To render a passage of extension documentation as HTML.

§1. Disclaimer. The following code originated as a port of a simplified version of an early form of the Inform documentation tool indoc: in general, that will do a better all-round job, but this cut-down version is adequate for what we use it for, which is to make extension documentation pages. Those use a much simplified range of syntax compared to the full gamut known to indoc.

§2. Links and leafnames. Matters are complicated because an extension typically has not only a run of source text, but also up to 26 examples: suppose there are \(X\) of these. The extension then needs to produce \(X+1\) pages of HTML: the primary one, which just has the body text, and then \(X\) variants which duplicate the primary one except that one of the examples is opened up to reveal its content. Each of these pages will have \(X\) anchor points named #eg1 up to #egX, for the positions of the examples.

The pages will typically be filenamed with the extension title, followed by -eg1, -eg2, ..., in the case of the example variants, and then .html.

The following routine prints the leafname part of an HTML reference to the extension documentation, at anchor point to_example_anchor (or if 0 then at the top) of the version with example to_example_variant opened (or if 0 then the original with all examples closed). What complicates it is that the base leafname might be any of the above variant filenames, so we may need to strip off an existing ending. For instance, if we are in example 2 and want to link to anchor 5 on example 4, the base leafname might be Gusher-eg2 and we need to remove the -eg2 and replace with -eg4 before we can add the #eg5.

This will fail if anyone's extension has a title ending in -eg followed by a number. I believe I can live with the guilt.

void DocumentationRenderer::href_of_example(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *base_leafname,
    int to_example_variant, int to_example_anchor) {
    for (int i=0, L = Str::len(base_leafname); i<L; i++) {
        if ((Str::includes_wide_string_at(base_leafname, L"-eg", i)) &&
            (Characters::isdigit(Str::get_at(base_leafname, i+3)))) break;
        PUT(Str::get_at(base_leafname, i));
    if (to_example_variant > 0) WRITE("-eg%d", to_example_variant);
    if (to_example_anchor > 0) WRITE("#eg%d", to_example_anchor);

§3. The extension documentation text can optionally include section and chapter headings, and also examples. Here we parse the opening of a paragraph to see if it might be a heading. For instance, a paragraph consisting of

Section: Black Gold

matches successfully and sets the level to 2 and the name to the word range "Black Gold".

<extension-documentation-heading> ::=
    chapter : ... |  ==> { 1, - }
    chapter - ... |  ==> { 1, - }
    section : ... |  ==> { 2, - }
    section - ...    ==> { 2, - }


int DocumentationRenderer::extension_documentation_heading(wording W, int *level, wording *HW) {
    if (<extension-documentation-heading>(W)) {
        *level = <<r>>;
        W = Wordings::trim_first_word(Wordings::trim_first_word(W));
        int end = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        while ((end<=Wordings::last_wn(W)) && (Lexer::word(end) != PARBREAK_V)) end++;
        if (end > Wordings::last_wn(W)) return FALSE;
        *HW = Wordings::up_to(W, end);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§5. And here we do the same to identify an example, which has to satisfy a more exacting specification: a paragraph in the shape

Example: *** Gelignite Anderson - A Tale of the Texas Oilmen

which would result in the name being set to the range "Gelignite Anderson", an asterisk count of 3, and the rubric being "A Tale of the Texas Oilmen".

Note the unusual use of the Preform escape character \ below: this is because *** is a reserved token in Preform, whereas we want the literal text of three asterisks in a row.

