Turning textual code written in Inform 6 syntax into an inter schema.

§1. Introduction. Once Tokenisation has been done, we have an inter schema which is not really a tree, but a linked list in all but name —


So, there is no internal structure yet. "Ramification" performs a series of transformations on this tree, gradually shaking out the (sometimes ambiguous) syntactic markers such as COMMA_ISTT and replacing them with semantically clear subtrees.

void Ramification::go(inter_schema *sch) {

§2. Each transformation will be applied until it returns FALSE to say that it could see nothing to do, or NOT_APPLICABLE to say that it did but that it doesn't want to be called again. Some transformations make use of temporary markers attached to nodes or tokens in the tree, so we clear these out at the start of each iteration.

        while ((TRUE) && (sch->parsing_errors == NULL)) {
            int rv = X(NULL, sch->node_tree);
            if (rv == FALSE) break;
            LOGIF(SCHEMA_COMPILATION_DETAILS, "After round of " #X ":\n$1\n", sch);
            if (rv == NOT_APPLICABLE) break;
void Ramification::unmark(inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        isn->node_marked = FALSE;
        for (inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens; t; t=t->next) {
            t->preinsert = 0;
            t->postinsert = 0;

§3. The implied braces ramification. In common with most C-like languages, though unlike Perl, Inform 6 makes braces optional around code blocks which contain only a single statement. Thus:

    if (x == 1) print "x is 1.^";

is understood as if it were

    if (x == 1) { print "x is 1.^"; }

But we will find future ramifications much easier to code up if braces are always used. So this one looks for cases where braces have been omitted, and inserts them around the single statements in question.

int Ramification::implied_braces(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *at) {
    for (inter_schema_node *isn = at; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        for (inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens; t; t=t->next) {
            if ((t->ist_type == RESERVED_ISTT) &&
                ((t->reserved_word == IF_I6RW) ||
                    (t->reserved_word == WHILE_I6RW) ||
                    (t->reserved_word == FOR_I6RW) ||
                    (t->reserved_word == SWITCH_I6RW) ||
                    (t->reserved_word == OBJECTLOOP_I6RW))) {
                inter_schema_token *n = t->next;
                int bl = 0;
                while (n) {
                    if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) bl++;
                    if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) {
                        if (bl == 0) { n = n->next; break; }
                    n = n->next;
                if ((n) && (n->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) n = n->next;
                if ((n) && (n->ist_type != OPEN_BRACE_ISTT))
                    Make pre and post markers from here3.1;
            if ((t->ist_type == RESERVED_ISTT) &&
                (t->reserved_word == ELSE_I6RW)) {
                inter_schema_token *n = t->next;
                if ((n) && (n->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) n = n->next;
                if ((n) && (n->ist_type != OPEN_BRACE_ISTT))
                    Make pre and post markers from here3.1;

    int changed = TRUE, rounds = 0;
    while (changed) {
        changed = FALSE; rounds++;
        for (inter_schema_node *isn = at; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
            for (inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens, *prev = NULL;
                t; prev = t, t=t->next) {
                if ((prev) && (t->preinsert > 0)) {
                    inter_schema_token *open_b =
                        InterSchemas::new_token(OPEN_BRACE_ISTT, I"{", 0, 0, -1);
                    InterSchemas::add_token_after(open_b, prev);
                    changed = TRUE;
                if (t->postinsert > 0) {
                    inter_schema_token *close_b =
                        InterSchemas::new_token(CLOSE_BRACE_ISTT, I"}", 0, 0, -1);
                    InterSchemas::add_token_after(close_b, t);
                    changed = TRUE;
    if (rounds > 1) return NOT_APPLICABLE;
    return FALSE;

§3.1. Make pre and post markers from here3.1 =

    int found_if = FALSE, brl = 0, posted = FALSE, upped = FALSE;
    inter_schema_token *last_n = n;
    while (n) {
        if (n->ist_type == OPEN_BRACE_ISTT) { brl++; upped = TRUE; }
        if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_BRACE_ISTT) brl--;
        if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) brl++;
        if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) brl--;
        if ((brl == 0) && (n->ist_type == RESERVED_ISTT) && (n->reserved_word == IF_I6RW))
            found_if = TRUE;
        if ((brl == 0) &&
            ((n->ist_type == DIVIDER_ISTT) ||
                ((upped) && (n->ist_type == CLOSE_BRACE_ISTT)))) {
            inter_schema_token *m = n->next;
            while ((m) && (m->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) m = m->next;
            if ((found_if == FALSE) || (m == NULL) || (m->ist_type != RESERVED_ISTT) ||
                (m->reserved_word != ELSE_I6RW)) {
                n->postinsert++; posted = TRUE;
        last_n = n;
        n = n->next;
    if (posted == FALSE) {

§4. The unbrace schema ramification. We now remove braces used to delimit code blocks and replace them with CODE_ISNT subtrees. So for example




In this way, all matching pairs of OPEN_BRACE_ISTT and CLOSE_BRACE_ISTT tokens are removed.

int Ramification::unbrace_schema(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        for (inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens, *prev = NULL; t; prev = t, t=t->next) {
            if ((prev) && (t->ist_type == OPEN_BRACE_ISTT)) {
                prev->next = NULL;
                inter_schema_node *code_isn =
                    InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, CODE_ISNT);
                isn->child_node = code_isn;
                code_isn->parent_node = isn;

                inter_schema_node *new_isn =
                    InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                code_isn->child_node = new_isn;
                new_isn->parent_node = code_isn;

                prev = t; t = t->next;
                while ((t) && (t->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) { prev = t; t = t->next; }

                new_isn->expression_tokens = t;
                inter_schema_token *n = new_isn->expression_tokens, *pn = NULL;
                int brl = 1;
                while (n) {
                    if (n->ist_type == OPEN_BRACE_ISTT) brl++;
                    if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_BRACE_ISTT) brl--;
                    if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) brl++;
                    if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) brl--;
                    n->owner = new_isn;
                    if (brl == 0) {
                        if (pn == NULL) new_isn->expression_tokens = NULL;
                        else pn->next = NULL;
                    pn = n; n = n->next;
                if (n) {
                    inter_schema_token *resumed = n->next;
                    n->next = NULL;
                    while ((resumed) && (resumed->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT))
                        resumed = resumed->next;
                    if (resumed) {
                        inter_schema_node *new_isn =
                            InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                        new_isn->expression_tokens = resumed;
                        new_isn->parent_node = isn->parent_node;
                        inter_schema_node *saved = isn->next_node;
                        isn->next_node = new_isn;
                        new_isn->next_node = saved;
                return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::unbrace_schema(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§5. The divide schema ramification. A DIVIDER_ISTT token represents a semicolon used to divide I6 statements. We want to represent them, however, by independent subtrees. So:




After this stage, therefore, each statement occupies its own EXPRESSION_ISNT.

int Ramification::divide_schema(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        int bl = 0;
        for (inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens; t; t=t->next) {
            if (t->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) bl++;
            if (t->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) bl--;
            if ((bl == 0) && (t->ist_type == DIVIDER_ISTT) && (t->next)) {
                inter_schema_node *new_isn =
                    InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                new_isn->expression_tokens = t->next;
                new_isn->parent_node = isn->parent_node;
                if (isn->child_node) {
                    new_isn->child_node = isn->child_node;
                    new_isn->child_node->parent_node = new_isn;
                    isn->child_node = NULL;
                inter_schema_node *saved = isn->next_node;
                isn->next_node = new_isn;
                new_isn->next_node = saved;
                t->next = NULL;
                return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::divide_schema(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§6. The undivide schema ramification. The expression nodes for statements now tend to end with DIVIDER_ISTT tokens which no longer have any useful meaning. We remove them. For example:




