To create and manage binary predicates, which are the underlying data structures beneath Inform's relations.

§1. Definitions.

§2. A "binary predicate" (the term comes from logic) is a property \(B\) such that for any combination \(x\) and \(y\), and at any given moment at run-time, \(B(x, y)\) is either true or false.

Examples used in Inform include equality, where \(EQ(x, y)\) is true if and only if \(x = y\), and containment, where \(C(x, y)\) is true if and only if the thing \(x\) is inside the room or container \(y\). (\(EQ\) does not change during play, but \(C\) does.) A fairly large set of binary predicates is built into Inform, and the user is allowed to create more with sentences like

Lock-fitting relates one thing (called the matching key) to various things.

In the Inform documentation, binary predicates are called "relations". The code to parse "relates" sentences and construct the binary predicate implied can be found in the next section, "Relations.w".

Binary predicates are of central importance because they allow complex sentences to be written which talk about more than one thing at a time, with some connection between them. In excerpts like "an animal inside something" or "a man who wears the top hat", the meanings of the two connecting pieces of text — "inside" and "who wears" — are (pointers to) binary predicates: the containment relation and the wearing relation.

Inform is rich in ways to create relations, and consequently the BPs are many and varied. They turn up in one-off examples but also in whole families. Still, despite the variation, what they share in common is greater yet, and so a single binary_predicate structure is used to represent them all.

§3. The values \(x\) and \(y\) to which a binary predicate \(B\) can apply are called its "terms". For some relations, the source text gives these names:

Lock-fitting relates one thing (called the matching key) to various things.

Here the \(x\) term has the name "matching key", whereas the \(y\) term is anonymous. (More often, both are anonymous.) Internally the terms are not named but are numbered 0 and 1: so we should really write \(B(x_0, x_1)\) rather than \(B(x, y)\).

§4. Different BPs apply to different sorts of terms: for instance, the numerical less-than comparison applies to numbers, whereas containment applies to things. The two terms need not have the same domain: the "wearing" relation, as seen in

Harry Smythe wears the tweed waistcoat.

is a binary predicate \(W(x_0, x_1)\) such that \(x_0\) ranges across people and \(x_1\) ranges across things.

Inform represents this by allowing each BP to have either a designated kind of object, or a designated kind of value, or no restriction at all, for each term. (In practice, even the unrestricted terms have limitations, but which are enforced by special code in the type-checker to handle special predicates such as equality. For instance, \(EQ(x, y)\) can be tested for any values \(x\) and \(y\) of the same kind, so the two terms in effect constrain each other.)

In the S-parser, type-checking is used to make sure the source text doesn't try to test or assert \(B(x, y)\) for any \(x\) or \(y\) which don't fit, so that

if 1 wears "Hello there", ...

will be rejected. Whereas in the A-parser, these restrictions are used to infer information about otherwise unknown quantities: so writing

Harry Smythe wears the tweed waistcoat.

causes the A-parser to force the Harry Smythe object to be of kind "person", and the tweed waistcoat of kind "thing".

§5. Some BPs are such that \(B(x, y)\) can be true for more or less any combination of \(x\) and \(y\). Those can take a lot of storage and it is difficult to perform any reasoning about them, because knowing that $B(x, y)\( is true doesn't give you any information about \)B(x, z)$. For instance, the BP created by

Suspicion relates various people to various people.

is stored at run-time in a bitmap of \(P^2\) bits, where \(P\) is the number of people, and searching it ("if anyone suspects Harry") requires exhaustive loops, which incur some speed overhead as well.

But other BPs have special properties restricting the circumstances in which they are true, and in those cases we want to capitalise on that. "Contains" is an example of this. A single thing \(y\) can be (directly) inside only one other thing \(x\) at a time, so that if we know \(C(x, y)\) and \(C(w, y)\) then we can deduce that \(x=w\). We write this common value as \(f_0(y)\), the only possible value for term 0 given that term 1 is \(y\). Another way to say this is that the only possible pairs making \(C\) true have the form \(C(f_0(y), y)\).

And similarly for term 1. If we write \(T\) for the "on top of" relation then it turns out that there is a function \(f_1\) such that the only cases where \(T\) is true have the form \(T(x, f_1(x))\). Here \(f_1(x)\) is the thing which directly supports \(x\).

Containment has an \(f_0\) but not an \(f_1\) function; "on top of" has an \(f_1\) but not an \(f_0\). Many BPs (like "suspicion" above) have neither.

Note that if \(B\) does have an \(f_0\) function then its reversal \(R\) has an identical \(f_1\) function, and vice versa.

§6. We never in fact need to calculate the value of \(f_0(y)\) from \(y\) during compilation — only at run-time. So we store the function \(f_0(y)\) as what is called an "I6 schema", basically a piece of I6 source code with a place-holder where \(y\) is to be inserted. In the case of containment, the schema is written \(\) f_0(*1) = ContainerOf(*1) \(\) and what this means is that we can calculate \(f_0(y)\) from an object \(y\) at run-time by calling the ContainerOf function, which tells us what container (if any) is at present directly containing \(y\).

