Instructions of indoc to different output types.

§1. Definitions. The command-line and Instructions-file-set values provide a large slate of what used to be global variables in the Perl version of Indoc. Today they are herded together into an instance of the settings_block structure, and in particular into a global instance of this called indoc_settings.

define EXMODE_open_internal 1
define EXMODE_openable_internal 2
define HTML_FORMAT 1
define PASTEMODE_none 1
define PASTEMODE_Andrew 2
define PASTEMODE_David 3
define WRAPPER_none 1
define WRAPPER_epub 2
define WRAPPER_zip 3
typedef struct settings_block {
    int verbose_mode;
    int test_index_mode;

    struct pathname *destination;  path to the directory where documentation will be made
    int destination_modifiable;  can destination still be changed by instructions?
    struct text_stream *manifest_leafname;  within the destination directory
    struct filename *xrefs_filename;
    struct filename *insertion_filename;

    struct pathname *book_folder;
    filename *book_cover_image;  e.g., cover-image.png; by default, none
    int index_alphabetisation_algorithm;  one of the *_ALPHABETIZATION values above

    int granularity;  one of the *_GRANULARITY values above

    text_stream *contents_leafname;
    int contents_expandable;
    int toc_granularity;  one of the *_GRANULARITY values above

    int book_contains_examples;
    int examples_mode;  one of the EXMODE_* values above
    struct text_stream *examples_alphabetical_leafname;
    struct text_stream *examples_numerical_leafname;
    struct text_stream *examples_thematic_leafname;
    struct pathname *examples_directory;
    int examples_granularity;  one of the *_GRANULARITY values above

    struct pathname *change_logs_folder;
    struct filename *css_source_file;
    struct filename *definitions_filename;
    struct text_stream *definitions_index_leafname;

    int format;  one of the *_FORMAT values above
    int XHTML;  a flag: relevant only if HTML_FORMAT is chosen
    int javascript;  a flag

    int html_for_Inform_application;
    int images_copy;
    struct pathname *images_path;
    int inform_definitions_mode;
    int suppress_fonts;
    int assume_Public_Library;

    int retina_images;
    int support_creation;

    struct text_stream *link_to_extensions_index;
    struct filename *top_and_tail;
    struct filename *top_and_tail_sections;
    int treat_code_as_verbatim;
    int wrapper;  one of the WRAPPER_* values above
    struct ebook *ebook;
    struct navigation_design *navigation;

} settings_block;


settings_block *Instructions::clean_slate(void) {
    settings_block *settings = CREATE(settings_block);
    settings->verbose_mode = FALSE;
    settings->test_index_mode = FALSE;

    settings->destination = NULL;
    settings->destination_modifiable = TRUE;
    settings->manifest_leafname = NULL;
    settings->xrefs_filename = NULL;
    settings->insertion_filename = NULL;

    settings->book_folder = Pathnames::from_text(I"Documentation");
    settings->book_cover_image = NULL;
    settings->index_alphabetisation_algorithm = LETTER_ALPHABETIZATION;

    settings->granularity = SECTION_GRANULARITY;

    settings->contents_leafname = NULL;
    settings->contents_expandable = FALSE;
    settings->toc_granularity = SAME_AS_MAIN_GRANULARITY;

    settings->book_contains_examples = FALSE;
    settings->examples_mode = EXMODE_open_internal;
    settings->examples_alphabetical_leafname = NULL;
    settings->examples_numerical_leafname = NULL;
    settings->examples_thematic_leafname = NULL;
    settings->examples_directory = NULL;
    settings->examples_granularity = SAME_AS_MAIN_GRANULARITY;

    settings->change_logs_folder = NULL;  default not set here, as it depends on book folder
    settings->css_source_file = NULL;
    settings->definitions_filename = NULL;
    settings->definitions_index_leafname = NULL;

    settings->format = HTML_FORMAT;
    settings->XHTML = FALSE;
    settings->javascript = FALSE;

    settings->html_for_Inform_application = FALSE;
    settings->images_copy = FALSE;
    settings->images_path = NULL;
    settings->inform_definitions_mode = FALSE;
    settings->suppress_fonts = FALSE;
    settings->assume_Public_Library = FALSE;

    settings->retina_images = FALSE;
    settings->support_creation = FALSE;

    settings->link_to_extensions_index = NULL;
    settings->top_and_tail = NULL;
    settings->top_and_tail_sections = NULL;
    settings->treat_code_as_verbatim = FALSE;
    settings->wrapper = WRAPPER_none;
    settings->ebook = NULL;

    settings->navigation = Nav::default();

    return settings;

