The top level of the Inform 7 compiler, reading command line arguments and preparing the way.

§1. The Management. All C programs begin execution in main, but the function below is not it. This is because the compiler proper is a tiny wrapper around a collection of modules, of which core is only one. main is found in that wrapper. On the other hand, main simply starts up the modules and hands straight over to us.

So the CoreMain::main function certainly has the opportunity to be head honcho, and for the first fifteen years of Inform 7, it was exactly that. In 2020, though, it was deposed in a boardroom coup by a new CEO, the supervisor module. High-level decisions on what to compile, where to put the result, and so on, are all now taken by supervisor. Even the command line is very largely read and dealt with by supervisor and not by core, as we shall see. The upshot is that CoreMain::main is now a manager in name only, reduced to the equivalent of unlocking the doors and turning the lights on in the morning.

pathname *path_to_inform7 = NULL;
pathname *diagnostics_path = NULL;
stopwatch_timer *inform7_timer = NULL, *supervisor_timer = NULL;

int CoreMain::main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Banner and startup1.1;
    int proceed = CoreMain::read_command_line(argc, argv);
    if (proceed) {
        inform_project *project = NULL;
        Find the project identified for us by Inbuild1.2;
        Open the debugging log and the problems report1.3;
        Name the telemetry1.4;
        Build the project1.5;

    Post mortem logging1.6;
    if (proceed) Shutdown and rennab1.7;
    if (problem_count > 0) ProblemSigils::exit(1);
    return 0;

§1.1. The very first thing we do is to make sure internal errors, though they should never happen, are reported as problem messages (fed to our HTML problems report) rather than simply causing an abrupt exit with only a plain text error written to stderr. See the problems module for more.

Banner and startup1.1 =

    PRINT("Inform 7 v[[Version Number]] has started.\n", FALSE, TRUE);
    inform7_timer = Time::start_stopwatch(NULL, I"inform7 run");
    supervisor_timer = Time::start_stopwatch(inform7_timer, I"supervisor");

§1.2. The supervisor would happily send us instructions to compile multiple projects, but we can only accept one; and in fact the inform7 command line isn't set up to allow more, so this error is not easy to generate.

Find the project identified for us by Inbuild1.2 =

    inform_project *proj;
    LOOP_OVER(proj, inform_project) {
        if (project)
                "Multiple projects given on the command line");
        project = proj;

§1.3. supervisor supplies us with a folder in which to write the debugging log and the Problems report (the HTML version of our error messages or success message, which is displayed in the Inform app when a compilation has finished). This folder will usually be the Build subfolder of the project folder, but we won't assume that. Remember, supervisor knows best.

Open the debugging log and the problems report1.3 =

    pathname *build_folder = Projects::build_path(project);
    if (Pathnames::create_in_file_system(build_folder) == 0)
            "Unable to create Build folder for project: is it read-only?");

    filename *DF = Filenames::in(build_folder, I"Debug log.txt");
    LOG("inform7 was called as:");
    for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) LOG(" %s", argv[i]);

    filename *PF = Filenames::in(build_folder, I"Problems.html");


§1.4. Telemetry is not as sinister as it sounds: the app isn't sending data out on the Internet, only (if requested) logging what it's doing to a local file. This was provided for classroom use, so that teachers can see what their students have been getting stuck on. In any case, it needs to be activated with a use option, so by default this file will never be written.

Name the telemetry1.4 =

    pathname *P = Pathnames::down(Supervisor::transient(), I"Telemetry");
    if (Pathnames::create_in_file_system(P)) {
        int this_month = the_present->tm_mon + 1;
        int this_day = the_present->tm_mday;
        int this_year = the_present->tm_year + 1900;
            "Telemetry %04d-%02d-%02d.txt", this_year, this_month, this_day);
        filename *F = Filenames::in(P, leafname_of_telemetry);

§1.5. The compiler is now ready for use. We ask supervisor to go ahead and build that project.

But the art of leadership is delegation and what supervisor then does is to call core back again to do the actual work: see the What To Compile section. That sounds like an unnecessary round trip, but in fact it's not, because supervisor also incrementally builds some of the resources we will be using. That business is helpfully invisible to us: so it turns out that CEOs do something, after all.

Build the project1.5 =

    if (project) {
        Copies::build(STDOUT, project->as_copy,

§1.6. Diagnostics files fall into the category of "be careful what you wish for"; they can be rather lengthy.