§7. To sum up, each term of a BP can specify: a name, a domain, and an \(f_i\) function. Every one of these details is optional. They are gathered together in a sub-structure called bp_term_details.

typedef struct bp_term_details {
    struct wording called_name;  "(called...)" name, if any exists
    struct inference_subject *implies_infs;  the domain of values allowed
    struct kind *implies_kind;  the kind of these values
    struct i6_schema *function_of_other;  the function \(f_0\) or \(f_1\) as above
    char *index_term_as;  usually null, but if not, used in Phrasebook index
} bp_term_details;

§8. Given any binary predicate \(B\), we may wish to do some or all of the following at run-time:

Some BPs provide an I6 schema to achieve (a), others provide (a) and (b), while a happy few provide all of (a), (b), (c).

The variety of BPs is such that different BPs use very different run-time mechanisms. Some relations compile elaborate routines to test (a), some look at parents or chidren in the I6 object tree, some look at I6 property values, others look inside bitmaps. The actual work is often done by routines in the I6 template, which are called by code generated by the I6 schema for (a); and similarly for (b) and (c).

§9. Each BP has a partner which we call its "reversal". If \(B\) is the original and \(R\) is its reversal, then \(B(x, y)\) is true if and only if \(R(y, x)\) is true. Reversals sometimes occur quite naturally in English language. "To wear" is the reversal of "to be worn by". "Contains" is the reversal of being "inside". (Though not every BP has an interesting reversal. The reversal of "is" — equality — looks much the same as the original, because \(x=y\) if and only if \(y=x\).)

The following sentences express the same fact:

The ball is inside the trophy case.

The trophy case contains the ball.

...but when we parse them into their meanings, we could easily lose sight that they are saying the same thing, because they involve different BPs:

    inside(ball, trophy case)| and |contains(trophy case, ball)

It's usually a bad idea for any computer program to represent the same conceptual idea in more than one way. So for every pair of BPs \(X\) and \(Y\) which are each other's reversal, Inform designates one as being "the right way round" and the other as being "the wrong way round". Whenever a sentence's meaning involves a BP which is "the wrong way round", Inform swaps over the terms and replaces the BP by its reversal, which is "the right way round". That makes it much easier to recognise when pairs of sentences like the one above are duplicating each other's meanings.

This is purely an internal implementation trick. There's no natural sense in language or mathematics in which "contains" is the right way round and "inside" the wrong way round.

§10. We can finally now declare the epic BP structure.

typedef struct binary_predicate {
    int relation_family;  one of the *_KBP constants defined below
    int form_of_relation;  one of the Relation_* constants defined below
    struct word_assemblage relation_name;  (which might have length 0)
    struct parse_node *bp_created_at;  where declared in the source text
    struct text_stream *debugging_log_name;  used when printing propositions to the debug log
    struct package_request *bp_package;
    struct inter_name *bp_iname;  when referred to as a constant
    struct inter_name *handler_iname;
    struct inter_name *v2v_bitmap_iname;  only relevant for some relations

    struct bp_term_details term_details[2];  term 0 is the left term, 1 is the right

    struct binary_predicate *reversal;  the \(R\) such that \(R(x,y)\) iff \(B(y,x)\)
    int right_way_round;  was this BP created directly? or is it a reversal of another?

     how to compile code which tests or forces this BP to be true or false:
    struct inter_name *bp_by_routine_iname;  for relations by routine
    struct i6_schema *test_function;  I6 schema for (a) testing \(B(x, y)\)...
    struct wording condition_defn_text;  ...unless this I7 condition is used instead
    struct i6_schema *make_true_function;  I6 schema for (b) "now \(B(x, y)\)"
    struct i6_schema *make_false_function;  I6 schema for (c) "now \({\rm not}(B(x, y))\)"

     for use in the A-parser:
    int arbitrary;  allow source to assert \(B(x, y)\) for any arbitrary pairs \(x, y\)
    struct property *set_property;  asserting \(B(x, v)\) sets this prop. of \(x\) to \(v\)
    struct wording property_pending_text;  temp. version used until props created
    int relates_values_not_objects;  true if either term is necessarily a value...
    struct inference_subject *knowledge_about_bp;  ...and if so, here's the list of known assertions

     for optimisation of run-time code:
    int dynamic_memory;  stored in dynamically allocated memory
    struct inter_name *initialiser_iname;  and if so, this is the name of its initialiser
    struct property *i6_storage_property;  provides run-time storage
    struct kind *storage_kind;  kind of property owner
    int allow_function_simplification;  allow Inform to make use of any \(f_i\) functions?
    int fast_route_finding;  use fast rather than slow route-finding algorithm?
    char *loop_parent_optimisation_proviso;  if not NULL, optimise loops using object tree
    char *loop_parent_optimisation_ranger;  if not NULL, routine iterating through contents
    int record_needed;  we need to compile a small array of details in readable memory

     details, filled in for right-way-round BPs only, for particular kinds of BP:
    int a_listed_in_predicate;  (if right way) was this generated from a table column?
    struct property *same_property;  (if right way) if a "same property as..."
    struct property *comparative_property;  (if right way) if a comparative adjective
    int comparison_sign;  ...and +1 or -1 according to sign of definition
    int *equivalence_partition;  (if right way) partition array of equivalence classes

} binary_predicate;

§11. This seems a good point to lay out a classification of all of the BPs existing within Inform. Broadly, they divide into two: the ones explicitly created by the source text, in sentences like

Admiration relates various people to various people.