§3. Instructions file. Note that indoc reports errors in the instructions file, but doesn't halt on them until all have been found. (The user may as well get all of the bad news, not just the beginning of it.)

void Instructions::read_instructions(text_stream *target_sought, linked_list *L,
    settings_block *settings) {
    int found_flag = FALSE;  was a target of this name actually found?

    settings->change_logs_folder = Pathnames::down(settings->book_folder, I"Change Logs");
    settings->examples_directory = Pathnames::down(settings->book_folder, I"Examples");
    settings->css_source_file = Filenames::in(path_to_indoc_materials, I"base.css");
    settings->definitions_index_leafname = Str::duplicate(I"general_index.html");

    filename *F;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(F, filename, L)
        if (Instructions::read_instructions_from(F, target_sought, settings))
            found_flag = TRUE;

    Reconcile any conflicting instructions3.1;
    Declare the format and wrapper as symbols3.2;

    HTMLUtilities::add_image_source(Pathnames::down(path_to_indoc_materials, I"images"));

    if (found_flag == FALSE)
        Errors::fatal_with_text("unknown target %S", target_sought);

§4. The instructions can be either at the top level, which means they apply to all targets, or grouped in braced blocks relevant to one target only. For example,

    superbness = 20
    hypercard {
        superbness = 40

applies 20 for all targets except hypercard, where it applies 40.

typedef struct ins_helper_state {
    int found_aim;
    struct settings_block *settings;
    struct text_stream *desired_target;
    struct text_stream *scanning_target;
} ins_helper_state;

int Instructions::read_instructions_from(filename *F, text_stream *desired,
    settings_block *settings) {
    ins_helper_state ihs;
    ihs.scanning_target = Str::new();
    ihs.desired_target = desired;
    ihs.found_aim = FALSE;
    ihs.settings = settings;
        TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "can't open instructions file",
        TRUE, Instructions::read_instructions_helper, NULL, &ihs);
    return ihs.found_aim;


void Instructions::read_instructions_helper(text_stream *cl, text_file_position *tfp,
    void *v_ihs) {
    ins_helper_state *ihs = (ins_helper_state *) v_ihs;
    settings_block *settings = ihs->settings;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();

    if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *#%c*")) { Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); return; }
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *")) { Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); return; }

    if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L"(%C+) { *")) {
        if (Str::len(ihs->scanning_target) > 0)
            Errors::in_text_file("second target opened while first is still open", tfp);
        Str::copy(ihs->scanning_target, mr.exp[0]);
        if (Str::eq(ihs->scanning_target, ihs->desired_target)) ihs->found_aim = TRUE;
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *} *")) {
        if (Str::len(ihs->scanning_target) == 0)
            Errors::in_text_file("unexpected target end-marker", tfp);
    } else {
        if ((Str::len(ihs->scanning_target) == 0) ||
            (Str::eq(ihs->scanning_target, ihs->desired_target))) {
            if (settings->verbose_mode)
                PRINT("%f, line %d: %S\n", tfp->text_file_filename, tfp->line_count, cl);
            if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *follow: *(%c*?) *")) {
                if (Instructions::read_instructions_from(
                    Filenames::in(settings->book_folder, mr.exp[0]),
                    ihs->desired_target, settings))
                    ihs->found_aim = TRUE;
            } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *declare: *(%c*?) *")) {
            } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *undeclare: *(%c*?) *")) {
            } else This is an instruction5.1;

§5.1. This is an instruction5.1 =

    if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *volume: *(%c*?) *")) {
        Disallow this in a specific target5.1.1;
        Act on a volume creation5.1.2
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *cover: *(%c*?) *")) {
        Disallow this in a specific target5.1.1;
        settings->book_cover_image = Instructions::set_file(mr.exp[0], settings);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *examples *")) {
        Disallow this in a specific target5.1.1;
        settings->book_contains_examples = TRUE;
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *dc:(%C+): *(%c*?) *")) {
        Disallow this in a specific target5.1.1;
        Instructions::create_ebook_metadata(Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]), Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]));
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *css: *(%c*?) *")) {
        Act on a CSS tweak5.1.3;
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *index: *(%c*?) *")) {
        Act on an indexing notation5.1.4;
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *images: *(%c*?) *")) {
        HTMLUtilities::add_image_source(Instructions::set_path(mr.exp[0], settings));
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, cl, L" *(%C+) *= *(%c*?) *")) {
        Act on an instructions setting5.1.5;
    } else {
        Errors::in_text_file("unknown syntax in instructions file", tfp);

