Some of the more complicated indexing tasks need to build data structures cross-referencing the instance packages in the Inter tree: the spatial map, in particular. For convenience, we create faux-instance objects for them, which partly correspond to the instance objects in the original compiler.

§1. The data structure faux_instance consists mostly of cross-references to other faux instances, and is paraphrased directly from the Inter tree:

typedef struct faux_instance {
    struct inter_package *package;
    int index_appearances;  how many times have I appeared thus far in the World index?
    struct text_stream *name;
    struct text_stream *printed_name;
    struct text_stream *abbrev;
    int direction_index;
    struct linked_list *backdrop_presences;  of faux_instance
    struct faux_instance *region_enclosing;
    struct faux_instance *next_room_in_submap;
    struct faux_instance *opposite_direction;
    struct faux_instance *object_tree_sibling;
    struct faux_instance *object_tree_child;
    struct faux_instance *progenitor;
    struct faux_instance *incorp_tree_sibling;
    struct faux_instance *incorp_tree_child;
    struct faux_instance *other_side;
    struct text_stream *kind_text;
    struct text_stream *kind_chain;
    struct text_stream *anchor_text;
    struct fi_map_data fimd;
} faux_instance;

§2. The following function creates a basic faux_instance corresponding to the package pack, but one in which none of the cross-references to other FIs are present: those can only be made once all of the basic FIs have been created.

faux_instance *FauxInstances::new(inter_package *pack, index_session *session) {
    faux_instance *I = CREATE(faux_instance);
    I->index_appearances = 0;
    I->package = pack;
    I->name = Str::duplicate(Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^name"));
    I->printed_name = Str::duplicate(Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^printed_name"));
    I->abbrev = Str::duplicate(Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^abbreviation"));
    I->kind_text = Str::duplicate(Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^index_kind"));
    I->kind_chain = Str::duplicate(Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^index_kind_chain"));
    I->other_side = NULL;
    I->direction_index = -1;

    I->backdrop_presences = NEW_LINKED_LIST(faux_instance);
    I->region_enclosing = NULL;
    I->next_room_in_submap = NULL;
    I->opposite_direction = NULL;
    I->object_tree_sibling = NULL;
    I->object_tree_child = NULL;
    I->progenitor = NULL;
    I->incorp_tree_sibling = NULL;
    I->incorp_tree_child = NULL;

    I->anchor_text = Str::new();
    WRITE_TO(I->anchor_text, "fi%d", I->allocation_id);

    I->fimd = FauxInstances::new_fimd(I, session);
    return I;

§3. Though the FI structure mostly paraphrases data in the Inter tree which in turn paraphrases data structures in the Inform compiler, it also contains an fi_map_data structure which is more novel, and is used when making the World map.

define MAX_DIRECTIONS 100  the Standard Rules define only 12, so this is plenty
typedef struct fi_map_data {
    struct connected_submap *submap;
    struct vector position;
    struct vector saved_gridpos;
    int cooled;
    int shifted;
    int zone;
    struct text_stream *colour;  an HTML colour for the room square (rooms only)
    struct text_stream *text_colour;  an HTML colour for text on that square
    int eps_x, eps_y;
    struct faux_instance *map_connection_a;
    struct faux_instance *map_connection_b;
    int exit_lengths[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    struct faux_instance *spatial_relationship[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    struct faux_instance *exits[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    struct faux_instance *lock_exits[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    int exits_set_at[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    struct map_parameter_scope local_map_parameters;  temporary: used in EPS mapping
} fi_map_data;

§4. Data which is blanked out, ready for use, here:

fi_map_data FauxInstances::new_fimd(faux_instance *I, index_session *session) {
    fi_map_data fimd;
    fimd.submap = NULL;
    fimd.position = Geometry::zero();
    fimd.saved_gridpos = Geometry::zero();
    fimd.cooled = FALSE;
    fimd.shifted = FALSE; = 0;
    fimd.colour = NULL;
    fimd.text_colour = NULL;
    fimd.eps_x = 0;
    fimd.eps_y = 0;
    fimd.map_connection_a = NULL;
    fimd.map_connection_b = NULL;
    for (int i=0; i<MAX_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
        fimd.exit_lengths[i] = 0;
        fimd.exits[i] = NULL;
        fimd.lock_exits[i] = NULL;
        fimd.spatial_relationship[i] = NULL;
        fimd.exits_set_at[i] = -1;
    ConfigureIndexMap::prepare_map_parameter_scope(&(fimd.local_map_parameters), session);
    return fimd;