These are called "explicit". The others are "implicit" and are either created automatically soon after Inform starts up, or else are created as a consequence of something else being created by the source text, such as

Definition: A woman is tall if her height is 68 or more.

which implicitly creates a "taller than" relation. All explicit BPs are constructed in the "Relations.w" section of the source code.

define EQUALITY_KBP 1  there is exactly one of these: the \(x=y\) predicate
define QUASINUMERIC_KBP 2  the inequality comparison \(\leq\), \(<\) and so on
define SPATIAL_KBP 3  a relation associated with a map connection
define MAP_CONNECTING_KBP 4  a relation associated with a map connection
define PROPERTY_SETTING_KBP 5  a relation associated with a value property
define PROPERTY_SAME_KBP 6  another relation associated with a value property
define PROPERTY_COMPARISON_KBP 7  another relation associated with a value property
define LISTED_IN_KBP 8  a relation for indirect table lookups, one for each column name
define PROVISION_KBP 9  a relation for specifying which objects provide which properties
define UNIVERSAL_KBP 10  a relation for applying general other relations
define EXPLICIT_KBP 100  defined explicitly in the source text; the others are all implicit

§12. The following constants are used to identify the "form" of a BP (in that the form_of_relation field of any BP always equals one of these and never changes). These constant names (and values) exactly match a set of constants compiled into every I6 program created by Inform, so they can be used freely both in the Inform source code and also in the I6 template layer.

define Relation_Implicit	-1  all implicit BPs have this form, and all others are explicit
define Relation_OtoO		1  one to one: "R relates one K to one K"
define Relation_OtoV		2  one to various: "R relates one K to various K"
define Relation_VtoO		3  various to one: "R relates various K to one K"
define Relation_VtoV		4  various to various: "R relates various K to various K"
define Relation_Sym_OtoO	5  symmetric one to one: "R relates one K to another"
define Relation_Sym_VtoV	6  symmetric various to various: "R relates K to each other"
define Relation_Equiv		7  equivalence relation: "R relates K to each other in groups"
define Relation_ByRoutine	8  relation tested by a routine: "R relates K to L when (some condition)"

§13. That completes the catalogue of the one-off cases, and we can move on to the five families of implicit relations which correspond to other structures in the source text.

§14. The second family of implicit relations corresponds to any property which has been given as the meaning of a verb, as in the example

The verb to weigh (it weighs, they weigh, it is weighing) implies the weight property.

This implicitly constructs a relation \(W(p, w)\) where \(p\) is a thing and \(w\) a weight.

§15. The third family corresponds to defined adjectives which perform a numerical comparison in a particular way, as here:

Definition: A woman is tall if her height is 68 or more.

This implicitly constructs a relation \(T(x, y)\) which is true if and only if woman \(x\) is taller than woman \(y\).

§16. The fourth family corresponds to value properties, so that

A door has a number called street number.

implicitly constructs a relation \(SN(d_1, d_2)\) which is true if and only if doors \(d_1\) and \(d_2\) have the same street number.

§17. The fifth family corresponds to names of table columns. If any table includes a column headed "eggs per clutch" then that will implicitly construct a relation \(LEPC(n, T)\) which is true if and only if the number \(n\) is listed as one of the eggs-per-clutch entries in the table \(T\), where \(T\) has to be one of the tables which has a column of this name.

define VERB_MEANING_TYPE struct binary_predicate
define VERB_MEANING_REVERSAL BinaryPredicates::get_reversal
define VERB_MEANING_POSSESSION a_has_b_predicate

§18. Creating term details. The essential point in defining a term is to describe the domain of values it ranges over, which we do by giving an "inference subject" (INFS). An INFS is roughly speaking anything in the model world which Inform can store knowledge about; here it will almost always be a generality of things, such as "all numbers", or "all rooms".

bp_term_details BinaryPredicates::new_term(inference_subject *infs) {
    bp_term_details bptd;
    bptd.called_name = EMPTY_WORDING;
    bptd.function_of_other = NULL;
    bptd.implies_infs = infs;
    bptd.implies_kind = NULL;
    bptd.index_term_as = NULL;
    return bptd;

§19. And there is also a fuller version, including the inessentials:

bp_term_details BinaryPredicates::full_new_term(inference_subject *infs, kind *K,
    wording CW, i6_schema *f) {
    bp_term_details bptd = BinaryPredicates::new_term(infs);
    bptd.implies_kind = K;
    bptd.called_name = CW;
    bptd.function_of_other = f;
    return bptd;

§20. In a few cases BPs need to be created before the relevant domains are known, so that we must fill them in later, using the following:

void BinaryPredicates::set_term_domain(bp_term_details *bptd, kind *K) {
    if (bptd == NULL) internal_error("no BPTD");
    bptd->implies_kind = K;
    bptd->implies_infs = Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(K);

§21. Similarly:

void BinaryPredicates::set_term_function(bp_term_details *bptd, i6_schema *f) {
    if (bptd == NULL) internal_error("no BPTD");
    bptd->function_of_other = f;

i6_schema *BinaryPredicates::get_term_function(bp_term_details *bptd) {
    if (bptd == NULL) internal_error("no BPTD");
    return bptd->function_of_other;