After this, then, there are no further DIVIDER_ISTT tokens in the tree.

int Ramification::undivide_schema(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    int rv = FALSE;
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens;
        if ((t) && (t->ist_type == DIVIDER_ISTT)) {
            isn->expression_tokens = NULL;
            isn->semicolon_terminated = TRUE;
            rv = TRUE;
        } else {
            while ((t) && (t->next)) {
                if (t->next->ist_type == DIVIDER_ISTT) {
                    t->next = NULL; isn->semicolon_terminated = TRUE; rv = TRUE; break;
                t = t->next;
        if (Ramification::undivide_schema(isn, isn->child_node)) rv = TRUE;
    return rv;

§7. The resolve halfopen blocks ramification. At this point, all matching pairs of open and close braces have been removed. But that doesn't quite solve the problem of code blocks, because an inline phrase in Inform 7 can use the notations {-open-brace} or {-close-brace} to indicate that a code block must be opened or closed, in a way which does not pair up.

There is clearly no way for a tree structure to encode a half-open subtree, so the schema itself has to have a special annotation made in this case, which is done by calling InterSchemas::mark_unclosed or InterSchemas::mark_unopened. It is inconvenient to delete the brace command node (we might end up with an empty EXPRESSION_ISNT list), so instead we convert it to a harmless piece of white space.

At the end of this process, then, all code blocks are correctly handled, and all statements are held as single EXPRESSION_ISNT nodes. So the coarse structure of the code is correctly handled — we have a clear tree structure of statements (or expressions), hierarchically arranged in code blocks.

int Ramification::resolve_halfopen_blocks(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens;
        while ((t) && (t->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) t = t->next;
        if ((t) && (t->ist_type == INLINE_ISTT) && (t->inline_command == open_brace_ISINC)) {
            t->ist_type = WHITE_SPACE_ISTT;
            t->material = I" ";
            return TRUE;
        if ((t) && (t->ist_type == INLINE_ISTT) && (t->inline_command == close_brace_ISINC)) {
            t->ist_type = WHITE_SPACE_ISTT;
            t->material = I" ";
            if (t->next) {
                inter_schema_node *new_isn = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                new_isn->expression_tokens = t->next;
                new_isn->parent_node = isn->parent_node;
                if (isn->child_node) {
                    new_isn->child_node = isn->child_node;
                    new_isn->child_node->parent_node = new_isn;
                    isn->child_node = NULL;
                inter_schema_node *saved = isn->next_node;
                isn->next_node = new_isn;
                new_isn->next_node = saved;
                t->next = NULL;
            return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::resolve_halfopen_blocks(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§8. The break early bracings ramification. If an expression list begins with one or more braced commands, perhaps with some white space, and then continues with some honest I6 material, we divide the early commands off from the subsequent matter. Thus:



int Ramification::break_early_bracings(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        inter_schema_token *n = isn->expression_tokens;
        if (n) {
            inter_schema_token *m = NULL;
            while (Ramification::permitted_early(n)) {
                m = n;
                n = n->next;
            if ((m) && (n) && (n->ist_type == RESERVED_ISTT)) {
                inter_schema_node *new_isn =
                    InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                new_isn->expression_tokens = n;
                new_isn->parent_node = isn->parent_node;
                if (isn->child_node) {
                    new_isn->child_node = isn->child_node;
                    new_isn->child_node->parent_node = new_isn;
                    isn->child_node = NULL;
                inter_schema_node *saved = isn->next_node;
                isn->next_node = new_isn;
                new_isn->next_node = saved;
                m->next = NULL;
                return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::break_early_bracings(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
int Ramification::permitted_early(inter_schema_token *n) {
    if ((n) && (n->ist_type == INLINE_ISTT)) return TRUE;
    if ((n) && (n->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§9. The strip leading white space ramification. If an expression begins with white space, remove it. (This makes coding subsequent ramifications easier — because we can assume the first token is substantive.)

int Ramification::strip_leading_white_space(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens;
        if ((t) && (t->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) {
            isn->expression_tokens = t->next;
            return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::strip_leading_white_space(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§10. The split switches into cases ramification. Unlike most C-like languages, Inform 6 does not have a case reserved word to introduce cases in a switch statement. For example:

    switch (x) {
        1, 2, 3: print "Do one thing.";
        4: print "Do a different thing.";
        default: print "Otherwise, do this other thing.";

Here, the colons and the reserved word default are the important syntactic markers. We break this up as three code blocks:

    STATEMENT_ISNT "default"
int Ramification::split_switches_into_cases(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        if (isn->expression_tokens) {
            inter_schema_token *n = isn->expression_tokens, *prev = isn->expression_tokens;
            int bl = 0;
            while (n) {
                if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) bl++;
                if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) bl--;
                if ((n->ist_type == COLON_ISTT) && (bl == 0)) {
                    inter_schema_node *original_child = isn->child_node;

                    int defaulter = FALSE;
                    if ((isn->expression_tokens) &&
                        (isn->expression_tokens->ist_type == RESERVED_ISTT) &&
                        (isn->expression_tokens->reserved_word == DEFAULT_I6RW)) defaulter = TRUE;

                    inter_schema_node *sw_val = NULL;
                    inter_schema_node *sw_code = NULL;
                    if (defaulter) {
                        sw_code = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, CODE_ISNT);
                        isn->child_node = sw_code;
                        sw_code->parent_node = isn;
                    } else {
                        sw_val = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                        sw_code = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, CODE_ISNT);
                        sw_val->next_node = sw_code;
                        sw_val->parent_node = isn; isn->child_node = sw_val;
                        sw_code->parent_node = isn;

                    int switch_begins = FALSE;
                    int switch_ends = FALSE;
                    inter_schema_node *pn = isn->parent_node;
                    while (pn) {
                        if ((pn->expression_tokens) &&
                            (pn->expression_tokens->ist_type == RESERVED_ISTT) &&
                            (pn->expression_tokens->reserved_word == SWITCH_I6RW)) {
                            switch_begins = TRUE;
                            inter_schema_node *pn2 = isn;
                            while (pn2) {
                                if (pn2->next_node) { switch_ends = TRUE; break; }
                                pn2 = pn2->parent_node;
                        pn = pn->parent_node;
                    if (switch_ends == FALSE) InterSchemas::mark_unclosed(sw_code);
                    if (switch_begins == FALSE) InterSchemas::mark_case_closed(isn);
                    if (sw_val) sw_val->expression_tokens = isn->expression_tokens;
                    prev->next = NULL;
                    isn->expression_tokens = NULL;
                    isn->isn_type = STATEMENT_ISNT;
                    if (defaulter)
                        isn->isn_clarifier = DEFAULT_BIP;
                        isn->isn_clarifier = CASE_BIP;

                    inter_schema_node *sw_code_exp =
                        InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                    sw_code_exp->expression_tokens = n->next;

                    sw_code->child_node = sw_code_exp;
                    sw_code_exp->parent_node = sw_code;


                    sw_code_exp->child_node = original_child;

                    inter_schema_node *at = isn->next_node;
                    inter_schema_node *attach = sw_code_exp;
                    while ((at) && (Ramification::casey(at) == FALSE)) {
                        inter_schema_node *next_at = at->next_node;
                        at->next_node = NULL;
                        at->parent_node = sw_code;
                        attach->next_node = at;
                        attach = at;
                        isn->next_node = next_at;
                        at = next_at;

                    return TRUE;
                prev = n; n = n->next;
        if (Ramification::split_switches_into_cases(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


int Ramification::casey(inter_schema_node *isn) {
    if (isn == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (isn->expression_tokens) {
        inter_schema_token *n = isn->expression_tokens;
        int bl = 0;
        while (n) {
            if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) bl++;
            if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) bl--;
            if ((n->ist_type == COLON_ISTT) && (bl == 0)) return TRUE;
            n = n->next;
    return FALSE;

