A set of operations which rewrite propositions to make them easier or quicker to test at run-time without changing their meaning.

§1. Golden rules. The following functions all take a propeosition \(\Sigma\) in the parameter prop, and return \(\Sigma'\); they set the flag pointed to by changed if they in fact change something. (They are allowed to modify or destroy the data structure pointed to by prop, or indeed to change it in place and return the same pointer.)

Rules (1) and (2) are always strictly obeyed. If (3) is also strictly obeyed, we call the function a "deduction": but if we bend rule (3) to accommodate the quirky nature of language, we call it a "fudge".

Note that we do not require \(\Sigma'\) to be simpler than \(\Sigma\) in any crude sense (say, its number of atoms). We want it to be more convenient to test at run-time than \(\Sigma\) would have been, that's all. But usually it's a good idea to reduce the number of different variables occurring in it.

§2. Simplify the nothing constant (fudge). The word "nothing" is sometimes a noun ("the holder of the oak tree is nothing"), sometimes a determiner ("nothing is in the box"). This doesn't arise with other no- words, such as "nowhere" and "nobody", since those are not allowed as nouns in Inform.

Here we look for the noun form as one term in a binary predicate, and convert it to the determiner form unless the predicate is equality. Thus "X is nothing" is allowed to use the noun form, "X contains nothing" has to use the determiner form.1

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::nothing_constant(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    *changed = FALSE;
        if ((Atoms::is_binary_predicate(pl)) &&
            (Atoms::is_equality_predicate(pl) == FALSE)) {
            binary_predicate *bp = RETRIEVE_POINTER_binary_predicate(pl->predicate);
            for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
                parse_node *C = Terms::constant_underlying(&(pl->terms[i]));
                    Substitute for the term and quantify with does-not-exist2.2;
                    PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);
    return prop;

§2.1. Formally, if \(B\) is a predicate other than equality, and \(N\) is the "nothing" constant, $$ \Sigma = \cdots B(t, f_X(f_Y(\cdots(N))))\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots \not\exists v\in\lbrace v\mid K_1(v)\rbrace: B(t, f_X(f_Y(\cdots(v))))\cdots $$ where \(v\) is unused in \(\Sigma\), and — note the difference in placing — $$ \Sigma = \cdots B(f_X(f_Y(\cdots(N))), t)\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \not\exists v\in\lbrace v\mid K_2(v)\rbrace: \cdots B(f_X(f_Y(\cdots(v))), t)\cdots $$ where \(K_1\) and \(K_2\) are the kinds of terms 1 and 2 in the predicate \(B\).

The difference in where we place the quantifier is important in double-negative sentences. Consider these:

[1] the box does not contain nothing

which produces \(\Sigma = \lnot({\it contains}(B, N))\). Here, nothing is part of the object phrase, not the subject phrase, and we need to quantify it within the OP — which means, within the negation, because our recipe for negated sentences was (roughly) SP \(\land\lnot(\) OP \(\land\) VP\()\). We thus make \(\Sigma' = \lnot(\not\exists x:{\it contains}(B, x))\), although later simplification converts that to \(\exists x: {\it contains}(B, x)\), just as if the original sentence had been "the box contains something". On the other hand,

[2] nothing does not annoy Peter

produces \(\Sigma = \lnot({\it annoys}(N, P))\), and now we have to quantify as \(\Sigma' = \not\exists x: \lnot({\it annoys}(x, P))\).

Double-negatives are a little odd. If natural language were really the same as predicate logic with some grunting sounds for decoration, then a double negative would always be a positive. In fact that isn't always quite true,2 but Inform does consider a double negative to be a positive.

§2.2. The code is simpler than the explanation:

Substitute for the term and quantify with does-not-exist2.2 =

    int nv = Binding::find_unused(prop);
    pcalc_term new_var = Terms::new_variable(nv);
    Binding::substitute_nothing_in_term(&(pl->terms[i]), &new_var);
    pcalc_prop *position = NULL;  at the front if nothing is the SP...
    if (i == 1) position = pl_prev;  ...but up close to the predicate if it's the OP
     insert four atoms, in reverse order, at this position:
    prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, position, Atoms::new(DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM));
    if (BinaryPredicates::term_kind(bp, i))
        prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, position,
            KindPredicates::new_atom(BinaryPredicates::term_kind(bp, i), new_var));
    prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, position, Atoms::new(DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM));
    prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, position,
        Atoms::QUANTIFIER_new(not_exists_quantifier, nv, 0));

§3. Use listed-in predicates (deduction). Suppose the source text reads:

if X is a density listed in the Table of Solid Stuff, ...

Inform parses "a density listed in the Table of Solid Stuff" as a single specification, with references to the density column and the Solid Stuff table. In terms of our calculus, this is just another constant, which we'll call \(L\). At this point the sentence looks like: $$ {\it is}(X, L) $$ The trouble is that \(L\) is really a predicate, acting on some free variable \(v\), because it stands for any value \(v\) found in the density column. So we must make its nature explicit. Every table column has an associated binary predicate, and we rewrite: $$ \exists v: {\it number}(v)\land {\it listed}_{\it density}(v, T)\land {\it is}(v, X) $$ This looks extravagant, but later simplification will reduce it to \({\it listed}_{\it density}(X, T)\).

More formally suppose we write \(L(C, T)\) for the constant representing "a C listed in T", and suppose we use the notation \(P(\dots t\dots)\) for any predicate containing a term underlying which is \(t\). Let \(v\) be a variable unused in \(\Sigma\), and let \(K\) be the kind of value of entries in the \(C\) column. Then: $$ \Sigma = \cdots P(\dots L(C, T)\dots) \cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots \exists v: K(v)\land {\it listed}_C(v, T)\land P(\dots v\dots) \cdots $$ where the variable \(v\) has replaced the constant \(L(C, T)\) underlying one of the terms of \(P\).

