In this section we compile I6 arrays for constant lists arising from braced literals.

§1. Definitions.

§2. Every literal list in the source text, such as

{2, 12, 13}

is parsed into an instance of the following structure. There are two rules:

typedef struct literal_list {
    struct wording unbraced_text;  position in the source of quoted text, excluding braces
    struct parse_node *list_text;  used for problem reporting only
    int listed_within_code;  appears within a phrase, rather than (say) a table entry?

    struct kind *entry_kind;  i.e., of the entries, not the list
    int kinds_known_to_be_inconsistent;  problem(s) thrown when parsing these
    struct llist_entry *first_llist_entry;  linked list of contents

    struct package_request *ll_package;  which will be the enclosure for...
    struct inter_name *ll_iname;

    int list_compiled;  lists are compiled at several different points: has this one been done?

} literal_list;

§3. I believe "llath" is the Welsh word for "mile": not sure about "llist".

typedef struct llist_entry {
    struct parse_node *llist_entry_value;
    struct llist_entry *next_llist_entry;
} llist_entry;

§4. One of the few pieces of Inform syntax which wouldn't look out of place in a conventional programming language; list constants are series of values, separated by commas, and enclosed in braces. The empty list { } is valid as a constant.

The values are in fact eventually required to be constants, and to have mutually consistent kinds, but that checking is done after parsing, so it isn't expressed in this grammar.

<s-literal-list> ::=
    \{ \} |								==> Rvalues::from_wording_of_list(Lists::kind_of_ll(Lists::empty_literal_list(Wordings::last_word(W)), FALSE), W)
    \{ <literal-list-contents> \}		==> Rvalues::from_wording_of_list(Lists::kind_of_ll(RP[1], FALSE), W)

<literal-list-contents> ::=
    <literal-list-entry> , <literal-list-contents> |	==> 0; *XP = Lists::add_to_ll(RP[1], RP[2], W, R[1])
    <literal-list-entry>				==> 0; *XP = Lists::add_to_ll(RP[1], Lists::empty_literal_list(W), W, R[1])

<literal-list-entry> ::=
    <s-value> |				==> FALSE; *XP = RP[1]
    ......								==> TRUE; *XP = Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(W)

§5. The grammar above builds our list structures from the bottom up. They begin with a call to:

literal_list *Lists::empty_literal_list(wording W) {
    literal_list *ll = Lists::find_list_at(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    if (ll == NULL) {
        ll = CREATE(literal_list);
        ll->list_compiled = FALSE;
    ll->unbraced_text = W; ll->entry_kind = K_value;
    ll->listed_within_code = FALSE;
    ll->kinds_known_to_be_inconsistent = FALSE;
    ll->ll_iname = NULL;
    ll->first_llist_entry = NULL;
    ll->list_text = NULL;
    ll->ll_package = Emit::current_enclosure();
    return ll;

§6. Parsing is quadratic in the number of constant lists in the source text, which is in principle a bad thing, but in practice the following causes no speed problems even on large-scale tests. If it becomes a problem, we can easily trade the time spent here for memory, by attaching a pointer to each word in the source text, or for complexity, by constructing some kind of binary search tree.

literal_list *Lists::find_list_at(int incipit) {
    literal_list *ll;
    LOOP_OVER(ll, literal_list)
        if (Wordings::first_wn(ll->unbraced_text) == incipit)
            return ll;
    return NULL;

§7. Note that the entry kind is initially unknown, and it's not even decided for sure when we add the first entry. Here's how each entry is added, recursing right to left (i.e., reversing the direction of reading):

literal_list *Lists::add_to_ll(parse_node *spec, literal_list *ll, wording W, int bad) {
    llist_entry *lle = CREATE(llist_entry);
    lle->next_llist_entry = ll->first_llist_entry;
    ll->first_llist_entry = lle;
    lle->llist_entry_value = spec;
    literal_list *ll2 = Lists::find_list_at(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    if (ll2) ll = ll2;
    ll->unbraced_text = W;
    if (bad) ll->kinds_known_to_be_inconsistent = TRUE;
    return ll;

§8. With all the entries in place, we now have to reconcile their kinds, if that's possible. Problems are only issued on request, and with the current sentence cut down to just the list itself — since otherwise we might be printing out an entire huge table to report a problem in a single entry which happens to be a malformed list.

kind *Lists::kind_of_ll(literal_list *ll, int issue_problems) {
    parse_node *cs = current_sentence;
    if (issue_problems) {
        if (ll->list_text == NULL)
            ll->list_text = NounPhrases::new_raw(ll->unbraced_text);
        current_sentence = ll->list_text;
    kind *K = K_value;
    llist_entry *lle;
    for (lle = ll->first_llist_entry; lle; lle = lle->next_llist_entry) {
        parse_node *spec = lle->llist_entry_value;
        if (!ParseTree::is(spec, UNKNOWN_NT)) {
            if (Conditions::is_TEST_ACTION(spec))
                Dash::check_value_silently(spec, K_stored_action);
                Dash::check_value_silently(spec, NULL);
        spec = NonlocalVariables::substitute_constants(spec);
        kind *E = NULL;
        Work out the entry kind E8.1;
        if (Kinds::Compare::eq(K, K_value)) K = E;
        else Revise K in the light of E8.2;
    if (ll->kinds_known_to_be_inconsistent) K = K_value;
    ll->entry_kind = K;
    current_sentence = cs;
    return Kinds::unary_construction(CON_list_of, K);