§12. The split print statements ramification. Inform 6 supports composite print statements, like so:

    print_ret "X is ", x, ".";

This example currently looks like:

        RESERVED_ISTT "print_ret"
        DQUOTED_ISTT "X is "
        DQUOTED_ISTT "."

We break this up as three individual prints:

        RESERVED_ISTT "print"
        DQUOTED_ISTT "X is "
        RESERVED_ISTT "print"
        RESERVED_ISTT "print_ret"
        DQUOTED_ISTT "."

Note that, for obvious reasons, in the print_ret case only the third of the prints should perform a return.

The point of this stage is to get rid of one source of COMMA_ISTT tokens; commas can mean a number of different things in Inform 6 syntax and it makes our work simpler to take one of those meanings out of the picture.

int Ramification::split_print_statements(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        if (isn->expression_tokens) {
            if ((isn->expression_tokens->ist_type == RESERVED_ISTT)
                && ((isn->expression_tokens->reserved_word == PRINT_I6RW) ||
                    (isn->expression_tokens->reserved_word == PRINTRET_I6RW))) {
                inter_schema_token *n = isn->expression_tokens->next, *prev = isn->expression_tokens;
                int bl = 0;
                while (n) {
                    if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) bl++;
                    if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) bl--;
                    if ((n->ist_type == COMMA_ISTT) && (bl == 0)) {
                        prev->next = NULL;
                        n->ist_type = RESERVED_ISTT;
                        n->reserved_word = isn->expression_tokens->reserved_word;
                        isn->expression_tokens->reserved_word = PRINT_I6RW;
                        isn->expression_tokens->material = I"print";
                        if (n->reserved_word == PRINT_I6RW) n->material = I"print";
                        else n->material = I"print_ret";
                        inter_schema_node *new_isn =
                            InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                        new_isn->expression_tokens = n;
                        new_isn->parent_node = isn->parent_node;
                        inter_schema_node *saved = isn->next_node;
                        isn->next_node = new_isn;
                        new_isn->next_node = saved;
                        new_isn->semicolon_terminated = isn->semicolon_terminated;
                        return TRUE;
                    prev = n; n = n->next;
        if (Ramification::split_print_statements(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§13. The identify constructs ramification. At this point each individual expression or statement is represented by the tokens under an EXPRESSION_ISNT node. It's legal to give an expression as a statement in Inform 6, i.e., in void context, just as it is in C. But we can tell the difference because statements are introduced by reserved words such as while; and this is where we do that.

Here par is the parent node, and cons the construct, presumably an EXPRESSION_ISNT.

int Ramification::identify_constructs(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *cons) {
    for (; cons; cons=cons->next_node) {
        inter_schema_token *first = InterSchemas::first_dark_token(cons);
        if (first) {
            inter_ti which_statement = 0;
            int dangle_number = -1;
            text_stream *dangle_text = NULL;
            inter_schema_token *operand1 = NULL, *operand2 = NULL;
            inter_schema_node *operand2_node = NULL;
            switch (first->ist_type) {
                case RESERVED_ISTT:
                    If this expression opens with a reserved word, it may be a statement13.1;
                case DIRECTIVE_ISTT:
                    If this expression opens with a directive keyword, it is a directive13.2;
                case OPCODE_ISTT:
                    If this expression opens with an opcode keyword, it is an assembly line13.3;

            if (which_statement) {
                Make this a STATEMENT_ISNT node13.4;
                return TRUE;
        if ((cons->isn_type != ASSEMBLY_ISNT) && (cons->isn_type != DIRECTIVE_ISNT))
            if (Ramification::identify_constructs(cons, cons->child_node)) return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

§13.1. To have the node converted from EXPRESSION_ISNT to STATEMENT_ISNT, we must set which_statement to the BIP of the Inter primitive which will implement it. If we set dangle_number to some non-negative value, then that will be added as an argument. Thus:




The 0 is an invention — in that it never occurs in the original text — and its expression dangles beneath the STATEMENT_ISNT node; and similarly for a dangle_text, of course.

The set of Inform 6 statements is a mixed bag, to put it mildly, and some have oddball syntaxes. Here goes:

If this expression opens with a reserved word, it may be a statement13.1 =

    switch (InterSchemas::opening_reserved_word(cons)) {
        case BREAK_I6RW:      which_statement = BREAK_BIP; break;
        case CONTINUE_I6RW:   which_statement = CONTINUE_BIP; break;
        case DO_I6RW:         This is a do statement13.1.1; break;
        case FONT_I6RW:       This is a font statement13.1.2; break;
        case FOR_I6RW:        which_statement = FOR_BIP; break;
        case GIVE_I6RW:       This is a give statement13.1.3; break;
        case IF_I6RW:         This is an if statement13.1.4; break;
        case INVERSION_I6RW:  which_statement = PRINT_BIP; dangle_text = I"v6"; break;
        case JUMP_I6RW:       which_statement = JUMP_BIP; break;
        case MOVE_I6RW:       This is a move statement13.1.5; break;
        case NEWLINE_I6RW:    which_statement = PRINT_BIP; dangle_text = I"\n"; break;
        case OBJECTLOOP_I6RW: which_statement = OBJECTLOOP_BIP; break;
        case PRINT_I6RW:
        case PRINTRET_I6RW:   This is a print statement13.1.7; break;
        case QUIT_I6RW:       which_statement = QUIT_BIP; break;
        case READ_I6RW:       This is a read statement13.1.8; break;
        case REMOVE_I6RW:     which_statement = REMOVE_BIP; break;
        case RESTORE_I6RW:    which_statement = RESTORE_BIP; break;
        case RETURN_I6RW:     which_statement = RETURN_BIP; break;
        case RFALSE_I6RW:     which_statement = RETURN_BIP; dangle_number = 0; break;
        case RTRUE_I6RW:      which_statement = RETURN_BIP; dangle_number = 1; break;
        case SPACES_I6RW:     which_statement = SPACES_BIP; break;
        case STYLE_I6RW:      This is a style statement13.1.6; break;
        case SWITCH_I6RW:     which_statement = SWITCH_BIP; break;
        case WHILE_I6RW:      which_statement = WHILE_BIP; break;

§13.1.1. The Inform 6 syntax do ...; until ...; currently appears as two consecutive nodes, which we want to fold into just one:

This is a do statement13.1.1 =

    inter_schema_node *until_node = cons->next_node;
    if (InterSchemas::opening_reserved_word(until_node) == UNTIL_I6RW) {
        which_statement = DO_BIP;
        operand1 = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(until_node);
        cons->next_node = until_node->next_node;
    } else {
        InterSchemas::throw_error(cons, I"do without until");
        return FALSE;

§13.1.2. This is a font statement13.1.2 =

    which_statement = FONT_BIP;
    inter_schema_token *n = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
    if ((n) && (Str::eq(n->material, I"on"))) dangle_number = 1;
    else if ((n) && (Str::eq(n->material, I"off"))) dangle_number = 0;
    else {
        WRITE_TO(msg, "expected 'on' or 'off' after 'font', not '%S'",
        InterSchemas::throw_error(cons, msg);
        return FALSE;

§13.1.3. Here give O P sets attribute P for object O, and give O ~P takes it away again; this looks like a use of the bitwise-not operator but is not.