<extension-example-header> ::=
    example : <row-of-asterisks> ... - ... |  ==> { pass 1 }
    example - <row-of-asterisks> ... - ... |  ==> { pass 1 }
    example : ... - ...                    |  ==> { 0, - }
    example - ... - ...                       ==> { 0, - }

<row-of-asterisks> ::=
    * |     ==> { 1, - }
    ** |    ==> { 2, - }
    \*** |  ==> { 3, - }
    ****    ==> { 4, - }


int DocumentationRenderer::extension_documentation_example(wording W,
    int *asterisks, wording *egn, wording *egr) {
    if (<extension-example-header>(W)) {
        wording NW = GET_RW(<extension-example-header>, 1);
        wording RW = GET_RW(<extension-example-header>, 2);
        int end = Wordings::first_wn(RW);
        while ((end <= Wordings::last_wn(RW)) &&
            ((Lexer::word(end) == PARBREAK_V) == FALSE)) end++;
        if (end > Wordings::last_wn(RW)) return FALSE;

         a successful match has now been made
        *asterisks = <<r>>;
        *egn = NW;
        *egr = Wordings::up_to(RW, end);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§7. The table of contents. The user sees chapters as A subheadings, numbered upwards from 1, and sees sections as B subheadings, numbered from 1 within each chapter. It is legal to have only A subheadings; only B subheadings; or a mixture of the two.

If a scan can find any headings at all then we will wish to typeset a table of contents up front. The following routine looks for what material might go into a TOC, and sets one if it finds anything: otherwise, it sets nothing and has no effect. Because of the compulsory paragraph break following the divider line in the extension, we can safely assume that every headng will follow a paragraph break word, even one right at the top of the extension's documentation.

(Examples are included in the table of contents only if they occur after the first heading, which I think is reasonable enough: there can be at most 26 per extension, enabling them to be lettered as Example A to Example Z.)

void DocumentationRenderer::table_of_contents(wording W, OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *base_leafname) {
    int heading_count = 0, chapter_count = 0, section_count = 0, example_count = 0, indentation = 0;
        int edhl, asterisks;
        if (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) {
            while (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) i++;
            if (i>Wordings::last_wn(W)) break;
            Determine indentation of new paragraph7.3;
            if (indentation == 0 && DocumentationRenderer::extension_documentation_heading(
                Wordings::from(W, i), &edhl, &NW)) {
                if (heading_count == 1) {
                    HTML_TAG("hr");  ruled line at top of TOC
                if (edhl == 1) {
                    chapter_count++; section_count = 0;
                    if (chapter_count > 1) HTML_TAG("br");  skip a line between chapters
                if (edhl == 2) section_count++;
                Typeset the table of contents entry for this heading7.1;
                i = Wordings::last_wn(NW); continue;
            if ((heading_count > 0) && (example_count < 26) &&
                    Wordings::from(W, i), &asterisks, &NW, &RUBW))) {
                if (++example_count == 1) {
                Typeset the table of contents entry for this example7.2;
                i = Wordings::last_wn(RUBW); continue;
    if (heading_count > 0) {
        HTML_TAG("hr");  ruled line at foot of TOC, if there is one

§7.1. Internally, we are numbering all headings independently upwards from 1, and we set anchor points in the documentation called #docsec1, #docsec2, and so on: some of these will be chapter headings, some section headings. These are the destinations of links from heading lines in the TOC.

Typeset the table of contents entry for this heading7.1 =

    switch (edhl) {
        case 1:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexblack");
                "style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=#docsec%d", heading_count);
            WRITE("Chapter %d: ", chapter_count);
        case 2:
            if (chapter_count > 0)  if there are chapters as well as sections...
                WRITE("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");  ...then set an indentation before entry
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexblack");
            HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=#docsec%d", heading_count);
            WRITE("Section ");
            if (chapter_count > 0)  if there are chapters as well as sections...
                WRITE("%d.%d: ", chapter_count, section_count);  quote in form S.C
                WRITE("%d: ", section_count);  otherwise quote section number only
        default: internal_error("unable to set this heading level in extension TOC");
    DocumentationRenderer::set_body_text(NW, OUT, EDOC_FRAGMENT_ONLY, NULL);

§7.2. The TOC entries for examples are similar. Here the link is to the variant page in the current family which has the given example open, and moreover, to the anchor in that page corresponding to the top of the example: thus as far as the user is concerned it opens the example and goes there.

