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Sebastien Guibert 714e3fa78d updated doc
2011-07-01 19:14:50 +02:00

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Kohana Multilang Module 2.0

!!! NEW VERSION 2.0 !!!

Multilingual module for Kohana PHP Framework, version 3.1


  • Language segment in uri. Can be optional for the default language
  • Works with normal routes
  • Custom routes for each language
  • Auto language detection for the homepage (headers then cookie)
  • Language selector menu



return array(
	'default'		=> 'en',	// The default language code
	'cookie'		=> 'lang',	// The cookie name
	'hide_default'	=> FALSE,	// Hide the language code for the default language
	'auto_detect'	=> TRUE,	// Auto detect the user language on the homepage
	 * The allowed languages
	 * For each language, you need to give a code (2-5 chars) for the key,
	 * the 5 letters i18n language code, the locale and the label for the auto generated language selector menu.
	'languages'		=>	array( 
		'en'		=> array(
			'i18n'		=> 'en_US',
			'locale'    => array('en_US.utf-8'),
			'label'		=> 'english',
		'fr'		=>	array(
			'i18n'		=> 'fr_FR',
			'locale'    => array('fr_FR.utf-8'),
			'label'		=> 'français',
		'de'		=>	array(
			'i18n'		=> 'de_DE',
			'locale'    => array('de_DE.utf-8'),
			'label'		=> 'deutsch',

The default route is special and an example is provided in the init.php file of this module. It is recommended to comment it there and copy it in your bootstrap.


If you try to access http://www.domain.tld/, the module will redirect it to http://www.domain.tld/en/ if the hide_default option is set to FALSE.

Let's say we have a product page, with kohana 3 we'd have something like :

Route::set('product.details', 'products/<product_id>-<product_slug>', array( 'product_id' => '[0-9]+', 'product_slug' => '.+', ))->defaults(array( 'controller' => 'product', 'action' => 'details', 'product_id' => NULL, 'product_slug' => '', ));

You can access http://www.domain.tld/products/12-my-product with this one. Now, I want this url in french too, like that: http://www.domain.tld/fr/products/12-my-product. You can use the Routes object (notice the S at the end) to set multiple routes for each language. Let's take a look:

Routes::set('product.details', array(
	'en' => 'products/<product_id>-<product_slug>',
	'fr' => 'produits/<product_id>-<product_slug>',
), array(
	'product_id'		=> '[0-9]+',
	'product_slug'		=> '.+',
	'controller'		=> 'product',
	'action'			=> 'details',
	'product_id'		=> NULL,
	'product_slug'		=> '',

This creates 2 routes named en.products.details and fr.products.details. The default language (english here) is required. If we have a third language like german with de, it will use the default uri, english here. It is highly recommanded to use reverse routing! With Route::get('product/details')->uri(array('product_id' => 12, 'product_slug' => 'my_product')), you'll get the complete uri with the current user language code. To get another language, just pass a second parameter to Route::get('product/details', 'en').For the routes than dont need any language code, you can keep the normal kohana syntax. If you wanna create a route for only one language, you're gonna have to pass a 4th parameter:

Route::set('product.made-in-france', 'produits/fabrique-en-france', NULL, 'fr')
	'controller'		=> 'product',
	'action'			=> 'made_in_france',		

And then to get it Route::get('fr.product.made-in-france') or Route::get('product.made-in-france', 'fr).

The default route is particular and its declaration is set in init.php. Since it doesnt need any translations and has a different behaviour (we wanna keep the trailing slash), we create a custom route that alows all the languages.

Language selector menu

Multilang::selector($current) returns a menu to select the language. It will keep the same page if routes are available for the other languages. The current parameter adds the current language in the menu. You can change the view file multilang/selector.php.


To get the current language, you can use Request::$lang.


If you have any suggestions, found a bug or anything, feel free to share.

How it works

We change the Request to force the detection of a language on the site root. Then if a route is found, we get the language from it with its 'lang' parameter and we initialize. Each route created with a language code gets another parameter: lang. A uri like products/details will become <lang>/products/details. But since every multilingual route is unique (except default), the regex part allows only one language code. So we have array('lang' => 'en') instead of having something like array('lang' => '(en|fr|de'). We could have directly the language code in the uri like en/products/details but the lang parameter allows us to easily retrieve the route language and works better with the default route.