There is actually no statement node corresponding to STORE_BIP; that's just a device to be picked up below.

This is a give statement13.1.3 =

    operand1 = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
    inter_schema_token *n = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(operand1);
    if ((n) && (n->ist_type == OPERATOR_ISTT) &&
        (n->operation_primitive == BITWISENOT_BIP)) {
        which_statement = STORE_BIP; dangle_number = 0;
        operand2 = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(n);
    } else {
        which_statement = STORE_BIP; dangle_number = 1;
        operand2 = n;

§13.1.4. Here Inform 6 might use if ...; else ...;, or might not have the else clause at all. We split these possibilities into two different statement nodes.

This is an if statement13.1.4 =

    which_statement = IF_BIP;
    operand1 = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
    inter_schema_node *else_node = cons->next_node;
    if ((InterSchemas::opening_reserved_word(else_node) == ELSE_I6RW) &&
        (else_node->child_node)) {
        operand2 = InterSchemas::first_dark_token(else_node->child_node->child_node);
        if (operand2) {
            which_statement = IFELSE_BIP;
            operand2_node = else_node->child_node;
        cons->next_node = else_node->next_node;

§13.1.5. The syntax here is move ... to ..., where the keyword to is compulsory.

This is a move statement13.1.5 =

    operand1 = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
    inter_schema_token *to = operand1;
    while (to) {
        if (Str::eq(to->material, I"to")) break;
        to = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(to);
    if (to == NULL) {
        InterSchemas::throw_error(cons, I"move without to");
        return FALSE;
    operand2 = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(to);
    to->ist_type = WHITE_SPACE_ISTT;
    to->material = I" ";
    to->next = NULL;
    if ((operand1) && (operand2)) which_statement = MOVE_BIP;

§13.1.6. Inform 6 in fact only supports style followed by one of these four keywords, but we are extending it to allow for more interesting stylistics when away from the traditional IF virtual machines. So we will allow style X, where X is anything else, too.

This is a style statement13.1.6 =

    inter_schema_token *n = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
    if (n) {
        which_statement = STYLE_BIP;
        if (Str::eq(n->material, I"roman"))     dangle_number = 0;
        if (Str::eq(n->material, I"bold"))      dangle_number = 1;
        if (Str::eq(n->material, I"underline")) dangle_number = 2;
        if (Str::eq(n->material, I"reverse"))   dangle_number = 3;

§13.1.7. Note that composite print statements have already been broken up, so that we only have three possibilities:

    print some_number;
    print "Some text";
    print (some_rule) some_value;

(or the same but with print_ret instead of print). The first two cases are straightforward and become usages of PRINTNUMBER_BIP or PRINT_BIP respectively.

This is a print statement13.1.7 =

    int uses_printing_rule_in_brackets_notation = FALSE;
    which_statement = PRINTNUMBER_BIP;
    inter_schema_token *n = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
    if ((n) && (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT)) {
        n = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(n);
        inter_schema_token *printing_rule = n;
        if (printing_rule) {
            n = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(n);
            if ((n) && (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT)) {
                n = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(n);
                uses_printing_rule_in_brackets_notation = TRUE;
                This uses the printing-rule-in-brackets notation13.1.7.1;
    if (uses_printing_rule_in_brackets_notation == FALSE) {
        inter_schema_token *n = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
        if ((n) && (n->ist_type == DQUOTED_ISTT))
            which_statement = PRINT_BIP;
    if (InterSchemas::opening_reserved_word(cons) == PRINTRET_I6RW)
        Add printing a newline and returning true to the schema13.1.7.2;

§ The printing rule given in brackets can be one of 13 special cases, or else can be the name of some function. All but 4 of these special cases will be turned into function calls too, leaving:

This uses the printing-rule-in-brackets notation13.1.7.1 =

    if (Str::eq(printing_rule->material, I"address")) {
        which_statement = PRINTDWORD_BIP;
        operand1 = n;
    } else if (Str::eq(printing_rule->material, I"char")) {
        which_statement = PRINTCHAR_BIP;
        operand1 = n;
    } else if (Str::eq(printing_rule->material, I"string")) {
        which_statement = PRINTSTRING_BIP;
        operand1 = n;
    } else if (Str::eq(printing_rule->material, I"object")) {
        which_statement = PRINTOBJ_BIP;
        operand1 = n;
    } else {
        Convert this to a function call13.;

§ Convert this to a function call13. =

    text_stream *fn = printing_rule->material;
    if (Str::eq(fn, I"the"))                         fn = I"DefArt";
    if (Str::eq(fn, I"The"))                         fn = I"CDefArt";
    if ((Str::eq(fn, I"a")) || (Str::eq(fn, I"an"))) fn = I"IndefArt";
    if ((Str::eq(fn, I"A")) || (Str::eq(fn, I"An"))) fn = I"CIndefArt";
    if (Str::eq(fn, I"number"))                      fn = I"LanguageNumber";
    if (Str::eq(fn, I"name"))                        fn = I"PrintShortName";
    if (Str::eq(fn, I"property"))                    fn = I"DebugProperty";
    printing_rule->material = fn;

    cons->expression_tokens = printing_rule;
    inter_schema_token *open_b =
        InterSchemas::new_token(OPEN_ROUND_ISTT, I"(", 0, 0, -1);
    InterSchemas::add_token_after(open_b, cons->expression_tokens);
    open_b->next = n;
    n = open_b;
    while ((n) && (n->next)) n = n->next;
    inter_schema_token *close_b =
        InterSchemas::new_token(CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT, I")", 0, 0, -1);
    InterSchemas::add_token_after(close_b, n);
    which_statement = 0;
    operand1 = NULL;

§ This is the difference between a print and a print_ret: the latter gets two additional statement nodes added after it, one to print a newline character, and one to return true.

Add printing a newline and returning true to the schema13.1.7.2 =

    inter_schema_node *save_next = cons->next_node;

    cons->next_node =
        InterSchemas::new_node(cons->parent_schema, STATEMENT_ISNT);
    cons->next_node->parent_node = cons->parent_node;
    cons->next_node->isn_clarifier = PRINT_BIP;
    cons->next_node->child_node =
        InterSchemas::new_node(cons->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
    cons->next_node->child_node->parent_node = cons->next_node;
        InterSchemas::new_token(DQUOTED_ISTT, I"\n", 0, 0, -1));

    cons->next_node->next_node =
        InterSchemas::new_node(cons->parent_schema, STATEMENT_ISNT);
    cons->next_node->next_node->parent_node = cons->parent_node;
    cons->next_node->next_node->isn_clarifier = RETURN_BIP;

    cons->next_node->next_node->next_node = save_next;

§13.1.8. read is an awkward sod of a statement because of the way it is handled differently on 16-bit vs 32-bit platforms. READ_XBIP is a sort of placeholder for worrying about this only later; it means that this schema does not need to know about the difference.