Note that this can act twice on the same predicate, if such terms occur twice. For example,

if a crispiness listed in the Table of Salad Stuff is a density listed in the Table of Solid Stuff, ...

generates \({\it is}(L(C_1, T_1), L(C_2, T_2))\). As it happens, Inform can't compile this efficiently and will produce a problem message to say so, but the code here does generate the correct proposition, $$ \exists x: {\it number}(x)\land {\it listed}_{\it Salad}(x, T_1)\land {\it listed}_{\it Solid}(x, T_2). $$

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::use_listed_in(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {

    *changed = FALSE;

        int j;
        for (j=0; j<pl->arity; j++) {
            parse_node *spec = Terms::constant_underlying(&(pl->terms[j]));
            if ((spec) && (Lvalues::get_storage_form(spec) == TABLE_ENTRY_NT) &&
                (Node::no_children(spec) == 2)) {
                parse_node *col = spec->down;
                parse_node *tab = spec->down->next;
                table_column *tc = Rvalues::to_table_column(col);
                kind *K = Tables::Columns::get_kind(tc);
                if ((K_understanding) && (Kinds::eq(K, K_understanding))) K = K_snippet;
                int nv = Binding::find_unused(prop);
                pcalc_term nv_term = Terms::new_variable(nv);
                prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev,
                        nv_term, Terms::new_constant(tab)));
                pcalc_prop *new_KIND = KindPredicates::new_atom(K, nv_term);
                new_KIND->saved_bp = Tables::Columns::get_listed_in_predicate(tc);
                prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev, new_KIND);
                prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev,
                    Atoms::QUANTIFIER_new(exists_quantifier, nv, 0));
                Binding::substitute_term_in_term(&(pl->terms[j]), &nv_term);
                PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);

    return prop;

§4. Simplify negated determiners (deduction). The negation atom is worth removing wherever possible, since we want to keep propositions in a flat conjunction form if we can, and the negation of a string of atoms is therefore a bad thing. We therefore change thus: $$ \Sigma = \cdots \lnot (Qv\in\lbrace v\mid \phi(v)\rbrace: \psi)\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots Q'v\in\lbrace v\mid \phi(v)\rbrace: \psi\cdots $$ where \(Q'\) is the negation of the generalised quantifier \(Q\): for instance, \(V_{<5} y\) becomes \(V_{\geq 5} y\).

A curiosity here is that when simplifying during sentence conversion, we choose not to apply this deduction in the case of \(Q = \exists\). This saves us having to make difficult decisions about the domain set of \(Q\) (see below), and also preserves \(\exists v\) atoms in \(\Sigma\), which are useful since they make some of our later simplifications more applicable.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::negated_determiners_nonex(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    return Simplifications::negated_determiners(prop, changed, FALSE);

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::negated_determiners(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed,
    int negate_existence_too) {

    *changed = FALSE;

        pcalc_prop *quant_atom;
        if (Propositions::match(pl, 2,
            QUANTIFIER_ATOM, &quant_atom)) {
            if ((negate_existence_too) ||
                ((Atoms::is_existence_quantifier(quant_atom) == FALSE))) {
                prop = Simplifications::prop_ungroup_and_negate_determiner(prop, pl_prev, TRUE);
                PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);
    return prop;

§5. And the following useful function actually performs the change. The only tricky point here is that we store \(\exists v\) without domain brackets; so if \(Q\) happens to be \(\exists v\) then we have to turn \(\lnot(\exists v: \cdots)\) into \(\not\exists v\in \lbrace v\mid \cdots\rbrace\cdots\), and it's not obvious where to place the \(\rbrace\). While there's no logical difference — the proposition means the same wherever we put it — the assert-propositions code is better at handling \(\exists v\in X: \phi(v)\) than \(\exists v\in Y\). So we want the braces to enclose fixed, unassertable matter — \(v\) being a container, say — and the \(\phi\) outside the braces should then contain predicates which can be asserted.

In practice that's way too hard for this function to handle. If add_domain_brackets is true, then it converts $$ \lnot(\exists v: \cdots) \quad\longrightarrow\quad \not\exists v\in \lbrace v\mid \cdots\rbrace $$ — that is, it will make the entire negated subproposition the domain of the quantifier. If add_domain_brackets is false, the function will return a syntactically incorrect proposition lacking the domain brackets, and it's the caller's responsibility to put that right.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::prop_ungroup_and_negate_determiner(pcalc_prop *prop,
    pcalc_prop *after, int add_domain_brackets) {
    pcalc_prop *quant_atom, *last;
    int fnd;
    if (after == NULL)
        fnd = Propositions::match(prop, 2,
            QUANTIFIER_ATOM, &quant_atom);
        fnd = Propositions::match(after, 3, ANY_ATOM_HERE, NULL,
            QUANTIFIER_ATOM, &quant_atom);
    if (fnd) {
        quantifier *quant = quant_atom->quant;
        quantifier *antiquant = Quantifiers::get_negation(quant);
        quant_atom->quant = antiquant;
        prop = Propositions::ungroup_after(prop, after, &last);  remove negation brackets
        if ((quant == exists_quantifier) && (add_domain_brackets)) {
            prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, quant_atom, Atoms::new(DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM));
            prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, last, Atoms::new(DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM));
        if (antiquant == exists_quantifier) {
            prop = Propositions::ungroup_after(prop, quant_atom, NULL);  remove domain brackets
            "Simplifications::prop_ungroup_and_negate_determiner: $D\n", prop);
    } else internal_error("not a negate-group-determiner");
    return prop;

§6. Simplify negated satisfiability (deduction). When simplifying converted sentences, we chose not to use the Simplifications::negated_determiners tactic on existence quantifiers \(\exists v\), partly because it's tricky to establish their domain in a way helpful to the rest of Inform.

