To work out the verbs used and to diagram sentences in the source.

§1. Traversing for primary verbs. The story so far: the supervisor module has arranged for the source text to be read in by words and has made a rudimentary parse tree for it using syntax. Certain "structural" sentences, such as headings, have been taken care of, and turned into nodes with types like HEADING_NT.

But the assertions we want to read — such as "The Mona Lisa is in the Louvre", or "The plural of major general is majors general" — are all simply SENTENCE_NT nodes with no children. The following traverse begins Inform's compilation process in earnest: for each such SENTENCE_NT node, it asks the linguistics module to identify a primary verb, noun phrases and so on, placing them in a subtree.

§2. Textual sentences. "Textual" sentences are not really sentences at all, and are just double-quoted text used in isolation — Inform sometimes recognises these as being implicit property values, as for the description of a room just created. These sentences are necessarily exempt from having a primary verb.

int Classifying::sentence_is_textual(parse_node *p) {
    if ((Wordings::length(Node::get_text(p)) == 1) &&
                Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(p)), TEXT_MC+TEXTWITHSUBS_MC)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§3. Classifying a single sentence. Every SENTENCE_NT node, however it is constructed, therefore ends up here, and we ask the linguistics module to "diagram" it.

See About Sentence Diagrams (in linguistics) for many examples.

void Classifying::sentence(parse_node *p) {
    if (Annotations::read_int(p, classified_ANNOT)) return;
    Annotations::write_int(p, classified_ANNOT, TRUE);
    parse_node *save = current_sentence;
    current_sentence = p;
    if (Classifying::sentence_is_textual(p) == FALSE) {
        wording W = Node::get_text(p);
        if (<sentence-without-occurrences>(W)) {
            parse_node *VP_PN = <<rp>>;
            switch (Annotations::read_int(VP_PN, linguistic_error_here_ANNOT)) {
                case TwoLikelihoods_LINERROR: Issue PM_TwoLikelihoods problem3.1; break;
            SyntaxTree::graft(Task::syntax_tree(), VP_PN, p);
            if (SyntaxTree::is_trace_set(Task::syntax_tree())) LOG("$T\n", p);
            Check that this is allowed, if it occurs in the Options file3.3;
            #ifdef IF_MODULE
            Issue problem message if either subject or object contains mismatched brackets3.4;
            Issue problem message if subject starts with double-quoted literal text3.5;
            if ((VP_PN->next) && (VP_PN->next->next) && (Diagrams::is_possessive_RELATIONSHIP(VP_PN->next->next)))
                Diagram property callings3.6;
        } else {
            LOG("$T\n", p);
    current_sentence = save;

§3.1. Issue PM_TwoLikelihoods problem3.1 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TwoLikelihoods),
        "this sentence seems to have a likelihood qualification on both "
        "sides of the verb",
        "which is not allowed. 'The black door certainly is usually open' "
        "might possibly be grammatical English in some idioms, but Inform "
        "doesn't like a sentence in this shape because the 'certainly' "
        "on one side of the verb and the 'usually' on the other are "
        "rival indications of certainty.");

§3.2. Only special-meaning sentences are allowed in Options files, and not all of those.


§3.3. Check that this is allowed, if it occurs in the Options file3.3 =

    if (Wordings::within(Node::get_text(p), options_file_wording)) {
        special_meaning_holder *sm = Node::get_special_meaning(p->down);
        if ((sm == NULL) ||
            (SpecialMeanings::call(sm, ALLOW_IN_OPTIONS_FILE_SMFT, NULL, NULL) == FALSE)) {
                _p_(BelievedImpossible),  not convenient to test automatically, anyway
                "The options file placed in this installation of Inform's folder "
                "is incorrect, making use of a sentence form which isn't allowed "
                "in that situation. The options file is only allowed to contain "
                "use options, Test ... with..., and Release along with... "

§3.4. The linguistics module no longer makes sentence diagrams with this defect, so the following problem ought now to be impossible to generate. But I'm leaving the test here in case of future changes.