This is a read statement13.1.8 =

    operand1 = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
    operand2 = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(operand1);
    operand1->next = NULL;
    operand2->next = NULL;
    if ((operand1) && (operand2)) which_statement = READ_XBIP;

§13.2. Directives are much easier. For example,




If this expression opens with a directive keyword, it is a directive13.2 =

    cons->isn_type = DIRECTIVE_ISNT;
    cons->dir_clarifier = InterSchemas::opening_directive_word(cons);
    if (InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons)) {
        inter_schema_node *new_isn =
            InterSchemas::new_node(cons->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
        cons->child_node = new_isn;
        new_isn->parent_node = cons;
        new_isn->expression_tokens = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
    cons->expression_tokens = NULL;

§13.3. Assembly language is basically simple, but with a couple of wrinkles:

If this expression opens with an opcode keyword, it is an assembly line13.3 =

    inter_schema_token *f = InterSchemas::first_dark_token(cons);
         if (Str::eq(f->material, I"@push")) which_statement = PUSH_BIP;
    else if (Str::eq(f->material, I"@pull")) which_statement = PULL_BIP;
    else {
        cons->isn_type = ASSEMBLY_ISNT;
        inter_schema_node *prev_node = NULL;
        for (inter_schema_token *l = f, *n = l?(l->next):NULL; l; l=n, n=n?(n->next):NULL) {
            if ((n) && (Str::eq(l->material, I"("))) continue;
            if ((n) && (Str::eq(l->material, I")"))) continue;
            if (l->ist_type != WHITE_SPACE_ISTT) {
                inter_schema_node *new_isn =
                    InterSchemas::new_node(cons->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                new_isn->expression_tokens = l; l->next = NULL; l->owner = new_isn;
                if (l->operation_primitive) {
                    l->ist_type = IDENTIFIER_ISTT;
                    l->operation_primitive = 0;
                if ((n) && (Str::eq(l->material, I"-"))) {
                    l->material = Str::new();
                    WRITE_TO(l->material, "-%S", n->material);
                    l->ist_type = NUMBER_ISTT;
                    n = n->next;
                if (Str::eq(l->material, I"->")) l->ist_type = ASM_ARROW_ISTT;
                if (Str::eq(l->material, I"sp")) l->ist_type = ASM_SP_ISTT;
                if ((Str::eq(l->material, I"?")) && (n)) {
                    l->ist_type = ASM_LABEL_ISTT;
                    l->material = n->material;
                    n = n->next;
                    if (Str::eq(l->material, I"~")) {
                        l->ist_type = ASM_NEGATED_LABEL_ISTT;
                        l->material = n->material;
                        n = n->next;
                if (cons->child_node == NULL) cons->child_node = new_isn;
                else if (prev_node) prev_node->next_node = new_isn;
                new_isn->parent_node = cons;
                prev_node = new_isn;
        cons->expression_tokens = NULL;

§13.4. Finally! In the case where we do want to make a STATEMENT_ISNT node — either through recognising an I6 statement word like while, or one of the assembly instructions @push or @pull — we do the following.

Make this a STATEMENT_ISNT node13.4 =

    cons->isn_clarifier = which_statement;
    cons->isn_type = STATEMENT_ISNT;

    inter_schema_node *first_child;
    Make the first child13.4.1;
    if (which_statement != STORE_BIP) Dangle the number or text13.4.2;
    Make the second child13.4.3;
    if (which_statement == STORE_BIP) The special case of giving an attribute13.4.4;

§13.4.1. Make the first child13.4.1 =

    first_child = InterSchemas::new_node(cons->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
    if (operand1 == NULL) operand1 = InterSchemas::second_dark_token(cons);
    first_child->expression_tokens = operand1;
    first_child->next_node = cons->child_node;
    cons->child_node = first_child;
    first_child->parent_node = cons;
    cons->expression_tokens = NULL;

§13.4.2. Ordinarily, operand1 provides the content for the first child expression, but in the case of a dangling number or text, we use that instead. (Note that they cannot both apply.)

Dangle the number or text13.4.2 =

    if (dangle_number >= 0) {
        text_stream *T = Str::new();
        WRITE_TO(T, "%d", dangle_number);
        first_child->expression_tokens = InterSchemas::new_token(NUMBER_ISTT, T, 0, 0, -1);
        first_child->expression_tokens->owner = first_child;
    if (Str::len(dangle_text) > 0) {
        first_child->expression_tokens = InterSchemas::new_token(DQUOTED_ISTT, dangle_text, 0, 0, -1);
        first_child->expression_tokens->owner = first_child;

§13.4.3. There is often no second child. But when there is:

Make the second child13.4.3 =

    if (operand2) {
        inter_schema_node *second_child =
            InterSchemas::new_node(cons->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
        if (which_statement == IFELSE_BIP) {
            second_child->semicolon_terminated = TRUE;
            second_child->next_node = first_child->next_node->next_node;
            first_child->next_node->next_node = second_child;
        } else {
            second_child->next_node = first_child->next_node;
            first_child->next_node = second_child;
        second_child->parent_node = cons;
        second_child->expression_tokens = operand2;
    if (operand2_node) {
        operand2_node->next_node = NULL;
        first_child->next_node->next_node = operand2_node;
        operand2_node->parent_node = cons;
        InterSchemas::changed_tokens_on( operand2_node->child_node);

§13.4.4. It was noted above that the STORE_BIP value was being somewhat abused in the one special case of give O P or give O ~P. This won't be a statement at all — instead we rewrite this as the setting of a property value either to 1 or 0 respectively. And that makes it an EXPRESSION_ISNT node after all.

It would not have been legal in I6 to use O.P = 1 as an alternative to give O P. But it is legal to do so in this schema, and that is what our expression node does.

The special case of giving an attribute13.4.4 =

    cons->isn_clarifier = 0;
    cons->isn_type = EXPRESSION_ISNT;
    inter_schema_node *A = cons->child_node;
    inter_schema_node *B = cons->child_node->next_node;
    cons->child_node = NULL;
    cons->expression_tokens = A->expression_tokens;
    cons->expression_tokens->next =
        InterSchemas::new_token(OPERATOR_ISTT, I".", PROPERTYVALUE_BIP, 0, -1);
    cons->expression_tokens->next->next = B->expression_tokens;
    cons->expression_tokens->next->next->next =
        InterSchemas::new_token(OPERATOR_ISTT, I"=", STORE_BIP, 0, -1);
    text_stream *T = Str::new();
    WRITE_TO(T, "%d", dangle_number);
    cons->expression_tokens->next->next->next->next =
        InterSchemas::new_token(NUMBER_ISTT, T, 0, 0, -1);

