To identify which parts of the source text come from which source (the main source text, the Standard Rules, or another extension).

§1. Compilation modules. Inform is a language in which it is semantically relevant which source file the source text is coming from: unlike, say, C, where #include allows files to include each other in arbitrary ways. In Inform, all source text comes from one of the following places:

The Inter hierarchy also splits, with named modules representing each possibility in (a) or (b) above. This section of code determines to which module any new definition (of, say, a property or kind) belongs.

compilation_module *source_text_module = NULL;  the one for the main text
compilation_module *SR_module = NULL;  the one for the Standard Rules

compilation_module *Modules::SR(void) {
    return SR_module;

§2. We find these by performing a traverse of the parse tree, and looking for level-0 headings, which are the nodes from which these blocks of source text hang:

void Modules::traverse_to_define(void) {
    SyntaxTree::traverse(Task::syntax_tree(), Modules::look_for_cu);

void Modules::look_for_cu(parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_type(p) == HEADING_NT) {
        heading *h = Headings::from_node(p);
        if ((h) && (h->level == 0)) Modules::new(p);

compilation_module *Modules::new(parse_node *from) {
    source_location sl = Wordings::location(Node::get_text(from));
    if (sl.file_of_origin == NULL) return NULL;
    inform_extension *owner = Extensions::corresponding_to(

    compilation_module *C = Packaging::new_cm();
    C->hanging_from = from;
    Node::set_module(from, C);
    Modules::propagate_downwards(from->down, C);

    Compose a name for the module package this will lead to2.1;
    C->inter_presence = Packaging::get_module(Emit::tree(), pname);

    if (owner) {
        Hierarchy::markup(C->inter_presence->the_package, EXT_AUTHOR_HMD, owner->as_copy->edition->work->raw_author_name);
        Hierarchy::markup(C->inter_presence->the_package, EXT_TITLE_HMD, owner->as_copy->edition->work->raw_title);
        semantic_version_number N = owner->as_copy->edition->version;
        WRITE_TO(V, "%v", &N);
        Hierarchy::markup(C->inter_presence->the_package, EXT_VERSION_HMD, V);

    if (Extensions::is_standard(owner)) SR_module = C;
    if (owner == NULL) source_text_module = C;
    return C;

§2.1. Here we must find a unique name, valid as an Inter identifier: the code compiled from the compilation module will go into a package of that name.

Compose a name for the module package this will lead to2.1 =

    if (Extensions::is_standard(owner)) WRITE_TO(pname, "standard_rules");
    else if (owner == NULL) WRITE_TO(pname, "source_text");
    else {
        WRITE_TO(pname, "%X", owner->as_copy->edition->work);
        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, pname)
            if (Str::get(pos) == ' ')
                Str::put(pos, '_');
                Str::put(pos, Characters::tolower(Str::get(pos)));

§3. We are eventually going to need to be able to look at a given node in the parse tree and say which compilation module it belongs to. If there were a fast way to go up in the tree, that would be easy — we could simply run upward until we reach a level-0 heading. But the node links all run downwards. Instead, we'll "mark" nodes in the tree, annotating them with the compilation module which owns them. This is done by "propagating downwards", as follows.


void Modules::propagate_downwards(parse_node *P, compilation_module *C) {
    while (P) {
        Node::set_module(P, C);
        Modules::propagate_downwards(P->down, C);
        P = P->next;

§5. As promised, then, given a parse node, we have to return its compilation module: but that's now easy, as we just have to read off the annotation made above —

compilation_module *Modules::find(parse_node *from) {
    if (from == NULL) return NULL;
    return Node::get_module(from);

§6. Current module. Inform has a concept of the "current module" it's working on, much as it has a concept of "current sentence".

compilation_module *current_CM = NULL;

compilation_module *Modules::current(void) {
    return current_CM;

void Modules::set_current_to(compilation_module *CM) {
    current_CM = CM;

void Modules::set_current(parse_node *P) {
    if (P) current_CM = Modules::find(P);
    else current_CM = NULL;

§7. Relating to Inter. Creating the necessary package, of type _module, is the work of the Packaging code.

module_package *Modules::inter_presence(compilation_module *C) {
    if (C == NULL) internal_error("no module");
    return C->inter_presence;