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# Release notes for Inform v4.1 (build 4S08)
This release was made on 25 March 2007, before Inform was open-sourced.
At that time versions of Inform were identified by build codes in the form NLNN.
This is part of the [historical archive of release notes](../version_history.md).
## Overview
This build represents a substantial update in five respects: it fixes all
known bugs - some 335 bug reports have been acted on since 4K41 and the
database of open bug report forms is now empty for the first time since
the public beta was released as 3K27; it introduces the first batch of
improvements proposed in the January 2007 consultation document (called
simply "the January document" below); it makes the first real reform of
paragraph-spacing since 3K27; it makes the first tentative steps towards
Inform 7 for Linux, though at present as a command-line system without the
graphical user interface; and it is accompanied by more supporting
materials than previous builds, notably free-standing documentation and a
formal grammar.
## Language
### Kinds of Value
- When Inform has to initialise variables or property values, but the source
gives no value, it uses a default value for the appropriate kind of value.
For instance, a number is 0 unless otherwise specified, and a text is
the empty text "". The Kinds index (in which a number of minor bugs have
been fixed) now tabulates the default values used for each kind of value
which can be stored in variables or properties. (This and related changes
following cover (6.34) in the January document.)
- It is now legal to declare a "specification text" for a kind of value,
analogously with kinds of object, and this is used in the Kinds index.
- New scene "Entire Game" created which, as the name implies, contains the
whole of play except for the posthumous restart, restore or quit
conversation. (This is the default value for scenes.)
- The constant "nothing" now means the absence of an object, in the context
of testing an object-valued variable or property to see if it holds the
default value for "object", and is also useful when looking at the
result of things like "best route from the Drawbridge to the Keep"
(if there is in fact no route).
- Problem message added to explain more fully when an action name is used as a
new value (for instance, if we write "Lamp strength is a kind of value.
The lamp strengths are burning and gone out.", then "burning" would clash
with the name of the action).
- Bug fixed (in consequence of above) whereby creating but not initialising a
scene variable or property caused an internal error.
- Bug fixed whereby comparison of a text with "" often gave false negatives.
### Named Values
- When ambiguous values occur, local variable names (created by 'called'
or by 'let') are now given priority over other possibilities.
- When a "(called...)" name appears in a rule, any article used will not be
taken as an immutable part of the name. For instance, "Instead of examining
a door (called the portal): ..." will now create a temporary value called
just "portal", not "the portal". Of course, "the portal" can still be
used to describe this value, but now being parsed as "the" + "portal",
and this means that text substitutions "[a portal]" and "[the portal]"
can differ.
- Problem message added to forbid the use of "(called ...)" when giving a
complex range of things to be repeated through: this was accidentally
allowed in previous builds, and produced subtly incorrect results.
- Problem message added (in place of internal error) to catch attempts to use
local values created by 'let' or 'repeat' or 'called' in past-tense
references which pertain to times when they did not exist.
- Problem message added to report contradictions of kind when a variable is
declared more than once and each time as a kind of object.
- Bug fixed whereby conditions involving negated existential quantifiers, and
giving called names to the results, would sometimes incorrectly fail.
(For instance, "a person who is not wearing anything" would work but
"a person (called the extrovert) who is not wearing anything" would fail.
The negated existential here is the clothing being worn - which is
required not to exist.)
- Bug fixed whereby "a random D", where D is a description including a
"(called ...)" clause, would (although legal) cause I6 errors.
- Bug fixed whereby variables set up with non-existent kinds ("Z is a
bogosity that varies") would sometimes produce internal errors rather
than a problem message.
### Text
- Inform has a fairly delicate mechanism for placing paragraph breaks
automatically at "the right" points in text produced by various different
rules. Its aim is to save the writer from having to think about this.
Four main defects have been found in the original Public Beta algorithm,
and in this build we address all of them. We believe the result is a
better system, but it does mean that the dodges people have used up to
now to compensate for faults of the old algorithm will need to be
removed or changed. (We had to remove a dozen or so spurious
"[line break]"s from the Examples, for instance: the end result was
much less intervention in how paragraphs were being broken, and this
suggests that the automatic system is now more trustworthy.) This
addresses proposal (6.45) in the January document.
- When defining a new text substitution, it is now legal to add "-- running on"
as a note at the end of the preamble. The effect of this is that any
newline implied by the immediately preceding text is ignored. Thus
To say note -- running on: say "(1)".
can be used in text such as
"I prefer to avoid footnotes.[note]"
without a newline being forced after the full stop under the "sentence
ending punctuation at the end of literal passages of text implies a
newline" convention.
- This has been applied to the following character-level text substitutions in
the Standard Rules:
[unicode N]
[bracket] [close bracket] [apostrophe] ['] [quotation mark]
[line break]
[conditional paragraph break] [paragraph break] [run paragraph on]
[bold type] [italic type] [roman type]
[fixed letter spacing] [variable letter spacing]
- As a result, [line break] now does just and only what it suggests: prints a
line break, regardless of circumstances, and with no side-effects for
subsequent paragraph breaking. [paragraph break] is now the better way
to force a paragraph break, and various bugs have been fixed so that it
can more reliably be used in mid-string, in table entries, in values,
more than once in the same quoted text, etc.
- A new form of paragraph break has been created for one special circumstance:
printing clarificatory text after a command, when we are guessing what
was meant. For instance:
> N
(first opening the Wicket Gate)
Conventional spacing here is that text should immediately follow on the
next line, unless we are going to a different room and looking around,
in which case a line break should be added. We can get this spacing
convention using the text substitution "[command clarification break]";
for instance:
say "(first opening [the noun])[command clarification break]";
- Another change made to the paragraph breaking mechanism removes the previous
discrepancy between the effect of printing an object property which does
contain a text substitution, and one that doesn't; and similarly for texts
used as values in miscellaneous other circumstances.