Typeset the table of contents entry for this example7.2 =

    WRITE("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");  always indent TOC entries for examples
    WRITE_TO(link, "style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=\"");
    DocumentationRenderer::href_of_example(link, base_leafname, example_count, example_count);
    WRITE_TO(link, "\"");
    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexblack");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "%S", link);
    PUT('A'+example_count-1);  the letter A to Z
    WRITE(" &mdash; ");
    DocumentationRenderer::set_body_text(NW, OUT, EDOC_FRAGMENT_ONLY, NULL);


<table-sentence> ::=
    <if-start-of-paragraph> table ...

§9. Setting the body text.

define EDOC_ALL_EXAMPLES_CLOSED -1  do not change this without also changing Extensions
define EDOC_FRAGMENT_ONLY -2  must differ from this and from all example variant numbers
int DocumentationRenderer::set_body_text(wording W, OUTPUT_STREAM,
    int example_which_is_open, text_stream *base_leafname) {
    int heading_count = 0, chapter_count = 0, section_count = 0, example_count = 0;
    int mid_example = FALSE, skipping_text_of_an_example = FALSE,
        start_table_next_line = FALSE, mid_I7_table = FALSE, row_of_table_is_empty = FALSE,
        mid_displayed_source_text = FALSE, indentation = 0, close_I6_position = -1;
        int edhl, asterisks;
        if (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) {  the lexer records this to mean a paragraph break
            Handle a paragraph break9.1;
            while (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) i++;
            if (i>Wordings::last_wn(W)) break;  treat multiple paragraph breaks as one
            Determine indentation of new paragraph7.3;
            if (indentation == 0 && DocumentationRenderer::extension_documentation_heading(Wordings::from(W, i), &edhl, &NW)) {
                if (edhl == 1) {
                    chapter_count++; section_count = 0;
                    if (chapter_count > 1) {
                        HTML_TAG("hr");  rule a line between chapters
                if (edhl == 2) section_count++;
                Typeset the heading of this chapter or section9.5;
                i = Wordings::last_wn(NW); continue;
            if ((example_count < 26) && (DocumentationRenderer::extension_documentation_example(
                    Wordings::from(W, i), &asterisks, &NW, &RUBW))) {
                skipping_text_of_an_example = FALSE;
                if (mid_example) Close the previous example's text9.8;
                mid_example = FALSE;
                Typeset the heading of this example9.6;
                if (example_count == example_which_is_open) {
                    Open the new example's text9.7;
                    mid_example = TRUE;
                } else skipping_text_of_an_example = TRUE;
                i = Wordings::last_wn(RUBW); continue;
        if (skipping_text_of_an_example) continue;

        Handle a line or column break, if there is one9.3;
        Transcribe an ordinary word of the documentation9.4;
        if (close_I6_position == i) WRITE(" -)");
    if (mid_example) Close the previous example's text9.8;
    if (example_which_is_open != EDOC_FRAGMENT_ONLY) {
        Handle a paragraph break9.1;
    return example_count;

§9.1. Typesetting the standard matter. A paragraph break might mean the end of displayed matter (and if so, then also the end of any table being displayed). Otherwise, it just means a paragraph break, and a chance to restore our tired variables.

Handle a paragraph break9.1 =

    if (mid_displayed_source_text)  {
        if (mid_I7_table) End I7 table in extension documentation9.1.1;
    }   else {
    mid_displayed_source_text = FALSE; mid_I7_table = FALSE;

§7.3. The indentation setting is made here because a tab anywhere else does not mean a paragraph has been indented. Here i is at the number of the first word after the paragraph break; the break character corresponding to it is the one before that word, so describes the kind of whitespace between the paragraph break and the first nonwhitespace of the new paragraph.

Determine indentation of new paragraph7.3 =

    indentation = 0; if (Lexer::break_before(i) == '\t') indentation = 1;

§9.2. Positions for paste icons in extension documentation are marked with asterisk and colon:

<extension-documentation-paste-marker> ::=
    * : ...

§9.3. Two lower-level sorts of breaks can also occur in the middle of a paragraph: line breaks, indicated by newlines plus some tabs, and column breaks inside I7 source tables, indicated by tabs. We have to deal with those before we can move on to the subsequent word.

