To compile the variables submodule for a compilation unit, which contains _variable packages.

§1. NVEs. While a nonlocal variable, or NLV, looks like a simple storage location from the perspective of Inform 7 source text — the author assumes there's some memory cell somewhere with this name — it can actually be data expressed in a range of different ways in Inter code. It might indeed be a global variable, but then again it might be an array entry, or even a temporary location on a stack; it might even be a constant.

This range of possible expressions is represented by a nonlocal_variable_emission, or NVE. Each variable in principle has two, a left and a right NVE, though in practice they are often the same. The left NVE tells Inform how to compile assignments to the variable (i.e., when using it as an lvalue); the right NVE how to compile lookups of its value (i.e., as an rvalue).

The NVE structure looks messy, but it's basically a union of four possibilities, of which the last is the default:

typedef struct nonlocal_variable_emission {
     access as this Inter constant or global variable
    struct inter_name *iname_form;

     access as the Inter nothing constant
    int nothing_form;

     access as this shared variable on the M-stack
    struct inter_name *shv_set_ID;
    int shv_index;
    int allow_access_even_if_does_not_exist;

     access as the iname belonging to the NLV itself
    int use_own_iname;
} nonlocal_variable_emission;

§2. The following is the default:

nonlocal_variable_emission RTVariables::default_nve(void) {
    nonlocal_variable_emission nve;
    nve.iname_form = NULL;

    nve.nothing_form = FALSE;

    nve.shv_set_ID = NULL;
    nve.shv_index = -1;
    nve.allow_access_even_if_does_not_exist = FALSE;

    nve.use_own_iname = FALSE;
    return nve;

§3. So where do these NVEs come from?

nonlocal_variable_emission RTVariables::nve_from_nothing(void) {
    nonlocal_variable_emission nve = RTVariables::default_nve();
    nve.nothing_form = TRUE;
    return nve;

nonlocal_variable_emission RTVariables::nve_from_iname(inter_name *iname) {
    nonlocal_variable_emission nve = RTVariables::default_nve();
    nve.iname_form = iname;
    return nve;

nonlocal_variable_emission RTVariables::nve_from_mstack(inter_name *iname,
    int index, int allow_access_even_if_does_not_exist) {
    nonlocal_variable_emission nve = RTVariables::default_nve();
    nve.shv_set_ID = iname;
    nve.shv_index = index;
    nve.allow_access_even_if_does_not_exist = allow_access_even_if_does_not_exist;
    return nve;

nonlocal_variable_emission RTVariables::nve_from_own_iname(void) {
    nonlocal_variable_emission nve = RTVariables::default_nve();
    nve.use_own_iname = TRUE;
    return nve;

§4. As noted above, the left and right NVEs are usually the same:

void RTVariables::set_NVE(nonlocal_variable *nlv, nonlocal_variable_emission nve) {
    if (nlv == NULL) internal_error("null nlv");
    nlv->compilation_data.lvalue_nve = nve;
    nlv->compilation_data.rvalue_nve = nve;

§5. This is a particularly useful case, where iname can be the iname of a constant or a global variable in Inter:

void RTVariables::store_in_this_iname(nonlocal_variable *nlv, inter_name *iname) {
    RTVariables::set_NVE(nlv, RTVariables::nve_from_iname(iname));

void RTVariables::understood_variable(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    RTVariables::store_in_this_iname(nlv, Hierarchy::find(PARSED_NUMBER_HL));

§6. And in particular that's how we handle sentences like "Maximum score translates into Inter as "MAX_SCORE".":

void RTVariables::identifier_translates(nonlocal_variable *nlv, text_stream *name) {
    if (nlv->compilation_data.nlv_name_translated) {
            "this variable has already been translated",
            "so there must be some duplication somewhere.");
    nlv->compilation_data.nlv_name_translated = TRUE;
    if (Str::eq(name, I"nothing")) {
        RTVariables::set_NVE(nlv, RTVariables::nve_from_nothing());
    } else {
        inter_name *as_iname = HierarchyLocations::find_by_name(Emit::tree(), name);
        RTVariables::store_in_this_iname(nlv, as_iname);

void RTVariables::set_NVE_from_existing(nonlocal_variable *nlv, nonlocal_variable *other) {
    if (nlv == NULL) internal_error("null nlv");
    if (other == NULL) internal_error("null other");
    RTVariables::set_NVE(nlv, other->compilation_data.rvalue_nve);