- Finally, the text substitution "[no line break]" suppresses a line break
which might otherwise arise under the sentence-ending punctuation rule
as it applies to literal text in a "say", so:
say "This is not the end![no line break]";
leaves the printing position after the exclamation mark.
- The meaning of the text substitution "[list of ...]" has been changed so
that it now lists the items referred to without articles: for instance,
it might produce "apple, orange and nectarine" rather than "an apple,
an orange and a nectarine". (Which is what would have been produced in
previous builds: to obtain the articled list, use "[a list of ...]"
or "[the list of ...]" according to whether indefinite or definite
articles are wanted. This was (6.21) in the January document.)
- The text substitution ['] is now synonymous with [apostrophe], and makes
extended runs of Cockney dialogue easier to type ("put down that bleedin[']
[']eavy Joanna", and so forth).
- Problem message added for using 'say' (or a text substitution) to print a
value of a kind which cannot be printed up (such as a parsing topic).
(This already produced a problem message, but a generic unhelpful one.)
- Problem message added for using a comma inside a text substitution, which
in previous builds concatenated the items in the substitution - but that
was almost invariably not what people expected, and it was being reported
as a bug. (Thus previously "[1, 3]" was a legal substitution and printed
up "13", for example.)
- Bug fixed whereby text substitutions which ended with one digit and were
immediately followed by another digit in literal text would be corrupted.
(For instance, in "[if x is 2]2".)
- Bug fixed whereby the little-used but legal "say X, Y, Z" comma-separated list
form of "say" would lose some text substitutions occurring in terms in the
list before the final one.
- Bug fixed whereby replacing or cutting snippets in the player's command could
cause spurious line breaks to be printed if the new text contained text
- Bug fixed whereby long texts containing almost the maximum legal number of
text substitutions could crash NI.
- Bug fixed whereby improperly closed double-quoted text, e.g., "'fish"' (note
the mismatch of quotation marks) could produce I6 errors rather than a
problem message.
- Bug fixed whereby specifying literals involving double-quotes could cause
I6 errors (e.g., writing: 5'10" specifies a height). Still not a good
idea since it throws syntax-colouring, but it's not meant to be illegal.
- Bug fixed whereby the activity "printing the name of something" now applies
to the player - previously, it applied to everything except the player.
### Properties
- The ability to create a property without specifying its kind (by writing,
say, "A room has a property called history.") has been withdrawn. This
was an undocumented syntax which gave the property the kind
"miscellaneous-value", whose use has for some time been deprecated.
(In almost all cases, the property will be storing either objects or text,
and should be given a kind accordingly. The Standard Rules no longer
use properties or variables of this kind, and this change improves the
reporting of problems in assertions using the properties in question.)
- We can now test to see if an object provides a property using the syntax
if O provides the property P
so for instance "if the noun provides the property lockable" - which a
container or door would pass, but which a person would not, and so on.
This was previously allowed as "if O has a/an P", but that was too
ambiguous and has been withdrawn. (It made grammatical sense only for
value properties P. "if the noun has a lockable" not only read badly,
but due to a bug (now fixed) it also compiled to an incorrect test.)
- An indefinite article is now permitted in a negated assertion which sets the
converse of an either/or property: thus "X is not a P" is permitted,
just as "X is not P" would be. Grammatically this is incorrect if P is
an adjective, which is what the original design of Inform intended, but
people occasionally use nouns in an adjectival sort of way - for instance,
"A monkey can be a hairy critter. The ape is a monkey in the Serengeti.
The ape is not a hairy critter." (Here P is "hairy critter".) We continue
to think this is poor style, but since the assertion would be allowed
if in the positive sense, it seemed better to legalise it in the negative
sense as well.
- Problem message added for writing 'X can have P' rather than 'X has P' to
create a property, since this is a common mistake and currently produces
rather unhelpful problem messages.
- Problem message rather than I6 errors for using a non-constant value (say,
a variable) as the initial value of a property.
- Problem message rather than I6 errors for creating a property with a name
consisting solely of an article (e.g.: "A thing has a number called the."),
and similarly for property names containing commas or quoted text.
- Problem message added to clarify what kind of contradiction has occurred
when the same property is set to different values in different sentences.
- Problem message added to report that new either/or properties or possible
conditions (created by 'X can be Y or Z'-style sentences) clash with
existing meanings - something which previously led to peculiar errors.
- Run-time problem messages now result from attempting to change (with "now")
either/or properties for objects which are not permitted to have them.
- Run-time problem messages now result from attempting to read or write value
properties for the "nothing" non-object. (Previously writes were ignored
and reads produced 0, but this was unsafe for kinds of value where 0 was
not valid, and in any case allowing people to treat "nothing" as an
object seems unwise.)
- Bug fixed whereby "now X is Y" would compile I6 code which failed at run-time
if X is a K that varies (K being some new kind of value) and Y is one
possible value of K, in circumstances where K is also a property of objects.
For instance, suppose we have colours blue and red, and colour is a
property of cars. Suppose "jalopy" is a car that varies, "hue" a colour
that varies. Then "now the jalopy is blue" and "now the hue is blue" are
semantically very different - one changes a property, the other assigns
a value - and this difference was being missed, hence the bug.
- Bug fixed whereby tests of whether something has an either/or property would
compile to code failing at run-time (whereas value properties would work).
- Bug fixed whereby I6 errors might result from heavily ambiguous source texts
where confusion could occur between wording of one phrase which does not
include a property and another which does, where that property usage is
itself incorrect.