§14. The break for statements ramification. This is where we dismantle for (X: Y: Z) ... into its constituent parts, removing the colon and bracket tokens. Thus:


should become

int Ramification::break_for_statements(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        if ((isn->isn_type == STATEMENT_ISNT) &&
            (isn->isn_clarifier == FOR_BIP) &&
            (isn->node_marked == FALSE)) {
            inter_schema_node *predicates = isn->child_node;
            if ((predicates == NULL) || (predicates->isn_type != EXPRESSION_ISNT)) {
                InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"malformed 'for' loop");
                return FALSE;
            inter_schema_token *n = predicates->expression_tokens;
            inter_schema_node *code_node = predicates->next_node;
            int bl = 0, cw = 0;
            inter_schema_token *from[3], *to[3];
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { from[i] = 0; to[i] = 0; }
            while (n) {
                if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) {
                    if ((bl > 0) && (from[cw] == NULL)) from[cw] = n;
                } else if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) {
                    if (bl == 0) End a for loop header clause14.1;
                } else if (bl == 1) {
                    if (n->ist_type == COLON_ISTT) End a for loop header clause14.1
                    else {
                        if (from[cw] == NULL) from[cw] = n;
                n = n->next;
            if (cw != 3) {
                InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"'for' header with too few clauses");
                return FALSE;
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
                inter_schema_node *eval_isn = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EVAL_ISNT);
                if (i == 0) isn->child_node = eval_isn;
                if (i == 1) isn->child_node->next_node = eval_isn;
                if (i == 2) {
                    isn->child_node->next_node->next_node = eval_isn;
                    eval_isn->next_node = code_node;
                eval_isn->parent_node = isn;

                inter_schema_node *expr_isn = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                eval_isn->child_node = expr_isn;
                expr_isn->parent_node = eval_isn;

                inter_schema_token *m = from[i];
                while ((m) && (m->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) m = m->next;
                expr_isn->expression_tokens = m;
                if (m == to[i]) expr_isn->expression_tokens = NULL;
                else {
                    while (m) {
                        m->owner = expr_isn;
                        if (m->next == to[i]) m->next = NULL;
                        m = m->next;
            isn->node_marked = TRUE;
            return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::break_for_statements(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§14.1. End a for loop header clause14.1 =

    if (cw >= 3) {
        InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"'for' header with too many clauses");
        return FALSE;
    if (from[cw] == NULL) to[cw] = NULL;
    else to[cw] = n;
    if (from[cw] == to[cw]) { from[cw] = NULL; to[cw] = NULL; }

§15. The add missing bodies ramification. You do this at your own peril, but it is legal in Inform 6 to write, say, if (...) { ; } or while (...) ;. In our schema, those statement nodes will have one fewer child node, because there will be nothing where the final child node ought to be. We add an empty code node if so, and this saves the schema from failing its lint test.

int Ramification::add_missing_bodies(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        int req = 0;
        if ((isn->isn_type == STATEMENT_ISNT) && (isn->isn_clarifier == IF_BIP)) req = 2;
        if ((isn->isn_type == STATEMENT_ISNT) && (isn->isn_clarifier == IFELSE_BIP)) req = 3;
        if ((isn->isn_type == STATEMENT_ISNT) && (isn->isn_clarifier == FOR_BIP)) req = 4;
        if ((isn->isn_type == STATEMENT_ISNT) && (isn->isn_clarifier == WHILE_BIP)) req = 2;
        if ((isn->isn_type == STATEMENT_ISNT) && (isn->isn_clarifier == OBJECTLOOP_BIP)) req = 2;
        if ((req > 0) && (isn->node_marked == FALSE)) {
            int actual = 0;
            for (inter_schema_node *ch = isn->child_node; ch; ch=ch->next_node) actual++;
            if ((actual < req-1) || (actual > req)) {
                InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"malformed statement");
                return FALSE;
            if (actual == req-1) {
                inter_schema_node *code_isn = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, CODE_ISNT);
                code_isn->parent_node = isn;

                inter_schema_node *ch = isn->child_node;
                while ((ch) && (ch->next_node)) ch=ch->next_node;
                ch->next_node = code_isn;

                isn->node_marked = TRUE;
                return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::add_missing_bodies(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§16. The remove empty expressions ramification. If an EXPRESSION_ISNT contains no tokens, remove it from the tree. (The parsing process has a tendency to leave these around, especially at the end of code blocks. They mean nothing, but it's tidy to remove them.)

int Ramification::remove_empties(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (inter_schema_node *prev = NULL; isn; prev = isn, isn = isn->next_node) {
        if ((isn->isn_type == EXPRESSION_ISNT) && (isn->expression_tokens == NULL)) {
            if (prev) prev->next_node = isn->next_node;
            else if (par) par->child_node = isn->next_node;
            else isn->parent_schema->node_tree = isn->next_node;
            return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::remove_empties(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§17. The outer subexpressions ramification. If an expression looks like ( ... ), but not ( ... ) ... ( ... ) — in other words, if the entire expression lies inside a matching pair of round brackets...

int Ramification::outer_subexpressions(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for ( ; isn; isn = isn->next_node) {
        if (isn->isn_type == EXPRESSION_ISNT) {
            inter_schema_token *n = InterSchemas::first_dark_token(isn);
            if ((n) && (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT)) {
                int bl = 1, fails = FALSE;
                n = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(n);
                inter_schema_token *from = n, *to = NULL;
                while (n) {
                    if (bl == 0) fails = TRUE;
                    if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) bl++;
                    else if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) {
                        if (bl == 0) to = n;
                    n = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(n);
                if ((fails == FALSE) && (from) && (to) && (from != to)) {
                    This expression is entirely in a matching pair of round brackets17.1;
                    return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::outer_subexpressions(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§17.1. ...then we move the bracketed content under a new subexpression node, so that (x+1) would now become:


This expression is entirely in a matching pair of round brackets17.1 =

    inter_schema_node *sub_node = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
    sub_node->expression_tokens = from;
    for (inter_schema_token *l = sub_node->expression_tokens; l; l=l->next)
        if (l->next == to)
            l->next = NULL;
    isn->isn_type = SUBEXPRESSION_ISNT;
    isn->expression_tokens = NULL;

    isn->child_node = sub_node;
    sub_node->parent_node = isn;

§18. The top level commas ramification. Commas are now used in just two different ways: to divide up function arguments, and as the serial evaluation operator. Because we have already performed the outer subexpressions ramification, we can tell which meaning applies by seeing if a comma occurs at the top level or inside of brackets. Thus a, b, c must be serial evaluation — evaluate a, then b, then c — whereas a + f(b, c) cannot be.

This changes




After this stage, then, the only commas left are those used for function arguments.

int Ramification::top_level_commas(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for ( ; isn; isn = isn->next_node) {
        if (isn->isn_type == EXPRESSION_ISNT) {
            inter_schema_token *n = isn->expression_tokens, *prev = NULL;
            int bl = 0;
            while (n) {
                if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) bl++;
                if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) bl--;
                if ((n->ist_type == COMMA_ISTT) && (bl == 0) && (prev)) {
                    prev->next = NULL;
                    prev = n; n = n->next;
                    while ((n) && (n->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) { prev = n; n = n->next; }
                    inter_schema_node *new_isn =
                        InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
                    new_isn->expression_tokens = n;
                    new_isn->parent_node = isn->parent_node;
                    inter_schema_node *saved = isn->next_node;
                    isn->next_node = new_isn;
                    new_isn->next_node = saved;
                    new_isn->semicolon_terminated = isn->semicolon_terminated;
                    return TRUE;
                prev = n; n = n->next;
        if (Ramification::top_level_commas(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§19. The multiple case values ramification. In Inform 6, a case in a switch can contain multiple values, divided by commas. So the expression node underneath a case might for example have the tokens 1 , 2 , 6, and the top level commas ramification will have made those into serial evaluations. We correct those to uses of the special ALTERNATIVECASE_BIP operator instead.

