm. (In a group like this, every invocation will have the same number of tokens.) We want each invocation in turn to try to handle the situation, and to stop as soon as one of them does. The first thought is this:

    if (condition for I1 to be valid) invoke I1(T1, ..., Tm);
    else if (condition for I2 to be valid) invoke I2(T1, ..., Tm);
    else runtime-error-message();

where the chain of execution runs into the error message code only if none of I1, ..., In can be applied. In the case where the final invocation is proven, we can more simply do this:

    if (condition for I1 to be valid) invoke I1(T1, ..., Tm);
    else if (condition for I2 to be valid) invoke I2(T1, ..., Tm);
    else invoke In(T1, ..., Tm);

§ That's almost what we do, but not quite. The problem lies in the fact that the tokens T1, ..., Tm are evaluated multiple times - not in the invocations (since only one is reached in execution) but in the condition tests. This multiple evaluation would be incorrect if token evaluation had side-effects, as it easily might, and would also waste time if the tokens were slow to evaluate. So in fact we modify our scheme like so:

    F1 = T1;
    F2 = T2;
    if (condition for I1 to be valid) invoke I1(F1, ..., Fm);
    else if (condition for I2 to be valid) invoke I2(F1, ..., Fm);
    else runtime-error-message();

Here F1, ..., Fn are called the "formal parameters". But now we have a tricky issue to contend with: where can they be stored?

Here are the answers I thought of in turn:

Compile the resolution1.3.1.2 =

    int N = Invocations::get_no_tokens(first_inv);  must be > 0, or we would be proven
    Frames::need_at_least_this_many_formals(N);  forces the existence of a shell function
    if (void_mode) Compile the resolution in void mode1.
    else Compile the resolution in value mode1.;

§ Compile the resolution in void mode1. =

    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
        Set the ith formal parameter to the ith token value1.;
    int pos = 0, if_depth = 0;
    parse_node *inv, *last_inv = NULL;
        LOGIF(MATCHING, "RC%d: $e\n", pos, inv); pos++;
        last_inv = inv;
        if (if_depth > 0) {
        tokens_packet tokens = CompileInvocations::new_tokens_packet(inv);
        Substitute the formal parameters into the tokens packet1.;
        if (Invocations::is_marked_unproven(inv)) {
            Put the condition check here1.;
        CompileInvocations::single(VH, inv, &sl, &tokens, allow_implied_newlines);
    if (Invocations::is_marked_unproven(last_inv)) {
        Compile call to function throwing an RTP1.;
    while (if_depth > 0) {
        EmitCode::up(); EmitCode::up();

§ There may be checks needed on several tokens, so we accumulate these into a list divided by logical-and && operators.

Put the condition check here1. =

    int check_needed = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv); i++) {
        parse_node *check_against = Invocations::get_token_check_to_do(inv, i);
        if (check_against) check_needed++;
    int check_count = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv); i++) {
        parse_node *check_against = Invocations::get_token_check_to_do(inv, i);
        if (check_against) {
            if (check_count < check_needed) {
            Compile a check that this formal variable matches the token1.;
    if (check_count == 0) internal_error("this should not be marked unproven");
    for (int i = 1; i <= check_count - 1; i++) EmitCode::up();

§ The check is either against a general description, such as "even number", or a specific value, such as "10".

Compile a check that this formal variable matches the token1. =

    nonlocal_variable *nlv = TemporaryVariables::formal_parameter(i);
    parse_node *spec = Lvalues::new_actual_NONLOCAL_VARIABLE(nlv);
    if (Specifications::is_description(check_against)) {
        CompilePropositions::to_test_if_variable_matches(spec, check_against);
    } else if (Specifications::is_value(check_against)) {
        pcalc_prop *prop = Propositions::Abstract::to_set_relation(R_equality,
            NULL, spec, NULL, check_against);
        CompilePropositions::to_test_as_condition(NULL, prop);
    } else {
        LOG("Error on: $T", check_against);
        internal_error("bad check-against in runtime type check");

§ A parameter corresponding to the name of a kind has no meaningful value at runtime; we assign 0 to it for the sake of tidiness.

