2017-01-22 18:50:30 +00:00

2.6 KiB


parameter description
feedUrl the RSS feed to check
channelID report all the cached URLs
serverID id of the server the bot is installed on - require to use subscriptions
pollingInterval interval in ms to check the RSS feed
numLinksToCache number of posted links to cache and check against before posting - turn this up if users post a lot of links in the channel
messageDeleteDelay time in ms to leave response messages before deleting (eg "You have successfully subscribed")
youtubeMode whether or not to convert YouTube links to their short url - recommended if you are pulling links from a YouTube channel feed
allowSubscriptions whether or not to have the bot mention a role when it posts a link
subscribersRoleID the ID of the role to mention when posting a link - you can find this by typing @role in discord and copying out just the numeric part
developers array of developer IDs - add a new one by putting a comma at the end of the one above and putting the ID in double quotes

How to find IDs

  • Make sure developer mode is turned on in discord
    • User Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode
id how to find
channelID right click on the channel > copy ID
serverID right click on the server name > copy ID
subscribersRoleID type @role in discord, copy the numeric part
user ID (to add developer) right click on user > copy ID

Note about subsriptions

For subscriptions to work the bot needs the "Manage roles" permission, and needs to be in a role higher than the subscribers role