§8.1. Work out the entry kind E8.1 =

    if (ParseTree::is(spec, UNKNOWN_NT)) {
        if (issue_problems) Issue a bad list entry problem8.1.1;
        ll->kinds_known_to_be_inconsistent = TRUE;
        E = K;
    } else if ((ParseTree::is(spec, CONSTANT_NT) == FALSE) &&
        (Lvalues::is_constant_NONLOCAL_VARIABLE(spec) == FALSE)) {
        if (issue_problems) Issue a nonconstant list entry problem8.1.2;
        ll->kinds_known_to_be_inconsistent = TRUE;
        E = K;
    } else {
        E = Specifications::to_kind(spec);
        if (E == NULL) {
            if (issue_problems) Issue a bad list entry problem8.1.1;
            ll->kinds_known_to_be_inconsistent = TRUE;

§8.2. The following broadens K to include E, if necessary, but never narrows K. Thus a list containing a person, a woman and a door will see K become successively "person", "person" (E being narrower), then "thing" (E being incomparable, and "thing" being the max of "person" and "door").

Revise K in the light of E8.2 =

    kind *previous_K = K;
    K = Kinds::Compare::max(E, K);
    if (Kinds::Compare::eq(K, K_value)) {
        if (issue_problems) Issue a list entry kind mismatch problem8.2.1;
        ll->kinds_known_to_be_inconsistent = TRUE;

§8.1.1. Issue a bad list entry problem8.1.1 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, ParseTree::get_text(spec));
    Problems::Issue::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadConstantListEntry));
        "The constant list %1 contains an entry '%2' which isn't any "
        "form of constant I'm able to read.");
        "%PNote that lists have to be written with spaces after commas, "
        "so I like '{2, 4}' but not '{2,4}', for instance.");

§8.1.2. Issue a nonconstant list entry problem8.1.2 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, ParseTree::get_text(spec));
    Problems::quote_spec(3, spec);
    Problems::Issue::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NonconstantConstantListEntry));
        "The constant list %1 contains an entry '%2' which does make sense, "
        "but isn't a constant (it's %3). Only constants can appear as entries in "
        "constant lists, i.e., in lists written in braces '{' and '}'.");

§8.2.1. Issue a list entry kind mismatch problem8.2.1 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, ParseTree::get_text(spec));
    Problems::quote_kind(3, E);
    Problems::quote_kind(4, previous_K);
    Problems::Issue::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_IncompatibleConstantListEntry));
        "The constant list %1 contains an entry '%2' whose kind is '%3', but "
        "that's not compatible with the kind I had established from looking at "
        "earlier entries ('%4').");

§9. The following allow other parts of Inform to find the kind of a constant list at a given word position; either to discover the answer, or to force problem messages out into the open —

kind *Lists::kind_of_list_at(wording W) {
    int incipit = Wordings::first_wn(W);
    literal_list *ll = Lists::find_list_at(incipit+1);
    if (ll) return Lists::kind_of_ll(ll, FALSE);
    return NULL;

void Lists::check_one(wording W) {
    int incipit = Wordings::first_wn(W);
    literal_list *ll = Lists::find_list_at(incipit+1);
    if (ll) Lists::kind_of_ll(ll, TRUE);

§10. And this checks every list, with problem messages on:

void Lists::check(void) {
    if (problem_count == 0) {
        literal_list *ll;
        LOOP_OVER(ll, literal_list)
            Lists::kind_of_ll(ll, TRUE);

§11. That leaves just the compilation of lists at run-time. This used to be a complex dance with initialisation code interleaved with heap construction, so there was once a two-page explanation here, but it is now blessedly simple.

inter_name *Lists::compile_literal_list(wording W) {
    int incipit = Wordings::first_wn(W);
    literal_list *ll = Lists::find_list_at(incipit+1);
    if (ll) {
        Lists::kind_of_ll(ll, FALSE);
        package_request *PR = Hierarchy::package_in_enclosure(BLOCK_CONSTANTS_HAP);
        inter_name *N = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(BLOCK_CONSTANT_HL, PR);
        packaging_state save = Emit::named_late_array_begin(N, K_value);
        return N;
    return NULL;

inter_name *Lists::iname(literal_list *ll) {
    if (ll->ll_iname == NULL) {
        package_request *PR = Hierarchy::package_in_enclosure(LITERALS_HAP);
        ll->ll_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(LIST_LITERAL_HL, PR);
    return ll->ll_iname;

§12. Using:

void Lists::compile(void) {
    literal_list *ll;

    if (problem_count == 0)
        LOOP_OVER(ll, literal_list)
            if ((ll->list_compiled == FALSE) && (ll->ll_iname)) {
                ll->list_compiled = TRUE;
                current_sentence = ll->list_text;
                Lists::kind_of_ll(ll, TRUE);
                if (problem_count == 0) Actually compile the list array12.1;

§12.1. These are I6 word arrays, with the contents:

Actually compile the list array12.1 =

    packaging_state save = Emit::named_array_begin(ll->ll_iname, K_value);
    llist_entry *lle;
    int n = 0;
    for (lle = ll->first_llist_entry; lle; lle = lle->next_llist_entry) n++;

    Kinds::RunTime::emit_block_value_header(Lists::kind_of_ll(ll, FALSE), TRUE, n+2);


    Emit::array_numeric_entry((inter_t) n);
    for (lle = ll->first_llist_entry; lle; lle = lle->next_llist_entry)
            lle->llist_entry_value, ll->entry_kind);

§13. The default list of any given kind is empty.

void Lists::compile_default_list(inter_name *identifier, kind *K) {
    packaging_state save = Emit::named_array_begin(identifier, K_value);
    Kinds::RunTime::emit_block_value_header(K, TRUE, 2);