Handle a line or column break, if there is one9.3 =

    if (Lexer::indentation_level(i) > 0) indentation = Lexer::indentation_level(i);

    if (indentation > 0) Handle the start of a line which is indented9.3.2;
    if (<extension-documentation-paste-marker>(Wordings::from(W, i))) {
        wording W = GET_RW(<extension-documentation-paste-marker>, 1);
        Incorporate an icon linking to a Javascript function to paste the text which follows9.3.1;
        i++; continue;
    indentation = 0;
    if ((mid_I7_table) && ((Lexer::break_before(i) == '\t') || (Lexer::indentation_level(i) == 1))) {
        if (row_of_table_is_empty == FALSE)
            End table cell for I7 table in extension documentation9.3.3;
        Begin table cell for I7 table in extension documentation9.3.4;
        row_of_table_is_empty = FALSE;

§9.4. See Javascript Pastes for further explanation of the general method here.

Transcribe an ordinary word of the documentation9.4 =

    wchar_t *p = Lexer::word_raw_text(i); int j;
    if ((i>Wordings::first_wn(W))
        && ((p[1] != 0) || (Lexer::is_punctuation(p[0]) == FALSE)
            || (p[0] == '(') || (p[0] == '{') || (p[0] == '}'))
        && (compare_word(i-1, OPENBRACKET_V)==FALSE))
        WRITE(" ");  restore normal spacing around punctuation
    for (j=0; p[j]; j++) HTML::put(OUT, p[j]);  set the actual word
    if (Lexer::word(i) == OPENI6_V) close_I6_position = i+1;  ensure I6 literals are closed

§9.3.1. A paste causes the same material to be set twice: once in the argument to the Javascript paste function (which is passed to the application when the user clicks on the paste icon, and thus ends up in the Source panel), and once also in the HTML documentation. That's why the code here ranges forward to see how far it should go (to the next paragraph break which is not followed by further tabbed matter, or in other words, to the end of the display), but does not advance i commensurately.

Incorporate an icon linking to a Javascript function to paste the text which follows9.3.1 =

    int x = i+2, y = Wordings::last_wn(W), j;
    for (j=x; j<=y; j++)  first find the end of the quoted passage
        if (Lexer::word(j) == PARBREAK_V) {
            int possible_end = j-1;
            while (Lexer::word(j) == PARBREAK_V) j++;
            if ((j<y) && ((Lexer::break_before(j) == '\t') || (Lexer::indentation_level(j) > 0))) continue;
            y = possible_end; break;
    PasteButtons::paste_W(OUT, Wordings::new(x, y));

§9.3.2. The first step of indentation is handled using the <blockquote> tag; within that, further tab stops are simulated by printing a row of four non-breaking spaces for each indentation level above 1. A paragraph of indented (i.e., display matter) beginning with the word "Table" is taken to be an I7 table, and we remember that the next line break will take us past the titling line and into the table entries, which we will need to achieve with an HTML <table>.

Handle the start of a line which is indented9.3.2 =

    int j;
    if (mid_displayed_source_text) {
        if (start_table_next_line) {
            start_table_next_line = FALSE;
            mid_I7_table = TRUE;
            Begin I7 table in extension documentation9.3.2.1;
        } else {
            if (mid_I7_table) Begin new row of I7 table in extension documentation9.3.2.2
            else HTML_TAG("br");
        if (mid_I7_table) row_of_table_is_empty = TRUE;
    } else {
        HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullblue");
        mid_displayed_source_text = TRUE;
        if (<table-sentence>(Wordings::from(W, i)))
            start_table_next_line = TRUE;
    for (j=0; j<indentation; j++) WRITE("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");

§9.5. Typesetting the headings. That is thankfully all for the tormented logic of all those changes of state: from here to the rest of the section, all we do is to generate pretty HTML, and without altering any variables or causing any side-effects at all. First, the headings. Recall that heading number N is required to be at anchor #docsecN.

