Additional syntax tree node and annotation types used by the actions plugin.

§1. There is just one additional node type, but it can take four new annotations:

enum ACTION_NT   "taking something closed"

enum action_meaning_ANNOT  action_pattern: meaning in parse tree when used as noun
enum constant_action_name_ANNOT  action_name: for constant values
enum constant_action_pattern_ANNOT  action_pattern: for constant values
enum constant_explicit_action_ANNOT  explicit_action: for constant values
enum constant_named_action_pattern_ANNOT  named_action_pattern: for constant values
DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(action_meaning, action_pattern)
DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(constant_action_name, action_name)
DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(constant_action_pattern, action_pattern)
DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(constant_explicit_action, explicit_action)
DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(constant_named_action_pattern, named_action_pattern)


MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(action_meaning, action_pattern)
MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(constant_action_name, action_name)
MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(constant_action_pattern, action_pattern)
MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(constant_explicit_action, explicit_action)
MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(constant_named_action_pattern, named_action_pattern)

void ActionsNodes::nodes_and_annotations(void) {

    Annotations::allow(ACTION_NT, action_meaning_ANNOT);

    Annotations::allow(CONSTANT_NT, constant_action_name_ANNOT);
    Annotations::allow(CONSTANT_NT, constant_action_pattern_ANNOT);
    Annotations::allow(CONSTANT_NT, constant_named_action_pattern_ANNOT);
    Annotations::allow(CONSTANT_NT, constant_explicit_action_ANNOT);

	Annotations::allow(COMMON_NOUN_NT, action_meaning_ANNOT);

§3. And for the debugging log:

void ActionsNodes::write_action_meaning_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_action_meaning(p)) {
        WRITE(" {action meaning: ");
        ActionPatterns::write(OUT, Node::get_action_meaning(p));
void ActionsNodes::write_constant_action_name_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_constant_action_name(p))
        WRITE(" {action name: %W}",
            ActionNameNames::tensed(Node::get_constant_action_name(p), IS_TENSE));
void ActionsNodes::write_constant_action_pattern_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_constant_action_pattern(p)) {
        WRITE(" {action pattern: ");
        ActionPatterns::write(OUT, Node::get_constant_action_pattern(p));
void ActionsNodes::write_constant_explicit_action_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_constant_explicit_action(p)) {
        WRITE(" {explicit action: ");
        ActionPatterns::write(OUT, Node::get_constant_explicit_action(p)->as_described);
void ActionsNodes::write_constant_named_action_pattern_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT,
    parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_constant_named_action_pattern(p)) {
        WRITE(" {named action pattern: ");
        Nouns::write(OUT, Node::get_constant_named_action_pattern(p)->as_noun);

§4. The ACTION node type is used in Assertions (in assertions) to represent whole phrases in sentences which are descriptions of actions. It occurs only when working on copular sentences.

There are in principle two ways that such text could be represented: exactly specified actions may come out as PROPER_NOUN_NT nodes referring to constants of the K_stored_action kind, while vaguely specified ones will be ACTION_NT nodes. The following therefore detects either:

int ActionsNodes::is_actionlike(parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_type(p) == ACTION_NT) return TRUE;
    if ((K_stored_action) && (Node::get_type(p) == PROPER_NOUN_NT)) {
        parse_node *spec = Node::get_evaluation(p);
        if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(spec, K_stored_action)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§5. And this function converts any such proper-noun action clauses to ACTIONs:

void ActionsNodes::convert_stored_action_constant(parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_type(p) == PROPER_NOUN_NT) {
        parse_node *spec = Node::get_evaluation(p);
        if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(spec, K_stored_action)) {
            explicit_action *ea = Node::get_constant_explicit_action(spec);
            ActionsNodes::convert_to_ACTION_node(p, ea->as_described);

§6. As this exemplifies, ACTION_NT nodes are converted from existing ones, not born:

void ActionsNodes::convert_to_ACTION_node(parse_node *p, action_pattern *ap) {
    Node::set_type(p, ACTION_NT);
    Node::set_action_meaning(p, ap);
    p->down = NULL;

§7. We use the functions above when a copular sentence appears to be creating something, by making an "X is a Y" sort of sentence.

int ActionsNodes::creation(parse_node *px, parse_node *py) {
    Intervene to catch behaviour sentences7.1;
    Intervene to undo a false action detection7.2;
    return FALSE;

§7.1. Consider:

Taking something is proactive behaviour.

Here Refiner::refine will correctly report that "proactive behaviour" is a new term, and give it a CREATED_NT node. But we don't want it to become an object or a value — we want it to be a new named action pattern. So we amend the node to ACTION_NT. And in general, whenever both sides of a copular assertion are actionlike, we want to make them ACTION_NT nodes.

Intervene to catch behaviour sentences7.1 =

    if ((ActionsNodes::is_actionlike(px)) && (Node::get_type(py) == CREATED_NT))
        Node::set_type(py, ACTION_NT);
    if ((ActionsNodes::is_actionlike(px)) && (ActionsNodes::is_actionlike(py))) {

§7.2. The second case occurs much less often — for instance, the only time it comes up in the test suite is CHS, the example "Chronic Hinting Syndrome":

Setting is a kind of value. The settings are bright and dull.

Here the first sentence wants to create something called "setting", which ought to have a CREATED_NT node type, but doesn't because it has been read as an action instead. We correct the spurious ACTION_NT to a CREATED_NT.

Intervene to undo a false action detection7.2 =

    if ((Node::get_type(px) == ACTION_NT) && (Node::get_type(py) == KIND_NT))
        Node::set_type(px, CREATED_NT);

§8. This is also an intervention in an assertion, and comes when a property is being set to an ACTION_NT node. This is where we make the reverse conversion, and turn such a node back to a K_stored_action proper noun, so that it can indeed be used as a value.

int ActionsNodes::unusual_property_value_node(parse_node *py) {
    if (Node::get_type(py) == ACTION_NT) {
        action_pattern *ap = Node::get_action_meaning(py);
        if (ap) {
            parse_node *val = ARvalues::from_action_pattern(ap);
            if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(val, K_stored_action)) {
                Refiner::give_spec_to_noun(py, val);
                return TRUE;
    return FALSE;