- Bug fixed whereby giving a property of something with an additional clause
requiring it to be somewhere (e.g. "the Portable Lamp in the Yard")
would cause an internal error rather than produce a problem message.
- Bug fixed (see KINDS OF VALUE) whereby creating but not initialising a
scene property caused an internal error.
### Defined Adjectives
- In "Definition:" sentences, it's now possible to refer to the object to which
the definition applies as "he", "she" or "they", or indeed "him", "her"
or "them", and no longer only as "it". Thus "Definition: a person is other
if he is not the player." is legal, as is, and let's not squabble over the
rightness of this, "Definition: a person is other if they are not the
player." The accusative forms mean that "Definition: a person is a target
if the player can see him.", etc., should also work now.
- A problem message has been added to forbid ambiguous settings of
properties for adjective-qualified kinds, as in "The description of an
open door is ...": such a sentence looks as if it might create a rule
which would dynamically check the door during play, but in fact being
an assertion it only looks at the initial state. (In previous builds,
a bug caused this to set the description for every door, initially open
or not: rather than fix this, it seemed better to forbid this form of
assertion entirely, since if it worked it would still not do what it
looked as if it did.)
- Similarly, a problem message has been added to forbid assertions at compile
time about adjective-qualified kinds where the adjective cannot be
determined until run-time (because it is created with "Definition:" and
involves some computation to decide whether an object satisfies it or not).
- Problem message rather than I6 errors for using "change O to P" where O is
an object and P is a defined adjective (rather than a property), so that
it is not logically possible to change P by merely saying so.
- Run-time problem messages now result from attempting to change (with "now")
adjectival properties which cannot be forced to come true, since their
truth is governed by a fixed definition.
- Bug fixed whereby definitions of adjectives based on testing a property to
see if it equals some specific value (e.g. "Definition: A container is
standard if its carrying capacity is 7.") would in fact test a range
of values with this as boundary (e.g. capacity <= 7).
- Bug fixed whereby definitions of adjectives with a specific object as domain
(e.g. "Definition: the Ballroom is dusty if...") would not always be given
priority over definitions with a more general kind as domain (e.g.
"Definition: a room is dusty if...").
### Headings
- Problem message added to report that a heading stops before the end of its
line, something which generally happens when a full stop has been misread.
- Bug fixed whereby an author name including a comma would be mis-spaced in the
banner (for instance if the first line is: "Trio" by Rod, Jane and Freddy).
- Bug fixed whereby a heading which followed a long comment without an intervening
skipped line would sometimes wrongly be rejected as containing a line break.
### Assertion Syntax
- When ambiguous assertion sentences occur, where more than one word is in
principle valid as the primary verb, we now assume that "to have" is the
most likely verb, followed by "to be", and then the other built-in verbs.
This replaces the previous doctrine that the earliest valid verb in the
sentence was the true one. For instance, "The last support is a thing
that varies." is now read with "is" as the primary verb, not "support".
- Problem message added to catch what look like mistaken uses of the pronoun
"they". (E.g., in "A and B are things. They are portable.", I7 can't
cope with "they" as meaning the collection of A and B, and would previously
latch onto some other meaning, e.g., either A or B alone.)
- Problem message added for using 'every' on the wrong side of the verb in an
assertion sentence (mostly to take the opportunity to explain how to
reword such a sentence so that it works).
- Problem message added (in place of internal error) to catch misreadings of
'of' leading to misunderstood property values in assertions, e.g. in
"The dining room is a room in the house east of the kitchen."
- Problem message added (in place of internal error) to catch relative clauses
which seem to express a location in a way too complicated to follow, e.g.
"Sleeping Beauty is a woman who is asleep in the Spinning Tower."
- Bug fixed whereby listing complicated descriptions of things which involved
at least one negated property would cause I6 errors.
- Bug fixed whereby negated relative phrases would mistakenly be read as
positive, so that for instance "The broken box is a container which is
not openable." would, very unfortunately, make an openable container.
- Bug fixed whereby implications in the form of "An X is usually Y", where X
involves a kind and also properties, would in fact cause all things of
that kind to be Y, whether they matched or not. (For instance, "an open
container is usually lockable" would cause all containers not otherwise
described to be lockable.)
- Bug fixed whereby "some" as an article would be confused with "some" as a
determiner in such a way that the actual object being referred to was
lost: this especially happened with singular mass nouns, e.g. "some clay",
where "if the player is carrying some clay" would be misread as "if the
player is carrying something" if the clay was a single thing, not a kind.
- Bug fixed whereby the assertion "X is here." might fail if X had already
been defined before the room denoted by "here" had been declared; and
also another case in which the room, having been mentioned long ago,
is only recently made the subject of discussion again.
- Bug fixed whereby descriptions with multiple relative clauses, some of them
ambiguous, could result in an interpretation which is none of the
possibilities an English speaker would choose. (This is difficult to
define, but for instance, "a random woman who is not Zoe in the location
of Zoe" was being interpreted in such a way that "in the location of Zoe"
was being applied neither to the random woman, nor to Zoe. Inform now
applies it to Zoe. This affects only a handful of sentences - e.g., it
makes no difference to any sentence in any of the examples - and only
to sentences which are fairly evidently risky in the first place.)
- Bug fixed whereby object names containing "with" could, in the middle of
lists, crash NI.
### Plurals
- The previous requirement that a plural definition sentence had to appear before
it could be used has been lifted. Such definitions now apply throughout
the source text, wherever they appear. This avoids traps like the following:
"Clothing is a kind of thing. The plural of clothing is clothes. Clothes
are wearable." In previous builds, this would have created an object called
"Clothes", which is wearable but is not of the kind "clothing", and a
kind called "clothing" with the plural "clothings".