§5. Sets. Since we might want to index multiple different Inter trees in the same run, we may need to keep multiple sets of faux instances, one for each tree. So:

typedef struct faux_instance_set {
    int no_direction_fi;
    int no_room_fi;
    struct linked_list *instances;  of faux_instance
    struct faux_instance *start_faux_instance;
    struct faux_instance *faux_yourself;
    struct faux_instance *faux_benchmark;
    struct linked_list *rubrics;  of rubric_holder
} faux_instance_set;


faux_instance_set *FauxInstances::new_empty_set(void) {
    faux_instance_set *faux_set = CREATE(faux_instance_set);
    faux_set->no_direction_fi = 0;
    faux_set->no_room_fi = 0;
    faux_set->instances = NEW_LINKED_LIST(faux_instance);
    faux_set->start_faux_instance = NULL;
    faux_set->faux_yourself = NULL;
    faux_set->faux_benchmark = NULL;
    faux_set->rubrics = NEW_LINKED_LIST(rubric_holder);
    return faux_set;

§7. Iterating over faux instances in a set can then be done thus:

define LOOP_OVER_FAUX_INSTANCES(faux_set, R)
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(R, faux_instance, faux_set->instances)
define LOOP_OVER_FAUX_ROOMS(faux_set, R)
        if (FauxInstances::is_a_room(R))
define LOOP_OVER_FAUX_DOORS(faux_set, R)
        if (FauxInstances::is_a_door(R))
define LOOP_OVER_FAUX_REGIONS(faux_set, R)
        if (FauxInstances::is_a_region(R))
        if (FauxInstances::is_a_direction(R))
define LOOP_OVER_FAUX_BACKDROPS(faux_set, R)
        if (FauxInstances::is_a_backdrop(R))

§8. And here is the code to make a fully cross-referenced set from a given tree:

void FauxInstances::make_faux(index_session *session) {
    faux_instance_set *faux_set = FauxInstances::new_empty_set();
    session->set_of_instances = faux_set;

    tree_inventory *inv = Indexing::get_inventory(session);
    TreeLists::sort(inv->instance_nodes, MakeSynopticModuleStage::module_order);
    inter_package *pack;
    LOOP_OVER_INVENTORY_PACKAGES(pack, i, inv->instance_nodes)
        if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack,  I"^is_object"))
            Add a faux instance to the set for this object-instance package8.1;
    faux_instance *I;
        inter_package *pack = I->package;
        Cross-reference spatial relationships8.2;
        if (FauxInstances::is_a_room(I)) Cross-reference map relationships8.3;
        if (FauxInstances::is_a_backdrop(I)) Cross-reference backdrop locations8.4;
        if (FauxInstances::is_a_direction(I)) Cross-reference diametric directions8.5;
        if (FauxInstances::is_a_door(I)) Cross-reference door adjacencies8.6;

    FauxInstances::decode_hints(session, 1);

§8.1. Add a faux instance to the set for this object-instance package8.1 =

    faux_instance *I = FauxInstances::new(pack, session);
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(I, faux_instance, faux_set->instances);
    if (FauxInstances::is_a_direction(I)) I->direction_index = faux_set->no_direction_fi++;
    if (FauxInstances::is_a_room(I)) faux_set->no_room_fi++;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack, I"^is_yourself")) faux_set->faux_yourself = I;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack, I"^is_benchmark_room")) faux_set->faux_benchmark = I;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack, I"^is_start_room")) faux_set->start_faux_instance = I;

§8.2. Cross-reference spatial relationships8.2 =

    I->region_enclosing = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^region_enclosing");
    I->object_tree_sibling = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^sibling");
    I->object_tree_child = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^child");
    I->progenitor = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^progenitor");
    I->incorp_tree_sibling = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^incorp_sibling");
    I->incorp_tree_child = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^incorp_child");

§8.3. Cross-reference map relationships8.3 =

    inter_tree_node *P = Metadata::read_optional_list(pack, I"^map");
    if (P) {
        for (int i=0; i<MAX_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
            int offset = DATA_CONST_IFLD + 4*i;
            if (offset >= P->W.extent) break;
            inter_ti v1 = P->W.instruction[offset], v2 = P->W.instruction[offset+1];
            if (v1 == ALIAS_IVAL) {
                inter_symbol *S =
                    InterSymbolsTables::symbol_from_id(InterPackage::scope(pack), v2);
                if (S == NULL) internal_error("malformed map metadata");
                I->fimd.exits[i] = FauxInstances::symbol_to_faux_instance(faux_set, S);
            } else if ((v1 != LITERAL_IVAL) || (v2 != 0)) internal_error("malformed map metadata");
            inter_ti v3 = P->W.instruction[offset+2], v4 = P->W.instruction[offset+3];
            if (v3 != LITERAL_IVAL) internal_error("malformed map metadata");
            if (v4) I->fimd.exits_set_at[i] = (int) v4;