Here we handle a simple case which occurs frequently and where we can indeed identify the domain well: $$ \Sigma = \lnot (\exists v: K(v)\land P) \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \not\exists v\in\lbrace v\mid K(v)\rbrace: P $$ where \(K\) is a kind, and \(P\) is any single predicate other than equality. (In the case of equality, we'd rather leave matters as they stand, because substitution will later eliminate all of this anyway.)

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::negated_satisfiable(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    pcalc_prop *quant_atom, *predicate_atom, *kind_atom;
    *changed = FALSE;
    if ((Propositions::match(prop, 6,
        QUANTIFIER_ATOM, &quant_atom,
        PREDICATE_ATOM, &kind_atom, kind_up_family,
        PREDICATE_ATOM, &predicate_atom, NULL,
        END_PROP_HERE, NULL)) &&
        (Atoms::is_existence_quantifier(quant_atom)) &&
        (Atoms::is_equality_predicate(predicate_atom) == FALSE) &&
        (kind_atom->terms[0].variable == quant_atom->terms[0].variable)) {
        prop = Simplifications::prop_ungroup_and_negate_determiner(prop, NULL, FALSE);
        prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, quant_atom, Atoms::new(DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM));
        prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, kind_atom, Atoms::new(DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM));
        *changed = TRUE;
    return prop;

§7. Make kind requirements explicit (deduction). Many predicates contain implicit requirements about the kinds of their terms. For instance, if \(R\) relates a door to a number, then \(R(x,y)\) can only be true if \(x\) is a door and \(y\) is a number. We insert these requirements explicitly in order to defend the code testing \(R\); it ensures we never have to test bogus values. We need do this only for variables, as with more constants and functions type-checking will certainly be able to test their kind in any event (whereas a free variable is anonymous enough that we can't necessarily know by other means).

Formally, let \(K_1\) and \(K_2\) be the kinds of value of terms 1 and 2 of the binary predicate \(R\). Let \(v\) be a variable. Then: $$ \Sigma = \cdots R(v, t)\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots K_1(v)\land R(v, t) $$ $$ \Sigma = \cdots R(t, v)\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots K_2(v)\land R(t, v) $$ and therefore, if both cases occur, $$ \Sigma = \cdots R(v, w)\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots K_1(v)\land K_2(w)\land R(v, w) $$

Some of these new kind atoms are unnecessary, but Simplifications::redundant_kinds will detect and remove those.

Why do we do this for binary predicates, but not unary predicates? The answer is that there's no need, and it's impracticable anyway, because adjectives are allowed to have multiple definitions for different kinds of value, and because the code testing them is written to cope properly with bogus values.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::make_kinds_of_value_explicit(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {

        if (Atoms::is_binary_predicate(pl)) {
            int i;
            binary_predicate *bp = RETRIEVE_POINTER_binary_predicate(pl->predicate);
            for (i=1; i>=0; i--) {
                int v = pl->terms[i].variable;
                if (v >= 0) {
                    kind *K = BinaryPredicates::term_kind(bp, i);
                    if (K) {
                        pcalc_prop *new_KIND = KindPredicates::new_atom(K, Terms::new_variable(v));
                        new_KIND->saved_bp = bp;
                        prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev, new_KIND);
                    *changed = TRUE;
    return prop;

§8. Remove redundant kind predicates (deduction). Propositions often contain more kind predicates than they need, not least as a result of Simplifications::make_kinds_of_value_explicit. Here we remove some of those, and move the survivors to what we consider the best positions within the line. For reasons to be revealed below, we run this process twice over:

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::redundant_kinds(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    int c1 = FALSE, c2 = FALSE;
    prop = Simplifications::simp_redundant_kinds_dash(prop, prop, 1, &c1);
    prop = Simplifications::simp_redundant_kinds_dash(prop, prop, 1, &c2);
    if ((c1) || (c2)) *changed = TRUE; else *changed = FALSE;
    return prop;

§9. This function works recursively on subexpressions within the main proposition. These all begin and end with matched open and close brackets, with one exception: the main proposition itself.

start_group represents the first atom of the expression (the open bracket, in most cases) and start_level the level of bracket nesting at that point. This is 1 for the main proposition, but 0 for subexpressions, so that inside the brackets the main content will be at level 1.

This would all go wrong if the proposition were not well-formed, but we know that it is — an internal error would have been thrown if not.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::simp_redundant_kinds_dash(pcalc_prop *prop,
    pcalc_prop *start_group, int start_level, int *changed) {
    pcalc_prop *optimal_kind_placings_domain[26], *optimal_kind_placings_statement[26];

    Recursively simplify all subexpressions first9.1;
    Find optimal positions for kind predicates9.2;
    Strike out redundant kind predicates applied to variables9.3;
    Strike out tautological kind predicates applied to constants9.4;

    return prop;

§9.1. For all of the atoms in the body of the group we're working on, the bracket level will be 1. When it raises to 2, then, we begin a subexpression, and we recurse into it. (We don't recurse at levels 3 and up because the level 2 call will already have taken care of those sub-sub-expressions.)