int Ramification::multiple_case_values(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        if ((isn->isn_clarifier == CASE_BIP) && (isn->child_node)) {
            inter_schema_node *A = isn->child_node;
            inter_schema_node *B = isn->child_node->next_node;
            if ((A) && (B) && (B->next_node)) {
                inter_schema_node *C = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, OPERATION_ISNT);
                C->isn_clarifier = ALTERNATIVECASE_BIP;
                C->child_node = A;
                A->parent_node = C; B->parent_node = C;
                isn->child_node = C; C->next_node = B->next_node; B->next_node = NULL;
                C->parent_node = isn;
                return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::multiple_case_values(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§20. The strip all white space ramification. White space has an important role to play earlier on in the process, but once our tree structure contains the information it carries, we can discard it. This simply deletes every token of type WHITE_SPACE_ISTT.

int Ramification::strip_all_white_space(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        if ((isn->expression_tokens) && (isn->expression_tokens->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT)) {
            isn->expression_tokens = isn->expression_tokens->next;
            return TRUE;
        int d = 0;
        inter_schema_token *prev = isn->expression_tokens;
        if (prev) {
            inter_schema_token *n = prev->next;
            while (n) {
                if (n->ist_type == WHITE_SPACE_ISTT) { prev->next = n->next; d++; }
                prev = n; n = n->next;
        if (d > 0) return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::strip_all_white_space(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§21. The debracket ramification. It's finally time to remove all round bracket tokens from the schema, and this means understanding which ones clarify the order of operations, as in a * ( b + c), and which signal function calls, as in f ( a , b ). At each node:

int Ramification::debracket(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    if (Ramification::outer_subexpressions(par, isn)) return TRUE;
    if (Ramification::op_subexpressions(par, isn)) return TRUE;
    if (Ramification::place_calls(par, isn)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§22. So, then, operations. We detect these because they have an operator at the top level. Thus, f(x*y) + 2 must be an operation because of the top-level +. We split this into a left and right operand: f(x*y) and 2 in this example. Those become the children of an OPERATION_ISNT node, which replaces the original EXPRESSION_ISNT.

int Ramification::op_subexpressions(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for ( ; isn; isn = isn->next_node) {
        if ((isn->node_marked == FALSE) && (isn->isn_type == EXPRESSION_ISNT)) {
            isn->node_marked = TRUE;
            inter_schema_token *n = isn->expression_tokens;
            inter_ti final_operation = 0;
            inter_schema_token *final_op_token = NULL;
            Find the lowest-precedence top level operator, if any22.1;
            if (final_op_token) {
                inter_schema_token *from = InterSchemas::first_dark_token(isn), *to = final_op_token;
                int has_left_operand = FALSE, has_right_operand = FALSE;
                if (from != to) Make the left operand expression22.3;
                from = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(final_op_token);
                if (from) Make the right operand expression22.4;
                Work out which operation is implied by the operator22.5;
                return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::op_subexpressions(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§22.1. For example, the final operator in 1 + 3 * ( x . y ) is the +, in that this is the operation which will be performed last. It's the one with the lowest precedence out of the two top-level operators here, the + and *.

in is not a reserved word in Inform 6, though it probably should be. It can be used as an operator, as in the condition if (x in y) ..., but it can also be a variable name. So we will detect it only when it is used infix, and will otherwise convert it from an OPERATOR_ISTT to an IDENTIFIER_ISTT.

Find the lowest-precedence top level operator, if any22.1 =

    int bl = 0;
    inter_schema_token *f = InterSchemas::first_dark_token(isn);
    for (n = f; n; n = InterSchemas::next_dark_token(n)) {
        if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) bl++;
        if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) bl--;
        if ((bl == 0) && (n->ist_type == OPERATOR_ISTT)) {
            inter_ti this_operator = n->operation_primitive;
            if ((this_operator == IN_BIP) &&
                ((n == f) || (InterSchemas::next_dark_token(n) == NULL))) {
                n->ist_type = IDENTIFIER_ISTT;
                n->operation_primitive = 0;
            } else {
                if (Ramification::prefer_over(this_operator, final_operation)) {
                    final_op_token = n; final_operation = this_operator;

§22.2. Well... so actually we have to be a bit more careful about left vs right associativity if there are two least-precedence operators both at the top level, as in the case of x - y + z or (horrifically) x = y = z.

int Ramification::prefer_over(inter_ti p, inter_ti existing) {
    if (existing == 0) return TRUE;
    if (I6Operators::precedence(p) < I6Operators::precedence(existing)) return TRUE;
    if ((I6Operators::precedence(p) == I6Operators::precedence(existing)) &&
        (I6Operators::right_associative(p)) &&
        (I6Operators::arity(p) == 2) &&
        (I6Operators::arity(existing) == 2)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§22.3. So the basic plan is to turn out example x + y * z into

            y * z

Recursion of the above then turns this into


Here the final operator is the +, and there are both left and right operands.

Make the left operand expression22.3 =

    inter_schema_node *left_operand_node =
        InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
    left_operand_node->expression_tokens = from;
    for (inter_schema_token *l = left_operand_node->expression_tokens; l; l=l->next)
        if (l->next == to)
            l->next = NULL;
    isn->child_node = left_operand_node;
    left_operand_node->parent_node = isn;
    has_left_operand = TRUE;

§22.4. Make the right operand expression22.4 =

    inter_schema_node *right_operand_node =
        InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
    right_operand_node->expression_tokens = from;
    if (isn->child_node == NULL) {
        isn->child_node = right_operand_node;
    } else {
        isn->child_node->next_node = right_operand_node;
    right_operand_node->parent_node = isn;
    has_right_operand = TRUE;

§22.5. It's only now that we can clarify the meaning of ++, for example, which is one operation used as a prefix, and another used as a suffix.

Note that Inform 6 does allow labels to be used as a value, but only in jump statements or assembly language. Since labels begin with a ., as in .Example, we need to be careful not to misread that as a use of the property-value operation a.b.

Work out which operation is implied by the operator22.5 =

    isn->isn_type = OPERATION_ISNT;
    isn->expression_tokens = NULL;
    isn->isn_clarifier = final_operation;
    if ((final_operation == MINUS_BIP) && (has_left_operand == FALSE))
        isn->isn_clarifier = UNARYMINUS_BIP;
    if ((final_operation == POSTINCREMENT_BIP) && (has_left_operand == FALSE))
        isn->isn_clarifier = PREINCREMENT_BIP;
    if ((final_operation == POSTDECREMENT_BIP) && (has_left_operand == FALSE))
        isn->isn_clarifier = PREDECREMENT_BIP;
    if ((final_operation == PROPERTYVALUE_BIP) && (has_left_operand == FALSE)) {
        isn->isn_type = LABEL_ISNT;
        isn->isn_clarifier = 0;
    } else {
        int a = 0;
        if (has_left_operand) a++;
        if (has_right_operand) a++;
        if (a != I6Operators::arity(isn->isn_clarifier)) {
            WRITE_TO(msg, "operator '%S' used with %d not %d operand(s)",
                a, I6Operators::arity(isn->isn_clarifier));
            InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, msg);
            return FALSE;

§23. Now for function calls.

int Ramification::place_calls(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for ( ; isn; isn = isn->next_node) {
        if (isn->isn_type == EXPRESSION_ISNT) {
            if ((isn->expression_tokens) &&
                (isn->expression_tokens->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT))
                Maybe the function is itself a bracketed term23.1;
            Or maybe the function is not bracketed23.2;
        if (Ramification::place_calls(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§23.1. This is to catch the super-annoying possibility (array->2)(7), where an array lookup is performed to find the address of the function to call.