§8.4. Cross-reference backdrop locations8.4 =

    inter_tree_node *P = Metadata::read_optional_list(pack, I"^backdrop_presences");
    if (P) {
        int offset = DATA_CONST_IFLD;
        while (offset < P->W.extent) {
            inter_ti v1 = P->W.instruction[offset], v2 = P->W.instruction[offset+1];
            if (v1 == ALIAS_IVAL) {
                inter_symbol *S =
                    InterSymbolsTables::symbol_from_id(InterPackage::scope(pack), v2);
                if (S == NULL) internal_error("malformed map metadata");
                faux_instance *FL = FauxInstances::symbol_to_faux_instance(faux_set, S);
                ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(I, faux_instance, FL->backdrop_presences);
            } else internal_error("malformed backdrop metadata");
            offset += 2;

§8.5. Cross-reference diametric directions8.5 =

    I->opposite_direction = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^opposite_direction");

§8.6. Cross-reference door adjacencies8.6 =

    I->other_side = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^other_side");
    I->fimd.map_connection_a = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^side_a");
    I->fimd.map_connection_b = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, I->package, I"^side_b");

§9. When the Inter package for one instance wants to refer to another one, say with the key other, it does so by having a symbol other defined as the instance value of the other instance: so we first extract the symbol by looking key up in the first instance's package; then we can find the other instance package simply by finding the container-package for where S is defined. It is then a simple if not especially quick task to find which faux_instance was made from that package.

faux_instance *FauxInstances::xref(faux_instance_set *faux_set, inter_package *pack,
    text_stream *key) {
    return FauxInstances::symbol_to_faux_instance(faux_set,
        Metadata::read_optional_symbol(pack, key));

faux_instance *FauxInstances::symbol_to_faux_instance(faux_instance_set *faux_set,
    inter_symbol *S) {
    if (S == NULL) return NULL;
    inter_package *want = InterPackage::container(S->definition);
    faux_instance *I;
        if (I->package == want)
            return I;
    return NULL;

§10. Decoding map hints. Mapping hints arise from sentences like "Index with X mapped east of Y", or some other helpful tip: these are compiled fairly directly into Inter packages, and this is where we decode those packages and make use of them.

This is done in two passes. pass 1 occurs when a new faux set of instances is being made; pass 2 only after the spatial grid layout has been calculated, and only if needed.

void FauxInstances::decode_hints(index_session *session, int pass) {
    faux_instance_set *faux_set = Indexing::get_set_of_instances(session);
    inter_tree *I = Indexing::get_tree(session);
    inter_package *pack = InterPackage::by_url(I, I"/main/completion/mapping_hints");
    inter_package *hint_pack;
    LOOP_THROUGH_SUBPACKAGES(hint_pack, pack, I"_mapping_hint") {
        faux_instance *from = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, hint_pack, I"^from");
        faux_instance *to = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, hint_pack, I"^to");
        faux_instance *dir = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, hint_pack, I"^dir");
        faux_instance *as_dir = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, hint_pack, I"^as_dir");
        if ((dir) && (as_dir)) {
            if (pass == 1) Decode a hint mapping one direction as if another10.1;
        if ((from) && (dir)) {
            if (pass == 1) Decode a hint mapping one room in a specific direction from another10.2;
        text_stream *name = Metadata::read_optional_textual(hint_pack, I"^name");
        if (Str::len(name) > 0) {
            int scope_level = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(hint_pack, I"^scope_level");
            faux_instance *scope_I = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, hint_pack, I"^scope_instance");
            text_stream *text_val = Metadata::read_optional_textual(hint_pack, I"^text");
            int int_val = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(hint_pack, I"^number");
            if (scope_level != 1000000) {
                if (pass == 2) Decode a hint setting EPS map parameters relating to levels10.4;
            } else {
                if (pass == 1) Decode a hint setting EPS map parameters10.3;
        text_stream *annotation = Metadata::read_optional_textual(hint_pack, I"^annotation");
        if (Str::len(annotation) > 0) {
            if (pass == 1) {
                rubric_holder *rh = CREATE(rubric_holder);
                rh->annotation = annotation;
                rh->point_size = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(hint_pack, I"^point_size");
                rh->font = Metadata::read_optional_textual(hint_pack, I"^font");
                rh->colour = Metadata::read_optional_textual(hint_pack, I"^colour");
                rh->at_offset = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(hint_pack, I"^offset");
                rh->offset_from = FauxInstances::xref(faux_set, hint_pack, I"^offset_from");
                ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(rh, rubric_holder, faux_set->rubrics);

§10.1. For instance, for "starboard" to be mapped as if "east":