Recursively simplify all subexpressions first9.1 =

    int blevel = start_level;
    TRAVERSE_PROPOSITION(pl, start_group) {
        if (Atoms::is_opener(pl->element)) {
            if (blevel == 2)
                prop = Simplifications::simp_redundant_kinds_dash(prop, pl, 0, changed);
        if (Atoms::is_closer(pl->element)) blevel--;
        if (blevel == 0) break;

§9.2. Suppose we have a kind predicate \(K(v)\) applied to a variable. What would be the best place to put this? Generally speaking, we want it as early as possible, because tests of \(K\) are cheap and this will keep running time low in compiled code. On the other hand we must not move it outside the current subexpression. The doctrine is:

Rule (iv) there looks a little surprising. For instance, it causes $$ \Sigma = \not\exists x\in\lbrace x\mid {\it thing}(x)\land{\it contains}(B, x)\rbrace : {\it container}(x)\land {\it open(x)} \quad \longrightarrow \quad $$ $$ \Sigma' = \not\exists x\in\lbrace x\mid {\it container}(x)\land{\it thing}(x)\land{\it contains}(B, x)\rbrace : {\it open(x)}. $$ These are logically equivalent because \(\not\exists\) behaves that way — they wouldn't be equivalent for other quantifiers. Rule (iii) would have said no movement was necessary; the reason we made the move is that it makes \(\Sigma'\) possible to assert with "now", as in the phrase "now nothing in the Ballroom is an open container".

The following calculates two arrays: optimal_kind_placings_domain marks the start of \(\phi\) for each variable \(v\), while optimal_kind_placings_statement marks the start of the statement following the quantifier.

Find optimal positions for kind predicates9.2 =

    int bvsp = 0, bound_vars_stack[26];
    int blevel = start_level, j;

    for (j=0; j<26; j++) {
        optimal_kind_placings_domain[j] = (start_level == 1)?NULL:start_group;
        optimal_kind_placings_statement[j] = optimal_kind_placings_domain[j];

    TRAVERSE_PROPOSITION(pl, start_group) {
        if (Atoms::is_opener(pl->element)) blevel++;
        if (Atoms::is_closer(pl->element)) blevel--;
        if (blevel == 0) break;
        pcalc_prop *dom;
        if (Propositions::match(pl, 2,
                QUANTIFIER_ATOM, NULL,
                DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM, &dom)) {
            if ((Atoms::is_existence_quantifier(pl)) ||
                bound_vars_stack[bvsp++] = -1;
                bound_vars_stack[bvsp++] = pl->terms[0].variable;
            optimal_kind_placings_domain[pl->terms[0].variable] = dom;
            optimal_kind_placings_statement[pl->terms[0].variable] = dom;
        } else if (Atoms::is_existence_quantifier(pl)) {
            optimal_kind_placings_domain[pl->terms[0].variable] = pl;
            optimal_kind_placings_statement[pl->terms[0].variable] = pl;
        if (pl->element == DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM) {
            int v = bound_vars_stack[--bvsp];
            if (v >= 0) optimal_kind_placings_statement[v] = pl;

§9.3. The following looks at the predicates \(K(v)\) applied to variables which are in the subexpression at the top level. It then does two things:

Suppose \(K\) and \(L\) are kinds of value such that \(L\subseteq K\), and let \(\psi\) be a well-formed proposition. Then $$ \Sigma = \psi \land L(v) \cdots K(v) \cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \psi \land L(v) \cdots $$ (that is, \(K(v)\) is eliminated). This is clearly valid since \(L(v)\Rightarrow K(v)\) and \(L(v)\) is valid throughout the subexpression after its appearance.

Secondly, and it's not worth finding a logical notation for this, the kind is moved back to its optimal position, as calculated above.

At first sight, this process only removes redundancies when the stronger kind appears before the weaker one. What if they occur the other way around? This is why the simplification is run twice, and why it's important that the process of moving predicates back to their optimal position reverses their order. Suppose we start with \({\it person}(x)\land{\it vehicle}(y)\land{\it woman}(x)\).

(Because the order is reversed twice, any surviving kind predicates continue to appear in the same order as they did in the original proposition. This doesn't matter, but it's tidy.)

Strike out redundant kind predicates applied to variables9.3 =

    int domain_passed[26], j;
    int blevel = start_level;

    for (j=0; j<26; j++) domain_passed[j] = FALSE;

    TRAVERSE_PROPOSITION(pl, start_group) {
        for (j=0; j<26; j++)
            if (pl == optimal_kind_placings_statement[j])
                domain_passed[j] = TRUE;
        if (Atoms::is_opener(pl->element)) blevel++;
        if (Atoms::is_closer(pl->element)) blevel--;
        if (blevel == 1) {
            if (KindPredicates::is_kind_atom(pl)) {
                kind *early_kind = KindPredicates::get_kind(pl);
                int v = pl->terms[0].variable;
                if ((v >= 0) && (early_kind)) {
                    Strike out any subsequent but weaker kind predicate on the same variable9.3.1;
                    Move this predicate backwards to its optimal position9.3.2;
        if (blevel == 0) break;

§9.3.1. The noteworthy thing here is that we continue through the subexpression, deleting any weaker form of \(K(v)\) that we find, but also allow ourselves to continue beyond the subexpression in one case. Suppose we have $$ Qv\in\lbrace v\mid K(v) \land... \rbrace : L(v) $$ and we are working on the \(K(v)\) term. If we continue only to the end of the current subexpression, that runs out at the \(\rbrace\), the end of the domain specification. So in that one case alone we allow ourselves to sidestep the domain closure and continue looking for \(L(v)\) in the outer subexpression — the one which is governed by the quantifier.

