Turning textual code written in Inform 6 syntax into a linked list of tokens.

§1. The following code was sketched out on a long night flight to Hong Kong, but there is otherwise nothing exotic about it. In as simple a way as possible, we take a text from and break it into Inform 6 tokens. What we return is not literally a linked list, but it amounts to the same thing: a single node holding an unstructured run of tokens —


We follow the syntax of Inform 6, except that we have to look for three extra syntaxes: {-braced-commands}, (+ Inform 7 interpolation +), and, if the abbreviated syntax is allowed, also some cryptic notations such as *1.

The following scanner is basically a finite state machine, and these are the states:

enum NO_TOKSTATE from 1
enum COMMENT_TOKSTATE   currently scanning... an I6 comment ! ...
enum DQUOTED_TOKSTATE   ...double-quoted text
enum SQUOTED_TOKSTATE   ...single-quoted text
enum WHITE_TOKSTATE     ...whitespace
enum TOK_TOKSTATE       ...an actual token
void Tokenisation::go(inter_schema *sch, text_stream *from, int pos, int abbreviated,
    int no_quoted_inames, void **quoted_inames) {
    inter_schema_token *preceding_token = NULL;

    int definition_length = Str::len(from);
    text_stream *current_raw = Str::new();
    int tokeniser_state = NO_TOKSTATE;
    for (; pos<definition_length; pos++) {
        int c = Str::get_at(from, pos);
        if (Characters::is_whitespace(c)) {
            if ((tokeniser_state == TOK_TOKSTATE) || (tokeniser_state == NO_TOKSTATE)) {
                Absorb raw material, if any1.2;
                tokeniser_state = WHITE_TOKSTATE;
                PUT_TO(current_raw, ' ');
        } else {
            if (tokeniser_state == WHITE_TOKSTATE) {
                Absorb raw material, if any1.2;
                tokeniser_state = NO_TOKSTATE;

        switch (tokeniser_state) {
             case DQUOTED_TOKSTATE:
                if (c == '"') {
                    Absorb raw material, for sure1.3;
                    tokeniser_state = NO_TOKSTATE;
                } else {
                    PUT_TO(current_raw, c);
             case SQUOTED_TOKSTATE: {
                int ends_here = FALSE;
                if (c == '\'') {
                    ends_here = TRUE;
                    if ((Str::len(current_raw) == 0) && (Str::get_at(from, pos+1) == '\''))
                        ends_here = FALSE;
                if (ends_here) {
                    Absorb raw material, for sure1.3;
                    tokeniser_state = NO_TOKSTATE;
                } else {
                    PUT_TO(current_raw, c);
             case COMMENT_TOKSTATE:
                if (c == '\n') tokeniser_state = NO_TOKSTATE;
             case WHITE_TOKSTATE: break;
                if (c == '!') {
                    Absorb raw material, if any1.2;
                    tokeniser_state = COMMENT_TOKSTATE; break;
                if (c == '"') {
                    Absorb raw material, if any1.2;
                    tokeniser_state = DQUOTED_TOKSTATE; break;
                if (c == '\'') {
                    Absorb raw material, if any1.2;
                    tokeniser_state = SQUOTED_TOKSTATE; break;
                if ((c == '{') && (abbreviated == FALSE))
                    Look for a possible bracing1.7
                else if ((c == '*') && (abbreviated == TRUE))
                    Look for a possible abbreviated command1.8
                else if ((c == '(') && (Str::get_at(from, pos+1) == '+') && (abbreviated == FALSE))
                    Look for a possible Inform 7 fragment1.6
                else Absorb a raw character1.1;
    Absorb raw material, if any1.2;

§1.1. Absorb a raw character1.1 =

    tokeniser_state = TOK_TOKSTATE;
    PUT_TO(current_raw, c);

§1.2. Absorb raw material, if any1.2 =

    if (Str::len(current_raw)) Absorb raw material, for sure1.3;
    tokeniser_state = NO_TOKSTATE;

§1.3. Absorb raw material, for sure1.3 =

    switch (tokeniser_state) {
        case WHITE_TOKSTATE:
                InterSchemas::new_token(WHITE_SPACE_ISTT, I" ", 0, 0, -1));
        case DQUOTED_TOKSTATE:
                InterSchemas::new_token(DQUOTED_ISTT, current_raw, 0, 0, -1));
        case SQUOTED_TOKSTATE:
                InterSchemas::new_token(SQUOTED_ISTT, current_raw, 0, 0, -1));
            Look for individual tokens1.3.1;
    tokeniser_state = NO_TOKSTATE;

§1.4. Process any escape character notation in single quotes1.4 =

    for (int i=0; i<Str::len(current_raw); i++) {
        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(current_raw, i);
        PUT_TO(unescaped, c);

§1.5. Process any escape character notation in double quotes1.5 =

    for (int i=0; i<Str::len(current_raw); i++) {
        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(current_raw, i);
        PUT_TO(unescaped, c);

§1.6. Material in (+ ... +) notation is an interpolation of I7 source text.

Look for a possible Inform 7 fragment1.6 =

    int save_pos = pos, accept = FALSE;
    pos += 2;
    while (Str::get_at(from, pos)) {
        if ((Str::get_at(from, pos-1) == '+') && (Str::get_at(from, pos) == ')')) {
            accept = TRUE; break;
        PUT_TO(source_text_fragment, Str::get_at(from, pos++));
    if (accept) {
        Absorb raw material, if any1.2;
        Expand a fragment of Inform 7 text1.6.1;
    } else { int c = '('; Absorb a raw character1.1; pos = save_pos; }

§1.6.1. Note that the empty I7 interpolation is legal, but produces no token.