§22. Combining these:

kind *BinaryPredicates::kind(binary_predicate *bp) {
    if (bp == R_equality) return Kinds::binary_construction(CON_relation, K_value, K_value);
    kind *K0 = BinaryPredicates::kind_of_term(&(bp->term_details[0]));
    kind *K1 = BinaryPredicates::kind_of_term(&(bp->term_details[1]));
    if (K0 == NULL) K0 = K_object;
    if (K1 == NULL) K1 = K_object;
    return Kinds::binary_construction(CON_relation, K0, K1);

§23. The kind of a term is:

kind *BinaryPredicates::kind_of_term(bp_term_details *bptd) {
    if (bptd == NULL) return NULL;
    if (bptd->implies_kind) return bptd->implies_kind;
    return InferenceSubjects::domain(bptd->implies_infs);

§24. The table of relations in the index uses the textual name of an INFS, so:

void BinaryPredicates::index_term_details(OUTPUT_STREAM, bp_term_details *bptd) {
    if (bptd->index_term_as) { WRITE("%s", bptd->index_term_as); return; }
    wording W = EMPTY_WORDING;
    if (bptd->implies_infs) W = InferenceSubjects::get_name_text(bptd->implies_infs);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%W", W); else WRITE("--");

§25. The following routine adds the given BP term as a call parameter to the routine currently being compiled, deciding that something is an object if its kind indications are all blank, but verifying that the value supplied matches the specific necessary kind of object if there is one.

void BinaryPredicates::add_term_as_call_parameter(ph_stack_frame *phsf, bp_term_details bptd) {
    kind *K = BinaryPredicates::kind_of_term(&bptd);
    kind *PK = K;
    if ((PK == NULL) || (Kinds::Compare::lt(PK, K_object))) PK = K_object;
    inter_symbol *lv_s = LocalVariables::add_call_parameter_as_symbol(phsf,
        bptd.called_name, PK);
    if (Kinds::Compare::lt(K, K_object)) {
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), NOT_BIP);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), OFCLASS_BIP);
                    Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, lv_s);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Kinds::RunTime::I6_classname(K));

§26. And as a convenience:

void BinaryPredicates::set_index_details(binary_predicate *bp, char *left, char *right) {
    if (left) {
        bp->term_details[0].index_term_as = left;
        bp->reversal->term_details[1].index_term_as = left;
    if (right) {
        bp->term_details[1].index_term_as = right;
        bp->reversal->term_details[0].index_term_as = right;

§27. Making the equality relation. As we shall see below, BPs are almost always created in matched pairs. There is one and only one exception to this rule: the equality predicate where \(EQ(x, y)\) if \(x = y\). Equality plays a special role in the system of logic we'll be using. Since \(x = y\) and \(y = x\) are exactly equivalent, it is safe to make \(EQ\) its own reversal; this makes it impossible for equality to occur "the wrong way round" in any proposition, even one which is not yet fully simplified.

There is no fixed domain to which \(x\) and \(y\) belong: equality can be used whenever \(x\) and \(y\) belong to the same domain. Thus "if the score is 12" and "if the location is the Pantheon" are both valid uses of \(EQ\), where \(x\) and \(y\) are numbers in the former case and rooms in the latter. It will take special handling in the type-checker to achieve this effect. For now, we give \(EQ\) entirely blank term details.

binary_predicate *BinaryPredicates::make_equality(void) {
    binary_predicate *bp = BinaryPredicates::make_single(EQUALITY_KBP,
        BinaryPredicates::new_term(NULL), BinaryPredicates::new_term(NULL),
        I"is", NULL, NULL, NULL,
        Preform::Nonparsing::wording(<relation-names>, EQUALITY_RELATION_NAME));

    bp->reversal = bp; bp->right_way_round = TRUE;
    return bp;

§28. Making a pair of relations. Every other BP belongs to a matched pair, in which each is the reversal of the other, but only one is designated as being "the right way round". The left-hand term of one behaves like the right-hand term of the other, and vice versa.

The BP which is the wrong way round is never used in compilation, because it will long before that have been reversed, so we only fill in details of how to compile the BP for the one which is the right way round.

binary_predicate *BinaryPredicates::make_pair(int family,
    bp_term_details left_term, bp_term_details right_term,
    text_stream *name, text_stream *namer, property *pn,
    i6_schema *mtf, i6_schema *tf, word_assemblage source_name) {
    binary_predicate *bp, *bpr;
    Str::copy(n, name);
    if (Str::len(n) == 0) WRITE_TO(n, "nameless");
    Str::copy(nr, namer);
    if (Str::len(nr) == 0) WRITE_TO(nr, "%S-r", n);

    bp  = BinaryPredicates::make_single(family, left_term, right_term, n,
        pn, mtf, tf, source_name);
    bpr = BinaryPredicates::make_single(family, right_term, left_term, nr,
        NULL, NULL, NULL, WordAssemblages::lit_0());

    bp->reversal = bpr; bpr->reversal = bp;
    bp->right_way_round = TRUE; bpr->right_way_round = FALSE;

    if (WordAssemblages::nonempty(source_name)) {
        word_assemblage wa =
            Preform::Nonparsing::merge(<relation-name-formal>, 0, source_name);
        wording AW = WordAssemblages::to_wording(&wa);
        Nouns::new_proper_noun(AW, NEUTER_GENDER,
            MISCELLANEOUS_MC, Rvalues::from_binary_predicate(bp));

    return bp;