Strike out any subsequent but weaker kind predicate on the same variable9.3.1 =

    int glevel = 1;
        if (Atoms::is_opener(gpl->element)) glevel++;
        if (gpl->element == DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM) {
            if (glevel > 1) glevel--;
        } else if (Atoms::is_closer(gpl->element)) glevel--;
        if (glevel == 0) break;
        if ((gpl != pl) && (KindPredicates::is_kind_atom(gpl)) && (v == gpl->terms[0].variable)) {
             i.e., gpl now points to a different kind atom on the same variable
            kind *later_kind = KindPredicates::get_kind(gpl);
            if ((later_kind) && (Kinds::conforms_to(early_kind, later_kind))) {
                prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, gpl_prev);

§9.3.2. Move this predicate backwards to its optimal position9.3.2 =

    pcalc_prop *best_place = optimal_kind_placings_domain[v];
    if (domain_passed[v]) best_place = optimal_kind_placings_statement[v];
    if (pl_prev != best_place) {
        int state = KindPredicates::is_unarticled_atom(pl_prev);
        prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  that is, delete the current \(K(v)\)
        pcalc_prop *new_K = KindPredicates::new_atom(early_kind,
        KindPredicates::set_unarticled(new_K, state);
        prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, best_place, new_K);  insert a new one

§9.4. Suppose we find a term \(K(C)\), where \(C\) is a constant in the sense of predicate calculus. Then there is no need to perform such a test at run-time because we can determine the kind of \(C\) right now and simply compare it. and compare it against \(K\) right now. For instance, \({\it number}(17)\) is bound to be true.

Formally, suppose \(C\) is a constant which, when evaluated, has kind of value \(L\). Suppose that \(L\subseteq K\) and that \(K\) is not a kind of object. Then $$ \Sigma = \cdots K(C)\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots\cdots $$ (That is, we eliminate the \(K(C)\) term.)

We could clearly go further than this:

Strike out tautological kind predicates applied to constants9.4 =

    int blevel = start_level;
    TRAVERSE_PROPOSITION(pl, start_group) {
        if (Atoms::is_opener(pl->element)) blevel++;
        if (Atoms::is_closer(pl->element)) blevel--;
        if (blevel == 1) {
            if (KindPredicates::is_kind_atom(pl)) {
                kind *early_kind = KindPredicates::get_kind(pl);
                parse_node *spec = pl->terms[0].constant;
                kind *K = RVALUE_TO_KIND_FUNCTION(spec);
                if ((K) && (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(early_kind) == FALSE) &&
                    (Kinds::conforms_to(early_kind, K))) {
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);
                    PROPOSITION_EDITED_REPEATING_CURRENT(pl, prop);

§10. Turn binary predicates the right way round (deduction). Recall that BPs are manufactured in pairs, each being the reversal of the other, in the sense of transposing their terms. Of each pair, one is considered the canonical way to represent the relation, and is "the right way round". This function turns all BPs in the proposition the right way round, if they aren't already. (Equality is always the right way round, so that is never altered.)

Suppose \(B\) is a binary predicate which is marked as the wrong way round, and \(R\) is its reversal. Then we change: $$ \Sigma = \cdots B(t_1, t_2)\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots R(t_2, t_1) \cdots $$

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::turn_right_way_round(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {

    *changed = FALSE;

        binary_predicate *bp = Atoms::is_binary_predicate(pl);
        if ((bp) && (BinaryPredicates::is_the_wrong_way_round(bp))) {
            pcalc_term pt = pl->terms[0];
            pl->terms[0] = pl->terms[1];
            pl->terms[1] = pt;
            pl->predicate = STORE_POINTER_binary_predicate(BinaryPredicates::get_reversal(bp));
            PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);
    return prop;

§11. Simplify region containment (fudge). Most of Inform's prepositions are unambiguous, but "in" can mean two quite different relations. Usually it means (direct) containment, but there is an alternative interpretation as regional containment. "The diamond is in the teddy bear" is direct containment, but "The diamond is in Northumberland" is regional containment. We need to separate out these ideas into two different binary predicates because direct containment has a function \(f_D\) allowing simplification of many common sentences, but regional containment allows no such simplification. Basically: you can be directly contained by only one thing at a time, but might be in many regions at once.

So far we assume every "in" means the R_containment. This is the point where we choose to divert some uses to R_regional_containment. If \(R\) is a constant region name, and \(C_D\), \(C_R\) are the predicates for direct and region containment, then $$ \Sigma = \cdots C_D(t, R)\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots C_R(t, R)\cdots $$ $$ \Sigma = \cdots C_D(R, t)\cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots C_R(R, t)\cdots $$ Note that a region cannot directly contain any object, except a backdrop.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::region_containment(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    *changed = FALSE;
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
        binary_predicate *bp = Atoms::is_binary_predicate(pl);
        if (bp == R_containment) {
            int j;
            for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
                int regionality = FALSE, backdropping = FALSE;
                if (pl->terms[j].constant) {
                    kind *KR = Specifications::to_kind(pl->terms[j].constant);
                    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(KR, K_region)) {
                        regionality = TRUE;
                if (pl->terms[1-j].constant) {
                    kind *KB = Specifications::to_kind(pl->terms[1-j].constant);
                    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(KB, K_backdrop))
                        backdropping = TRUE;
                if ((regionality) && (!backdropping)) {
                    pl->predicate = STORE_POINTER_binary_predicate(R_regional_containment);
                    PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);
    return prop;

§12. Reduce binary predicates (deduction). If we are able to reduce a binary to a unary predicate, we will probably gain considerably by being able to eliminate a variable altogether. For instance, suppose we have "Mme Cholet is in a burrow". This will initially come out as $$ \exists x: {\it burrow}(x)\land {\it in}(C, x) $$ To test that proposition requires trying all possible burrows \(x\). But exploiting the fact that Mme Cholet can only be in one place at a time, we can reduce the binary predicate to equality, thus: $$ \exists x: {\it burrow}(x)\land {\it is}(f(C), x) $$ where \(f\) is the function determining the location of something. A later simplification can then observe that this tells us what \(x\) must be, and eliminate both quantifier and variable.

