To write the blurb file of instructions for inblorb to release the project.

§1. Releasing requires four programs to work together: this one, Inform 6 to turn our output into a story file, a releasing agent called "Inblorb" which binds up the result into a blorbed file, and lastly the user interface, which calls the other three in the right sequence.

Although the user interface looks as if it's in charge, in fact we are pulling the strings, because we write a "blurb file" of instructions telling Inblorb exactly what to do. The format for this is an extension of the "blurb" format documented in the "Inform Designer's Manual", fourth edition (the "DM4"); see the published source code for Inblorb.

Note that the code below does not generate an author blurb instruction, which would lead to an AUTH chunk in the final blorb. This is partly because the AUTH chunk is now obsolete in the wake of the Treaty of Babel, but also because it avoids problems with Unicode: an AUTH can only contain plainest ASCII, whereas the author's name known to Inform may very well use characters not representable in ASCII. There is no good way round this: so, farewell AUTH.

Similarly, we do not supply a release number. The release number of a blorb has a different meaning from that of the story file embedded in it: the number refers to the release of the picture and sound resources found in the blorb, and we know nothing about that. (It's a feature provided for archival re-releases of 1980s IF.)

void BlurbFile::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, release_instructions *rel) {
    Compose the blorbed story filename into the TEMP stream1.1;
    WRITE("! Blurb file created by Inform %B (build %B)\n\n", FALSE, TRUE);
    Write the body of the Blurb file1.2;

§1.1. Note that we truncate the title if it becomes vastly long, to make sure the Blorb-file's filename won't be too long for the file system.

Compose the blorbed story filename into the TEMP stream1.1 =

    if ((story_title_VAR != NULL) &&
        (VariableSubjects::has_initial_value_set(story_title_VAR))) {
        BlurbFile::write_var_to_text(TEMP, story_title_VAR, TRUNCATE_BIBTEXT_MODE);
    } else WRITE_TO(TEMP, "story");
    WRITE_TO(TEMP, ".%S", TargetVMs::get_blorbed_extension(Task::vm()));

§1.2. Write the body of the Blurb file1.2 =

    Tell Inblorb where to write its report to1.2.1;
    WRITE("\n! Identification\n\n");
    Tell Inblorb where the project and release folders are1.2.2;
    WRITE("\n! Blorb instructions\n\n");
    Tell Inblorb where the story file and iFiction files are1.2.3;
    Give instructions about the cover image1.2.4;
    WRITE("\n! Placeholder variables\n\n");
    Write numerous placeholder variables1.2.5;
    WRITE("\n! Other material to release\n\n");
    Give instructions about source text, solution and library card1.2.6;
    Give instructions about auxiliary files1.2.7;
    if (rel->release_interpreter) Give instructions to release with an interpreter for Web play1.2.8;
    if (rel->release_website) Give instructions to construct a website around the release1.2.9;
    Give hints to Inblorb for its HTML status page1.2.10;

§1.2.1. Tell Inblorb where to write its report to1.2.1 =

    WRITE("status \"%f\" \"%f\"\n\n",

§1.2.2. Tell Inblorb where the project and release folders are1.2.2 =

    WRITE("project folder \"%p\"\n", Projects::path(Task::project()));
    WRITE("release to \"%p\"\n", Task::release_path());

§1.2.3. Tell Inblorb where the story file and iFiction files are1.2.3 =

    WRITE("storyfile leafname \""); STREAM_COPY(OUT, TEMP); WRITE("\"\n");
    if (Task::wraps_existing_storyfile())
        WRITE("storyfile \"%f\" include\n", Task::existing_storyfile_file());
        WRITE("storyfile \"%f\" include\n", Task::storyfile_file());
    WRITE("ifiction \"%f\" include\n", Task::ifiction_record_file());

§1.2.4. A controversial point here is that if the author supplies no cover art, we supply it for him, and if necessary copy a suitable image into any website released along with the work.

Give instructions about the cover image1.2.4 =

    if (rel->release_cover) {
        filename *large = NULL;
        if (strcmp(rel->cover_art_format, "jpg") == 0)
            large = Task::large_cover_art_file(TRUE);
            large = Task::large_cover_art_file(FALSE);
        WRITE("cover \"%f\"\n", large);
        WRITE("picture %d \"%f\"\n", rel->cover_picture_number, large);
    } else {
        WRITE("cover \"%f\"\n",
        WRITE("picture %d \"%f\"\n", 1,
        if (rel->release_website) {
            WRITE("release file \"%f\"\n",
            WRITE("release file \"%f\"\n",

§1.2.5. This will be recognisable as yet another form of the Library Card information. "Placeholders" are the only data structure in the primitive blurb language, and are in effect strings, whose names appear in block capitals within square brackets [THUS].

