Bookings are assignments of rules to rulebooks. We can think of them as being looseleaf pages, of which we have an unlimited supply: any rule can be written on them, and they can be bound into any rulebook at any specified position.

§1. Definitions.

§2. Bookings are simple structures. They record which rule is to appear, and whether it's to appear at the front, middle, or back of the rulebook:

typedef struct booking {
    struct booking *next_rule;  in the linked list of pages for the rulebook

    struct rule *rule_being_booked;  what appears on this page
    int placement;  one of three placement values: see below
    int automatic_placement;  should this be inserted automatically?

     used only to show how the page was added to its rulebook, for the index:
    int next_rule_specificity;  \(1\) more specific than following, \(0\) equal, \(-1\) less
    struct text_stream *next_rule_specificity_law;  description of reason
    struct text_stream *next_rule_specificity_lawname;  name of Law used to sort

} booking;

§3. When bookings are gathered into linked lists, they are positioned using "placements". Ordinarily they go somewhere in the middle, but declarations are allowed to specify that they must occur at the front or back, e.g.:

The first reaching inside rule: ...

The placement field is therefore always one of the following three values:

define MIDDLE_PLACEMENT 0  most rules are somewhere in the middle

§4. Creation.

booking *Rules::Bookings::new(rule *R) {
    booking *br = CREATE(booking);
    br->next_rule = NULL;

    br->rule_being_booked = R;
    br->placement = MIDDLE_PLACEMENT;
    br->automatic_placement = FALSE;

    br->next_rule_specificity = 0;
    br->next_rule_specificity_law = NULL;
    br->next_rule_specificity_lawname = NULL;
    return br;

§5. Here's a rather arcane notation used in the debugging log:

void Rules::Bookings::log(booking *br) {
    if (br == NULL) { LOG("BR:<null-booked-rule>"); return; }
    LOG("BR%d", br->allocation_id);
    switch (br->placement) {
        case MIDDLE_PLACEMENT: LOG("m"); break;
        case FIRST_PLACEMENT: LOG("f"); break;
        case LAST_PLACEMENT: LOG("l"); break;
        default: LOG("?"); break;

§6. And this is the only externally useful information in a booking:

rule *Rules::Bookings::get_rule(booking *br) {
    if (br == NULL) return NULL;
    return br->rule_being_booked;

§7. Automatic placement into rulebooks. Some bookings result from explicit sentences like:

The can't reach inside closed containers rule is listed in the reaching inside rules.

But others have their placements made implicitly in their definitions:

Before eating something: ...

(which creates a nameless rule and implicitly places it in the "before" rulebook). When Inform reads such a rule, it creates a booking, but does not immediately insert it into a rulebook: instead it marks the booking for "automatic placement" later on.

void Rules::Bookings::request_automatic_placement(booking *br) {
    br->automatic_placement = TRUE;

§8. Automatic placement occurs in declaration order. This is important, because it ensures that it is declaration order which the rule-sorting code falls back on when it can see no other justification for placing one rule either side of another.

void Rules::Bookings::make_automatic_placements(void) {
    booking *br;
    LOOP_OVER(br, booking)
        if (br->automatic_placement) {
            phrase *ph = Rules::get_I7_definition(br->rule_being_booked);
            if (ph) {
                current_sentence = ph->declaration_node;
                Rules::Bookings::place(&(ph->usage_data), br);

§9. Having long ago decided where and how to place the phrase into a rulebook, we finally get the opportunity to do this. The BR supplied must be the one generated from the PHUD elsewhere.