Issue problem message if either subject or object contains mismatched brackets3.4 =

    if ((VP_PN->next) && (VP_PN->next->next)) {
        if ((Wordings::mismatched_brackets(Node::get_text(VP_PN->next))) ||
            (Wordings::mismatched_brackets(Node::get_text(VP_PN->next->next)))) {
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
                Wordings::one_word(Wordings::last_wn(Node::get_text(VP_PN->next)) + 1));
            Problems::quote_wording(3, Node::get_text(VP_PN->next));
            Problems::quote_wording(4, Node::get_text(VP_PN->next->next));
            StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible));
            if (Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(VP_PN->next->next)))
                    "I must be misreading the sentence %1. The verb "
                    "looks to me like '%2', but then the brackets don't "
                    "match in what I have left: '%3' and '%4'.");
                    "I must be misreading the sentence %1. The verb "
                    "looks to me like '%2', but then the brackets don't "
                    "match in what I have left: '%3'.");

§3.5. This is a pragmatic sort of problem message. A priori, assertion sentences like this might be okay, but in practice they cannot be useful and are far more likely to occur as a result of something like:

"This is a dining room" East is the Ballroom.

where the lack of a closing full stop in the quoted text means that linguistics read this as one single sentence, equating "This is a dining room" East with the Ballroom.

Special-meaning sentences are exempt; this is needed because subject phrases for "Understand ... as ..." are indeed sometimes multiword clauses the first word of which is quoted.

Issue problem message if subject starts with double-quoted literal text3.5 =

    special_meaning_holder *sm = Node::get_special_meaning(VP_PN);
    if ((sm == NULL)
        && (Wordings::length(Node::get_text(VP_PN->next)) > 1)
        && (Vocabulary::test_flags(
            Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(VP_PN->next)), TEXT_MC+TEXTWITHSUBS_MC))) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TextNotClosing),
            "it looks as if perhaps you did not intend that to read as a "
            "single sentence",
            "and possibly the text in quotes was supposed to stand as "
            "as a sentence on its own? (The convention is that if text "
            "ends in a full stop, exclamation or question mark, perhaps "
            "with a close bracket or quotation mark involved as well, then "
            "that punctuation mark also closes the sentence to which the "
            "text belongs: but otherwise the words following the quoted "
            "text are considered part of the same sentence.)");

§3.6. Here py is a CALLED_NT subtree for "an A called B", which we relabel as a PROPERTYCALLED_NT subtree and hang beneath an ALLOWED_NT node; or else it's a property or list of properties, as in "carrying capacity 7".

Diagram property callings3.6 =

    parse_node *px = VP_PN->next;
    parse_node *py = VP_PN->next->next->down;
    if (Node::get_type(py) == CALLED_NT) {
        if (Wordings::match(Node::get_text(py->down->next), Node::get_text(py->down))) {
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_SuperfluousCalled),
                "'called' should be used only when the name is different from the kind",
                "so this sentence should be simplified. For example, 'A door has a "
                "colour called colour' should be written more simply as 'A door has "
                "a colour'; but 'called' can be used for something like 'A door has "
                "a number called the street number'.");
        Node::set_type(py, PROPERTYCALLED_NT);
        if (Node::get_type(py->down) == AND_NT) {
internal_error("Og yeah?");
            int L = Node::left_edge_of(py->down),
                R = Node::right_edge_of(py->down);
            <np-articled>(Wordings::new(L, R));
            parse_node *pn = <<rp>>;
            pn->next = py->down->next;
            py->down = pn;
            LOG("Thus $T", py);
        px->next = Node::new(ALLOWED_NT);
        px->next->down = py;
        int prohibited = <prohibited-property-owners>(Node::get_text(px));
        if (!prohibited) {
            py->down->next = <<rp>>;
    } else {
        Node::set_type(py, PROPERTY_LIST_NT);

§4. From the earliest beta-testing, the problem message for "I can't find a verb" split into cases. Inform is quite sensitive to punctuation errors as between comma, paragraph break and semicolon, and this is where that sensitivity begins to bite. The grammar below is just a set of heuristics, really: once we enter this, a problem message of some kind will certainly result.