- Bug fixed whereby non-specific references to properties in "every turn" rules
would be taken to be properties of the I6 library placeholder object,
usually leading to strange I6 veneer errors: they are now assumed to be
properties of the player. Thus for instance
A person can be poised or flustered. Before jumping: now the player
is flustered. Before waiting: now the player is poised.
Every turn when flustered: say "You feel flustered."
...now works as expected.
- Bug fixed whereby ordinal numbers were being taken as counting determiners
for noun phrases, so for instance "2nd Room" was being read as if it
had the same meaning as "two rooms". This led to confusion when room
names (in particular) began with an ordinal, e.g., "2nd Floor Balcony".
- Bug fixed whereby words which indicate plurals will not always be recognised
as such if the object whose name is being parsed has a complex range of
possible names (i.e., if I7 is obliged to compile a parse_name routine to
handle it).
### Relations, Parts and Regions
- Some people have had problems with the relation "in", when applying it
to regions. Inside Inform, there are two forms of "in": there is object
containment - the ball is in the box, the box is in the Summer House -
and also region containment - the ball is in the Garden Area, the
Summer House is in the Garden Area. These two forms of "in" are not
as similar as they look - object containment has the property that a given
X can be "in" Y for at most one possible Y, and Inform makes heavy use
of this in optimising searches and loops; but region containment does
not, becase the Summer House could be in the Garden Area and also in
the super-region the Outside World, say. In practice, Inform always
reads "X in Y" as object containment except when Y is the literal name
of a region. Up to now, there has been no way to describe the hidden
internal relation for region containment: in this build, we provide
"regionally in" to allow users to clarify what sense they mean. Thus
"repeat with P running through the rooms regionally in R begin; ..."
makes clear that we are talking about all rooms in R (and not, for
instance, rooms immediately in R rather than in some subregion of R).
- "A part of" is now synonymous with "part of": for instance, one can now write
"if the tail is a part of the fish", with the same effect as "if the tail
is part of the fish".
- Problem message added to prevent foundational errors involving an object being
indirectly a part of itself ("X is a part of Y. Y is a part of X.", and
so on).
- Problem message added to report that a region has been placed inside more than
one other region. (This is forbidden because it could lead to configurations
whereby regions overlap, whereas they are required always to include each
other or else be disjoint.)
- Problem message added for an attempt to declare an already-existing object as
a region. (This is never necessary, and when it occurs it is almost always
a symptom of an inadvertent clash of names.)
- Run-time problem message added for attempts to find routes or count steps
through relations not permitting this. (Previously such attempts would
be allowed but, not very helpfully, invariably come back as finding no
possible route. This was misleading.)
- Bug fixed whereby finding best routes through the map from A to B would fail
with a programming error at run-time if A or B were nothing: Inform now
works in these cases, returning the information that no route exists.
(Similarly for counting steps, and for finding routes through relations.)
- Bug fixed whereby the built-in relations were not being given names as values,
so that for instance Inform would fail to understand "containment
relation" even though there is a relation called "containment".
- Bug fixed whereby relations defined by a condition would, if defined between
different kinds of thing, sometimes lose track of what kinds they were
defined over: so that run-time type-checking errors could be produced
because the definition was applied to objects of the wrong kind.
- Bug fixed whereby some tests amounting to seeing whether a given room is in
a given region, in the course of a condition, would fail.
- Bug fixed whereby a backdrop asserted as being in more than one region would
only appear in the first region asserted (though also in any rooms it was
asserted as being in: the bug applied only to multiple regions).
### Tables
- "Increment" and "decrement" are now synonyms for "increase" and "decrease".
Moreover, they can now also be used on table entries (e.g. "increase
pollen count entry by 2").
- "Choose the row with..." is now synonymous with "choose row with...".
- Problem message added for placing blank entries in the first column of a table
which is creating named objects or values, something which makes no sense
since the first column provides the names.
- Problem message added to report duplicated table names (which are not
continuations of each other).
- Problem message for using a table reference at a time when no row has been
selected has been clarified to explain why text substitution can make
this time not the time which several users thought.
- Problem message for using a table reference in a condition set in the past
tense and thus relating to a time when no row had been chosen.
- Problem message for using a table reference in a complex condition which
requires loops over objects in ways very likely resulting from a
misunderstanding (and which in any case can't be compiled safely if
taken at their literal meanings).
- Problem message added for "Some X are defined by the Table of T" where X is
something unrecognised, and another for where X describes a specific
object rather than a kind. (It needs to be a kind of object or value.)
- Bug fixed whereby repeating through a table "in reverse order" (not in reverse
order of any specific column, just in reverse order of its natural order)
would produce I6 errors.
- Bug fixed whereby sorting a table would (almost) always move blank rows to
the top: it now invariably moves blank rows to the bottom, regardless of
the direction or column of sorting, as the documentation implies it should.
- Bug fixed whereby any continuation of a table was being treated as if written
under the same heading in the source text as the start of the table:
which meant that any problem messages, and also any object name
disambiguation, would be handled at the wrong position.
- Bug fixed whereby "change TE to V", where TE is a table entry and V is some
value to be put there, was not being type-checked - so that one could,
for instance, change a textual entry to a number, with subsequently
unfortunate results. (This is particularly insidious in the case of
changing a topic entry to a textual string, which can't safely be done
at run-time, and will crash the interpreter during later parsing.)