Maybe the function is itself a bracketed term23.1 =

    int bl = 0, term_count = 0, tops = 0;
    inter_schema_token *opener = NULL, *closer = NULL;
    for (inter_schema_token *n = isn->expression_tokens; n; n = n->next) {
        if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) {
            if (bl == 1) { opener = n; closer = NULL; term_count++; }
        } else if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) {
            if (bl == 0) { closer = n; }
        } else if (bl == 0) tops++;
    if ((term_count == 2) && (tops == 0) && (opener) && (closer)) {
        Call brackets found23.1.1;

§23.2. But much more usually...

Or maybe the function is not bracketed23.2 =

    inter_schema_token *n = isn->expression_tokens;
    inter_schema_token *opener = NULL, *closer = NULL;
    int pre_count = 0, pre_bracings = 0, post_count = 0, veto = FALSE, bl = 0;
    while (n) {
        if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) {
            if (bl == 1) {
                if (opener == NULL) opener = n;
                else veto = TRUE;
        } else if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) {
            if ((bl == 0) && (closer == NULL)) closer = n;
        } else if ((bl == 0) && (n->ist_type != INLINE_ISTT)) {
            if (opener == NULL) pre_count++;
            if ((opener) && (closer)) post_count++;
        } else if (bl == 0) {
            if (opener == NULL) pre_bracings++;
        n = n->next;
    if (((pre_count == 1) || ((pre_count == 0) && (pre_bracings > 0))) &&
        (post_count == 0) && (opener) && (closer) && (veto == FALSE))
        Call brackets found23.1.1;

§23.1.1. Call brackets found23.1.1 =

    inter_schema_token *from = isn->expression_tokens, *to = opener, *resume = opener->next;
    Relegate node23.1.1.1;
    inter_schema_token *n = resume; from = n; int bl = 0;
    while ((n != closer) && (n)) {
        if (n->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) bl++;
        if (n->ist_type == CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT) bl--;
        if ((bl == 0) && (n->ist_type == COMMA_ISTT)) {
            to = n; resume = n->next;
            Relegate node23.1.1.1;
            from = resume; n = from;
        } else {
            n = n->next;
    to = closer;
    Relegate node23.1.1.1;

    isn->expression_tokens = NULL; isn->isn_type = CALL_ISNT;
    return TRUE;

§ Relegate node23.1.1.1 =

    if ((from) && (to) && (from != to)) {
        inter_schema_node *new_isn =
            InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
        new_isn->expression_tokens = from;
        for (inter_schema_token *l = new_isn->expression_tokens; l; l=l->next)
            if (l->next == to)
                l->next = NULL;
        if (isn->child_node == NULL) {
            isn->child_node = new_isn;
        } else {
            inter_schema_node *xisn = isn->child_node;
            while ((xisn) && (xisn->next_node)) xisn = xisn->next_node;
            xisn->next_node = new_isn;
        new_isn->parent_node = isn;

§24. The implied return values ramification. A bare return; statement in Inform 6 means "return true", i.e., the numerical value 1.

int Ramification::implied_return_values(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (inter_schema_node *prev = NULL; isn; prev = isn, isn = isn->next_node) {
        if ((isn->isn_type == STATEMENT_ISNT) &&
            (isn->isn_clarifier == RETURN_BIP) && (isn->child_node == FALSE)) {
            inter_schema_node *one = InterSchemas::new_node(isn->parent_schema, EXPRESSION_ISNT);
            one->expression_tokens = InterSchemas::new_token(NUMBER_ISTT, I"1", 0, 0, -1);
            one->expression_tokens->owner = one;
            isn->child_node = one;
            one->parent_node = isn;
            return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::implied_return_values(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§25. The message calls ramification. Here we look for the configuration x.y(z), which is a message call — i.e. a function call to x.y, of a special kind — rather than a lookup of the property y(z) on the object x. We clarify using MESSAGE_ISNT.

There is also the oddball syntax f.call(y), which performs a function call too. This is almost useless, but we pick it up anyway.

int Ramification::message_calls(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (inter_schema_node *prev = NULL; isn; prev = isn, isn = isn->next_node) {
        if ((isn->isn_type == OPERATION_ISNT) &&
            (isn->isn_clarifier == PROPERTYVALUE_BIP) &&
            (isn->child_node) && (isn->child_node->next_node) &&
            (isn->child_node->next_node->isn_type == CALL_ISNT)) {
            inter_schema_node *obj = isn->child_node;
            inter_schema_node *message = isn->child_node->next_node->child_node;
            inter_schema_node *args = isn->child_node->next_node->child_node->next_node;
            isn->isn_type = MESSAGE_ISNT; isn->isn_clarifier = 0;
            obj->next_node = message; message->parent_node = isn; message->next_node = args;
            if (message->isn_type == EXPRESSION_ISNT) {
                inter_schema_token *n = message->expression_tokens;
                if ((n) && (Str::eq(n->material, I"call"))) {
                    obj->next_node = args; isn->isn_type = CALLMESSAGE_ISNT;
            while (args) { args->parent_node = isn; args = args->next_node; }
            return TRUE;
        if (Ramification::message_calls(isn, isn->child_node)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§26. The sanity check ramification. This does nothing except to catch some errors more politely than allowing them to cause trouble later. If no error is thrown, the schema is unchanged.

int Ramification::sanity_check(inter_schema_node *par, inter_schema_node *isn) {
    for (; isn; isn=isn->next_node) {
        if (isn->isn_type == EXPRESSION_ISNT) {
            int asm = FALSE;
            for (inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens; t; t=t->next) {
                switch (t->ist_type) {
                    case OPCODE_ISTT:       asm = TRUE; break;
                    case RAW_ISTT:          InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"malformed expression"); break;
                    case OPEN_BRACE_ISTT:   InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"unexpected '{'"); break;
                    case CLOSE_BRACE_ISTT:  InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"unexpected '}'"); break;
                    case OPEN_ROUND_ISTT:   InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"unexpected '('"); break;
                    case CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT:  InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"unexpected ')'"); break;
                    case COMMA_ISTT:        InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"unexpected ','"); break;
                    case DIVIDER_ISTT:      InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"malformed expression"); break;
                    case RESERVED_ISTT: {
                        WRITE_TO(msg, "unexpected use of reserved word '%S'", t->material);
                        InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, msg);
                    case COLON_ISTT:        InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"unexpected ':'"); break;
                    case OPERATOR_ISTT:     InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"unexpected operator"); break;
                if ((t->ist_type == NUMBER_ISTT) && (t->next) &&
                    (t->next->ist_type == NUMBER_ISTT) && (asm == FALSE))
                    InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"two consecutive numbers");
            if (isn->child_node) InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"malformed expression");
        } else {
            if (isn->expression_tokens) InterSchemas::throw_error(isn, I"syntax error");
        Ramification::sanity_check(isn, isn->child_node);
    return FALSE;