Formally, suppose \(B\) is a predicate with a function \(f_B\) such that \(B(x, y)\) is true if and only \(y = f_B(x)\). Then: $$ \Sigma = \cdots B(t_1, t_2) \cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots {\it is}(f_B(t_1), t_2) \cdots $$ Similarly, if there is a function \(g_B\) such that \(B(x, y)\) if and only if \(x = g_B(y)\) then $$ \Sigma = \cdots B(t_1, t_2) \cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots {\it is}(t_1, g_B(t_2)) \cdots $$ Not all BPs have these: the reason for our fudge on regional containment (above) is that direct containment does, but region containment doesn't, and this is why it was necessary to separate the two out.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::reduce_predicates(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {

    *changed = FALSE;

        binary_predicate *bp = Atoms::is_binary_predicate(pl);
        if (bp)
            for (int j=0; j<2; j++)
                if (BinaryPredicates::get_term_as_fn_of_other(bp, j)) {
                    pl->terms[1-j] = Terms::new_function(bp, pl->terms[1-j], 1-j);
                    pl->predicate = STORE_POINTER_binary_predicate(R_equality);
                    PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);
    return prop;

§13. Eliminating determined variables (deduction). The above operations will try to get as many variables as possible into a form which makes their values explicit with a predicate \({\it is}(v, t)\). We detect such equations and use them to eliminate the variable concerned, where this is safe.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::eliminate_redundant_variables(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    int level, binding_status[26], binding_level[26], binding_sequence[26];
    pcalc_prop *position_of_binding[26];

    *changed = FALSE;

    Find out where and how variables are bound13.1;
    level = 0;
        if (Atoms::is_opener(pl->element)) level++;
        if (Atoms::is_closer(pl->element)) level--;
        if (Atoms::is_equality_predicate(pl)) {
            int j;
            for (j=1; j>=0; j--) {
                int var_to_sub = pl->terms[j].variable;
                int var_in_other_term = Terms::variable_underlying(&(pl->terms[1-j]));
                int var_is_redundant = FALSE, value_can_be_subbed = FALSE;
                Decide if the variable is redundant, and if its value can safely be subbed13.2;
                if ((var_is_redundant) && (value_can_be_subbed)) {
                    int permitted;
                    Binding::substitute_term(prop, var_to_sub, pl->terms[1-j],
                        TRUE, &permitted, changed);
                    if (permitted) {
                        LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS_WORKINGS, "Substituting %c <-- $0\n",
                            pcalc_vars[var_to_sub], &(pl->terms[1-j]));
                         first delete the is(v, t) predicate
                        prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);
                         then unbind the variable, by deleting its exists v quantifier
                        prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, position_of_binding[var_to_sub]);
                        LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS_WORKINGS, "After deletion: $D\n", prop);
                        binding_status[var_to_sub] = NOT_BOUND_AT_ALL;
                         then substitute for all other occurrences of v
                        prop = Binding::substitute_term(prop, var_to_sub, pl->terms[1-j],
                            FALSE, NULL, changed);
                        *changed = TRUE;
                         since the proposition is now shorter by 2 atoms, this loop terminates
                        goto EliminateVariables;
    Binding::renumber(prop, NULL);  for the sake of tidiness
    return prop;

§13.1. The information-gathering stage:

Find out where and how variables are bound13.1 =

    int j, c = 0, level = 0;

    for (j=0; j<26; j++) {
        binding_status[j] = NOT_BOUND_AT_ALL;
        binding_level[j] = 0; binding_sequence[j] = 0; position_of_binding[j] = NULL;

        if (Atoms::is_opener(pl->element)) level++;
        if (Atoms::is_closer(pl->element)) level--;
        if (Atoms::is_quantifier(pl)) {
            int v = pl->terms[0].variable;
            if (Atoms::is_existence_quantifier(pl)) binding_status[v] = BOUND_BY_EXISTS;
            else binding_status[v] = BOUND_BY_SOMETHING_ELSE;
            binding_level[v] = level;
            binding_sequence[v] = c;
            position_of_binding[v] = pl_prev;

§13.2. At this point we have a predicate \({\it is}(t, f_A(f_B(\cdots s)))\). Should the term \(t\) be a variable \(v\), which is bound by an \(\exists v\) atom at the same level in its subexpression, then we can consider eliminating \(v\) by substituting \(v = f_A(f_B(\cdots s))\).

But only if the term \(s\) underneath those functions does not make the equation \({\it is}(v, f_A(f_B(\cdots s)))\) implicit. Suppose \(s\) depends on a variable \(w\) which is bound and occurs after the binding of \(v\). The value of such a variable \(w\) can depend on the value of \(v\). Saying that \(v=s\) may therefore not determine a unique value of \(v\) at all: it may be a subtle condition passed by a whole class of possible values, or none.

The simplest example of such circularity is \({\it is}(v, v)\), true for all \(v\). More problematic is \({\it is}(v, f_C(v))\), "\(v\) is the container of \(v\)", which is never true. Still worse is $$ \exists v: V_{=2} w: {\it is}(v, w) $$ which literally says there is a value of \(v\) equal to two different things — certainly false. But if we eliminated \(v\), we would get just $$ V_{=2} w $$ which asserts "there are exactly two objects" — which is certainly not a valid deduction.

Here var_to_sub is \(v\) and var_in_other_term is \(w\), or else they are \(-1\) if no variables are present in their respective terms.