- Bug fixed whereby the condition "if S is a topic listed in T", where S is a
snippet (e.g. "the player's command") and T has a topic column, would
produce programming errors at run-time rather than perform the necessary
- Bug fixed whereby the condition "if there is an X of Y in T", to see if the
X column of table T ever contains Y, failed to compile if T was
expressed in a way not using the word "table" (for instance, if T was
a table-name which varies).
- Bug fixed whereby naming a table in such a way that the first word of the
name was an article (e.g. "Table of A Students") would make that table
subsequently difficult to refer to.
- Bug fixed whereby some properties given by columns in tables which define
a batch of objects would, if they seemed always to contain other objects,
sometimes cause an internal error and so fail to compile.
- Bug fixed whereby references to entries in tables in the past could produce
internal errors.
- Bug fixed whereby defining a quoted text as an enumerated value of a kind of
value using a table (a foolish but just about legal thing to do) caused
I6 errors.
### To... Phrases
- Phrase declarations can also now give literal values as the only possible
match. For instance, defining:
To hazard (N - a number): say "[N]! That's Numberwang."
To hazard (N - 14): say "[N]... oh, sorry, Julie, that's NOT Numberwang."
means that using a phrase like
hazard X;
will produce the exceptional message if X is 14, and the standard one
otherwise. For instance, if we tried this with X repeating through a
loop, we might see:
13! That's Numberwang.
14... oh, sorry, Julie, that's NOT Numberwang.
15! That's Numberwang.
If we had not defined the general case ("To hazard (N - a number)"), then
attempting to use
hazard X;
for any value of X other than 14 would have produced a run-time problem.
(This was (6.29) in the January document.)
- Phrase declarations can now give alternatives for any single literal word
using slashes (using the same convention that grammar tokens follow).
For instance,
To pour (N - a number) gallon/gallons: ...
makes the phrase match with either "gallon" or "gallons" as the last
word; except that "say" is never permitted as the first word of a
phrase, just as now, because "To say ..." declares a text substitution
instead. (This was (6.26) in the January document.)
- Because of this, all existing To... definitions containing words with
a slash in them, such as "and/or", will need to be changed. In particular
the text substitution "[is/are a list of...]" and similar forms have been
changed to "[is-are a list of...]", and the same principle (exchanging
slashes for hyphens) has also been followed for the extensions: see above.
- Problem message added to prevent source text trying to redefine "now ..." by
creating "To now X is 2" and similar constructions - these tend not to
work, and are highly misleading when they do.
### If and Otherwise
- An additional problem message has been added to catch a subtle syntax mistake
which previously led in some cases to I6 errors. This is to do with the
possible interpretations of "otherwise if", as shown by the following:
Report going from Alpha to Omega:
if Omega is visited begin;
say "You retrace your steps, but it's just not the same.";
otherwise if turn count < 2, say "Unhesitatingly, you set out.";
end if.
This is actually illegal, because "otherwise (phrase)" can only occur
immediately following an "if (condition), (phrase)": the form of otherwise
used to divide up cases within a blocked if (such as the "Omega is visited"
one) is just "otherwise if (condition)". The new problem message intercepts
this mistake. The correct text would be:
Report going from Alpha to Omega:
if Omega is visited begin;
say "You retrace your steps, but it's just not the same.";
otherwise if turn count < 2;
say "Unhesitatingly, you set out.";
end if.
(While at first sight the incorrect syntax looks innocuous enough - why not
simply allow both forms? - this becomes ambiguous if the statement does
indeed follow a simple "if" within the larger "if" block.)
- The problem message arising from "if C", where C is not recognised as a
condition, has been made more helpful in the case where C is a compound
condition. (For instance: "I was expecting that 'score is 1 or 2 or lemon
sherbet explodes in the dark' would be a condition, but I couldn't make
sense of it that way. 'score is 1' was okay; '2' only made sense as a
value, which can't be used as a condition; 'lemon sherbet explodes in the
dark' did not make sense; and nor did the condition make sense as all
one text.")
- Problem message rather than I6 errors for using "otherwise ..." as following
immediately on an "if ... begin" block opening. (It would be legal to
use "otherwise", or to use "otherwise ..." after a non-blocked "if".)
- Bug fixed whereby "if ..." might fail to yield problem messages where a
complicated condition included arithmetic performed on named values
which do not exist.
- Bug fixed whereby giving more than one "otherwise;" clause in an "if" block
did not provoke any problem message. (It now does.)
### Condition Syntax
- When a phrase can be used as a condition (i.e. when it is a phrase "to decide
if..."), "not" followed by that phrase can also be used as a condition.
In particular, "when not in darkness", "if not using the memory economy
option", etc., now work.
- "Can not" is now synonymous with "cannot": for instance, "if the player can
not see the fish" is equivalent to "if the player cannot see the fish",
and similarly for "if the player can not be seen by the fish".
- Problem message added to catch accidental omissions of verbs in some
descriptive conditions (say, writing "if small key inside box" instead
of "if small key is inside box": it would open the door to too many
ambiguities to allow these customary omissions in general).
- Bug fixed whereby tests of whether "A is unable to B" would be parsed as if
they were "A is able to B", i.e., with the negation lost: for instance,
"...when Peter is unable to see the bridge" would be read as if "...when
Peter is able to see the bridge".
- Bug fixed whereby testing whether something unlocks something else would
compile through I7 but then cause I6 errors.
### Miscellaneous Syntax
- An explanatory problem message, rather than an internal error, now results
from using 'total ... of' in a way too complicated to handle.
- Bug fixed whereby clashes of names as between ordinary phrases and arithmetic
phrases could result in unhelpful problem messages on legal source text:
for instance, creating a property called "times played" and then
evaluating "total times played of all tracks" would be confused with
trying to multiply "total" by "played of all tracks", even though this
interpretation made no sense.