void Rules::Bookings::place(ph_usage_data *phud, booking *br) {
    if (Phrases::Usage::get_effect(phud) == RULE_IN_RULEBOOK_EFF) {
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        rulebook *original_owner = Phrases::Usage::get_rulebook(phud);
        if (Rulebooks::requires_specific_action(original_owner)) {
            int waiver = FALSE;
            action_name_list *anl;
            action_name *an;
            wording PW = Phrases::Usage::get_prewhile_text(phud);
            if (Wordings::nonempty(PW)) {
                LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(i, PW)
                    if (PL::Actions::Patterns::Named::by_name(Wordings::from(PW, i)))
                        goto NotSingleAction;
                anl = PL::Actions::Lists::extract_actions_only(PW);
                an = PL::Actions::Lists::get_single_action(anl);
            } else {
                anl = NULL;
                an = NULL;
                waiver = TRUE;
                if (original_owner == built_in_rulebooks[CHECK_RB]) waiver = FALSE;
                if (original_owner == built_in_rulebooks[CARRY_OUT_RB]) waiver = FALSE;
                if (original_owner == built_in_rulebooks[REPORT_RB]) waiver = FALSE;
            LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "BR is: $b\n AN is: $l\n", br, an);
            if ((an == NULL) && (waiver == FALSE)) {
                int x;
                an = PL::Actions::longest_null(PW, IS_TENSE, &x);
            if ((an == NULL) && (waiver == FALSE)) {
                Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
                Problems::quote_wording(2, PW);
                StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_MultipleCCR));
                    "You wrote %1, but the situation this refers to ('%2') is "
                    "not a single action. Rules in the form of 'check', 'carry "
                    "out' and 'report' are tied to specific actions, and must "
                    "give a single explicit action name - even if they then go "
                    "on to very complicated conditions about any nouns also "
                    "involved. So 'Check taking something: ...' is fine, "
                    "but not 'Check taking or dropping something: ...' or "
                    "'Check doing something: ...' - the former names two "
                    "actions, the latter none.");
            } else {
                #ifdef IF_MODULE
                if (original_owner == built_in_rulebooks[CHECK_RB]) {
                        PL::Actions::get_fragmented_rulebook(an, built_in_rulebooks[CHECK_RB]));
                } else if (original_owner == built_in_rulebooks[CARRY_OUT_RB]) {
                        PL::Actions::get_fragmented_rulebook(an, built_in_rulebooks[CARRY_OUT_RB]));
                } else if (original_owner == built_in_rulebooks[REPORT_RB]) {
                        PL::Actions::get_fragmented_rulebook(an, built_in_rulebooks[REPORT_RB]));
                } else {
                        PL::Actions::switch_fragmented_rulebook(an, original_owner));
                if (original_owner != Phrases::Usage::get_rulebook(phud))
                    LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Rerouting $b to $K\n", br,
        Rulebooks::attach_rule(Phrases::Usage::get_rulebook(phud), br,
            Phrases::Usage::get_rulebook_placement(phud), 0, NULL);

§10. Specificity of bookings. The following is one of Inform's standardised comparison routines, which takes a pair of objects A, B and returns 1 if A makes a more specific description than B, 0 if they seem equally specific, or \(-1\) if B makes a more specific description than A. This is transitive, and intended to be used in sorting algorithms.

int Rules::Bookings::compare_specificity_of_br(booking *br1, booking *br2, int log) {
    if ((br1 == NULL) || (br2 == NULL)) internal_error("compared null specificity");
    if (log) LOG("Comparing specificity of rules:\n(1) $b\n(2) $b\n", br1, br2);
    return Rules::compare_specificity(
        br1->rule_being_booked, br2->rule_being_booked, log);

§11. Lists of bookings. Bookings are intended to be bound together in linked lists, each of which represents the interior pages of a single rulebook.

There are only three operations on lists: creation, addition of a booking, and removal of a booking. The following invariants are preserved:

§12. A new list is a dummy header (see (a) above):

booking *Rules::Bookings::list_new(void) {
    return Rules::Bookings::new(NULL);

§13. When rule R is explicitly placed into (the rule list of) rulebook B (by an assertion like "R is listed after S in B", say), there are evidently two possibilities:

Case (i). R's phrase already occurs somewhere in rulebook B, so that this affects only the ordering of rulebook B. We therefore remove it (so that it does not occur twice in B) and reinsert it within the position range indicated. Note that this process still makes use of logical precedence; it simply confines itself to a narrower range. If R has to occur before S, then R is placed according to logical precedence within the sublist from the head of the list up to just-before-S.

To determine whether or not R's phrase is already in B, we compare their phrases if set, and their I6 equivalents if not.

Note that we search the entire rulebook for R, not just the valid interval in the rulebook where R might go (e.g., "after S").