Expand a fragment of Inform 7 text1.6.1 =

    if (Str::len(source_text_fragment) > 0) {
            InterSchemas::new_token(I7_ISTT, source_text_fragment, 0, 0, -1));

§1.7. Material in braces sometimes indicates an inline command, but not always, because braces often occur innocently in I6 code. So we require the first character after the open-brace not to be white-space, and also not to be a pipe (though I've forgotten why). The text inside the braces is called a "bracing".

Look for a possible bracing1.7 =

    int save_pos = pos++, accept = FALSE;
    while (TRUE) {
        int c = Str::get_at(from, pos);
        if (c == 0) break;
        if (c == '}') { accept = TRUE; break; }
        PUT_TO(bracing, c);
    int first = Str::get_first_char(bracing);
    if ((accept) && (first != ' ') && (first != '\t') && (first != '\n') && (first != '|')) {
        Absorb raw material, if any1.2;
        Parse a bracing into an inline command1.7.1;
    } else { int c = '{'; Absorb a raw character1.1; pos = save_pos; }

§1.7.1. That's everything, then, except the one thing that counts: how to expand a bracing.

Parse a bracing into an inline command1.7.1 =

    inter_schema_token *t = InterSchemas::new_token(INLINE_ISTT, bracing, 0, 0, -1);
    t->bracing = Str::duplicate(bracing);
    t->command = Str::new();
    t->operand = Str::new();
    t->operand2 = Str::new();
    Decompose the bracing1.7.1.1;
    if (Str::len(t->command) > 0) {
        int c = unknown_ISINC, sc = no_ISINSC;
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"primitive-definition")) {
            c = primitive_definition_ISINC;
            if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"repeat-through")) {
                sc = repeat_through_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"repeat-through-list")) {
                sc = repeat_through_list_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"number-of")) {
                sc = number_of_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"random-of")) {
                sc = random_of_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"total-of")) {
                sc = total_of_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"extremal")) {
                sc = extremal_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"function-application")) {
                sc = function_application_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"description-application")) {
                sc = description_application_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"solve-equation")) {
                sc = solve_equation_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"switch")) {
                sc = switch_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"break")) {
                sc = break_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"verbose-checking")) {
                sc = verbose_checking_ISINSC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"new")) {
            c = new_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"new-list-of")) {
            c = new_list_of_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"printing-routine")) {
            c = printing_routine_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"ranger-routine")) {
            c = ranger_routine_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"next-routine")) {
            c = next_routine_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"previous-routine")) {
            c = previous_routine_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"strong-kind")) {
            c = strong_kind_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"weak-kind")) {
            c = weak_kind_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"backspace")) {
            c = backspace_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"erase")) {
            c = erase_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"open-brace")) {
            c = open_brace_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"close-brace")) {
            c = close_brace_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"label")) {
            c = label_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"counter")) {
            c = counter_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"counter-storage")) {
            c = counter_storage_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"counter-up")) {
            c = counter_up_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"counter-down")) {
            c = counter_down_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"counter-makes-array")) {
            c = counter_makes_array_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"by-reference")) {
            c = by_reference_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"by-reference-blank-out")) {
            c = by_reference_blank_out_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"reference-exists")) {
            c = reference_exists_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"lvalue-by-reference")) {
            c = lvalue_by_reference_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"by-value")) {
            c = by_value_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"box-quotation-text")) {
            c = box_quotation_text_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"try-action")) {
            c = try_action_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"try-action-silently")) {
            c = try_action_silently_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"return-value")) {
            c = return_value_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"return-value-from-rule")) {
            c = return_value_from_rule_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"property-holds-block-value")) {
            c = property_holds_block_value_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"mark-event-used")) {
            c = mark_event_used_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"my")) {
            c = my_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"unprotect")) {
            c = unprotect_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"copy")) {
            c = copy_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"initialise")) {
            c = initialise_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"matches-description")) {
            c = matches_description_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"now-matches-description")) {
            c = now_matches_description_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"arithmetic-operation")) {
            c = arithmetic_operation_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"say")) {
            c = say_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"show-me")) {
            c = show_me_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"segment-count")) {
            c = segment_count_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"final-segment-marker")) {
            c = final_segment_marker_ISINC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"list-together")) {
            c = list_together_ISINC;
            if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"unarticled")) {
                sc = unarticled_ISINSC;
            } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->operand, L"articled")) {
                sc = articled_ISINSC;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(t->command, L"rescale")) {
            c = rescale_ISINC;
        t->inline_command = c;
        t->inline_subcommand = sc;

    InterSchemas::add_token(sch, t);
    preceding_token = t;

§ A bracing can take any of the following forms:

    {-command:operand<property name}
    {-command:operand>property name}
    {some text}
    {-annotation:some text}

We parse this with the command or annotation in command, the "some text" or operand in bracing, the property name (if given) in extremal_property, the direction of the < or > in extremal_property_sign, and the second, optional, operand in operand2.

