Reading other Inter trees as binary files, and attaching them at given points in the main Inter tree.

§1. Inform 7 compiles source text to a single "main" Inter tree. That tree must then be joined with other Inter trees for kits such as BasicInformKit, a process called "linking", for want of a better word.1

Only the supervisor module knows which kits need to be linked in; the main Inter tree doesn't contain this information.2

§2. The list of Inter trees to link with is worked out by the supervisor, which calls the following function to obtain a way to record each "requirement":

typedef struct attachment_instruction {
    struct pathname *location;
    struct text_stream *attachment_point;
} attachment_instruction;

attachment_instruction *LoadBinaryKitsStage::new_requirement(pathname *P, text_stream *attach) {
    attachment_instruction *link = CREATE(attachment_instruction);
    link->location = P;
    link->attachment_point = Str::duplicate(attach);
    return link;

§3. Linking begins with the following stage. Note that the list of requirements made by supervisor is now stored in step->ephemera.requirements_list.

void LoadBinaryKitsStage::create_pipeline_stage(void) {
        LoadBinaryKitsStage::run, NO_STAGE_ARG, FALSE);

int LoadBinaryKitsStage::run(pipeline_step *step) {
    inter_tree *I = step->ephemera.tree;
    attachment_instruction *req;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(req, attachment_instruction, step->ephemera.requirements_list) {
        inter_tree *sidecar = InterTree::new();
        Load the Inter for the kit into the sidecar3.1;
        Look for duplicate definitions3.2;
        Migrate the bulk of the code from the sidecar to the main tree3.3;
    return TRUE;

§3.1. A kit will, if properly prepared, contain a binary Inter file for each possible architecture which may be needed. For testing purposes, the following actually allows a textual Inter file to be used instead, but this isn't intended for regular users: it would be quite slow to read in.

Load the Inter for the kit into the sidecar3.1 =

    inter_architecture *A = PipelineModule::get_architecture();
    if (A == NULL) Errors::fatal("no -architecture given");
    filename *arch_file = Architectures::canonical_binary(req->location, A);
    if (TextFiles::exists(arch_file) == FALSE)
        internal_error("no arch file for requirement");
    if (BinaryInter::test_file(arch_file)) BinaryInter::read(sidecar, arch_file);
    else TextualInter::read(sidecar, arch_file);

§3.2. Look for duplicate definitions3.2 =

    inter_package *sidecar_connectors =
    if (sidecar_connectors) {
        inter_symbols_table *T = InterPackage::scope(sidecar_connectors);
            if (InterSymbol::is_socket(S)) {
                text_stream *defn_name = InterSymbol::identifier(S);
                inter_symbol *rival = Wiring::find_socket(I, defn_name);
                if (rival) {
                    inter_symbol *sidecar_end = Wiring::cable_end(S);
                    inter_symbol *rival_end = Wiring::cable_end(rival);
                    if (InterSymbol::get_flag(rival_end, PERMIT_NAME_CLASH_ISYMF) == FALSE)
                        A clash of definitions seems to have occurred3.2.1;

§3.2.1. A clash of definitions seems to have occurred3.2.1 =

    LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Rival definitions of '%S':\nkit: $3\ntree: $3\n",
        defn_name, rival_end, Wiring::cable_end(S));
    int override = FALSE;
    linked_list *L = step->pipeline->ephemera.replacements_list[step->tree_argument];
    text_stream *N;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(N, text_stream, L)
        if (Str::eq(N, defn_name)) override = TRUE;
    if (override == FALSE) {
        int r_val = ConstantInstruction::evaluate_to_int(rival_end);
        int s_val = ConstantInstruction::evaluate_to_int(sidecar_end);
        if ((r_val == s_val) && (r_val != -1)) override = TRUE;
    if (override) Override the new definition with the existing one3.2.1.1
    else Throw an error for the duplication3.2.1.2;

§ The following (unfortunately) has to do something subtle. We need the definition of defn_name to be the one in the main tree; that means sidecar_end has to have its present definition struck, i.e., removed entirely from the sidecar tree. This may remove something as simple as a single constant definition, or as large as a huge package holding the body of a function. Then, sidecar_end has to be redefined as something in the main tree. But since transmigration has not yet happened, we can't just wire it there. We have to wire it to a plug with name defn_tree instead; and then after transmigration this will be connected to a socket in the main tree connecting to rival_end.

But even that isn't quite enough. We can't allow the connectors package of sidecar to contain a socket name which is the same as a socket name in the connectors package of the main tree I. It might seem that we can just delete the now-unwanted socket wired to the old definition; but we cannot, because other symbols in the same kit might already be wired to it. So we keep the old socket, but rename it with a name which will avoid name collisions, striking it out of the symbols table dictionary.

Override the new definition with the existing one3.2.1.1 =

    if (InterSymbolsTable::unname(T, defn_name) == FALSE)
        internal_error("cannot strike socket name");
    inter_symbol *plug = Wiring::plug(sidecar, defn_name);
    Wiring::wire_to(sidecar_end, plug);
    LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "After overriding the kit definition, we have:\n");
    LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Socket renamed as $3 ~~> $3\n", S, Wiring::cable_end(S));
    LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "A new plug $3\n", plug);
    LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Kit defn symbol $3 ~~> $3\n",
        sidecar_end, Wiring::cable_end(sidecar_end));

§ Throw an error for the duplication3.2.1.2 =

        "found a second definition of the name '%S' when loading '%S'",
        defn_name, req->attachment_point);
    PipelineErrors::error_with(step, "%S", E);

§3.3. The "attachment point" for the kit will be something like /main/BasicInformKit. (This point will be different for each different kit in the requirements list: others might include /main/CommandParserKit, and so on.) We take that package out of the sidecar and put it into the main tree.

Migrate the bulk of the code from the sidecar to the main tree3.3 =

    inter_package *pack = InterPackage::from_URL(sidecar, req->attachment_point);
    if (pack == NULL) {
        WRITE_TO(STDERR, "sought attachment material at: %S\n", req->attachment_point);
        internal_error("unable to find attachment point package");
    Transmigration::move(pack, LargeScale::main_package(I), FALSE);