Case (ii). R's phrase does not occur in B. We insert R into rulebook B within the position range indicated.

Each addition leaves the list either the same size or longer by 1.

If we insert a rule as first-placed rule when there already is a first-placed rule, the new one displaces it to go first, but both continue to be labelled as "first-placed", so that subsequent rule insertions of middle-placed rules will still go after both of them. Symmetrically, a second last-placed rule is inserted after any existing one, but both are labelled "last-placed". Because of the range possibility ("after S") we might find ourselves inserting a rule as middle-placed and yet still after a last-placed rule, or before a first-placed one: if so we change its placement to last or first respectively, in order to preserve invariants

There was a small debate on in February 2009 as to whether a rule placed instead of another rule within the same rulebook should be duplicated, or moved. In builds from 2008 and earlier, there was duplication, but this broke the clean principle that a rule appears only once per rulebook, and made it difficult to place certain rules with tricky preambles; on the other hand merely moving makes it more difficult to replace a whole run of rules with a single place-holder. Both sides were argued for. In March 2009, it was finally decided to go with moving, not duplication, and to preserve the "only once per rulebook" principle.

§14. We specify the way we want to add a rule to a list of bookings using the following enumerated values, which handle requirements like "before the awkward noises rule".

define BEFORE_SIDE -1  before a reference rule
define IN_SIDE 0  without reference to any other rule
define AFTER_SIDE 1  after a reference rule
define INSTEAD_SIDE 2  in place of reference rule
void Rules::Bookings::list_add(booking *list_head, booking *new_rule,
    int placing, int side, rule *ref_rule) {
    Make some sanity checks on the addition instructions14.1;
    Handle the case where the new rule is already in the list14.2;
    Handle all placements made with the INSTEAD side14.3;
    Handle all placements made with the FIRST placement14.4;
    Handle all placements made with the LAST placement14.5;
    Handle what's left: MIDDLE placements on the IN, BEFORE or AFTER sides14.6;

§14.1. Make some sanity checks on the addition instructions14.1 =

    if ((side != IN_SIDE) && (ref_rule == NULL))
        internal_error("tried to add before or after or instead of non-rule");
    if ((side == IN_SIDE) && (ref_rule != NULL))
        internal_error("tried to add in middle but with ref rule");
    if ((side != IN_SIDE) && (placing != MIDDLE_PLACEMENT))
        internal_error("tried to add before or after but with non-middle placement");
    if (list_head == NULL)
        internal_error("tried to add rule to null list");
    switch(placing) {
        case MIDDLE_PLACEMENT: break;
        case FIRST_PLACEMENT: LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Placed first\n"); break;
        case LAST_PLACEMENT: LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Placed last\n"); break;
            LOG("Invalid placing %d\n", placing);
            internal_error("invalid placing of rule");

§14.2. Handle the case where the new rule is already in the list14.2 =

    booking *pos, *prev;
    for (prev=list_head, pos=list_head->next_rule; pos; prev=pos, pos=pos->next_rule)
        if (Rules::eq(Rules::Bookings::get_rule(pos),
            Rules::Bookings::get_rule(new_rule))) {
            if ((side == IN_SIDE) && (placing == MIDDLE_PLACEMENT))
                return;  rule is already in rulebook: do nothing
            prev->next_rule = pos->next_rule;
            pos->next_rule = NULL;
            LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Removing previous entry from rulebook\n");
            break;  rule can only appear once, so no need to keep checking

§14.3. Handle all placements made with the INSTEAD side14.3 =

    if (side == INSTEAD_SIDE) {
        booking *pos, *prev;
        for (prev=list_head, pos=list_head->next_rule; pos; prev=pos, pos=pos->next_rule)
            if (Rules::eq(Rules::Bookings::get_rule(pos), ref_rule)) {
                new_rule->placement = pos->placement;  replace with same placement
                new_rule->next_rule = pos->next_rule;
                prev->next_rule = new_rule;

§14.4. Handle all placements made with the FIRST placement14.4 =

    if (placing == FIRST_PLACEMENT) {  first in valid interval (must be whole list)
        booking *subseq = list_head->next_rule;
        list_head->next_rule = new_rule;
        new_rule->next_rule = subseq;  pushes any existing first rule forward
        new_rule->placement = placing;