Decompose the bracing1.7.1.1 =

    if (Str::get_first_char(t->bracing) == '-') {
        int portion = 1;
        for (int i=1, L = Str::len(t->bracing); i<L; i++) {
            int c = Str::get_at(t->bracing, i);
            switch(portion) {
                case 1:
                    if (c == ':') portion = 2;
                    else PUT_TO(t->command, c);
                case 2:
                    if (c == ':') portion = 3;
                    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
                    else if (c == '<') {
                        t->extremal_property_sign = MEASURE_T_OR_LESS; portion = 4;
                    else if (c == '>') {
                        t->extremal_property_sign = MEASURE_T_OR_MORE; portion = 4;
                    else PUT_TO(t->operand, c);
                case 3:
                    PUT_TO(t->operand2, c); break;
                case 4:
                    PUT_TO(pname, c); break;
        #ifdef CORE_MODULE
        if (t->extremal_property_sign != MEASURE_T_EXACTLY) {
            wording W = Feeds::feed_text(pname);
            if (<property-name>(W)) t->extremal_property = <<rp>>;
        Str::copy(t->bracing, t->operand);

§1.8. In abbreviated prototypes, *1 and *2 are placeholders, but a number of modifiers are allowed. See Compilation Schemas (in calculus).

define GIVE_KIND_ID_ISSBM                  1
define BY_REFERENCE_ISSBM                  32
define LVALUE_CONTEXT_ISSBM                    64
define STORAGE_AS_FUNCTION_ISSBM            128

Look for a possible abbreviated command1.8 =

    int at = pos;
    wchar_t c = Str::get_at(from, ++at);
    int iss_bitmap = 0;
    switch (c) {
        case '!': InterSchemas::throw_error(sch->node_tree,
            I"the '*!' schema notation has been abolished"); break;
        case '%': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | LVALUE_CONTEXT_ISSBM;
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
        case '$': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | STORAGE_AS_FUNCTION_ISSBM;
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
        case '#': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | GIVE_KIND_ID_ISSBM;
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
        case '_': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | GIVE_COMPARISON_ROUTINE_ISSBM;
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
        case '+': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | DEREFERENCE_PROPERTY_ISSBM;
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
        case '|': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | (DEREFERENCE_PROPERTY_ISSBM + LVALUE_CONTEXT_ISSBM);
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
        case '?': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | ADOPT_LOCAL_STACK_FRAME_ISSBM;
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
        case '<': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | CAST_TO_KIND_OF_OTHER_TERM_ISSBM;
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
        case '^': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | (ADOPT_LOCAL_STACK_FRAME_ISSBM + BY_REFERENCE_ISSBM);
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
        case '>': iss_bitmap = iss_bitmap | BY_REFERENCE_ISSBM;
                  c = Str::get_at(from, ++at); break;
    if (Characters::isdigit(c)) {
        Absorb raw material, if any1.2;
        for (int i=pos; i<=at; i++) PUT_TO(T, Str::get_at(from, i));
        inter_schema_token *t = InterSchemas::new_token(INLINE_ISTT, T, 0, 0, -1);
        t->bracing = Str::duplicate(T);
        t->inline_command = substitute_ISINC;
        t->inline_modifiers = iss_bitmap;
        t->constant_number = (int) c - (int) '1';
        InterSchemas::add_token(sch, t);
        preceding_token = t;
        pos = at;
    } else if (c == '&') {
        inter_schema_token *t = InterSchemas::new_token(INLINE_ISTT, I"*&", 0, 0, -1);
        t->bracing = I"*&";
        t->inline_command = combine_ISINC;
        t->inline_modifiers = iss_bitmap;
        InterSchemas::add_token(sch, t);
        preceding_token = t;
        pos = at;
    } else if (c == '-') {
            I"the '*-' schema notation has been abolished");
    } else if (c == '*') {
        int c = '*'; Absorb a raw character1.1;
        pos = at;
    } else {
        int c = '{'; Absorb a raw character1.1;

§1.3.1. That leaves us with just the main case to handle: raw I6 code which is outside of quotation marks and commentary, and which doesn't include bracings or I7 interpolations. That might look like, for instance,

    Frog + 2*Toad(

(there is no reason to suppose that this stretch of code is complete or matches parentheses); we must tokenise it into


We scan through the text until we reach the start of a new token, and then break off what we scanned through since the last time.

Look for individual tokens1.3.1 =

    int L = Str::len(current_raw);
    int c_start = 0, escaped = FALSE;
    for (int p = 0; p < L; p++) {
        wchar_t c1 = Str::get_at(current_raw, p), c2 = 0, c3 = 0;
        if (p < L-1) c2 = Str::get_at(current_raw, p+1);
        if (p < L-2) c3 = Str::get_at(current_raw, p+2);

        if (escaped == FALSE) {
            if ((c1 == '$') &&
                ((p == 0) ||
                    (Characters::isalpha(Str::get_at(current_raw, p-1)) == FALSE)))
                Break off here for real, binary or hexadecimal notation1.3.1.1;
            if (c1 == '-') Break off here for negative number1.3.1.2;
            Break off here for operators1.3.1.3;
        if (c1 == 0x00A7) escaped = escaped?FALSE:TRUE;
    if (c_start < L) {
        int x = c_start, y = L-1;
        Break off a token1.3.1.4;

§ Recall that in I6 notation, a dollar introduces a non-decimal number, and the character after the initial dollar determines which:


Break off here for real, binary or hexadecimal notation1.3.1.1 =

    int x = c_start, y = p-1;
    Break off a token1.3.1.4;
    switch (c2) {
        case '+': case '-':
            x = p; y = p+1;
            while ((Str::get_at(current_raw, y+1) == '.') ||
                    (Str::get_at(current_raw, y+1) == 'E') ||
                    (Str::get_at(current_raw, y+1) == 'e') ||
                    (Characters::isdigit(Str::get_at(current_raw, y+1))))
            Break off a token1.3.1.4;
            p = y;
            c_start = p+1;
        case '$':
            x = p; y = p+1;
            while ((Str::get_at(current_raw, y+1) == '0') ||
                    (Str::get_at(current_raw, y+1) == '1'))
            Break off a token1.3.1.4;
            p = y;
            c_start = p+1;
            x = p; y = p;
            while (Characters::isalnum(Str::get_at(current_raw, y+1)))
            Break off a token1.3.1.4;
            p = y;
            c_start = p+1;

§ A token beginning with a minus sign and continuing with digits may still not be a negative number: it may be the binary subtraction operator. For example, we need to tokenise x-1 as


and not as


This requires context, that is, remembering what the previous token was.