<no-primary-verb-diagnosis> ::=
    ... <no-primary-verb-diagnosis-tail> |
    before/every/after/when/instead/check/carry/report ... | ==> Issue PM_RuleWithoutColon problem4.1
    if ... |												 ==> Issue PM_IfOutsidePhrase problem4.2
    ... , ... |												 ==> Issue PM_NoSuchVerbComma problem4.3
    ...														 ==> Issue PM_NoSuchVerb problem4.4

<no-primary-verb-diagnosis-tail> ::=
    <rc-marker> <certainty> <nonimperative-verb> ... |  ==> { advance Wordings::delta(WR[1], W) }
    <rc-marker> <nonimperative-verb> ... |              ==> { advance Wordings::delta(WR[1], W) }
    <past-tense-verb> ... |                             ==> Issue PM_NonPresentTense problem4.5
    <negated-verb> ...                                  ==> Issue PM_NegatedVerb1 problem4.6

§4.1. Issue PM_RuleWithoutColon problem4.1 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RuleWithoutColon),
        "I can't find a verb that I know how to deal with, so can't do anything "
        "with this sentence. It looks as if it might be a rule definition",
        "but if so then it is lacking the necessary colon (or comma). "
        "The punctuation style for rules is 'Rule conditions: do this; "
        "do that; do some more.' Perhaps you used a full stop instead "
        "of the colon?");

§4.2. Issue PM_IfOutsidePhrase problem4.2 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_IfOutsidePhrase),
        "I can't find a verb that I know how to deal with. This looks like an 'if' "
        "phrase which has slipped its moorings",
        "so I am ignoring it. ('If' phrases, like all other such "
        "instructions, belong inside definitions of rules or phrases - "
        "not as sentences which have no context. Maybe a full stop or a "
        "skipped line was accidentally used instead of semicolon, so that you "
        "inadvertently ended the last rule early?)");

§4.3. Issue PM_NoSuchVerbComma problem4.3 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NoSuchVerbComma));
        "In the sentence %1, I can't find a verb that I know how to deal with. "
        "(I notice there's a comma here, which is sometimes used to abbreviate "
        "rules which would normally be written with a colon - for instance, "
        "'Before taking: say \"You draw breath.\"' can be abbreviated to 'Before "
        "taking, say...' - but that's only allowed for Before, Instead and "
        "After rules. I mention all this in case you meant this sentence "
        "as a rule in some rulebook, but used a comma where there should "
        "have been a colon ':'?)");

§4.4. Issue PM_NoSuchVerb problem4.4 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NoSuchVerb));
        "In the sentence %1, I can't find a verb that I know how to deal with.");

§4.5. Issue PM_NonPresentTense problem4.5 =

    if (Annotations::read_int(current_sentence, verb_problem_issued_ANNOT) == FALSE) {
        Annotations::write_int(current_sentence, verb_problem_issued_ANNOT, TRUE);
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NonPresentTense),
            "assertions about the initial state of play must be given in the "
            "present tense",
            "so 'The cat is in the basket' is fine but not 'The cat has been in "
            "the basket'. Time is presumed to start only when the game begins, so "
            "there is no anterior state which we can speak of.");

§4.6. Issue PM_NegatedVerb1 problem4.6 =

    if (Annotations::read_int(current_sentence, verb_problem_issued_ANNOT) == FALSE) {
        Annotations::write_int(current_sentence, verb_problem_issued_ANNOT, TRUE);
        StandardProblems::negative_sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NegatedVerb1));

§5. The following is needed to handle something like "colour of the box", where "colour" is a property name. We must be careful, though, to avoid confusion with variable declarations:

The interesting var is a description of numbers that varies.

which would otherwise be misread as an attempt to set the "description" property of something.

define ALLOW_OF_LINGUISTICS_CALLBACK Classifying::allow_of
<allow-of-x> ::=
    in the presence |    ==> { fail }
    <property-name-v>    ==> { -, - }

<allow-of-y> ::=
    ... that varies |    ==> { fail}
    ... variable |       ==> { fail }
    ...                  ==> { -, - }


int Classifying::allow_of(wording XW, wording YW) {
    if ((<allow-of-x>(XW)) && (<allow-of-y>(YW))) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;