Set the ith formal parameter to the ith token value1. =

        if (idb->type_data.token_sequence[i].construct == KIND_NAME_IDTC) {
        } else {
            parse_node *value =
                Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(first_inv, i);
            kind *to_be_used_as = Specifications::to_kind(
            CompileValues::to_fresh_code_val_of_kind(value, to_be_used_as);

§ Substitute the formal parameters into the tokens packet1. =

    for (int i=0; i<tokens.tokens_count; i++) {
        nonlocal_variable *nlv = TemporaryVariables::formal_parameter(i);
        NonlocalVariables::set_kind(nlv, tokens.token_kinds[i]);
        tokens.token_vals[i] = Lvalues::new_actual_NONLOCAL_VARIABLE(nlv);

§ Compile call to function throwing an RTP1. =

        EmitCode::val_number((inter_ti) sl.line_number);
        inform_extension *E = Extensions::corresponding_to(sl.file_of_origin);
        if (E) EmitCode::val_number((inter_ti) E->allocation_id + 1);

§ In value mode we want the same strategy and code paths, but all in the context of a value. This means we can only use Inter opcodes which are legal in a value context, making everything harder.

The TERNARYSEQUENTIAL_BIP opcode is similar to evaluating x, y, z in C: it evaluates x, throws that away, evaluates y, ditto, then evaluates z as its answer. x and y are thus evaluated only for and side-effects that has. Here x is going to be code to set the formal parameters; y will be code to test the conditions for invocation and invoke one of them into a dummy variable called formal_rv; and z will simply evaluate formal_rv, thus producing the answer.

Compile the resolution in value mode1. =

         Here is x:
        Set the formal parameters in value mode1.;
         Here is y:
        Perform the tests and invocations in value mode1.;
         Here is z:
        EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(FORMAL_RV_HL));

§ In Inter, as in C, assignments return a value and are therefore legal here. But because Inter does not provide a binary sequential opcode, we will fold our run of assignments into a single value by adding them up — the result doesn't matter, since it will be thrown away anyway. So if there are, say, four formal parameters then our x will be:

    (F4 = T4) + ((F3 = T3) + ((F2 = T2) + (F1 = T1)))

It isn't really important that we count downwards from 4 to 1 here, but we do it because the Inform 6 compiler happens to evaluate operands of + in the order right then left. So this actually causes T1 to evaluate first, then T2 and so on, provided Inform 6 is the eventual code generator.

Set the formal parameters in value mode1. =

    int L = EmitCode::level();
    for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (i > 0) { EmitCode::inv(PLUS_BIP); EmitCode::down(); }
        Set the ith formal parameter to the ith token value1.;
    for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (i > 0) EmitCode::up();
    if (L != EmitCode::level()) internal_error("misimplemented");

§ Now the fun really begins. We compile y to an expression like so:

    ((condition for I1 to be valid) && ((formal_rv = I1) bitwise-or 1)) ||
    ((condition for I2 to be valid) && ((formal_rv = I2) bitwise-or 1)) ||
    ((condition for In to be valid) && ((formal_rv = In) bitwise-or 1)) ||
    (issue run-time-problem)

The key here is that Inter, like C, evaluates operands of && left to right and short-circuits: if the left operand is false, the right is never evaluated, and its side-effect (of invoking a phrase and setting formal_rv) never happens; and similarly for logical-or.

Bitwise-or does not short-circuit, so the faintly ridiculous trick of bitwise-or-ing with 1 ensures that any value is made non-zero, so that the assignment is always regarded by Inter as "true". This all means that if any condition is valid, no subsequent conditions will even be tested.

Note that all functions return values in Inter, so the function call to issue the run-time problem is indeed legal in a value context.