Write numerous placeholder variables1.2.5 =

    WRITE("placeholder [IFID] = \"%S\"\n", BibliographicData::read_uuid());

    if (VariableSubjects::has_initial_value_set(story_release_number_VAR)) {
        WRITE("placeholder [RELEASE] = \"");
        BlurbFile::write_var_to_text(OUT, story_release_number_VAR, XML_BIBTEXT_MODE);
    } else WRITE("placeholder [RELEASE] = \"1\"\n");

    if (VariableSubjects::has_initial_value_set(story_creation_year_VAR)) {
        WRITE("placeholder [YEAR] = \"");
        BlurbFile::write_var_to_text(OUT, story_creation_year_VAR, XML_BIBTEXT_MODE);
    } else WRITE("placeholder [YEAR] = \"%d\"\n", (the_present->tm_year)+1900);

    if (VariableSubjects::has_initial_value_set(story_title_VAR)) {
        WRITE("placeholder [TITLE] = \"");
        BlurbFile::write_var_to_text(OUT, story_title_VAR, XML_BIBTEXT_MODE);
    } else WRITE("placeholder [TITLE] = \"Untitled\"\n");

    if (VariableSubjects::has_initial_value_set(story_author_VAR)) {
        WRITE("placeholder [AUTHOR] = \"");
        BlurbFile::write_var_to_text(OUT, story_author_VAR, XML_BIBTEXT_MODE);
    } else WRITE("placeholder [AUTHOR] = \"Anonymous\"\n");

    if (VariableSubjects::has_initial_value_set(story_description_VAR)) {
        WRITE("placeholder [BLURB] = \"");
        BlurbFile::write_var_to_text(OUT, story_description_VAR, XML_BIBTEXT_MODE);
    } else WRITE("placeholder [BLURB] = \"A work of interactive fiction.\"\n");

§1.2.6. Give instructions about source text, solution and library card1.2.6 =

    if (rel->release_source) {
        if (rel->source_public) WRITE("source public\n"); else WRITE("source\n");
    if (rel->release_solution) {
        if (rel->solution_public) WRITE("solution public\n"); else WRITE("solution\n");
    if (rel->release_card) {
        if (rel->card_public) WRITE("ifiction public\n"); else WRITE("ifiction\n");

§1.2.7. The Introduction booklet and the Postcard are both squirreled away inside a standard Inform installation. Under the Creative Commons licence terms for the Postcard, we have to credit its authors here; but the booklet contains its own credits.

Give instructions about auxiliary files1.2.7 =

    auxiliary_file *af;
    LOOP_OVER(af, auxiliary_file) {
        Pathnames::to_text_relative(rel, af->folder_to_release_to, Task::release_path());
        WRITE("auxiliary \"%f\" \"%S\" \"%S\"\n",
            (Str::len(af->brief_description) > 0)?(af->brief_description):I"--",
            (Str::len(rel) > 0)?rel:I"--");
    if (rel->release_booklet) {
        WRITE("auxiliary \"%f\" \"Introduction to IF\" \"--\"\n",
    if (rel->release_postcard) {
        WRITE("auxiliary \"%f\" \"IF Postcard\" \"--\"\n",
        WRITE("placeholder [OTHERCREDITS] = \"The postcard was written by Andrew Plotkin "
            "and designed by Lea Albaugh.\"\n");

§1.2.8. Facilities for a Javascript interpreter to play a base64-encoded story file online.

Give instructions to release with an interpreter for Web play1.2.8 =

    WRITE("\n! Website instructions\n\n");
    WRITE("placeholder [ENCODEDSTORYFILE] = \"");
    Tell Inblorb where to find the website templates1.2.8.1;

    if (Str::len(rel->interpreter_template_leafname) == 0)
        rel->interpreter_template_leafname = TargetVMs::get_default_interpreter(Task::vm());
    text_stream *ext = TargetVMs::get_blorbed_extension(Task::vm());
    WRITE("placeholder [INTERPRETERSCRIPTS] = \" ");
    auxiliary_file *af;
    LOOP_OVER(af, auxiliary_file)
        if (af->from_payload == JAVASCRIPT_PAYLOAD) {
            Filenames::to_text_relative(rel, af->name_of_original_file,
            WRITE("<script src='%S'></script>", rel);
    LOOP_OVER(af, auxiliary_file)
        if (af->from_payload == CSS_PAYLOAD) {
            Filenames::to_text_relative(rel, af->name_of_original_file,
            WRITE("<link rel='stylesheet' href='%S' type='text/css' media='all'></link>", rel);
    WRITE("interpreter \"%S\" \"%c\"\n", rel->interpreter_template_leafname,
    WRITE("base64 \"%f\" to \"%p%c",
        Task::storyfile_file(), Task::released_interpreter_path(), FOLDER_SEPARATOR);