Break off here for negative number1.3.1.2 =

    if (((preceding_token == NULL) ||
        (preceding_token->ist_type == OPEN_ROUND_ISTT) ||
        (preceding_token->ist_type == OPERATOR_ISTT) ||
        (preceding_token->ist_type == DIVIDER_ISTT)) &&
        (c_start == p) &&
        (!((abbreviated) && (preceding_token->ist_type == INLINE_ISTT)))) {
        int dc = p+1;
        while (Characters::isdigit(Str::get_at(current_raw, dc))) dc++;
        if (dc > p+1) {
            int x = c_start, y = p-1;
            Break off a token1.3.1.4;
            x = p; y = dc - 1;
            Break off a token1.3.1.4;
            p = y;
            c_start = p+1;

§ In I6, operators made of non-alphanumeric characters can be up to three characters long, and we take the longest match: thus --> is a trigraph, not the monograph - followed by the digraph ->.

We treat the @ sign as if it were alphanumeric for the sake of assembly language opcodes such as @pull.

Break off here for operators1.3.1.3 =

    int monograph = TRUE, digraph = FALSE, trigraph = FALSE;
    if ((Characters::isalnum(c1)) || (c1 == '_') || (c1 == '$')) monograph = FALSE;
    if (c1 == 0x00A7) monograph = FALSE;
    if ((c1 == '#') && (Characters::isalpha(c2))) monograph = FALSE;
    if ((c1 == '_') && (Characters::isalpha(c2))) monograph = FALSE;
    if ((c1 == '#') && (c2 == '#') && (Characters::isalpha(c3))) monograph = FALSE;
    if ((c1 == '@') && (Characters::isalpha(c2))) monograph = FALSE;

    if ((c1 == '+') && (c2 == '+')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '-') && (c2 == '-')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '>') && (c2 == '=')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '<') && (c2 == '=')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '=') && (c2 == '=')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '-') && (c2 == '>')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '.') && (c2 == '&')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '.') && (c2 == '#')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '~') && (c2 == '~')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '~') && (c2 == '=')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '&') && (c2 == '&')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '|') && (c2 == '|')) digraph = TRUE;
    if ((c1 == '>') && (c2 == '>')) digraph = TRUE;

    if ((c1 == '-') && (c2 == '-') && (c3 == '>')) trigraph = TRUE;

    if (trigraph) {
        int x = c_start, y = p-1;
        Break off a token1.3.1.4;
        x = p; y = p+2;
        Break off a token1.3.1.4;
        p += 2;
        c_start = p+1;

    if (digraph) {
        int x = c_start, y = p-1;
        Break off a token1.3.1.4;
        x = p; y = p+1;
        Break off a token1.3.1.4;
        c_start = p+1;

    if (monograph) {
        int x = c_start, y = p-1;
        Break off a token1.3.1.4;
        x = p; y = p;
        Break off a token1.3.1.4;
        c_start = p+1;

§ In this code, the new token is between character positions x and y inclusive; we ignore an empty token.

Break off a token1.3.1.4 =

    if (y >= x) {
        for (int i = x; i <= y; i++) PUT_TO(T, Str::get_at(current_raw, i));

        int is = RAW_ISTT;
        inter_ti which = 0;
        int which_rw = 0, which_number = -1, which_quote = -1;
        Identify this new token1.;

        inter_schema_token *n = InterSchemas::new_token(is, T, which, which_rw, which_number);
        #ifdef CORE_MODULE
        if (which_quote >= 0) n->as_quoted = quoted_inames[which_quote];
        InterSchemas::add_token(sch, n);
        if (n->ist_type != WHITE_SPACE_ISTT) preceding_token = n;

§ Finally, we identify what sort of token we're looking at. It would be elegant to reimplement this with a trie (e.g. using Tries and Avinues (in foundation)), but speed is not quite important enough to make it worthwhile.