§5.1.1. Disallow this in a specific target5.1.1 =

    if (Str::len(ihs->scanning_target) > 0)
            "structural settings like this one must apply to all targets", tfp);

§5.1.2. Here's where we parse the specifier part of lines like

    volume: The Inform Recipe Book (RB) = The Recipe Book.txt

which reads:

    The Inform Recipe Book (RB) = The Recipe Book.txt

Act on a volume creation5.1.2 =

    Disallow this in a specific target5.1.1;
    text_stream *title = mr.exp[0];
    match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr2, title, L"(%c+?) *= *(%c+?)")) {  the optional filename syntax
        Str::copy(title, mr2.exp[0]); Str::copy(file, mr2.exp[1]);
    } else {
        WRITE_TO(file, "%S.txt", title);
    if (Regexp::match(&mr2, title, L"(%c*?) *%((%c*?)%)")) {  the optional abbreviation syntax
        Str::copy(title, mr2.exp[0]); Str::copy(abbrev, mr2.exp[1]);
    Scanner::create_volume(settings->book_folder, file, title, abbrev);

§5.1.3. Act on a CSS tweak5.1.3 =

    text_stream *tweak = mr.exp[0];
    match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
    match_results mr3 = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tweak, L"(%C+)text(%C+) = (%C+)")) {
        CSS::add_span_notation(mr2.exp[0], mr2.exp[1], mr2.exp[2], MARKUP_SPP);
    } else {
        volume *act_on = NULL;
        if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tweak, L"(%C+) *: *(%c+)")) {
            text_stream *abbrev = mr2.exp[0];
            Str::copy(tweak, mr2.exp[1]);
            volume *V;
            LOOP_OVER(V, volume)
                if (Str::eq(V->vol_abbrev, abbrev))
                    act_on = V;
            if (act_on == NULL) Errors::in_text_file("unknown volume abbreviation", tfp);
        if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tweak, L"(%c+?) *{ *")) {
            int plus = 0;
            text_stream *tag = mr2.exp[0];
            while ((TextFiles::read_line(ncl, FALSE, tfp)), (Str::len(ncl) > 0)) {
                if (Regexp::match(&mr3, ncl, L" *} *")) break;
                WRITE_TO(want, "%S\n", ncl);
            if (Regexp::match(&mr3, tag, L"(%c*?) *%+%+ *")) { plus = 2; tag = mr3.exp[0]; }
            else if (Regexp::match(&mr3, tag, L"(%c*?) *%+ *")) { plus = 1; tag = mr3.exp[0]; }
            CSS::request_css_tweak(act_on, tag, want, plus);
        } else Errors::in_text_file("bad CSS tweaking syntax", tfp);

§5.1.4. Act on an indexing notation5.1.4 =

    text_stream *tweak = mr.exp[0];
    match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (settings->test_index_mode) PRINT("Read in: %S\n", tweak);
    if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tweak, L"^{(%C*)headword(%C*)} = (%C+) *(%c*)")) {
        Indexes::add_indexing_notation(mr2.exp[0], mr2.exp[1], mr2.exp[2], mr2.exp[3]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tweak, L"{(%C+?)} = (%C+) *(%c*)")) {
        Indexes::add_indexing_notation_for_symbols(mr2.exp[0], mr2.exp[1], mr2.exp[2]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tweak, L"definition = (%C+) *(%c*)")) {
        Indexes::add_indexing_notation_for_definitions(mr2.exp[0], mr2.exp[1], NULL);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tweak, L"(%C+)-definition = (%C+) *(%c*)")) {
        Indexes::add_indexing_notation_for_definitions(mr2.exp[1], mr2.exp[2], mr2.exp[0]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tweak, L"example = (%C+) *(%c*)")) {
        Indexes::add_indexing_notation_for_examples(mr2.exp[0], mr2.exp[1]);
    } else {
        Errors::in_text_file("bad indexing notation", tfp);

§5.1.5. Act on an instructions setting5.1.5 =

    text_stream *key = mr.exp[0];
    text_stream *val = mr.exp[1];
    Deal with braced write values5.1.5.1;
    Set an instructions option5.1.5.2;

§ The write value can span multiple lines if the first line consists only of { and the last only of } (plus leading or trailing white space to taste). In a multiple-line value, each line is terminated with a newline.