§7. Left and right NVEs may differ in the case where an NLV is tied to a shared variable which lives fleetingly on the M-stack at runtime. The difference is essentially that a read of a shared variable (the right NVE) will forgive the situation in which that variable does not exist; a write to it (the left NVE) will not. See MStack (in BasicInformKit) for more.

void RTVariables::tie_NLV_to_shared_variable(nonlocal_variable *nlv, shared_variable *shv) {
    if (nlv == NULL) internal_error("null nlv");
    if (SharedVariables::is_actor(shv)) {
        RTVariables::store_in_this_iname(nlv, Hierarchy::find(ACTOR_HL));
    } else {
        nlv->compilation_data.lvalue_nve =
                SharedVariables::get_index(shv), FALSE);
        nlv->compilation_data.rvalue_nve =
                SharedVariables::get_index(shv), TRUE);

§8. And the following code results from a reference to the NVE.

void RTVariables::compile_NVE_as_val(nonlocal_variable *nlv, nonlocal_variable_emission *nve) {
    if (nve->iname_form) {
        EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, nve->iname_form);
    } else if (nve->shv_set_ID) {
            EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(MSTACK_HL));
            int ex = MSTVO_HL;
            if (nve->allow_access_even_if_does_not_exist) ex = MSTVON_HL;
                EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, nve->shv_set_ID);
                EmitCode::val_number((inter_ti) nve->shv_index);
    } else if (nve->use_own_iname) {
        EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, RTVariables::iname(nlv));
    } else if (nve->nothing_form) {
        EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(NOTHING_HL));
    } else {
        internal_error("improperly formed nve");

§9. Writing without NVEs. NVEs are a very flexible way to describe a storage location, but they do assume that a write can be performed by a STORE_BIP instruction applied to a reference to that location — in other words, by some form of assignment like so:

    Something = value;
    (Somewhere-->20) = value;

And here the term on the left is compiled by wrapping the code produced by RTVariables::compile_NVE_as_val in a REF_IST to make a reference. This is all well and good. But suppose the assignment has to be made by some function instead?

    ChangePlayer (val) {
        player = val;

An NVE cannot express the need to compile an assignment entirely differently. So for such cases we provide the ability to set an explicit I6 scheme for writing. In such a schema, *1 means the variable, *2 the value; so, for example, ChangePlayer(*2) could be used in the above example.

void RTVariables::set_write_schema(nonlocal_variable *nlv, text_stream *sch) {
    nlv->compilation_data.nlv_write_schema = Str::duplicate(sch);

text_stream *RTVariables::get_write_schema(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    if (nlv == NULL) return NULL;
    return nlv->compilation_data.nlv_write_schema;

§10. Compilation data. Each nonlocal_variable object contains this data.

typedef struct variable_compilation_data {
    struct package_request *nlv_package;
    struct inter_name *nlv_iname;
    int hierarchy_location_id;
    int nlv_name_translated;  has this been given storage as an I6 variable?
    struct nonlocal_variable_emission rvalue_nve;
    struct nonlocal_variable_emission lvalue_nve;
    struct text_stream *nlv_write_schema;  NULL for almost all variables
    int var_is_initialisable_anyway;  meaningful only if not stored in own iname
} variable_compilation_data;

variable_compilation_data RTVariables::new_compilation_data(void) {
    variable_compilation_data data;
    data.nlv_package = NULL;
    data.hierarchy_location_id = -1;
    data.nlv_iname = NULL;
    data.nlv_name_translated = FALSE;
    data.rvalue_nve = RTVariables::nve_from_own_iname();
    data.lvalue_nve = RTVariables::nve_from_own_iname();
    data.nlv_write_schema = NULL;
    data.var_is_initialisable_anyway = FALSE;
    return data;