enum HAS_XBIP from 10000

Identify this new token1. =

    if (Str::get_at(T, 0) == '@') is = OPCODE_ISTT;
    if (Str::get_at(T, 0) == 0x00A7)
        is = IDENTIFIER_ISTT;
    if ((Str::get_at(T, 0) == '#') && (Str::get_at(T, 1) == '#') &&
        (Characters::isalpha(Str::get_at(T, 2)))) {
        is = IDENTIFIER_ISTT;
            wchar_t c = Str::get(P);
            if ((c != '_') && (c != '#') && (!Characters::isalnum(c)))
                is = RAW_ISTT;
    if ((Str::get_at(T, 0) == '#') && (Characters::isalpha(Str::get_at(T, 1)))) {
        is = IDENTIFIER_ISTT;
            wchar_t c = Str::get(P);
            if ((c != '_') && (c != '#') && (c != '$') && (!Characters::isalnum(c)))
                is = RAW_ISTT;
    if ((Str::get_at(T, 0) == '_') && (Characters::isalpha(Str::get_at(T, 1)))) {
        is = IDENTIFIER_ISTT;
            wchar_t c = Str::get(P);
            if ((c != '_') && (c != '#') && (!Characters::isalnum(c)))
                is = RAW_ISTT;
    if (Characters::isalpha(Str::get_at(T, 0))) {
        is = IDENTIFIER_ISTT;
            wchar_t c = Str::get(P);
            if ((c != '_') && (!Characters::isalnum(c)))
                is = RAW_ISTT;
        if (Str::begins_with_wide_string(T, L"QUOTED_INAME_0_")) which_quote = 0;
        else if (Str::begins_with_wide_string(T, L"QUOTED_INAME_1_")) which_quote = 1;
        if (Str::eq(T, I"I7_string")) { Str::clear(T); WRITE_TO(T, "I7_String"); }
        if (Str::eq(T, I"COMMA_WORD")) { Str::clear(T); WRITE_TO(T, "comma_word"); }
    if (Characters::isdigit(Str::get_at(T, 0))) {
        is = NUMBER_ISTT;
            wchar_t c = Str::get(P);
            if (!Characters::isdigit(c))
                is = RAW_ISTT;
    if (Str::get_at(T, 0) == '$') {
        is = HEX_NUMBER_ISTT;
        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(T, 1);
        if (c == '$') is = BIN_NUMBER_ISTT;
        if (c == '+') is = REAL_NUMBER_ISTT;
        if (c == '-') is = REAL_NUMBER_ISTT;
    if (Str::get_at(T, 0) == '-') is = NUMBER_ISTT;

    if (Str::eq(T, I"false")) { is = NUMBER_ISTT; which_number = 0; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"true")) { is = NUMBER_ISTT; which_number = 1; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"nothing")) { is = NUMBER_ISTT; which_number = 0; }

    if (Str::eq(T, I"if")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = IF_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"else")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = ELSE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"style")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = STYLE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"return")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = RETURN_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"rtrue")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = RTRUE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"rfalse")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = RFALSE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"for")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = FOR_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"objectloop")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = OBJECTLOOP_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"while")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = WHILE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"do")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = DO_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"until")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = UNTIL_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"print")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = PRINT_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"print_ret")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = PRINTRET_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"new_line")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = NEWLINE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"give")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = GIVE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"move")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = MOVE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"remove")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = REMOVE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"jump")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = JUMP_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"switch")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = SWITCH_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"default")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = DEFAULT_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"font")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = FONT_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"continue")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = CONTINUE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"break")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = BREAK_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"quit")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = QUIT_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"restore")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = RESTORE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"spaces")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = SPACES_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"read")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = READ_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq(T, I"inversion")) { is = RESERVED_ISTT; which_rw = INVERSION_I6RW; }

    if (Str::eq_insensitive(T, I"#IFDEF")) { is = DIRECTIVE_ISTT; which_rw = IFDEF_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq_insensitive(T, I"#IFNDEF")) { is = DIRECTIVE_ISTT; which_rw = IFNDEF_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq_insensitive(T, I"#IFTRUE")) { is = DIRECTIVE_ISTT; which_rw = IFTRUE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq_insensitive(T, I"#IFFALSE")) { is = DIRECTIVE_ISTT; which_rw = IFFALSE_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq_insensitive(T, I"#IFNOT")) { is = DIRECTIVE_ISTT; which_rw = IFNOT_I6RW; }
    if (Str::eq_insensitive(T, I"#ENDIF")) { is = DIRECTIVE_ISTT; which_rw = ENDIF_I6RW; }

    if (Str::eq(T, I",")) is = COMMA_ISTT;
    if (Str::eq(T, I":")) is = COLON_ISTT;
    if (Str::eq(T, I"(")) is = OPEN_ROUND_ISTT;
    if (Str::eq(T, I")")) is = CLOSE_ROUND_ISTT;
    if (Str::eq(T, I"{")) is = OPEN_BRACE_ISTT;
    if (Str::eq(T, I"}")) is = CLOSE_BRACE_ISTT;
    if (Str::eq(T, I";")) is = DIVIDER_ISTT;

    inter_ti x = I6Operators::notation_to_BIP(T);
    if (x > 0) { is = OPERATOR_ISTT; which = x; }

§2. Inform 6 has a baroque set of not very self-consistent escape characters in its double-quoted text syntax: here we take a deep breath, and plunge in. The following converts text from I6 notation to a (composed) Unicode-encoded string, in which every character has its literal meaning.

Note that the test case schemas of the building-test module exercises the following function.

void Tokenisation::de_escape_text(text_stream *text) {
    WRITE_TO(raw, "%S", text);
    Normalise the white space2.1;
    De-escape raw into text2.2;

§2.1. Where a newline occurs inside double-quoted text, all whitespace either side of it is deleted, and the newline replaced by a single space.

Normalise the white space2.1 =

    int run_start = -1, run_len = 0, run_includes = FALSE;
    for (int i=0; i<Str::len(raw); i++) {
        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(raw, i);
        if ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t') || (c == '\n')) {
            if (run_start == -1) {
                run_start = i;
                run_len = 0;
                run_includes = FALSE;
            if (c == '\n') run_includes = TRUE;
        } else {
            if ((run_start >= 0) && (run_includes)) {
                Str::put_at(raw, run_start, ' ');
                for (int j=0; j<run_len-1; j++)
                    Str::delete_nth_character(raw, run_start+1);
                i = run_start;
            run_start = -1;

§2.2. I6 does not follow the C-like language convention of using backslash for string escapes. Instead ^ marks a forced newline and ~ marks a double-quotation mark. All other string escapes begin with @.