§1.2.9. Give instructions to construct a website around the release1.2.9 =

    WRITE("\n! Website instructions\n\n");
    Tell Inblorb where to find the website templates1.2.8.1;
    if (Wide::cmp(rel->website_template_leafname, L"Classic") != 0) WRITE("css\n");
    WRITE("website \"%w\"\n", rel->website_template_leafname);

§ The order here is significant, since Inblorb searches the folders in order, with the earliest quoted searched first.

Tell Inblorb where to find the website templates1.2.8.1 =

    inbuild_nest *N;
    linked_list *L = Projects::nest_list(Task::project());
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(N, inbuild_nest, L)
        WRITE("template path \"%p\"\n", TemplateManager::path_within_nest(N));

§1.2.10. Inblorb reports its progress, or lack of it, with an HTML page, just as we do. This page however includes some hints on what the user might have chosen instead of what he actually did choose, and we'll write those hints now, for Inblorb to copy out later.

Give hints to Inblorb for its HTML status page1.2.10 =

    SyntaxTree::traverse_text(Task::syntax_tree(), OUT, BlurbFile::visit_to_quote);
    if (rel->release_cover == FALSE) {
        WRITE("status alternative ||Using 'Release along with cover art', to "
            "provide something more distinctive than the default artwork above");
        DocReferences::link_to(OUT, I"release_cover", FALSE);
    if (rel->release_website == FALSE) {
        WRITE("status alternative ||Using 'Release along with a website'");
        DocReferences::link_to(OUT, I"release_website", FALSE);
    if (rel->release_interpreter == FALSE) {
        WRITE("status alternative ||Using 'Release along with an interpreter', "
            "for in-browser play on your website");
        DocReferences::link_to(OUT, I"release_interpreter", FALSE);
    if (NUMBER_CREATED(auxiliary_file) == 0) {
        WRITE("status alternative ||Using 'Release along with a file of "
            "\"Such-and-Such\" called \"whatever.pdf\"', perhaps to add a "
            "manual, or a welcoming note");
        DocReferences::link_to(OUT, I"release_files", FALSE);

    if (rel->release_source == FALSE) {
        WRITE("status alternative ||Using 'Release along with the source text'");
        DocReferences::link_to(OUT, I"release_source", FALSE);

    if (rel->release_solution == FALSE) {
        WRITE("status alternative ||Using 'Release along with a solution'");
        DocReferences::link_to(OUT, I"release_solution", FALSE);

    if (rel->release_card == FALSE) {
        WRITE("status alternative ||Using 'Release along with the library card'");
        DocReferences::link_to(OUT, I"release_card", FALSE);

    if (rel->release_booklet == FALSE) {
        WRITE("status alternative ||Using 'Release along with the introductory booklet'");
        DocReferences::link_to(OUT, I"release_booklet", FALSE);

    if (rel->release_postcard == FALSE) {
        WRITE("status alternative ||Using 'Release along with the introductory postcard'");
        DocReferences::link_to(OUT, I"release_postcard", FALSE);


void BlurbFile::visit_to_quote(OUTPUT_STREAM, parse_node *p) {
    if ((Node::get_type(p) == SENTENCE_NT) && (p->down)) {
        special_meaning_holder *sm = Node::get_special_meaning(p->down);
        if (SpecialMeanings::is(sm, ReleaseInstructions::release_along_with_SMF)) {
            IndexUtilities::link_to(TEMP, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(p)), TRUE);
            WRITE("status instruction ||");
            STREAM_COPY(OUT, TEMP);


int BlurbFile::write_var_to_text(OUTPUT_STREAM, nonlocal_variable *nlv, int mode) {
    if ((nlv) && (VariableSubjects::has_initial_value_set(nlv))) {
        parse_node *val =
        kind *K = NonlocalVariables::kind(nlv);
        if (Node::is(val, UNKNOWN_NT)) {
            if (Kinds::eq(K, K_number)) WRITE("0");
        } else {
            if (Kinds::eq(K, K_number)) {
                inter_pair N = CompileValues::constant_to_pair(val, K);
                WRITE("%d", InterValuePairs::to_number(N));
            } else {
                wording W = Node::get_text(val);
                int w1 = Wordings::first_wn(W);
                BibliographicData::compile_bibliographic_text(OUT, Lexer::word_text(w1), mode);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;