§11. This function should be used immediately after a variable is created, or

void RTVariables::set_hierarchy_location(nonlocal_variable *nlv, int hl) {
    nlv->compilation_data.hierarchy_location_id = hl;

package_request *RTVariables::package(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    if (nlv->compilation_data.nlv_package == NULL)
        nlv->compilation_data.nlv_package =
    return nlv->compilation_data.nlv_package;

inter_name *RTVariables::iname(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    if (nlv->compilation_data.nlv_iname == NULL) {
        if (nlv->compilation_data.hierarchy_location_id >= 0)
            nlv->compilation_data.nlv_iname =
            nlv->compilation_data.nlv_iname =
                    RTVariables::package(nlv), nlv->name);
    return nlv->compilation_data.nlv_iname;

§12. Most variables are stored in the default way, and then they are certainly initialisable. Those stored in some non-standard way are by default not, unless a call to the following has been made:

void RTVariables::make_initialisable(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    nlv->compilation_data.var_is_initialisable_anyway = TRUE;

int RTVariables::stored_in_own_iname(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    if (nlv->compilation_data.lvalue_nve.use_own_iname) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int RTVariables::is_initialisable(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    if (RTVariables::stored_in_own_iname(nlv)) return TRUE;
    if (nlv->compilation_data.var_is_initialisable_anyway) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§13. Compilation. For the sake of the index, we recognise variables with "K understood" names and mark them with metadata; this doesn't make them behave any differently in compiled code, of course.

<value-understood-variable-name> ::=
    <k-kind> understood


int RTVariables::compile(inference_subject_family *f, int ignored) {
    nonlocal_variable *nlv;
    LOOP_OVER(nlv, nonlocal_variable) {
        package_request *pack = RTVariables::package(nlv);
        Hierarchy::apply_metadata_from_wording(pack, VARIABLE_NAME_MD_HL, nlv->name);
        if ((Wordings::first_wn(nlv->name) >= 0) && (NonlocalVariables::is_global(nlv))) {
            Hierarchy::apply_metadata_from_number(pack, VARIABLE_AT_MD_HL,
                (inter_ti) Wordings::first_wn(nlv->name));
            heading *h = Headings::of_wording(nlv->name);
            if (CompletionModule::has_heading_id(h))
                Hierarchy::apply_metadata_from_heading(pack, VARIABLE_HEADING_MD_HL, h);
            Hierarchy::apply_metadata_from_number(pack, VARIABLE_INDEXABLE_MD_HL,
                ((h) && (h->index_definitions_made_under_this))?1:0);
            if (<value-understood-variable-name>(nlv->name))
                Hierarchy::apply_metadata_from_number(pack, VARIABLE_UNDERSTOOD_MD_HL, 1);
            if (Wordings::nonempty(nlv->var_documentation_symbol))
                Hierarchy::apply_metadata_from_raw_wording(pack, VARIABLE_DOCUMENTATION_MD_HL,
            Kinds::Textual::write(contents, nlv->nlv_kind);
            Hierarchy::apply_metadata(pack, VARIABLE_CONTENTS_MD_HL, contents);
        if ((RTVariables::stored_in_own_iname(nlv)) ||
            (nlv->constant_at_run_time == FALSE)) {
            inter_name *iname = RTVariables::iname(nlv);
            if (nlv->compilation_data.nlv_name_translated == FALSE) {
                inter_pair val = RTVariables::initial_value_as_pair(iname, nlv);
                Emit::variable(iname, nlv->nlv_kind, val);
            } else {
                if (nlv->compilation_data.lvalue_nve.iname_form) {
                    inter_symbol *S = InterNames::to_symbol(iname);
                    inter_symbol *H = InterNames::to_symbol(nlv->compilation_data.lvalue_nve.iname_form);
                    Wiring::wire_to(S, H);
                    Hierarchy::apply_metadata_from_iname(pack, VARIABLE_COUNTERPART_MD_HL,
            Add any anomalous extras14.1;
        if (nlv == max_score_VAR) {
            inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(INITIAL_MAX_SCORE_HL, pack);
            if (VariableSubjects::has_initial_value_set(max_score_VAR)) {
                Emit::initial_value_as_constant(iname, max_score_VAR);
            } else {
                Emit::numeric_constant(iname, 0);
    return TRUE;

§14.1. Here, an Inter function is compiled which returns the current value of the command prompt variable; see Parser (in CommandParserKit).