§14.5. Handle all placements made with the LAST placement14.5 =

    if (placing == LAST_PLACEMENT) {  last in valid interval (must be whole list)
        booking *prev = list_head;
        while (prev->next_rule != NULL) prev = prev->next_rule;
        prev->next_rule = new_rule;  pushes any existing last rule backward
        new_rule->next_rule = NULL;
        new_rule->placement = placing;

§14.6. Handle what's left: MIDDLE placements on the IN, BEFORE or AFTER sides14.6 =

    booking *start_rule = list_head;  valid interval begins after this rule
    booking *end_rule = NULL;  valid interval ends before this rule, or runs to end if NULL
    Adjust the valid interval to take care of BEFORE and AFTER side requirements14.6.1;
    Check that the valid interval is indeed as advertised14.6.2;
    booking *insert_after = start_rule;  insertion point is after this
    Find insertion point, keeping the valid interval in specificity order14.6.3;
    booking *subseq = insert_after->next_rule;
    insert_after->next_rule = new_rule;
    new_rule->next_rule = subseq;
    Set the placement for the new rule booking14.6.4;

§14.6.1. Adjust the valid interval to take care of BEFORE and AFTER side requirements14.6.1 =

    booking *pos;
    switch(side) {
        case BEFORE_SIDE:
            for (pos=list_head->next_rule; pos; pos=pos->next_rule)
                if (Rules::eq(Rules::Bookings::get_rule(pos), ref_rule))
                    end_rule = pos;  insert before: so valid interval ends here
            if (end_rule == NULL) internal_error("can't find end rule");
        case AFTER_SIDE:
            for (pos=list_head->next_rule; pos; pos=pos->next_rule)
                if (Rules::eq(Rules::Bookings::get_rule(pos), ref_rule))
                    start_rule = pos;  insert after: so valid interval begins here
            if (start_rule == list_head) internal_error("can't find start rule");

§14.6.2. Check that the valid interval is indeed as advertised14.6.2 =

    int i = 0, t = 2;
    if (end_rule == NULL) t = 1;
    booking *pos;
    for (pos = list_head; pos; pos = pos->next_rule) {
        if ((pos == start_rule) && (i == 0)) i = 1;
        if ((pos == end_rule) && (i == 1)) i = 2;
    if (i != t) internal_error("valid rule interval isn't");

§14.6.3. Find insertion point, keeping the valid interval in specificity order14.6.3 =

    int log = FALSE; if (Log::aspect_switched_on(SPECIFICITIES_DA)) log = TRUE;

     move forward to final valid first rule (if any exist)
    while ((insert_after->next_rule != end_rule)
        && (insert_after->next_rule->placement == FIRST_PLACEMENT))
        insert_after = insert_after->next_rule;

     move forward past other middle rules if they are not less specific
    while ((insert_after->next_rule != end_rule)  stop before \(p\) leaves valid range
        && (insert_after->next_rule->placement != LAST_PLACEMENT)  or reaches a last rule
        && (Rules::Bookings::compare_specificity_of_br(insert_after->next_rule, new_rule,
            log) >= 0))  or a rule less specific than the new one
        insert_after = insert_after->next_rule;

§14.6.4. Since this part of the algorithm is used only when we've requested MIDDLE placement, it might seem that new_rule->placement should always be set to that. This does indeed mostly happen, but not always. To preserve rulebook invariants (b) and (c), we need to force anything added after a LAST rule to be LAST as well, and similarly for FIRSTs. (This will only happen in cases where the source text called for placements AFTER a LAST rule, or BEFORE a FIRST one.)