Decode a hint mapping one direction as if another10.1 =

    session->story_dir_to_page_dir[dir->direction_index] = as_dir->direction_index;

§10.2. For instance, for the East Room to be mapped east of the Grand Lobby:

Decode a hint mapping one room in a specific direction from another10.2 =

    SpatialMap::lock_exit_in_place(from, dir->direction_index, to, session);

§10.3. Most map parameters (e.g. setting room colours or font sizes) can be set immediately, i.e., on pass 1:

Decode a hint setting EPS map parameters10.3 =

    ConfigureIndexMap::put_mp(name, NULL, scope_I, text_val, int_val, session);

§10.4. ...but not those hints applying to a specific level of the map (e.g., level 4), since we do not initially know what level any given room actually lives on: that can only be known once the spatial grid has been found, i.e., on pass 2.

Decode a hint setting EPS map parameters relating to levels10.4 =

    map_parameter_scope *scope = NULL;
    linked_list *L = Indexing::get_list_of_EPS_map_levels(session);
    EPS_map_level *eml;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(eml, EPS_map_level, L)
        if ((eml->contains_rooms)
            && (eml->map_level - SpatialMap::benchmark_level(session) == scope_level))
            scope = &(eml->map_parameters);
    if (scope) ConfigureIndexMap::put_mp(name, scope, scope_I, text_val, int_val, session);

§11. Instance set properties.

faux_instance *FauxInstances::start_room(index_session *session) {
    faux_instance_set *faux_set = Indexing::get_set_of_instances(session);
    return faux_set->start_faux_instance;

faux_instance *FauxInstances::yourself(index_session *session) {
    faux_instance_set *faux_set = Indexing::get_set_of_instances(session);
    return faux_set->faux_yourself;

faux_instance *FauxInstances::benchmark(index_session *session) {
    faux_instance_set *faux_set = Indexing::get_set_of_instances(session);
    return faux_set->faux_benchmark;


int FauxInstances::no_directions(index_session *session) {
    faux_instance_set *faux_set = Indexing::get_set_of_instances(session);
    return faux_set->no_direction_fi;

int FauxInstances::no_rooms(index_session *session) {
    faux_instance_set *faux_set = Indexing::get_set_of_instances(session);
    return faux_set->no_room_fi;

§13. Individual instance properties.

text_stream *FauxInstances::get_name(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->name;

void FauxInstances::write_name(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I) {
    WRITE("%S", FauxInstances::get_name(I));

void FauxInstances::write_kind(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I) {
    WRITE("%S", I->kind_text);

void FauxInstances::write_kind_chain(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I) {
    WRITE("%S", I->kind_chain);

faux_instance *FauxInstances::region_of(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->region_enclosing;

faux_instance *FauxInstances::opposite_direction(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->opposite_direction;

faux_instance *FauxInstances::other_side_of_door(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->other_side;

faux_instance *FauxInstances::sibling(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->object_tree_sibling;

faux_instance *FauxInstances::child(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->object_tree_child;

faux_instance *FauxInstances::progenitor(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->progenitor;

faux_instance *FauxInstances::incorp_child(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->incorp_tree_child;

faux_instance *FauxInstances::incorp_sibling(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->incorp_tree_sibling;

int FauxInstances::is_a_direction(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_direction")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_a_room(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_room")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_a_door(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_door")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_a_region(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_region")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_a_backdrop(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_backdrop")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_a_thing(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_thing")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_a_supporter(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_supporter")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_a_person(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_person")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_worn(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_worn")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_everywhere(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_everywhere")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::is_a_part(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package, I"^is_a_part")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int FauxInstances::created_at(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return -1;
    return (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package,  I"^at");

int FauxInstances::kind_set_at(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return -1;
    return (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package,  I"^kind_set_at");

int FauxInstances::progenitor_set_at(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return -1;
    return (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package,  I"^progenitor_set_at");

int FauxInstances::region_set_at(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return -1;
    return (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(I->package,  I"^region_set_at");

void FauxInstances::get_door_data(faux_instance *door,
    faux_instance **c1, faux_instance **c2) {
    if (c1) *c1 = door->fimd.map_connection_a;
    if (c2) *c2 = door->fimd.map_connection_b;

map_parameter_scope *FauxInstances::get_parameters(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return &(I->fimd.local_map_parameters);

int FauxInstances::specify_kind(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Str::eq(I->kind_text, I"thing")) return FALSE;
    if (Str::eq(I->kind_text, I"room")) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§14. Appearance counts. This code simply avoids repetitions in the World index:

void FauxInstances::increment_indexing_count(faux_instance *I) {

int FauxInstances::indexed_yet(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I->index_appearances > 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;