Decide if the variable is redundant, and if its value can safely be subbed13.2 =

    if (var_to_sub >= 0) {
        if ((binding_status[var_to_sub] == BOUND_BY_EXISTS)
            && (binding_level[var_to_sub] == level))
                var_is_redundant = TRUE;

        if ((var_in_other_term < 0)
            || (binding_status[var_in_other_term] == NOT_BOUND_AT_ALL)
            || (binding_sequence[var_in_other_term] < binding_sequence[var_to_sub]))
                value_can_be_subbed = TRUE;

§14. Simplify non-relation (deduction). As a result of the previous simplifications, it fairly often happens that we find a term like $$ \lnot({\it thing}(f_P(t))) $$ where \(f_P\) is the function determining what, if anything, the object \(t\) is a component part of. This comes out of text such as "... not part of something", asserting first that there is no \(y\) such that \(t\) is a part of \(y\), and then simplifying to remove the \(y\) variable. A term like the one above is then left behind. But the negation is cumbersome, and makes the proposition harder to assert or test. Exploiting the fact that \(f_P(t)\) is a property which is either the part-parent or else \(N =\) nothing, we can simplify to: $$ {\it is}(f_P(t), N) $$ And similar tricks can be pulled for other various-to-one-object predicates.

Formally, let \(B\) be a binary predicate supporting either a function \(f_B\) such that \(B(x, y)\) iff \(f_B(x) = y\), or else such that \(B(x, y)\) iff \(f_B(y) = x\); and such that the values of \(f_B\) are objects. Let \(K\) be a kind of object. Then: $$ \Sigma = \cdots \lnot( K(f_B(t))) \cdots \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots {\it is}(f_B(t), N) \cdots $$

A similar trick for kinds of value is not possible, because — unlike objects — they have no "not a valid case" value analogous to the non-object nothing.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::not_related_to_something(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    *changed = FALSE;

        pcalc_prop *kind_atom;
        if (Propositions::match(pl, 3,
            PREDICATE_ATOM, &kind_atom, kind_up_family,
            kind *K = KindPredicates::get_kind(kind_atom);
            if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
                binary_predicate *bp = NULL;
                pcalc_term KIND_term = kind_atom->terms[0];
                if (KIND_term.function) bp = KIND_term.function->bp;
                if ((bp) && (Kinds::eq(K, BinaryPredicates::term_kind(bp, 1)))) {
                     remove negation grouping
                    prop = Propositions::ungroup_after(prop, pl_prev, NULL);
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove kind=K
                     now insert equality predicate:
                    prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev,
                            KIND_term, Terms::new_constant(PRODUCE_NOTHING_VALUE_CALCULUS_CALLBACK())));
                    PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);
    return prop;

§15. Convert gerunds to nouns (deduction). Suppose we write:

The funky thing to do is a stored action that varies.
The funky thing to do is waiting.

Here "waiting" is a gerund, and although it describes an action it is a noun (thus a value) rather than a condition. We coerce its constant value accordingly.

#ifdef IF_MODULE
pcalc_prop *Simplifications::convert_gerunds(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    *changed = FALSE;

        if ((pl->element == PREDICATE_ATOM) && (pl->arity == 2))
            for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
                if (AConditions::is_action_TEST_VALUE(pl->terms[i].constant))
                    pl->terms[i].constant =
    return prop;

§16. Eliminate to have meaning property ownership (fudge). The verb "to have" normally means ownership of a physical thing, but it can also arise from text such as

the balloon has weight at most 1

where it's the numerical "weight" property which is owned by the balloon. At this stage of simplification, the above has produced $$ {\it atmost}(w, 1)\land {\it is}(B, f_H(w)) $$ where \(H\) is the predicate a_has_b_predicate. As it stands, this proposition will fail type-checking, because it contains an implicit free variable — the object which owns the weight. We make this explicit by removing \({\it is}(B, f_H(w))\) and replacing all other references to \(w\) with "the weight of \(B\)".

This is a fudge because it assumes — possibly wrongly — that all references to the weight are to the weight of the same thing. In sufficiently contrived sentences, this wouldn't be true. No bugs have ever been reported which suggest that real users run into this.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::eliminate_to_have(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    *changed = FALSE;

        if (Atoms::is_equality_predicate(pl)) {
            for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
                if ((pl->terms[i].function) &&
                    (pl->terms[i].function->bp == a_has_b_predicate) &&
                    (pl->terms[i].function->fn_of.constant) && (pl->terms[1-i].constant)) {
                    parse_node *spec = pl->terms[i].function->fn_of.constant;
                    if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(spec, CON_property))
                        Found an indication of who owns a property16.1;

    return prop;

§16.1. So the current atom is \({\it is}(f_H(P), C)\) or \({\it is}(C, f_H(P))\) (according to whether \(i\) is 0 or 1), for a property \(P\) and a constant term \(C\).

Found an indication of who owns a property16.1 =

    property *prn = Rvalues::to_property(spec);
    parse_node *po_spec =
        Lvalues::new_PROPERTY_VALUE(spec, pl->terms[1-i].constant);
    Node::set_text(po_spec, prn->name);
    int no_substitutions_made;
    prop = Simplifications::prop_substitute_prop_cons(prop, prn, po_spec,
        &no_substitutions_made, pl);
    if (no_substitutions_made > 0) {
        prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);

§17. Here we make the necessary substitution of "P" with "the P of C", where \(P\) is a property and \(C\) the constant value of its owner. We make this to every occurrence throughout the proposition, except for the one in the original \({\it is}(f_H(P), C)\) atom, and we count the number of changes made.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::prop_substitute_prop_cons(pcalc_prop *prop, property *prn,
    parse_node *po_spec, int *count, pcalc_prop *not_this) {
    int j, c = 0;
        if (pl != not_this)
            for (j=0; j<pl->arity; j++) {
                pcalc_term *pt = &(pl->terms[j]);
                while (pt->function) pt = &(pt->function->fn_of);
                if (pt->constant == NULL) continue;
                if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(pt->constant, CON_property)) {
                    property *tprn;
                    tprn = Rvalues::to_property(pt->constant);
                    if (tprn == prn) {
                        pt->constant = po_spec;
    *count = c;
    return prop;