§29. When the source text declares new relations, it turns out to be convenient to make their BPs in a two-stage process: to make sketchy, mostly-blank BP structures for them early on — but getting their names registered — and then fill in the correct details later. This is where such sketchy pairs are made:

binary_predicate *BinaryPredicates::make_pair_sketchily(word_assemblage wa, int f) {
    WRITE_TO(relname, "%V", WordAssemblages::first_word(&wa));
    binary_predicate *bp =
        BinaryPredicates::new_term(NULL), BinaryPredicates::new_term(NULL),
        relname, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, wa);
    bp->form_of_relation = f;
    bp->reversal->form_of_relation = f;
    return bp;

§30. BP construction. The following routine should only ever be called from the two above: provided we stick to that, we ensure the golden rule that {\it every BP has a reversal and a BP equals its reversal if and only if it is the equality relation}.

It looks a little asymmetric that the "make true function" schema mtf is an argument here, but the "make false function" isn't. That's because it happens that the implicit relations defined in this section of code generally do support making-true, but don't support making-false, so that such an argument would always be NULL in practice.

binary_predicate *BinaryPredicates::make_single(int family,
    bp_term_details left_term, bp_term_details right_term,
    text_stream *name, property *pn,
    i6_schema *mtf, i6_schema *tf, word_assemblage rn) {
    binary_predicate *bp = CREATE(binary_predicate);

    bp->relation_family = family;
    bp->form_of_relation = Relation_Implicit;
    bp->relation_name = rn;
    bp->bp_created_at = current_sentence;
    bp->debugging_log_name = Str::duplicate(name);
    bp->bp_package = NULL;
    bp->bp_iname = NULL;
    bp->handler_iname = NULL;
    bp->v2v_bitmap_iname = NULL;

    bp->term_details[0] = left_term; bp->term_details[1] = right_term;

     the reversal and the right_way_round field must be set by the caller

     for use in code compilation
    bp->bp_by_routine_iname = NULL;
    bp->test_function = tf;
    bp->condition_defn_text = EMPTY_WORDING;
    bp->make_true_function = mtf;
    bp->make_false_function = NULL;

     for use by the A-parser
    bp->arbitrary = FALSE;
    bp->set_property = NULL;
    bp->property_pending_text = EMPTY_WORDING;
    bp->relates_values_not_objects = FALSE;
    bp->knowledge_about_bp =
            RELN_SUB, STORE_POINTER_binary_predicate(bp), CERTAIN_CE);

     for optimisation of run-time code
    bp->dynamic_memory = FALSE;
    bp->initialiser_iname = NULL;
    bp->i6_storage_property = pn;
    bp->storage_kind = NULL;
    bp->allow_function_simplification = TRUE;
    bp->fast_route_finding = FALSE;
    bp->loop_parent_optimisation_proviso = NULL;
    bp->loop_parent_optimisation_ranger = NULL;
    bp->record_needed = FALSE;

     details for particular kinds of relation
    bp->a_listed_in_predicate = FALSE;
    bp->same_property = NULL;
    bp->comparative_property = NULL;
    bp->comparison_sign = 0;
    bp->equivalence_partition = NULL;

    return bp;

§31. The package.

package_request *BinaryPredicates::package(binary_predicate *bp) {
    if (bp == NULL) internal_error("null bp");
    if (bp->bp_package == NULL)
        bp->bp_package = Hierarchy::package(Modules::find(bp->bp_created_at), RELATIONS_HAP);
    return bp->bp_package;

§32. The handler.

inter_name *BinaryPredicates::handler_iname(binary_predicate *bp) {
    if (bp->handler_iname == NULL) {
        package_request *R = BinaryPredicates::package(bp);
        bp->handler_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(HANDLER_FN_HL, R);
    return bp->handler_iname;

§33. As an INFS.

wording BinaryPredicates::SUBJ_get_name_text(inference_subject *from) {
    return EMPTY_WORDING;  nameless

general_pointer BinaryPredicates::SUBJ_new_permission_granted(inference_subject *from) {

void BinaryPredicates::SUBJ_make_adj_const_domain(inference_subject *infs,
    instance *nc, property *prn) {

void BinaryPredicates::SUBJ_complete_model(inference_subject *infs) {
    int domain_size = NUMBER_CREATED(inference_subject);
    binary_predicate *bp = InferenceSubjects::as_bp(infs);

    if (BinaryPredicates::store_dynamically(bp)) return;  handled at run-time instead
    if ((BinaryPredicates::get_form_of_relation(bp) == Relation_Equiv) && (bp->right_way_round)) {
        Relations::equivalence_relation_make_singleton_partitions(bp, domain_size);
        inference *i;
        POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(i, BinaryPredicates::as_subject(bp), ARBITRARY_RELATION_INF) {
            inference_subject *infs0, *infs1;
            World::Inferences::get_references(i, &infs0, &infs1);
            Relations::equivalence_relation_merge_classes(bp, domain_size,
                infs0->allocation_id, infs1->allocation_id);