De-escape raw into text2.2 =

    for (int i=0; i<Str::len(raw); i++) {
        De-escape the Inform 7 unicode escape2.2.1;
        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(raw, i);
        switch (c) {
            case '^': PUT_TO(text, '\n'); break;
            case '~': PUT_TO(text, '\"'); break;
            case '@': {
                int skip = 1, decimal = FALSE, hexadecimal = FALSE;
                Extract the escape token2.2.2;
                i += skip-1;
                if (hexadecimal) Expand hexadecimal Unicode value2.2.3
                else if (decimal) Expand decimal ZSCII value2.2.4
                else Expand TeX-style digraph2.2.5;
            default: PUT_TO(text, c); break;

§2.2.1. This is not an I6 notation at all. If a character outside the range allowed by I6 in string literals is present in an I7 source text file — for example, a capital Cyrillic ef — then it is converted internally by the compiler to something like [unicode 1060], with 1060 here being the decimal code point for the character.

We will recognise this notation and translate it back into Unicode. The reason for doing this, even though the stand-alone I6 compiler would not, is that it means I6 source fed into this tokeniser will be treated the same whether it comes from an Include directive in I7 source text, or whether it comes from a kit source file.

De-escape the Inform 7 unicode escape2.2.1 =

    if (Str::includes_at(raw, i, I"[unicode ")) {
        int unicode_point = 0;
        for (int j=i+9; j<Str::len(raw); j++) {
            wchar_t c = Str::get_at(raw, j);
            if (c == ']') {
                unicode_point = Str::atoi(raw, i+9);
                i = j;
            if (Characters::isdigit(c) == FALSE) break;
        if (unicode_point > 0) {
            PUT_TO(text, unicode_point);

§2.2.2. There are three different forms for an @-escape. First, @{....} with hexadecimal digits inside the braces; then @@... with decimal digits; and otherwise @.. for any of the set of legal digraphs listed below. The content represented by dots in these syntaxes we will store in token, and skip will count the total length of the escape, in raw characters. Thus for @{2af4} the skip count would be 7.

Extract the escape token2.2.2 =

    wchar_t d = Str::get_at(raw, i+1);
    if (d == '{') {
        while (Str::get_at(raw, i+skip)) {
            wchar_t e = Str::get_at(raw, i+skip);
            if (e == '}') break;
            PUT_TO(token, e);
        hexadecimal = TRUE;
    } else if (d == '@') {
        while (Characters::isdigit(Str::get_at(raw, i+skip))) {
            wchar_t e = Str::get_at(raw, i+skip);
            PUT_TO(token, e);
        decimal = TRUE;
    } else {
        PUT_TO(token, d);
        PUT_TO(token, Str::get_at(raw, i+2));
        skip += 2;

§2.2.3. The hex notation refers directly to Unicode code points, so all we need to do is convert the token from a string to hex and then put it as a character.

Expand hexadecimal Unicode value2.2.3 =

    int N = 0;
    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, token) {
        wchar_t c = Str::get(pos);
        int D = Tokenisation::hex_val(c);
        if (D == -1) { N = -1; break; }
        N = 16*N + D;
    if (N == -1) WRITE_TO(text, "?ERROR<%S>", token);
    else PUT_TO(text, N);

§2.2.4. Decimal notation is substantially more annoying, because it uses the ZSCII character set, not Unicode. ZSCII is (for our purposes at least) the same as ASCII in the range 0 to 127, but is then very unlike ISO Latin-1 (and thus Unicode) in the range 128 to 255. (Which is as far as it goes.) The following therefore converts ZSCII to Unicode code points. Note that ZSCII cannot be mapped faithfully into ISO Latin-1 alone: it contains the OE ligature, which is in a different Unicode page. See "Table 2B: Higher ZSCII Character Set" in the DM4.