Set the placement for the new rule booking14.6.4 =

    new_rule->placement = MIDDLE_PLACEMENT;
    if ((insert_after != list_head) &&
        (insert_after->placement == LAST_PLACEMENT))
        new_rule->placement =
            LAST_PLACEMENT;  happens if valid interval is after a last rule

    if ((subseq) &&
        (subseq->placement == FIRST_PLACEMENT))
        new_rule->placement =
            FIRST_PLACEMENT;  happens if valid interval is before a first rule

§15. That leaves only the removal operation, which is much simpler:

void Rules::Bookings::list_remove(booking *list_head, rule *ref_rule) {
    booking *br, *pr;
    for (br = list_head->next_rule, pr = list_head; br; pr = br, br = br->next_rule) {
        if (Rules::eq(Rules::Bookings::get_rule(br), ref_rule)) {
            pr->next_rule = br->next_rule;

§16. Logging lists.

void Rules::Bookings::list_log(booking *list_head) {
    if (list_head == NULL) { LOG("<null-booked-rule-list>\n"); return; }
    int t = Rules::Bookings::no_rules_in_list(list_head);
    if (t == 0) { LOG("<empty-booked-rule-list>\n"); return; }
    booking *br; int s;
    for (br = list_head->next_rule, s = 1; br; br = br->next_rule, s++)
        LOG("  %d/%d. $b\n", ++s, t, br);

§17. Scanning lists for their contents. Strictly speaking a NULL pointer is not valid as a booking list, since it has no head, but we treat it as if it were the empty list:

int Rules::Bookings::no_rules_in_list(booking *list_head) {
    if (list_head == NULL) return 0;
    int n = 0;
    for (booking *br = list_head->next_rule; br; br = br->next_rule) n++;
    return n;

int Rules::Bookings::list_is_empty(booking *list_head, rule_context rc) {
    if (list_head == NULL) return TRUE;
    for (booking *br = list_head->next_rule; br; br = br->next_rule) {
        phrase *ph = Rules::get_I7_definition(br->rule_being_booked);
        if (Rulebooks::phrase_fits_rule_context(ph, rc)) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

int Rules::Bookings::list_is_empty_of_i7_rules(booking *list_head) {
    if (list_head == NULL) return TRUE;
    for (booking *br = list_head->next_rule; br; br = br->next_rule)
        if (Rules::get_I7_definition(br->rule_being_booked))
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

int Rules::Bookings::list_contains(booking *list_head, rule *to_find) {
    if (list_head == NULL) return FALSE;
    for (booking *br = list_head->next_rule; br; br = br->next_rule)
        if (Rules::eq(Rules::Bookings::get_rule(br), to_find))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Rules::Bookings::list_contains_ph(booking *list_head, phrase *ph_to_find) {
    if (list_head == NULL) return FALSE;
    for (booking *br = list_head->next_rule; br; br = br->next_rule)
        if (Rules::get_I7_definition(br->rule_being_booked) == ph_to_find)
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§18. Indexing of lists. There's a division of labour: here we arrange the index of the rules and show the linkage between them, while the actual content for each rule is handled in the "Rules" section.

int Rules::Bookings::list_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, booking *list_head, rule_context rc,
    char *billing, rulebook *owner, int *resp_count) {
    booking *br, *prev;
    int count = 0;
    for (br = list_head->next_rule, prev = NULL; br; prev = br, br = br->next_rule) {
        rule *R = br->rule_being_booked;
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        phrase *ph = Rules::get_I7_definition(R);
        if (ph) {
            ph_runtime_context_data *phrcd = &(ph->runtime_context_data);
            scene *during_scene = Phrases::Context::get_scene(phrcd);
            if ((rc.scene_context) && (during_scene != rc.scene_context)) continue;
            if ((rc.action_context) &&
                (Phrases::Context::within_action_context(phrcd, rc.action_context) == FALSE))
        Rules::Bookings::br_start_index_line(OUT, prev, billing);
        *resp_count += Rules::index(OUT, R, owner, rc);
    return count;

§19. The "index links" are not hypertextual: they're the little icons showing the order of precedence of rules in the list. On some index pages we don't want this, so:

int show_index_links = TRUE;

void Rules::Bookings::list_suppress_indexed_links(void) {
    show_index_links = FALSE;

void Rules::Bookings::list_resume_indexed_links(void) {
    show_index_links = TRUE;

void Rules::Bookings::br_start_index_line(OUTPUT_STREAM, booking *prev, char *billing) {
    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 2, "hanging");
    if ((billing[0]) && (show_index_links)) Rules::Bookings::br_show_linkage_icon(OUT, prev);
    WRITE("%s", billing);
    if ((billing[0] == 0) && (show_index_links)) Rules::Bookings::br_show_linkage_icon(OUT, prev);