Add any anomalous extras14.1 =

    if (nlv == NonlocalVariables::command_prompt_variable()) {
        inter_name *iname = RTVariables::iname(nlv);
        inter_name *cpt_iname =
            Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COMMANDPROMPTTEXT_HL, InterNames::location(iname));
        packaging_state save = Functions::begin(cpt_iname);
            EmitCode::val_iname(K_text, iname);

§15. Initial values. Three functions which all compile the initial value of a variable, in different ways:

void RTVariables::initial_value_as_array_entry(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    value_holster VH = Holsters::new(INTER_DATA_VHMODE);
    RTVariables::holster_initial_value(&VH, nlv);
    inter_pair val = Holsters::unholster_to_pair(&VH);

void RTVariables::initial_value_as_val(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    value_holster VH = Holsters::new(INTER_VAL_VHMODE);
    RTVariables::holster_initial_value(&VH, nlv);
    Holsters::unholster_to_code_val(Emit::tree(), &VH);

inter_pair RTVariables::initial_value_as_pair(inter_name *iname, nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    value_holster VH = Holsters::new(INTER_DATA_VHMODE);
    packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(iname);
    RTVariables::holster_initial_value(&VH, nlv);
    inter_pair val = Holsters::unholster_to_pair(&VH);
    Packaging::exit(Emit::tree(), save);
    return val;

§16. Which are all powered by the following function.

If the variable has no known initial value, it is given the initial value for its kind where possible: but note that this may not be possible if the source text says something like

Thickness is a kind of value. The carpet nap is a thickness that varies.

without specifying any thicknesses. If that's so, the set of legal thickness values is empty, so the "carpet nap" variable cannot be created in a way which makes its kind safe.

void RTVariables::holster_initial_value(value_holster *VH, nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    parse_node *val =
    if (Node::is(val, UNKNOWN_NT)) {
        current_sentence = nlv->nlv_created_at;
        Initialise with the default value of its kind16.1
    } else {
        current_sentence = VariableSubjects::origin_of_initial_value(nlv);
        if (Lvalues::get_storage_form(val) == NONLOCAL_VARIABLE_NT)
            Issue a problem for one variable set equal to another16.2
        else CompileValues::constant_to_holster(VH, val, nlv->nlv_kind);

§16.1. Initialise with the default value of its kind16.1 =

    if (DefaultValues::to_holster(VH, nlv->nlv_kind, nlv->name, "variable") == FALSE) {
        if (nlv->var_is_allowed_to_be_zero) {
            Holsters::holster_pair(VH, InterValuePairs::number(0));
        } else {
            wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(nlv->nlv_kind, FALSE);
            Problems::quote_wording(1, nlv->name);
            Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
            StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_EmptyDataType));
                "I am unable to put any value into the variable '%1', because "
                "%2 is a kind of value with no actual values.");

§16.2. Issue a problem for one variable set equal to another16.2 =

    nonlocal_variable *the_other = Node::get_constant_nonlocal_variable(val);
    if (the_other == NULL) internal_error(
        "Tried to compile initial value of variable as null variable");
    if (the_other == nlv) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, nlv->name);
        Problems::quote_kind(3, nlv->nlv_kind);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_InitialiseQ2));
            "The sentence %1 tells me that '%2', which should be %3 "
            "that varies, is to have an initial value equal to itself - "
            "this is such an odd thing to say that I think I must have "
    } else {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, nlv->name);
        Problems::quote_kind(3, nlv->nlv_kind);
        Problems::quote_wording(4, the_other->name);
        Problems::quote_kind(5, the_other->nlv_kind);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_InitialiseQ1));
            "The sentence %1 tells me that '%2', which should be %3 "
            "that varies, is to have an initial value equal to '%4', "
            "which in turn is %5 that varies. At the start of play, "
            "variable values have to be set equal to definite constants, "
            "so this is not allowed.");