void BinaryPredicates::SUBJ_check_model(inference_subject *infs) {
    binary_predicate *bp = InferenceSubjects::as_bp(infs);
    if ((bp->right_way_round) &&
        ((bp->form_of_relation == Relation_OtoO) ||
            (bp->form_of_relation == Relation_Sym_OtoO)))
    if ((bp->right_way_round) &&
        ((bp->form_of_relation == Relation_OtoV) ||
            (bp->form_of_relation == Relation_VtoO)))

int BinaryPredicates::SUBJ_emit_element_of_condition(inference_subject *infs, inter_symbol *t0_s) {
    internal_error("BP in runtime match condition");
    return FALSE;

int BinaryPredicates::SUBJ_compile_all(void) {
    return FALSE;

void BinaryPredicates::SUBJ_compile(inference_subject *infs) {
    binary_predicate *bp = InferenceSubjects::as_bp(infs);
    if (bp->right_way_round) {
        if (BinaryPredicates::store_dynamically(bp)) {
            packaging_state save = Routines::begin(bp->initialiser_iname);
            inference *i;
            inter_name *rtiname = Hierarchy::find(RELATIONTEST_HL);
            POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(i, BinaryPredicates::as_subject(bp), ARBITRARY_RELATION_INF) {
                parse_node *spec0, *spec1;
                World::Inferences::get_references_spec(i, &spec0, &spec1);
                Produce::inv_call_iname(Emit::tree(), rtiname);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, bp->bp_iname);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(RELS_ASSERT_TRUE_HL));
                    Specifications::Compiler::emit_as_val(K_value, spec0);
                    Specifications::Compiler::emit_as_val(K_value, spec1);
        } else {
            if ((bp->form_of_relation == Relation_VtoV) ||
                (bp->form_of_relation == Relation_Sym_VtoV))

§34. BP and term logging.

void BinaryPredicates::log_term_details(bp_term_details *bptd, int i) {
    LOG("  function(%d): $i\n", i, bptd->function_of_other);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(bptd->called_name)) LOG("  term %d is '%W'\n", i, bptd->called_name);
    if (bptd->implies_infs) {
        wording W = InferenceSubjects::get_name_text(bptd->implies_infs);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) LOG("  term %d has domain %W\n", i, W);

void BinaryPredicates::log(binary_predicate *bp) {
    int i;
    if (bp == NULL) { LOG("<null-BP>\n"); return; }
    LOG("BP%d <%S> - %s way round - %s\n",
        bp->allocation_id, bp->debugging_log_name, bp->right_way_round?"right":"wrong",
    for (i=0; i<2; i++) BinaryPredicates::log_term_details(&bp->term_details[i], i);
    LOG("  test: $i\n", bp->test_function);
    LOG("  make true: $i\n", bp->make_true_function);
    LOG("  make false: $i\n", bp->make_false_function);
    LOG("  storage property: $Y\n", bp->i6_storage_property);

§35. Relation names. A useful little nonterminal to spot the names of relation, such as "adjacency". (Note: not "adjacency relation".) This is only used when there is good reason to suspect that the word in question is the name of a relation, so the fact that it runs relatively slowly does not matter.

<relation-name> internal {
    binary_predicate *bp;
    LOOP_OVER(bp, binary_predicate)
        if (WordAssemblages::compare_with_wording(&(bp->relation_name), W)) {
            *XP = bp; return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


text_stream *BinaryPredicates::get_log_name(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->debugging_log_name;

§37. Miscellaneous access routines.

int BinaryPredicates::get_form_of_relation(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->form_of_relation;
int BinaryPredicates::is_explicit_with_runtime_storage(binary_predicate *bp) {
    if (bp->right_way_round == FALSE) bp = bp->reversal;
    if (bp->form_of_relation == Relation_Implicit) return FALSE;
    if (bp->form_of_relation == Relation_ByRoutine) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
char *BinaryPredicates::form_to_text(binary_predicate *bp) {
    switch(bp->form_of_relation) {
        case Relation_Implicit: return "Relation_Implicit";
        case Relation_OtoO: return "Relation_OtoO";
        case Relation_OtoV: return "Relation_OtoV";
        case Relation_VtoO: return "Relation_VtoO";
        case Relation_VtoV: return "Relation_VtoV";
        case Relation_Sym_OtoO: return "Relation_Sym_OtoO";
        case Relation_Sym_VtoV: return "Relation_Sym_VtoV";
        case Relation_Equiv: return "Relation_Equiv";
        case Relation_ByRoutine: return "Relation_ByRoutine";
        default: return "formless-BP";

parse_node *BinaryPredicates::get_bp_created_at(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->bp_created_at;

§38. Details of the terms:

kind *BinaryPredicates::term_kind(binary_predicate *bp, int t) {
    if (bp == NULL) internal_error("tried to find kind of null relation");
    return BinaryPredicates::kind_of_term(&(bp->term_details[t]));
i6_schema *BinaryPredicates::get_term_as_function_of_other(binary_predicate *bp, int t) {
    if (bp == NULL) internal_error("tried to find function of null relation");
    return bp->term_details[t].function_of_other;