Expand decimal ZSCII value2.2.4 =

    int N = Str::atoi(token, 0);
    if (N<128) PUT_TO(text, N);
    else {
        switch (N) {
            case 155: PUT_TO(text, 0xE4); break;  a-diarhesis
            case 156: PUT_TO(text, 0xF6); break;  o-diarhesis
            case 157: PUT_TO(text, 0xFC); break;  u-diarhesis
            case 158: PUT_TO(text, 0xC4); break;  A-diarhesis
            case 159: PUT_TO(text, 0xD6); break;  O-diarhesis
            case 160: PUT_TO(text, 0xDC); break;  U-diarhesis
            case 161: PUT_TO(text, 0xDF); break;  sharp s
            case 162: PUT_TO(text, 0xBB); break;  close double-angle quotation mark
            case 163: PUT_TO(text, 0xAB); break;  open double-angle quotation mark
            case 164: PUT_TO(text, 0xEB); break;  e-diarhesis
            case 165: PUT_TO(text, 0xEF); break;  i-diarhesis
            case 166: PUT_TO(text, 0xFF); break;  y-diarhesis
            case 167: PUT_TO(text, 0xCB); break;  E-diarhesis
            case 168: PUT_TO(text, 0xCF); break;  I-diarhesis
            case 169: PUT_TO(text, 0xE1); break;  a-acute
            case 170: PUT_TO(text, 0xE9); break;  e-acute
            case 171: PUT_TO(text, 0xED); break;  i-acute
            case 172: PUT_TO(text, 0xF3); break;  o-acute
            case 173: PUT_TO(text, 0xFA); break;  u-acute
            case 174: PUT_TO(text, 0xFD); break;  y-acute
            case 175: PUT_TO(text, 0xC1); break;  A-acute
            case 176: PUT_TO(text, 0xC9); break;  E-acute
            case 177: PUT_TO(text, 0xCD); break;  I-acute
            case 178: PUT_TO(text, 0xD3); break;  O-acute
            case 179: PUT_TO(text, 0xDA); break;  U-acute
            case 180: PUT_TO(text, 0xDD); break;  Y-acute
            case 181: PUT_TO(text, 0xE0); break;  a-grave
            case 182: PUT_TO(text, 0xE8); break;  e-grave
            case 183: PUT_TO(text, 0xEC); break;  i-grave
            case 184: PUT_TO(text, 0xF2); break;  o-grave
            case 185: PUT_TO(text, 0xF9); break;  u-grave
            case 186: PUT_TO(text, 0xC0); break;  A-grave
            case 187: PUT_TO(text, 0xC8); break;  E-grave
            case 188: PUT_TO(text, 0xCC); break;  I-grave
            case 189: PUT_TO(text, 0xD2); break;  O-grave
            case 190: PUT_TO(text, 0xD9); break;  U-grave
            case 191: PUT_TO(text, 0xE2); break;  a-circumflex
            case 192: PUT_TO(text, 0xEA); break;  e-circumflex
            case 193: PUT_TO(text, 0xEE); break;  i-circumflex
            case 194: PUT_TO(text, 0xF4); break;  o-circumflex
            case 195: PUT_TO(text, 0xFB); break;  u-circumflex
            case 196: PUT_TO(text, 0xC2); break;  A-circumflex
            case 197: PUT_TO(text, 0xCA); break;  E-circumflex
            case 198: PUT_TO(text, 0xCE); break;  I-circumflex
            case 199: PUT_TO(text, 0xD4); break;  O-circumflex
            case 200: PUT_TO(text, 0xDB); break;  U-circumflex
            case 201: PUT_TO(text, 0xE6); break;  a-ring
            case 202: PUT_TO(text, 0xC6); break;  A-ring
            case 203: PUT_TO(text, 0xF8); break;  o-stroke
            case 204: PUT_TO(text, 0xD8); break;  O-stroke
            case 205: PUT_TO(text, 0xE3); break;  a-tilde
            case 206: PUT_TO(text, 0xF1); break;  n-tilde
            case 207: PUT_TO(text, 0xF5); break;  o-tilde
            case 208: PUT_TO(text, 0xC3); break;  A-tilde
            case 209: PUT_TO(text, 0xD1); break;  N-tilde
            case 210: PUT_TO(text, 0xD5); break;  O-tilde
            case 211: PUT_TO(text, 0xE6); break;  ae
            case 212: PUT_TO(text, 0xC6); break;  AE
            case 213: PUT_TO(text, 0xE7); break;  c-cedilla
            case 214: PUT_TO(text, 0xC7); break;  C-cedilla
            case 215: PUT_TO(text, 0xFE); break;  thorn
            case 216: PUT_TO(text, 0xF0); break;  eth
            case 217: PUT_TO(text, 0xDE); break;  Thorn
            case 218: PUT_TO(text, 0xD0); break;  Eth
            case 219: PUT_TO(text, 0xA3); break;  pound sterling sign
            case 220: PUT_TO(text, 0x153); break;  oe
            case 221: PUT_TO(text, 0x152); break;  OE
            case 222: PUT_TO(text, 0xA1); break;  inverted !
            case 223: PUT_TO(text, 0xBF); break;  inverted ?
            default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;

§2.2.5. Now for the digraphs. For example, @'a is an a-acute, while @ss is a German sharp s. Again, see the DM4 for the specification of these. A misprint in the DM4 means that one part of that manual says that @cc is the syntax for c-cedilla, and another says it is @,c. To be on the safe side, we recognise both. For similar reasons, we recognise both @/o and @\o as a Scandinavian o-stroke.