§20. And here's how the index links (if wanted) are chosen and plotted:

void Rules::Bookings::br_show_linkage_icon(OUTPUT_STREAM, booking *prev) {
    text_stream *icon_name = NULL;  redundant assignment to appease gcc -O2
    if ((prev == NULL) || (prev->next_rule_specificity_law == NULL)) {
        HTML::icon_with_tooltip(OUT, I"inform:/doc_images/rulenone.png",
            I"start of rulebook", NULL);
    switch (prev->next_rule_specificity) {
        case -1: icon_name = I"inform:/doc_images/ruleless.png"; break;
        case 0: icon_name = I"inform:/doc_images/ruleequal.png"; break;
        case 1: icon_name = I"inform:/doc_images/rulemore.png"; break;
        default: internal_error("unknown rule specificity");
    HTML::icon_with_tooltip(OUT, icon_name,
        prev->next_rule_specificity_law, prev->next_rule_specificity_lawname);

§21. Calculating the specificities. And this is where the fields describing how the list was ordered are put together. They're not a historical record of what was done: they're a measurement of the final outcome.

void Rules::Bookings::list_judge_ordering(booking *list_head) {
    booking *br;
    if (list_head == NULL) return;
    for (br = list_head->next_rule; br; br = br->next_rule) {
        if (br->next_rule) {
            if (br->placement != br->next_rule->placement)
                Calculate specificities when placements differ21.1
                Calculate specificities when placements are the same21.2;
        } else {
            br->next_rule_specificity = 0;
            br->next_rule_specificity_law = NULL;

§21.1. Calculate specificities when placements differ21.1 =

    br->next_rule_specificity = 1;
    switch(br->placement) {
        case FIRST_PLACEMENT:
            switch(br->next_rule->placement) {
                case MIDDLE_PLACEMENT:
                    br->next_rule_specificity_law =
                        I"the rule above was listed as 'first' so precedes this one, which wasn't";
                case LAST_PLACEMENT:
                    br->next_rule_specificity_law =
                        I"the rule above was listed as 'first' so precedes this one, which was listed as 'last'";
                    internal_error("booking list invariant broken");
        case MIDDLE_PLACEMENT:
            switch(br->next_rule->placement) {
                case LAST_PLACEMENT:
                    br->next_rule_specificity_law =
                        I"the rule below was listed as 'last' so comes after the rule above, which wasn't";
                    internal_error("booking list invariant broken");
            internal_error("booking list invariant broken");

§21.2. Calculate specificities when placements are the same21.2 =

    int r;
    switch(br->placement) {
        case FIRST_PLACEMENT:
            br->next_rule_specificity = 0;
            br->next_rule_specificity_law =
                I"these rules were both listed as 'first', so they appear in reverse order of listing";
        case MIDDLE_PLACEMENT:
            r = Rules::Bookings::compare_specificity_of_br(br, br->next_rule, FALSE);
            br->next_rule_specificity = r;
            if (r == 0) br->next_rule_specificity_law =
                I"these rules are equally ranked, so their order is determined by which was defined first (or by explicit 'listed in' sentences)";
            else {
                br->next_rule_specificity_law =
                I"the arrow points from a more specific rule to a more general one, as decided by Law";
                br->next_rule_specificity_lawname = c_s_stage_law;
        case LAST_PLACEMENT:
            br->next_rule_specificity = 0;
            br->next_rule_specificity_law =
                I"these rules were both listed as 'last', so they appear in order of listing";

§22. Compilation of rule definitions for rulebook. There's no real need to do it this way — but we compile rule definitions in rulebook order to make the I6 source more legible, and for the same reason we add plenty of commentary.