- A name-space clash causing the Standard Rules to conflict with any kind whose
name included the word "item" has been removed.
### Rules and Rulebooks
- Problem message rather than internal error for the case of a rule which
happens when an activity is being applied to X, but X is not a
description of something.
- Problem message rather than I6 errors for attempting to write an inline
I6 definition of a rule. (Only allowed when defining "To..." phrases.)
- Problem message added for a rule whose name contains a comma. (No, really.
People have tried to do this.)
- Bug fixed whereby saying that a named rule is listed first, in a rulebook
already containing other named rules, would sometimes have no effect.
- Bug fixed whereby declaring that a new named rule should be listed instead
of an existing (and built-in) action rule, e.g. the "can't go that way
rule", would sometimes cause the new rule not to have the same implied
actor conventions as the old one - for instance, even though the "can't
go that way rule" applies to all actors, its replacement might only
apply to the player, so that NPCs were able to walk through walls.
- Bug fixed whereby the result of a rule was not allowed to be another rule,
so that "rule succeeds with result X" would fail in the case of X being
a rule - while printing a problem message explicitly claiming that a rule
was one of the legal alternatives here.
- Bug fixed whereby rules attached to actions happening "for the first time"
(or with similar stipulations) would sometimes, in the case of complex
actions, fire more than once during the same turn. This bug has been
seen particularly in response to "After going from X to Y for the first
time", where the rule fired both after the going, and then also after
the subsequent looking action in the same turn.
- Typo fixed in Rules index: it should be "action-processing rules", not
"action processing rules". (Some people thought this rulebook could not
legally be referred to as a value - actually it can, but this typo
caused them to get the name wrong. Apologies.)
### Actions
- The relationship between the actions "getting off" and "exiting" has been
reversed. Suppose the player is on a chair, a supporter. In previous
builds, EXIT would cause the exiting action directly, but GET OFF CHAIR
would cause the getting off action, which would quickly convert into an
exiting action. This worked fine, but meant that a rule like:
Instead of getting off the sticky chair, say "You can't! It's too
would only apply to one of the two commands, anomalously. In this build,
it is exiting which converts to getting off (provided that the actor is
indeed on a supporter). (This also fixes a bug to do with NPCs and the
convert get off to exit where possible rule, which no longer exists.)
- The problem message for mis-describing an action with the form "A or B or ..."
now itemises the listed actions to say which are valid and which not,
and also warns if one of these is a named kind of action (which is not
allowed in a list like this). It also handles the case of "doing something
except A or B or ...".
- Problem message added for past-tense references to the "noun" or "second
noun" which certainly will not do what their authors intend, because
the values of these quantities have changed over time.
- Problem message added for complicated past-tense references to the "going"
action. (The old problem message amounted to "I don't understand this",
the new one "I do understand this, but I'm still not going to do it".)
- Problem message added for describing a "going" action in terms of objects
which are of the wrong kind to make sense - going from or to a non-room-
or-region, through a non-door, with or by a non-thing. This only catches
cases which the compiler can spot, involving specific named items, but
this is more useful than it sounds (especially if a room name includes
the word "by" in lower case, and Inform has wrongly taken this as a
- Bug fixed whereby moving the player during the course of a rule attached
to an action being carried out by somebody else would cause any resultant
looking action to apply to that other person, rather than the player,
so that instead of a description of the player's new room we might either
see nothing or something like "Miss Marple looks around.", depending
on where the third party is at that point in the action.
- Bug fixed whereby somebody arriving in the player's room as a result of a
"going" action would always be described as arriving from the opposite
direction as that of initial travel - so if he had gone east, he would
now be said to have arrived from the west, for instance. This is fine
for untwisted, two-way routes, but not otherwise. Inform now only does
this where the reverse journey can be made in the reverse direction,
possibly via a two-way door; and otherwise simply says that the person
- Bug fixed whereby a spurious "You must name an object." error would be printed
in response to a command requesting somebody to carry out an action which
applied only to a single topic.
- Bug fixed whereby "try looking" would sometimes fail with a spurious "You
must name an object." error if it occurred during an action which applied
to a value rather than a thing.
- Bug fixed whereby an action caused by "try" would sometimes not have the
appropriate "... understood" values correct if the action applied to a
value rather than a thing.
- Bug fixed whereby an action whose name takes the form "... to something"
could be referred to without the "to". As a special case and because
of its status as an optionally-nouned action, this is still allowed
for "listening" (properly speaking the action is called "listening to"),
but forbidden for new actions.
- Bug fixed whereby lists of actions would sometimes, in certain orders and
where ambiguity between different length actions occurred, wrongly cause
problem messages. For instance, "Instead of taking off or dropping the
jodhpurs" would fail (note ambiguity between "taking" and "taking off")
whereas "Instead of dropping or taking off the jodhpurs" would work.
- Bug fixed whereby ambiguities caused by abbreviation of action names
(for instance if we have actions "weighing" and "weighing it with",
what do we say that the rule "Before weighing" applies to?) are now
resolved in favour of the least abbreviated name (here, "weighing").
- Bug fixed whereby tests of intransitive past tense actions (e.g. "we have
woken up", no object, rather than "we have taken the box") were
performed incorrectly, usually producing false negatives.
- Bug fixed whereby action reporting would suddenly cease after a NPC tried
an action involving a door or backdrop. (The mystically-named "untouchable
silence" bug, which Khelwood posted a (correct) fix to RAIF for.)
- Bug fixed in the implementation of the ACTIONS testing command whereby
the information that a tried action had just failed would sometimes be
destroyed by the act of printing things information out.