Matters are a little simpler if the final invocation is proven:

    ((condition for I1 to be valid) && ((formal_rv = I1) bitwise-or 1)) ||
    ((condition for I2 to be valid) && ((formal_rv = I2) bitwise-or 1)) ||
    ((formal_rv = In) bitwise-or 1)

Perform the tests and invocations in value mode1. =

    int L = EmitCode::level();
    int number_unproven = 0, last_is_unproven = TRUE;
    parse_node *inv;
        if (Invocations::is_marked_unproven(inv)) number_unproven++;
        else last_is_unproven = FALSE;
    if (last_is_unproven) {
    Perform the tests and invocations without RTP in value mode1.;
    if (last_is_unproven) {
        Compile call to function throwing an RTP1.;
    if (L != EmitCode::level()) internal_error("misimplemented");

§ Perform the tests and invocations without RTP in value mode1. =

    int L = EmitCode::level();
    int pos = 0;
        LOGIF(MATCHING, "RC%d: $e\n", pos, inv); pos++;
        if (pos < InvocationLists::length(invl)) {
        tokens_packet tokens = CompileInvocations::new_tokens_packet(inv);
        Substitute the formal parameters into the tokens packet1.;
        Compile code to apply this invocation if it's applicable, value mode1.;
    for (int i = 1; i <= InvocationLists::length(invl) - 1; i++)
    if (L != EmitCode::level()) internal_error("misimplemented");

§ Compile code to apply this invocation if it's applicable, value mode1. =

    int L = EmitCode::level();
    int ands_made = 0;
    Compile the check on invocation applicability, value mode1.;
            EmitCode::ref_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(FORMAL_RV_HL));
            CompileInvocations::single(VH, inv, &sl, &tokens, allow_implied_newlines);
    for (int i=0; i<ands_made; i++) EmitCode::up();
    if (L != EmitCode::level()) internal_error("misimplemented");

§ Compile the check on invocation applicability, value mode1. =

    if (Invocations::is_marked_unproven(inv)) {
        int checks_made = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv); i++) {
            parse_node *check_against = Invocations::get_token_check_to_do(inv, i);
            if (check_against) {
                EmitCode::down(); ands_made++;
                Compile a check that this formal variable matches the token1.;
        if (checks_made == 0) internal_error("this should not be marked unproven");

§2. Lower level: compiling single invocations.

void CompileInvocations::single(value_holster *VH, parse_node *inv,
    source_location *where_from, tokens_packet *tokens, int allow_implied_newlines) {
    LOGIF(MATCHING, "Compiling single invocation: $e\n", inv);
    if (Node::get_say_verb(inv)) {
            Annotations::read_int(inv, say_verb_negated_ANNOT));
    } else if (Node::get_say_adjective(inv)) {
    } else {
        Invoke a phrasal invocation2.1;

§2.1. Note that the phrases which compile to Inter jump or return instructions can never be marked to save self, or the code here would lead to slow stack overflow errors, since self would be pushed but not pulled.

Invoke a phrasal invocation2.1 =

    int manner_of_return = DONT_KNOW_MOR;
    int save_self = FALSE;
    if (Invocations::is_marked_to_save_self(inv)) save_self = TRUE;

    if (save_self) {
            EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(SELF_HL));

    The art of invocation is delegation2.1.2;
    Compile a newline if the phrase implicitly requires one2.1.3;

    if (save_self) {
            EmitCode::ref_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(SELF_HL));

    if (manner_of_return != DONT_KNOW_MOR)
        LOGIF(MATCHING, "Single invocation return manner: %d\n", manner_of_return);
    if ((Functions::defn_being_compiled()) && (manner_of_return != DONT_KNOW_MOR))
        If the invocation compiled to a return from a function, check this is allowed2.1.1;

§2.1.1. For example, the definition of the phrase "To begin" isn't allowed to contain the invocation "decide on 178", since it isn't a phrase to decide anything. This is where that's checked:

If the invocation compiled to a return from a function, check this is allowed2.1.1 =

    id_body *current_idb = Functions::defn_being_compiled();
    int manner_expected = current_idb->type_data.manner_of_return;
    if ((manner_of_return != manner_expected) &&
        (manner_expected != DECIDES_NOTHING_AND_RETURNS_MOR)) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            IDTypeData::describe_manner_of_return(manner_of_return, NULL, NULL));
        kind *K = NULL;
                &(current_idb->type_data), &K));
        if (K) Problems::quote_kind(4, K);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_WrongEndToPhrase));
        if (K)
                "The line %1 seems to be a way that the phrase you're defining can come "
                "to an end, with %2, but it should always end up with a phrase to "
                "decide %4.");
                "The line %1 seems to be a way that the phrase you're defining can come "
                "to an end, with %2, but it should always end up with %3.");

§2.1.2. The real work is done by one of the two sections following this one. Note that only inline invocations are allowed to produce an exotic manner of return — it's not possible to define a high-level I7 phrase which effects, say, an immediate end to the rule it's used in. Similarly, only inline invocations are allowed to be followed by blocks of other phrases — that is, are allowed to define control structures.

The art of invocation is delegation2.1.2 =

    id_body *idb = Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv);
    if (IDTypeData::invoked_inline(idb))
        manner_of_return =
            CSIInline::csi_inline(VH, inv, where_from, tokens);
        CallingFunctions::csi_by_call(VH, inv, where_from, tokens);

§2.1.3. If allow_implied_newlines is set, we understand the final part of a text literal to be allowed to print an implied newline. For example, here it's on:

    say "At [time of day], I like to serve afternoon tea. Indian or Chinese?";

Here the question mark has an implied newline after it. But there are other contexts in which newlines are not implied:

    let the warning rubric be "Snakes!";

Compile a newline if the phrase implicitly requires one2.1.3 =

    if (IDTypeData::is_a_say_phrase(Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv))) {
        if ((Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv)->type_data.as_say.say_phrase_running_on == FALSE) &&
            (allow_implied_newlines) &&
            (tokens->tokens_count > 0) &&
            (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(tokens->token_vals[0], K_text)) &&
                Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(tokens->token_vals[0]))))) {

§3. Tokens packets. This structure is a convenient holder for the token values being used when invoking a phrase, and for what we think their kinds are.

In many cases that will not be much of an issue, but suppose the phrase to be invoked is polymorphic, like so —

To discuss (V - sayable value):
    say "You discourse about [V]."

If the invocation is "discuss 16", then the token has kind K_number not K_sayable_value, because we derive the kind from what the phrase was actually invoked on rather than the full range of what it might have been. Similarly, the fn_kind is function number -> nothing, not function sayable value -> nothing.

typedef struct tokens_packet {
    int tokens_count;
    struct parse_node *token_vals[MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE];
    struct kind *token_kinds[MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE];
    struct kind *fn_kind;
} tokens_packet;

§4. This is all easy to unpack from the invocation subtree.

If a token holds the name of a kind rather than a value as such, we use the nothing constant as the "token value", just as a placeholder. It won't be compiled.

tokens_packet CompileInvocations::new_tokens_packet(parse_node *inv) {
    id_body *idb = Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv);
    tokens_packet tokens;
    tokens.tokens_count = Invocations::get_no_tokens_needed(inv);
    for (int i=0; i<tokens.tokens_count; i++) {
        parse_node *val = Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(inv, i);
        kind *K = Specifications::to_kind(idb->type_data.token_sequence[i].to_match);
        if ((IDTypeData::invoked_inline(idb) == FALSE) &&
            (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(K) == FALSE))
            tokens.token_kinds[i] = Specifications::to_kind(val);
            tokens.token_kinds[i] = K;
        if (idb->type_data.token_sequence[i].construct == KIND_NAME_IDTC)
            tokens.token_vals[i] = Rvalues::new_nothing_object_constant();
            tokens.token_vals[i] = val;
    kind *return_kind = Node::get_kind_resulting(inv);
    if ((return_kind == NULL) && (idb)) return_kind = idb->type_data.return_kind;
    tokens.fn_kind =
        Kinds::function_kind(tokens.tokens_count, tokens.token_kinds, return_kind);
    return tokens;