Deal with braced write values5.1.5.1 =

    if (Str::eq(val, I"{")) {
        match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
        while ((TextFiles::read_line(ncl, FALSE, tfp)), (Str::len(ncl) > 0)) {
            if (Regexp::match(&mr2, ncl, L" *} *")) break;
            WRITE_TO(val, "%S\n", ncl);

§ Set an instructions option5.1.5.2 =

    if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"alphabetization")) {
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"word-by-word"))
            settings->index_alphabetisation_algorithm = WORD_ALPHABETIZATION;
        else if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"letter-by-letter"))
            settings->index_alphabetisation_algorithm = LETTER_ALPHABETIZATION;
        else Errors::in_text_file("no such alphabetization", tfp);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"assume_Public_Library"))
        settings->assume_Public_Library = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"change_logs_directory"))
        settings->change_logs_folder = Instructions::set_path(val, settings);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"contents_leafname"))
        settings->contents_leafname = Str::duplicate(val);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"contents_expandable"))
        settings->contents_expandable = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"css_source_file")) { settings->css_source_file = Instructions::set_file(val, settings); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"definitions_filename")) { settings->definitions_filename = Instructions::set_file(val, settings); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"definitions_index_filename")) {
        settings->definitions_index_leafname = Str::duplicate(val); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"destination")) {
        if (settings->destination_modifiable)
            settings->destination = Instructions::set_path(val, settings);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"examples_directory")) {
        settings->examples_directory = Instructions::set_path(val, settings); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"examples_alphabetical_leafname")) {
        settings->examples_alphabetical_leafname = Str::duplicate(val); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"examples_granularity")) {
        settings->examples_granularity = Instructions::set_range(key, val, 1, 3, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"examples_mode")) {
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"open")) { settings->examples_mode = EXMODE_open_internal; }
        else if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"openable")) { settings->examples_mode = EXMODE_openable_internal; }
        else Errors::in_text_file("no such examples mode", tfp);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"examples_numerical_leafname")) {
        settings->examples_numerical_leafname = Str::duplicate(val); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"examples_thematic_leafname")) {
        settings->examples_thematic_leafname = Str::duplicate(val); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"format")) {
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"HTML")) { settings->format = HTML_FORMAT; }
        else if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"text")) { settings->format = PLAIN_FORMAT; }
        else Errors::in_text_file("no such format", tfp);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"granularity")) { settings->granularity = Instructions::set_range(key, val, 1, 3, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"html_for_Inform_application")) {
        settings->html_for_Inform_application = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"images_path")) { settings->images_path = Instructions::set_path(val, settings); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"images_copy")) { settings->images_copy = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"inform_definitions_mode")) {
        settings->inform_definitions_mode = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"javascript")) { settings->javascript = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"link_to_extensions_index")) {
        settings->link_to_extensions_index = Str::duplicate(val); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"manifest_leafname")) { settings->manifest_leafname = Str::duplicate(val); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"navigation")) {
        settings->navigation = Nav::parse(val);
        if (settings->navigation == NULL) Errors::in_text_file("no such navigation mode", tfp);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"retina_images")) {
        settings->retina_images = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"support_creation")) {
        settings->support_creation = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"suppress_fonts")) {
        settings->suppress_fonts = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"toc_granularity")) {
        settings->toc_granularity = Instructions::set_range(key, val, 1, 3, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"top_and_tail_sections")) {
        settings->top_and_tail_sections = Instructions::set_file(val, settings); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"top_and_tail")) { settings->top_and_tail = Instructions::set_file(val, settings); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"treat_code_as_verbatim")) {
        settings->treat_code_as_verbatim = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp); }
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"wrapper")) {
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"EPUB")) { settings->wrapper = WRAPPER_epub; }
        else if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"zip")) { settings->wrapper = WRAPPER_zip; }
        else if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"none")) { settings->wrapper = WRAPPER_none; }
        else Errors::in_text_file("no such wrapper", tfp);
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(key, L"XHTML")) { settings->XHTML = Instructions::set_yn(key, val, tfp); }

    else Errors::in_text_file("no such setting", tfp);