- Bug fixed whereby some complicated check, carry out or report rules would
fail to appear in the Actions index.
- Bug fixed whereby check rules applying to the final action performed would be
posthumously applied also to the attempt at restoring the game produced
by typing RESTORE in reply to the post-game question "Would you like to
RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT?"
### Scenes
- A small but quite important change has been made to the scene changing
mechanism which affects the order in which things happen when there are
multiple scene endings. For instance:
Home is a room. The cube and the ball are here.
Shape Choice is a scene. Shape Choice begins when play begins.
Shape Choice ends roundly when the player carries the ball.
Shape Choice ends squarely when the player carries the cube.
Consequence is a scene. Consequence begins when Shape Choice ends.
When Consequence begins:
if Shape Choice ended roundly, say "Roundly.";
if Shape Choice ended squarely, say "Squarely."
Suppose the cube is taken. This used to cause the following sequence of
Shape Choice ended
Consequence began
Shape Choice ended roundly
It was necessary for Shape Choice to end the regular way before the exotic
way, so that consequent rules could happen, but the ordering was unfortunate,
because it meant that the rule in the source above happened at a time when
it wasn't known whether the scene had ended roundly or squarely - only that
it had ended. Since it's very useful to know how the previous scene ended
in order to begin the next one, this is unfortunate. The change means that
the sequence is now:
Shape Choice ended
Shape Choice ended roundly
Consequence began
and so the rule above works after all, printing "Roundly."
- It is now possible (optional, that is) to use a "the" in giving a rule for
a scene beginning or ending: thus "When the Afternoon begins:" is now
synonymous with "When Afternoon begins:".
- Two new phrases for scenes have been added: "the time since S ended" and "the
time when S ended", exactly parallel to "the time since S began" and "the
time when S began". (Previously, the "began" time was being interpreted as
the most recent time at which S either ended or began - this was a bug, and
has been fixed.)
- New scene "Entire Game" created: see KINDS OF VALUE.
- Bug fixed whereby a scene which begins "when play begins" and also when a
condition holds now begins in either case (previously, the condition was
being ignored, and some users thought it was illegal to specify a condition
in this case - actually it was a bug).
- Bug fixed whereby begin/end conditions of scenes would not be properly
disambiguated if relying on an ambiguously phrased phrase to decide
the outcome, resulting in I6 errors for what was correct source text.
- Bug fixed whereby begin/end conditions of certain forms, such as past tense
actions, were rejected altogether with spurious problem messages.
- Bug fixed whereby if scene A is set to end when scene B ends, but in fact
B ends at a time when A has never started, ending rules for A would be
erroneously run anyway.
- Bug fixed whereby creating a scene that varies called X could sometimes also
create a scene called X. (Except for cluttering the index, this would
only be harmful if the name of X happened to end with "scene", but of
course people do tend to name such things "current scene", etc., so...)
- Bug fixed (see KINDS OF VALUE) whereby creating but not initialising a
scene property or variable caused an internal error.
### When Play Begins
- Bug fixed whereby attempting to enter a closed container which in fact
already enclosed the actor (but indirectly so) would fail the "can't enter
closed containers rule" rather than the "can't enter what's already
entered rule", resulting in a slightly misleading reply.
- Bug fixed whereby calculations of visibility made during "when play begins"
rules would be incorrect because the player object had not yet been put
into its starting position.
- Bug fixed whereby changing the player to a new player-character and then
moving that PC during "when play begins" rule to a container or supporter
would have the final movement disregarded.
### Object Movements
- Scenery is now usually "fixed in place". This makes little difference
since it can't normally be taken, but in previous builds it usually had the
"portable" property, and this meant that (for instance) "repeat with the
item running through the portable things in the location ..." would
unexpectedly include scenery.
- Bug fixed whereby moving an object from room to room (say, by writing "now
the row-boat is in the Rapids") would cause the location to be wrongly
set internally if the object contained the player (because an I6 PlayerTo
call would never occur), which would make certain room descriptions print
- Bug fixed whereby "remove D from play", where D is only a vague description
of things, would compile I6 code which failed at run-time rather then
produce a problem message.
### Light
- Bug fixed whereby another person in the same room, openly carrying a light
source, was not counted as lighting that room.
### Understanding
- In previous builds, the activity "reading a command" has happened only around
the original command being typed. If the player types TAKE POLISH, the
activity winds up: if, later, the parser asks a follow-up question such
as "Which do you mean, the Polish sausage or the shoe polish?", this
question is not framed by the activity. That remains the case, but if
the question results in a rewritten command, Inform now - exceptionally -
follows the "after reading a command" rulebook for a second time.
- Problem message rather than internal error for confusing an activity with an
action in an "Understand ... as ..." sentence.
- Bug fixed whereby, if we give define a noun as a legal command by writing e.g.
"Understand "[something]" as examining." and then the player types
something unrecognisable, the parser replies "You can't see any such
thing." (presuming we were intending to type a noun) rather than "That's
not a verb I recognise." (presuming a verb - which seems more likely).
- Bug fixed whereby the message "** Warning: grammar properties might not work
correctly **" would occasionally appear when a game began playing (but
not in a released version).
### Use Options
- The "the" in the condition "using the ...option name... option" has been
made optional: for instance, "if using no scoring option" is now allowed.
- Bug fixed whereby using memory economy did not suppress all the RULES ALL text,
thus not economising as much as it might.
### Extensions
- Problem message added to explain that extension names should be unquoted
in Include sentences.
- Bug fixed whereby extensions ending without documentation would sometimes
produce a spurious problem message on their end lines, unless these
were followed by at least one one blank line.