Post mortem logging1.6 =

    if (problem_count == 0) {
        if (diagnostics_path) {
                I"timings-diagnostics.txt", &CoreMain::log_stopwatch);
                I"memory-diagnostics.txt", &Memory::log_statistics);
                I"syntax-diagnostics.txt", &CoreMain::log_task_syntax_tree);
                I"syntax-summary.txt", &CoreMain::log_task_syntax_summary);
                I"preform-diagnostics.txt", &Instrumentation::log);
                I"preform-summary.txt", &CoreMain::log_preform_summary);
                I"documentation-diagnostics.txt", &Index::DocReferences::log_statistics);
                I"verbs-diagnostics.txt", &NewVerbs::log_all);
                I"excerpts-diagnostics.txt", &FromLexicon::statistics);
                I"stock-diagnostics.txt", &Stock::log_all);

§1.7. Shutdown and rennab1.7 =

    LOG("Total of %d files written as streams.\n", total_file_writes);
    WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Inform 7 has finished.\n");


void CoreMain::write_diagnostics(text_stream *leafname, void (*write_fn)(void)) {
    filename *F = Filenames::in(diagnostics_path, leafname);
    text_stream diagnostics_file;
    if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(&diagnostics_file, F, ISO_ENC) == FALSE)
        internal_error("can't open diagnostics file");
    text_stream *save_DL = DL;
    DL = &diagnostics_file;
    DL = save_DL;

void CoreMain::log_task_syntax_tree(void) {
    Node::log_tree(DL, Task::syntax_tree()->root_node);

void CoreMain::log_preform_summary(void) {
    Instrumentation::log_nt(<s-literal>, TRUE);

void CoreMain::log_task_syntax_summary(void) {
    Node::summarise_tree(DL, Task::syntax_tree()->root_node);

void CoreMain::log_stopwatch(void) {
    Time::log_timing(inform7_timer, inform7_timer->time_taken);

§3. Command line processing. The bulk of the command-line options are both registered and processed by supervisor rather than here: in particular, every switch ever used by the Inform UI apps is really a command to supervisor not to inform7.

int CoreMain::read_command_line(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        L"inform7: a compiler from source text to Inter code\n\n"
        L"Usage: inform7 [OPTIONS]\n");

    Register command-line arguments3.2;
    int proceed = CommandLine::read(argc, argv, NULL, &CoreMain::switch, &CoreMain::bareword);
    if (proceed) {
        path_to_inform7 = Pathnames::installation_path("INFORM7_PATH", I"inform7");
        Supervisor::optioneering_complete(NULL, TRUE, &CorePreform::load);
    return proceed;

§3.1. What remains here are just some eldritch options for testing the inform7 compiler via Delia scripts in intest.


§3.2. Register command-line arguments3.2 =

    CommandLine::begin_group(INFORM_TESTING_CLSG, I"for testing and debugging inform7");
    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(CRASHALL_CLSW, L"crash-all", 1,
        L"intentionally crash on Problem messages, for backtracing", FALSE);
    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(INDEX_CLSW, L"index", 1,
        L"produce an Index", TRUE);
    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(CENSUS_UPDATE_CLSW, L"census-update", 1,
        L"update the extensions census", TRUE);
    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(PROGRESS_CLSW, L"progress", 1,
        L"display progress percentages", TRUE);
    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(SIGILS_CLSW, L"sigils", 1,
        L"print Problem message sigils", FALSE);
    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(DIAGNOSTICS_CLSW, L"diagnostics", 2,
        L"if no problems occur, write diagnostics files to directory X", FALSE);
    CommandLine::declare_switch(REQUIRE_PROBLEM_CLSW, L"require-problem", 2,
        L"return 0 unless exactly this Problem message is generated");

§4. Three of the five options here actually configure the problems module rather than core.

int show_progress_indicator = TRUE;  Produce percentage of progress messages
int do_not_generate_index = FALSE;  Set by the -no-index command line option
int do_not_update_census = FALSE;  Set by the -no-update-census command line option

void CoreMain::switch(int id, int val, text_stream *arg, void *state) {
    switch (id) {
        case CRASHALL_CLSW: debugger_mode = val;
            ProblemSigils::crash_on_problems(val); break;
        case INDEX_CLSW: do_not_generate_index = val?FALSE:TRUE; break;
        case CENSUS_UPDATE_CLSW: do_not_update_census = val?FALSE:TRUE; break;
        case PROGRESS_CLSW: show_progress_indicator = val; break;
        case SIGILS_CLSW: ProblemSigils::echo_sigils(val); break;
        case REQUIRE_PROBLEM_CLSW: ProblemSigils::require(arg); break;
        case DIAGNOSTICS_CLSW: diagnostics_path = Pathnames::from_text(arg); break;
    Supervisor::option(id, val, arg, state);

void CoreMain::bareword(int id, text_stream *opt, void *state) {
    if (Supervisor::set_I7_source(opt) == FALSE)
        Errors::fatal_with_text("unknown command line argument: %S (see -help)", opt);