Typeset the heading of this chapter or section9.5 =

    switch (edhl) {
        case 1:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullred");
        case 2:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexblack");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "id=docsec%d", heading_count);
    switch (edhl) {
        case 1:
            WRITE("Chapter %d: ", chapter_count);
        case 2:
            WRITE("Section ");
            if (chapter_count > 0) WRITE("%d.", chapter_count);
            WRITE("%d: ", section_count);
    DocumentationRenderer::set_body_text(NW, OUT, EDOC_FRAGMENT_ONLY, NULL);

§9.6. An example is set with a two-table header, and followed optionally by a table of its inset copy, shaded to distinguish it from the rest of the page. The heading is constructed with a main table of one row of two cells, in the following section. The left-hand cell then contains a further table, in the next section.

Typeset the heading of this example9.6 =

    HTML_TAG("hr");  rule a line before the example heading

     Left hand cell: the oval icon
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "halign=\"left\" valign=\"top\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=38px");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "id=eg%d", example_count);  provide the anchor point
    Typeset the lettered oval example icon9.6.1;
    HTML_CLOSE("span");  end the textual link

     Right hand cell: the asterisks and title, with rubric underneath
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 halign=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
    Incorporate link to the example opened up9.6.2;
    while (asterisks-- > 0)
        HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=\"0\" src='inform:/doc_images/asterisk.png'");
    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdarkgrey");
    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexblack");
    DocumentationRenderer::set_body_text(NW, OUT, EDOC_FRAGMENT_ONLY, base_leafname);
    HTML_CLOSE("a");  Link does not cover body, only heading
    DocumentationRenderer::set_body_text(RUBW, OUT, EDOC_FRAGMENT_ONLY, base_leafname);


§9.6.1. The little oval icon with its superimposed boldface letter is much harder to get right on all browsers than it looks, and the following is the result of some pretty grim experimentation. Basically, we make a tight, borderless, one-cell-in-one-row table, use CSS to make a transparent PNG image of an oval the background image for the table, then put a boldface letter in the centre of its one and only cell. (Things were even worse when IE6 for Windows still had its infamous PNG transparency bug.)

Typeset the lettered oval example icon9.6.1 =

    HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "class=\"oval\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "width=38px height=30px align=\"left\" valign=\"center\"");
    Incorporate link to the example opened up9.6.2;
        "class=\"paragraph Body\" style=\"line-height: 1px; margin-bottom: 0px; "
        "margin-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0pt; padding-top: 0px; text-align: center;\"");
    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"extensionexampleletter");
    PUT('A' + example_count - 1);

§9.6.2. Clicking on the example banner opens it up, if it's currently closed, or closes it up, if it's currently open.

Incorporate link to the example opened up9.6.2 =

    WRITE_TO(url, "href=\"");
    if (example_count == example_which_is_open)  this example currently open
        DocumentationRenderer::href_of_example(url, base_leafname, EDOC_ALL_EXAMPLES_CLOSED, example_count);
    else  this example not yet open
        DocumentationRenderer::href_of_example(url, base_leafname, example_count, example_count);
    WRITE_TO(url, "\" style=\"text-decoration: none\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "%S", url);

§ Typesetting I7 tables in displayed source text. Unsurprisingly, I7 tables are set (after their titling lines) as HTML tables, and this is fiddly but elementary in the usual way of HTML tables:

Begin I7 table in extension documentation9.3.2.1 =

    HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0);

§9.3.3. End table cell for I7 table in extension documentation9.3.3 =

    HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0);

§9.3.4. Begin table cell for I7 table in extension documentation9.3.4 =

    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullblue");

§ Begin new row of I7 table in extension documentation9.3.2.2 =

    HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0);

§9.1.1. End I7 table in extension documentation9.1.1 =


§9.7. Typesetting the body of an example. This is done just the way all other extension documentation material is handled, except that it is inside an inset box: which is provided by a shaded HTML table, containing just one row, which contains just one cell. Here the inset table begins:

Open the new example's text9.7 =

    HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, I"extensionexample", TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0);

§9.8. And here the inset table ends:

Close the previous example's text9.8 =