§39. Reversing:

binary_predicate *BinaryPredicates::get_reversal(binary_predicate *bp) {
    if (bp == NULL) internal_error("tried to find reversal of null relation");
    return bp->reversal;
int BinaryPredicates::is_the_wrong_way_round(binary_predicate *bp) {
    if ((bp) && (bp->right_way_round == FALSE)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§40. For compiling code from conditions:

i6_schema *BinaryPredicates::get_test_function(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->test_function;
int BinaryPredicates::can_be_made_true_at_runtime(binary_predicate *bp) {
    if ((bp->make_true_function) ||
        (bp->reversal->make_true_function)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§41. For the A-parser. The real code is all elsewhere; note that the assertions field, which is used only for relations between values rather than objects, is a linked list. (Information about objects is stored in linked lists pointed to from the instance structure in question; that can't be done if an assertion is about values, so they are stored under the relation itself.)

int BinaryPredicates::allow_arbitrary_assertions(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->arbitrary;
int BinaryPredicates::store_dynamically(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->dynamic_memory;
int BinaryPredicates::relates_values_not_objects(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->relates_values_not_objects;
inference_subject *BinaryPredicates::as_subject(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->knowledge_about_bp;

§42. For use when optimising code.

property *BinaryPredicates::get_i6_storage_property(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->i6_storage_property;
int BinaryPredicates::allows_function_simplification(binary_predicate *bp) {
    return bp->allow_function_simplification;
inter_name *default_rr = NULL;
void BinaryPredicates::mark_as_needed(binary_predicate *bp) {
    if (bp->record_needed == FALSE) {
        bp->bp_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(RELATION_RECORD_HL, BinaryPredicates::package(bp));
        if (default_rr == NULL) {
            default_rr = bp->bp_iname;
            inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(MEANINGLESS_RR_HL);
            Emit::named_iname_constant(iname, K_value, default_rr);
            Hierarchy::make_available(Emit::tree(), iname);
    bp->record_needed = TRUE;

inter_name *BinaryPredicates::iname(binary_predicate *bp) {
    if (bp == NULL) return NULL;
    return bp->bp_iname;

§43. For use with comparative relations.

void BinaryPredicates::set_comparison_details(binary_predicate *bp,
    int sign, property *prn) {
    bp->comparison_sign = sign; bp->comparative_property = prn;

§44. The predicate-calculus engine compiles much better loops if we can help it by providing an I6 schema of a loop header solving the following problem:

Loop a variable \(v\) (in the schema, *1) over all possible \(x\) such that \(R(x, t)\), for some fixed \(t\) (in the schema, *1).

If we can't do this, it will still manage, but by the brute force method of looping over all \(x\) in the left domain of \(R\) and testing every possible \(R(x, t)\).

int BinaryPredicates::write_optimised_loop_schema(i6_schema *sch, binary_predicate *bp) {
    if (bp == NULL) return FALSE;
    Try loop ranger optimisation44.1;
    Try loop parent optimisation subject to a proviso44.2;
    return FALSE;

§44.1. Some relations \(R\) provide a "ranger" routine, R, which is such that R(t) supplies the first "child" of \(t\) and R(t, n) supplies the next "child" after \(n\). Thus R iterates through some linked list of all the objects \(x\) such that \(R(x, t)\).

Try loop ranger optimisation44.1 =

    if (bp->loop_parent_optimisation_ranger) {
            "for (*1=%s(*2): *1: *1=%s(*2,*1))",
        return TRUE;

§44.2. Other relations make use of the I6 object tree, in cases where \(R(x, t)\) is true if and only if \(t\) is an object which is the parent of \(x\) in the I6 object tree and some routine associated with \(R\), called its proviso P, is such that P(x) == t. For example, \({\it worn-by}(x, t)\) is true iff \(t\) is the parent of \(x\) and WearerOf(x) == t. The proviso ensures that we don't falsely pick up, say, items carried by \(t\) which aren't being worn, or aren't even clothing.

Try loop parent optimisation subject to a proviso44.2 =

    if (bp->loop_parent_optimisation_proviso) {
            "objectloop (*1 in *2) if (%s(*1)==parent(*1))",
        return TRUE;

§45. The built-in BPs. Here we create spatial relationships, numerical comparisons and a few others: all of the BPs in the "exceptional one-off cases" part of the classification above. This happens very early in compilation.

void BinaryPredicates::make_built_in(void) {
    #ifdef IF_MODULE

§46. Other property-based relations.

void BinaryPredicates::make_built_in_further(void) {
    #ifdef IF_MODULE


define DECLINE_TO_MATCH 1000  not one of the three legal *_MATCH values
define NEVER_MATCH_SAYING_WHY_NOT 1001  not one of the three legal *_MATCH values
int BinaryPredicates::typecheck(binary_predicate *bp,
        kind **kinds_of_terms, kind **kinds_required, tc_problem_kit *tck) {
    int result = DECLINE_TO_MATCH;
    switch (bp->relation_family) {
        case EQUALITY_KBP: result = Calculus::Equality::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        case PROVISION_KBP: result = Properties::ProvisionRelation::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        case UNIVERSAL_KBP: result = Relations::Universal::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        case QUASINUMERIC_KBP: result = Calculus::QuasinumericRelations::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        case SPATIAL_KBP: result = PL::SpatialRelations::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        case MAP_CONNECTING_KBP: result = PL::MapDirections::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        #ifndef IF_MODULE
        case SPATIAL_KBP: result = TRUE; break;
        case MAP_CONNECTING_KBP: result = TRUE; break;
        case PROPERTY_SETTING_KBP: result = Properties::SettingRelations::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        case PROPERTY_SAME_KBP: result = Properties::SameRelations::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        case PROPERTY_COMPARISON_KBP: result = Properties::ComparativeRelations::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        case LISTED_IN_KBP: result = Tables::Relations::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        case EXPLICIT_KBP: result = Relations::Explicit::REL_typecheck(bp, kinds_of_terms, kinds_required, tck); break;
        default: internal_error("typechecked unknown KBP");
    return result;