void Rules::Bookings::list_compile_rule_phrases(booking *list_head,
    int *i, int max_i) {
    if (list_head == NULL) return;

    int t = Rules::Bookings::no_rules_in_list(list_head);
    booking *br; int s;
    for (br = list_head->next_rule, s = 1; br; br = br->next_rule, s++) {
        Rules::compile_comment(br->rule_being_booked, s, t);
        if (br->next_rule) {
            if (br->placement != br->next_rule->placement) {
                WRITE_TO(C, "--- now the ");
                switch(br->next_rule->placement) {
                    case FIRST_PLACEMENT: WRITE_TO(C, "first-placed rules"); break;
                    case MIDDLE_PLACEMENT: WRITE_TO(C, "mid-placed rules"); break;
                    case LAST_PLACEMENT: WRITE_TO(C, "last-placed rules"); break;
                WRITE_TO(C, " ---");
                Produce::comment(Emit::tree(), C);
            } else {
                text_stream *law = br->next_rule_specificity_lawname;
                switch(br->next_rule_specificity) {
                    case -1: WRITE_TO(C, "  <<< %S <<<", law); Produce::comment(Emit::tree(), C); break;
                    case 0: WRITE_TO(C, "  === equally specific with ==="); Produce::comment(Emit::tree(), C); break;
                    case 1: WRITE_TO(C, "  >>> %S >>>", law); Produce::comment(Emit::tree(), C); break;

§23. Compilation of I6-format rulebook. The following can generate both old-style array rulebooks and routine rulebooks, which were introduced in December 2010.

void Rules::Bookings::start_list_compilation(void) {
    inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(EMPTY_RULEBOOK_INAME_HL);
    packaging_state save = Routines::begin(iname);
    Hierarchy::make_available(Emit::tree(), iname);


define ARRAY_RBF 1  format as an array simply listing the rules
define GROUPED_ARRAY_RBF 2  format as a grouped array, for quicker action testing
define ROUTINE_RBF 3  format as a routine which runs the rulebook
define RULE_OPTIMISATION_THRESHOLD 20  group arrays when larger than this number of rules
inter_name *Rules::Bookings::list_compile(booking *list_head,
    inter_name *identifier, int action_based, int parameter_based) {
    if (list_head == NULL) return NULL;
    inter_name *rb_symb = NULL;

    int countup = Rules::Bookings::no_rules_in_list(list_head);
    if (countup == 0) {
        rb_symb = Emit::named_iname_constant(identifier, K_value,
    } else {
        int format = ROUTINE_RBF;

        Compile the rulebook in the given format24.1;
    return rb_symb;

§24.1. Grouping is the practice of gathering together rules which all rely on the same action going on; it's then efficient to test the action once rather than once for each rule.

Compile the rulebook in the given format24.1 =

    int grouping = FALSE, group_cap = 0;
    switch (format) {
        case GROUPED_ARRAY_RBF: grouping = TRUE; group_cap = 31; break;
        case ROUTINE_RBF: grouping = TRUE; group_cap = 2000000000; break;
    if (action_based == FALSE) grouping = FALSE;

    inter_symbol *forbid_breaks_s = NULL, *rv_s = NULL, *original_deadflag_s = NULL, *p_s = NULL;
    packaging_state save_array = Emit::unused_packaging_state();

    Open the rulebook compilation24.1.1;
    int group_size = 0, group_started = FALSE, entry_count = 0, action_group_open = FALSE;
    booking *br;
    for (br = list_head->next_rule; br; br = br->next_rule) {
        parse_node *spec = Rvalues::from_rule(br->rule_being_booked);
        if (grouping) {
            if (group_size == 0) {
                if (group_started) End an action group in the rulebook24.1.4;
                #ifdef IF_MODULE
                action_name *an = Rules::Bookings::br_required_action(br);
                booking *brg = br;
                while ((brg) && (an == Rules::Bookings::br_required_action(brg))) {
                    brg = brg->next_rule;
                #ifndef IF_MODULE
                booking *brg = br;
                while (brg) {
                    brg = brg->next_rule;
                if (group_size > group_cap) group_size = group_cap;
                group_started = TRUE;
                Begin an action group in the rulebook24.1.2;
        Compile an entry in the rulebook24.1.3;
    if (group_started) End an action group in the rulebook24.1.4;
    Close the rulebook compilation24.1.5;