### Publishing
- Bug fixed whereby releasing along with a website stopped working in 4K40/1.
Particular apologies for this.
- Bugs fixed whereby Unicode translations were not properly preserved in
released websites, notably in title, blurb and source text when written
as HTML.
### World Index
- Problem message added to clarify that mapping hints can only be given laterally
(so e.g. "Index map with Overlook mapped above Great Plain" does not work).
- Bug fixed causing "yourself" (the player) to appear twice in the World index
in some situations.
- Bug fixed whereby disconnected areas of map would sometimes appear on vastly
distant vertical levels from each other, with peculiar resulting map
legends. (See e.g. the map for "Port Royal 2" under 4K41 or earlier.)
## Documentation, examples and extensions
- As from this build, we are uploading the "Writing with Inform" documentation
in two plainer formats than those already available: plain text, and
a zipped archive of minimally-tagged HTML files. We hope that this will
make reference easier for those using screen-reading software, in
particular. (This was (6.7) in the January document.)
- We are also uploading a PDF document extracted from the NI source code which
specifies the formal grammar read by NI (or rather, that part of it not
already specified in the Phrasebook index): in the January document we
expressed scepticism that this would really be useful, but responders
disagreed. We continue to be sceptical, but it wasn't too hard to generate
the document, so here it is.
### Examples
- Added "Apples" to demonstrate "asking which do you mean" rules.
- Added "Ahem" to demonstrate phrases with alternate elements
(the 300th example to be written).
- Added "Pages" to demonstrate phrases pertaining to specific values
- Added "Hover" to demonstrate interior descriptions of vehicles placed
before the rest of a room description.
- Added "Walls and Noses" to demonstrate advanced modification of the
disambiguation question.
- Added "Electrified" to demonstrate modification of the action-processing
rule sequence.
- Added "Straw Boater" to demonstrate testing for the default text "".
- Added "Ferragamo Again" to demonstrate phrases applying to specific objects.
- Added "Mattress King" to demonstrate modifying the action to push things
between rooms.
- Added "Lollipop Guild" to demonstrate turning off implicit takes when
eating an object that is fixed in place.
- Modified "Abolition" to reflect changes in the handling of "to" in
action names.
- Corrected "Neighborhood Watch" to add a check for cases where the door
is already locked or unlocked.
- Assorted minor changes to examples to handle spacing changes.
### Extensions
- Locksmith: advanced to version 3 and made modifications due to the new
spacing mechanisms.
- Glulx Image Centering: Corrected documentation.
- Rideable Vehicles: advanced to version 2. Rules added for people other
than the player to mount and dismount vehicles; rule names given to
the existing rules, so that they may be more easily revised or
replaced by the user of the extension.
- Plurality: advanced to version 5, and forms of phrases changed to is-are
(etc) rather than is/are. This will require authors using Plurality
to do a search and replace to change formats. (Sorry.)
- Complex Listing: advanced to version 4, and forms of phrases change to
is-are (etc) rather than is/are. This will require authors using
Complex Listing to do a search and replace to change formats. (Sorry.)
Behavior of "[prepared list]" changed to use no articles, just as
"[list..." uses no articles now in Inform by default. More flexible
phrasings added to several phrases, so that "prepare list..." is
accepted as well as "prepare a list...", and "register the things..."
is accepted alongside "register things...".
- Menus: advanced to version 2. Added options allowing up and down arrows
to function properly under Glulx.
## Problem messages
- Bug fixed whereby some problem messages concerning phrases would be reported
as being in the text under the final heading in the source text, rather
than the headings under which they actually occurred.
- Bug fixed whereby problems occurring in text substitutions inside quoted text
which forms a whole sentence (e.g., as an implicit room description)
were reported as being at peculiar sentences.
- A number of problem messages which users reported as unclear have been reworded.
## Mac OS X app
- The OS X application contains a number of bug fixes in the CocoaGlk layer,
that is, to the underlying interpreters used in the Game panel.
## Windows app
- Pasting text into the source panel should no longer lose any trailing
carriage returns.
- Echo streams are supported in the game panel's Glk implementation.
- Skein and transcript improvements:
- Knots that have been played in a game session are coloured
yellow, and all other knots are coloured green.
- Knots with blessed text are lighter than those without.
- If the last played text for a knot does not match the blessed text,
the node is shown with a red badge. Double clicking the red badge
goes to the appropriate point in the transcript tab.
- The skein's context menu has been reworked to match the OS X
- A confirmation dialog appears when deleting a locked knot.
- Threads are automatically locked when blessed or when a label is added
or changed.
- Bug fixed whereby blue "link to documentation" icons were, in the most recent
Windows build, in some cases off by one or two sections.
## Linux app
- Inform 7 is now available for Linux for the i386, ppc, armv5tel, and s390
architectures. All compilers and interpreters supplied as part of the
Inform 7 package are statically linked and should have no dependencies
beyond stdio. The i7 shell itself is written in Perl, but does not
require any modules not customarily shipped as part of the Perl
distribution. The only additional dependency is the uuidgen program;
this is part of the ext2tools package and has so far been present as
part of the default installation on all systems we have examined.
Installation instructions can be found in the file INSTALL, and
operational instructions in README or the manual page installed by
the Inform installer.
- Users on Intel 386-and-descendants machines should download the package
I7_4S01_Linux_i386.tar.gz. All users on other architectures
should download I7_4S01_Linux_all.tar.gz. The difference between
these two is simply whether or not non-i386 compilers and interpreters
are bundled - the "all" version will function perfectly well for Intel
users, but it is substantially larger to download. The correct set for
your architecture will be detected at installation time.