§18. Turn all rooms to everywhere (fudge). This rather special rule handles the consequences of the English word "everywhere". Inform reads that as "all rooms", literally "every where", which is logical but loses the connotation of place — by "everywhere", we usually mean "in all rooms", so that the sentence

The sky is everywhere.

means the sky is in every room, not that the sky is equal to every room. Since the literal reading would make no useful sense, Inform fudges the proposition to change it to the idiomatic one. $$ \Sigma = \cdots \forall v\in\lbrace v\mid{\it room}(v)\rbrace : {\it is}(v, t) \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots {\it everywhere}(t) $$ $$ \Sigma = \cdots \forall v\in\lbrace v\mid{\it room}(v)\rbrace : {\it is}(t, v) \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots {\it everywhere}(t) $$ $$ \Sigma = \cdots \not\forall v\in\lbrace v\mid{\it room}(v)\rbrace : {\it is}(v, t) \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots \lnot({\it everywhere}(t)) $$ $$ \Sigma = \cdots \not\forall v\in\lbrace v\mid{\it room}(v)\rbrace : {\it is}(t, v) \quad \longrightarrow \quad \Sigma' = \cdots \lnot({\it everywhere}(t)) $$ Note that we match this only at the end of a proposition, where \(v\) can have no other consequence.

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::is_all_rooms(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    *changed = FALSE;
    return prop;
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
        pcalc_prop *q_atom, *k_atom, *bp_atom;
        if ((Propositions::match(pl, 6,
            QUANTIFIER_ATOM, &q_atom,
            PREDICATE_ATOM, &k_atom, kind_up_family,
            PREDICATE_ATOM, &bp_atom, NULL,
            END_PROP_HERE, NULL)) &&
            ((Atoms::is_forall_quantifier(q_atom)) || (Atoms::is_notall_quantifier(q_atom))) &&
            (Kinds::eq(KindPredicates::get_kind(k_atom), K_room)) &&
            (bp_atom->arity == 2) &&
            (RETRIEVE_POINTER_binary_predicate(bp_atom->predicate) == R_equality)) {
            int j, v = k_atom->terms[0].variable;
            for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
                if ((bp_atom->terms[1-j].variable == v) && (v >= 0)) {
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove QUANTIFIER_ATOM
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove kind=K
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove PREDICATE_ATOM
                    if (Atoms::is_notall_quantifier(q_atom))
                        prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev,
                    prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev,
                    if (Atoms::is_notall_quantifier(q_atom))
                        prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev,
                    PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);
        if ((Propositions::match(pl, 6,
            QUANTIFIER_ATOM, &q_atom,
            PREDICATE_ATOM, &k_atom, kind_up_family,
            PREDICATE_ATOM, &bp_atom, NULL,
            END_PROP_HERE, NULL)) &&
            (Atoms::is_nonexistence_quantifier(q_atom)) &&
            (Kinds::eq(KindPredicates::get_kind(k_atom), K_room)) &&
            (KindPredicates::is_composited_atom(k_atom)) &&
            (bp_atom->arity == 2) &&
            (RETRIEVE_POINTER_binary_predicate(bp_atom->predicate) == R_equality)) {
            int j, v = k_atom->terms[0].variable;
            for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
                if ((bp_atom->terms[1-j].variable == v) && (v >= 0)) {
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove QUANTIFIER_ATOM
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove kind=K
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM
                    prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove PREDICATE_ATOM
                    prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev,
                    PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);
    return prop;

§19. Everywhere and nowhere (fudge). Similarly, if the proposition expresses the idea of "nowhere" or "everywhere" by spelling this out in quantifiers about being no place or every place, then replace those with uses of the special unary predicates for "nowhere" and "everywhere".

pcalc_prop *Simplifications::everywhere_and_nowhere(pcalc_prop *prop, int *changed) {
    *changed = FALSE;
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
        pcalc_prop *q_atom, *k_atom, *bp_atom;
        if ((Propositions::match(pl, 6,
            QUANTIFIER_ATOM, &q_atom,
            PREDICATE_ATOM, &k_atom, kind_up_family,
            PREDICATE_ATOM, &bp_atom, NULL,
            END_PROP_HERE, NULL)) &&
            ((Atoms::is_forall_quantifier(q_atom)) ||
                (Atoms::is_notall_quantifier(q_atom)) ||
                (Atoms::is_nonexistence_quantifier(q_atom))) &&
            (Kinds::eq(KindPredicates::get_kind(k_atom), K_room)) &&
            (bp_atom->arity == 2)) {
            binary_predicate *bp = RETRIEVE_POINTER_binary_predicate(bp_atom->predicate);
            if (((Atoms::is_nonexistence_quantifier(q_atom) == FALSE) && (bp == R_containment)) ||
                (bp == room_containment_predicate)) {
                int j, v = k_atom->terms[0].variable;
                for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
                    if ((bp_atom->terms[1-j].variable == v) && (v >= 0)) {
                        prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove QUANTIFIER_ATOM
                        prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM
                        prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove kind=K
                        prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM
                        prop = Propositions::delete_atom(prop, pl_prev);  remove PREDICATE_ATOM
                        if (Atoms::is_notall_quantifier(q_atom))
                            prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev,
                        pcalc_prop *new_atom;
                        if (Atoms::is_nonexistence_quantifier(q_atom))
                            new_atom = WherePredicates::nowhere_up(bp_atom->terms[j]);
                            new_atom = WherePredicates::everywhere_up(bp_atom->terms[j]);
                        prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev, new_atom);
                        if (Atoms::is_notall_quantifier(q_atom))
                            prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, pl_prev,
                        PROPOSITION_EDITED(pl, prop);
    return prop;