§24.1.1. Open the rulebook compilation24.1.1 =

    rb_symb = identifier;
    switch (format) {
        case ARRAY_RBF: save_array = Emit::named_array_begin(identifier, K_value); break;
        case GROUPED_ARRAY_RBF: save_array = Emit::named_array_begin(identifier, K_value); Emit::array_numeric_entry((inter_ti) -2); break;
        case ROUTINE_RBF: {
            save_array = Routines::begin(identifier);
            forbid_breaks_s = LocalVariables::add_named_call_as_symbol(I"forbid_breaks");
            rv_s = LocalVariables::add_internal_local_c_as_symbol(I"rv", "return value");
            if (countup > 1)
                original_deadflag_s = LocalVariables::add_internal_local_c_as_symbol(I"original_deadflag", "saved state");
            if (parameter_based)
                p_s = LocalVariables::add_internal_local_c_as_symbol(I"p", "rulebook parameter");

            if (countup > 1) {
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
                    Produce::ref_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, original_deadflag_s);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(DEADFLAG_HL));
            if (parameter_based) {
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
                    Produce::ref_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, p_s);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(PARAMETER_VALUE_HL));

§24.1.2. Begin an action group in the rulebook24.1.2 =

    switch (format) {
        case GROUPED_ARRAY_RBF:
            #ifdef IF_MODULE
            if (an) Emit::array_action_entry(an); else
                Emit::array_numeric_entry((inter_ti) -2);
            if (group_size > 1) Emit::array_numeric_entry((inter_ti) group_size);
            action_group_open = TRUE;
        case ROUTINE_RBF:
            #ifdef IF_MODULE
            if (an) {
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IFELSE_BIP);
                    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), EQ_BIP);
                        Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(ACTION_HL));
                        Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, PL::Actions::double_sharp(an));

                action_group_open = TRUE;

§24.1.3. Compile an entry in the rulebook24.1.3 =

    switch (format) {
        case ARRAY_RBF:
        case GROUPED_ARRAY_RBF:
        case ROUTINE_RBF:
            if (entry_count > 0) {
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
                    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), NE_BIP);
                        Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, original_deadflag_s);
                        Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(DEADFLAG_HL));
                        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), RETURN_BIP);
                            Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);
            Compile an optional mid-rulebook paragraph break24.1.3.1;
            if (parameter_based) {
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
                    Produce::ref_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(PARAMETER_VALUE_HL));
                    Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, p_s);
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
                Produce::ref_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, rv_s);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), INDIRECT0_BIP);
                    Specifications::Compiler::emit_as_val(K_value, spec);

            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
                Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, rv_s);
                    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
                        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), EQ_BIP);
                            Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, rv_s);
                            Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 2);
                            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), RETURN_BIP);
                                Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(REASON_THE_ACTION_FAILED_HL));

                    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), RETURN_BIP);
                        Specifications::Compiler::emit_as_val(K_value, spec);

            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), LOOKUPREF_BIP);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(LATEST_RULE_RESULT_HL));
                    Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);
                Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);

§24.1.4. End an action group in the rulebook24.1.4 =

    if (action_group_open) {
        switch (format) {
            case ROUTINE_RBF:
                        Compile an optional mid-rulebook paragraph break24.1.3.1;
        action_group_open = FALSE;

§24.1.5. Close the rulebook compilation24.1.5 =

    switch (format) {
        case ARRAY_RBF:
        case GROUPED_ARRAY_RBF:
        case ROUTINE_RBF:
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), RETURN_BIP);
                Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);

§ Compile an optional mid-rulebook paragraph break24.1.3.1 =

    if (entry_count > 0) {
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
            Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_number, Hierarchy::find(SAY__P_HL));
                Produce::inv_call_iname(Emit::tree(), Hierarchy::find(RULEBOOKPARBREAK_HL));
                    Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, forbid_breaks_s);

§25. And, finally, here's where a booking is turned into the action (if any) that its rule requires:

#ifdef IF_MODULE
action_name *Rules::Bookings::br_required_action(booking *br) {
    phrase *ph = Rules::get_I7_definition(br->rule_being_booked);
    if (ph) return Phrases::Context::required_action(&(ph->runtime_context_data));
    return NULL;