§3.1. Reconcile any conflicting instructions3.1 =

    if (settings->wrapper == WRAPPER_epub) {
        settings->javascript = FALSE;
        if (settings->examples_mode == EXMODE_openable_internal) {
            settings->examples_mode = EXMODE_open_internal;
        settings->contents_expandable = FALSE;
        settings->images_copy = 1;
        settings->navigation = Nav::for_ebook(settings->navigation);
        settings->format = HTML_FORMAT;
        settings->XHTML = TRUE;
        settings->ebook = Epub::new(I"untitled ebook", "");

    if (settings->examples_granularity == SAME_AS_MAIN_GRANULARITY)
        settings->examples_granularity = settings->granularity;
    if (settings->toc_granularity == SAME_AS_MAIN_GRANULARITY)
        settings->toc_granularity = settings->granularity;

    if (settings->examples_granularity < settings->granularity) {
        settings->examples_granularity = settings->granularity;
        Errors::nowhere("examples granularity can't be less than granularity");
    if (settings->toc_granularity < settings->granularity) {
        settings->toc_granularity = settings->granularity;
        Errors::nowhere("TOC granularity can't be less than granularity");

    if (settings->format == PLAIN_FORMAT)
        settings->navigation = Nav::for_plain_text(settings->navigation);

§3.2. Declare the format and wrapper as symbols3.2 =

    if (settings->wrapper == WRAPPER_epub) Symbols::declare_symbol(I"EPUB");
    else if (settings->wrapper == WRAPPER_zip) Symbols::declare_symbol(I"zip");
    else Symbols::declare_symbol(I"unwrapped");

    if (settings->format == HTML_FORMAT) Symbols::declare_symbol(I"HTML");
    if (settings->format == PLAIN_FORMAT) Symbols::declare_symbol(I"text");

§6. Parsing values. Note the Unix-style conveniences for pathnames: an initial ~ means the home folder, ~~ means the book folder.

pathname *Instructions::set_path(text_stream *val, settings_block *settings) {
    if (Str::get_at(val, 0) == '~') {
        if (Str::get_at(val, 1) == '~') {
            if ((Str::get_at(val, 2) == '/') || (Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get_at(val, 2)))) {
                Str::copy_tail(t, val, 3);
                pathname *P = Pathnames::from_text_relative(settings->book_folder, t);
                return P;
            } else if (Str::get_at(val, 2) == 0) return settings->book_folder;
        if ((Str::get_at(val, 1) == '/') || (Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get_at(val, 1)))) {
            Str::copy_tail(t, val, 2);
            pathname *P = Pathnames::from_text_relative(home_path, t);
            return P;
        } else if (Str::get_at(val, 1) == 0) return home_path;
    return Pathnames::from_text(val);


filename *Instructions::set_file(text_stream *val, settings_block *settings) {
    if (Str::get_at(val, 0) == '~') {
        if (Str::get_at(val, 1) == '~') {
            if ((Str::get_at(val, 2) == '/') || (Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get_at(val, 2)))) {
                Str::copy_tail(t, val, 3);
                filename *F = Filenames::from_text_relative(settings->book_folder, t);
                return F;
        if ((Str::get_at(val, 1) == '/') || (Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get_at(val, 1)))) {
            Str::copy_tail(t, val, 2);
            filename *F = Filenames::from_text_relative(home_path, t);
            return F;
    return Filenames::from_text(val);

§8. An integer value within or at the edges of the given range.

int Instructions::set_range(text_stream *key, text_stream *val,
    int min, int max, text_file_position *tfp) {
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, val, L"%d+")) {
        int v = Str::atoi(val, 0);
        if ((v >= min) && (v <= max)) return v;
    WRITE_TO(ERM, "'%S' must a number from %d to %d, not '%S'", key, min, max, val);
    Errors::in_text_file_S(ERM, tfp);
    return min;

§9. A yes-no answer.

int Instructions::set_yn(text_stream *key, text_stream *val, text_file_position *tfp) {
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"yes")) { return 1; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(val, L"no")) { return 0; }
    WRITE_TO(ERM, "'%S' must be 'yes' or 'no', not '%S'", key, val);
    Errors::in_text_file_S(ERM, tfp);
    return 0;

§10. For ebooks only.

typedef struct dc_metadatum {
    struct text_stream *dc_key;
    struct text_stream *dc_val;
} dc_metadatum;

void Instructions::create_ebook_metadata(text_stream *key, text_stream *value) {
    dc_metadatum *dcm = CREATE(dc_metadatum);
    dcm->dc_key = Str::duplicate(key);
    dcm->dc_val = Str::duplicate(value);

void Instructions::apply_ebook_metadata(ebook *E) {
    dc_metadatum *dcm;
    LOOP_OVER(dcm, dc_metadatum) {
        wchar_t K[1024];
        Str::copy_to_wide_string(K, dcm->dc_key, 1024);
        Epub::attach_metadata(E, K, dcm->dc_val);