int BinaryPredicates::assert(binary_predicate *bp,
        inference_subject *subj0, parse_node *spec0, inference_subject *subj1, parse_node *spec1) {
    int success = FALSE;
    switch (bp->relation_family) {
        case EQUALITY_KBP: success = Calculus::Equality::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        case PROVISION_KBP: success = Properties::ProvisionRelation::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        case UNIVERSAL_KBP: success = Relations::Universal::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        case QUASINUMERIC_KBP: success = Calculus::QuasinumericRelations::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        case SPATIAL_KBP: success = PL::SpatialRelations::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        case MAP_CONNECTING_KBP: success = PL::MapDirections::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        #ifndef IF_MODULE
        case SPATIAL_KBP: success = FALSE; break;
        case MAP_CONNECTING_KBP: success = FALSE; break;
        case PROPERTY_SETTING_KBP: success = Properties::SettingRelations::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        case PROPERTY_SAME_KBP: success = Properties::SameRelations::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        case PROPERTY_COMPARISON_KBP: success = Properties::ComparativeRelations::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        case LISTED_IN_KBP: success = Tables::Relations::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        case EXPLICIT_KBP: success = Relations::Explicit::REL_assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1); break;
        default: internal_error("asserted unknown KBP");
    return success;

i6_schema *BinaryPredicates::get_i6_schema(int task, binary_predicate *bp, annotated_i6_schema *asch) {
    int success = FALSE;
    switch (bp->relation_family) {
        case EQUALITY_KBP: success = Calculus::Equality::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        case PROVISION_KBP: success = Properties::ProvisionRelation::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        case UNIVERSAL_KBP: success = Relations::Universal::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        case QUASINUMERIC_KBP: success = Calculus::QuasinumericRelations::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        case SPATIAL_KBP: success = PL::SpatialRelations::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        case MAP_CONNECTING_KBP: success = PL::MapDirections::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        #ifndef IF_MODULE
        case SPATIAL_KBP: success = FALSE; break;
        case MAP_CONNECTING_KBP: success = FALSE; break;
        case PROPERTY_SETTING_KBP: success = Properties::SettingRelations::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        case PROPERTY_SAME_KBP: success = Properties::SameRelations::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        case PROPERTY_COMPARISON_KBP: success = Properties::ComparativeRelations::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        case LISTED_IN_KBP: success = Tables::Relations::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        case EXPLICIT_KBP: success = Relations::Explicit::REL_compile(task, bp, asch); break;
        default: internal_error("compiled unknown KBP");

    if (success == FALSE) {
        switch(task) {
            case TEST_ATOM_TASK: asch->schema = bp->test_function; break;
            case NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK: asch->schema = bp->make_true_function; break;
            case NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK: asch->schema = bp->make_false_function; break;

    return asch->schema;

void BinaryPredicates::describe_for_problems(OUTPUT_STREAM, binary_predicate *bp) {
    int success = FALSE;
    switch (bp->relation_family) {
        case EQUALITY_KBP: success = Calculus::Equality::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        case PROVISION_KBP: success = Properties::ProvisionRelation::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        case UNIVERSAL_KBP: success = Relations::Universal::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        case QUASINUMERIC_KBP: success = Calculus::QuasinumericRelations::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        case SPATIAL_KBP: success = PL::SpatialRelations::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        case MAP_CONNECTING_KBP: success = PL::MapDirections::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        #ifndef IF_MODULE
        case SPATIAL_KBP: success = FALSE; break;
        case MAP_CONNECTING_KBP: success = FALSE; break;
        case PROPERTY_SETTING_KBP: success = Properties::SettingRelations::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        case PROPERTY_SAME_KBP: success = Properties::SameRelations::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        case PROPERTY_COMPARISON_KBP: success = Properties::ComparativeRelations::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        case LISTED_IN_KBP: success = Tables::Relations::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        case EXPLICIT_KBP: success = Relations::Explicit::REL_describe_for_problems(OUT, bp); break;
        default: internal_error("found unknown KBP");
    if (success == NOT_APPLICABLE) return;
    if (success == FALSE) {
        if (WordAssemblages::nonempty(bp->relation_name)) WRITE("the %A", &(bp->relation_name));
        else WRITE("a");
        WRITE(" relation");
    kind *K0 = BinaryPredicates::term_kind(bp, 0); if (K0 == NULL) K0 = K_object;
    kind *K1 = BinaryPredicates::term_kind(bp, 1); if (K1 == NULL) K1 = K_object;
    WRITE(" (between ");
    if (Kinds::Compare::eq(K0, K1)) {
        Kinds::Textual::write_plural(OUT, K0);
    } else {
        Kinds::Textual::write_articled(OUT, K0);
        WRITE(" and ");
        Kinds::Textual::write_articled(OUT, K1);