Expand TeX-style digraph2.2.5 =

    wchar_t c = Str::get_at(token, 0);
    wchar_t d = Str::get_at(token, 1);
    switch (c) {
        case '\'':  these are acute accents
            switch (d) {
                case 'a': PUT_TO(text, 0xE1); break;
                case 'e': PUT_TO(text, 0xE9); break;
                case 'i': PUT_TO(text, 0xED); break;
                case 'o': PUT_TO(text, 0xF3); break;
                case 'u': PUT_TO(text, 0xFA); break;
                case 'y': PUT_TO(text, 0xFD); break;
                case 'A': PUT_TO(text, 0xC1); break;
                case 'E': PUT_TO(text, 0xC9); break;
                case 'I': PUT_TO(text, 0xCD); break;
                case 'O': PUT_TO(text, 0xD3); break;
                case 'U': PUT_TO(text, 0xDA); break;
                case 'Y': PUT_TO(text, 0xDD); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case '`':  these are grave accents
            switch (d) {
                case 'a': PUT_TO(text, 0xE0); break;
                case 'e': PUT_TO(text, 0xE8); break;
                case 'i': PUT_TO(text, 0xEC); break;
                case 'o': PUT_TO(text, 0xF2); break;
                case 'u': PUT_TO(text, 0xF9); break;
                case 'A': PUT_TO(text, 0xC0); break;
                case 'E': PUT_TO(text, 0xC8); break;
                case 'I': PUT_TO(text, 0xCC); break;
                case 'O': PUT_TO(text, 0xD2); break;
                case 'U': PUT_TO(text, 0xD9); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case '^':  these are circumflex accents
            switch (d) {
                case 'a': PUT_TO(text, 0xE2); break;
                case 'e': PUT_TO(text, 0xEA); break;
                case 'i': PUT_TO(text, 0xEE); break;
                case 'o': PUT_TO(text, 0xF4); break;
                case 'u': PUT_TO(text, 0xFB); break;
                case 'A': PUT_TO(text, 0xC2); break;
                case 'E': PUT_TO(text, 0xCA); break;
                case 'I': PUT_TO(text, 0xCE); break;
                case 'O': PUT_TO(text, 0xD4); break;
                case 'U': PUT_TO(text, 0xDB); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case ':':  these are diarhesis accents, that is, umlauts
            switch (d) {
                case 'a': PUT_TO(text, 0xE4); break;
                case 'e': PUT_TO(text, 0xEB); break;
                case 'i': PUT_TO(text, 0xEF); break;
                case 'o': PUT_TO(text, 0xF6); break;
                case 'u': PUT_TO(text, 0xFC); break;
                case 'y': PUT_TO(text, 0xFF); break;
                case 'A': PUT_TO(text, 0xC4); break;
                case 'E': PUT_TO(text, 0xCB); break;
                case 'I': PUT_TO(text, 0xCF); break;
                case 'O': PUT_TO(text, 0xD6); break;
                case 'U': PUT_TO(text, 0xDC); break;
                case 'Y': PUT_TO(text, 0x0178); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case '~':  these are tilde accents
            switch (d) {
                case 'a': PUT_TO(text, 0xE3); break;
                case 'n': PUT_TO(text, 0xF1); break;
                case 'o': PUT_TO(text, 0xF5); break;
                case 'A': PUT_TO(text, 0xC3); break;
                case 'N': PUT_TO(text, 0xD1); break;
                case 'O': PUT_TO(text, 0xD5); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case ',': case 'c':  cedilla (a misprint in the DM4 means both are said to work)
            switch (d) {
                case 'c': PUT_TO(text, 0xE7); break;
                case 'C': PUT_TO(text, 0xC7); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case '\\': case '/':  the Scandinavian slash thing
            switch (d) {
                case 'o': PUT_TO(text, 0xF8); break;
                case 'O': PUT_TO(text, 0xD8); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case 'a':  joined ae
            switch (d) {
                case 'e': PUT_TO(text, 0xE6); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case 'A':  joined AE
            switch (d) {
                case 'E': PUT_TO(text, 0xC6); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case 'e':  lower-case Icelandic eth
            switch (d) {
                case 't': PUT_TO(text, 0xF0); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case 'E':  capital Icelandic eth
            switch (d) {
                case 't': PUT_TO(text, 0xD0); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case 't':  lower-case thorn
            switch (d) {
                case 'h': PUT_TO(text, 0xFE); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case 'T':  capital thorn
            switch (d) {
                case 'h': PUT_TO(text, 0xCE); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case 'L':  pound sign
            switch (d) {
                case 'L': PUT_TO(text, 0xA3); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case '!':  inverted Spanish exclamation mark
            if (d == '!') PUT_TO(text, 0xA1);
            else Unknown string token2.2.4.1;
        case '?':  inverted Spanish question mark
            if (d == '?') PUT_TO(text, 0xBF);
            else Unknown string token2.2.4.1;
        case '<':  Double-angle open quotation mark
            if (d == '<') PUT_TO(text, 0xAB);
            else Unknown string token2.2.4.1;
        case '>':  Double-angle close quotation mark
            if (d == '>') PUT_TO(text, 0xBB);
            else Unknown string token2.2.4.1;
        case 's':  German sharp s
            if (d == 's') PUT_TO(text, 0xDF);
            else Unknown string token2.2.4.1;
        case 'o':  joined oe and ring accent A
            switch (d) {
                case 'a': PUT_TO(text, 0xE5); break;
                case 'A': PUT_TO(text, 0xC5); break;
                case 'e': PUT_TO(text, 0x153); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
        case 'O':  joined OE
            switch (d) {
                case 'E': PUT_TO(text, 0x152); break;
                default: Unknown string token2.2.4.1; break;
            WRITE_TO(text, "TOKEN<%S>", token);

§ Unknown string token2.2.4.1 =

    WRITE_TO(text, "@%S", token);


int Tokenisation::hex_val(wchar_t c) {
    if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) return c - '0';
    if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) return c - 'a' + 10;
    if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) return c - 'A' + 10;
    return -1;

§4. And similarly for single-quoted text notation, which shares some of the same conventions. In fact I6 for some reason does not support the @@... decimal notation within character or dictionary literals, throwing an error if it is used; but we'll recognise it anyway, for the sake of using the same code as is given above.

The tricky thing here is that single-quoted literals are characters if they contain one character and do not have a // marker, but dictionary literals otherwise. We need to know which because ^ is an escape character for a single quotation mark in a dictionary literal, but not a character literal.

void Tokenisation::de_escape_sq_text(text_stream *text) {
    WRITE_TO(raw, "%S", text);
    int is_dictionary_word = FALSE;
    Determine if this is a character or dictionary literal4.1;
    Expand the literal text4.2;

§4.1. Determine if this is a character or dictionary literal4.1 =

    int char_count = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<Str::len(raw); i++) {
        if ((Str::get_at(raw, i) == '/') && (Str::get_at(raw, i+1) == '/')) {
            is_dictionary_word = TRUE; break;
        if (Str::get_at(raw, i) == '@') {
            int skip = 1, decimal = FALSE, hexadecimal = FALSE;
            Extract the escape token2.2.2;
            i += skip-1;
    if (char_count > 1) is_dictionary_word = TRUE;

§4.2. Expand the literal text4.2 =

    for (int i=0; i<Str::len(raw); i++) {
        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(raw, i);
        if ((c == '/') && (Str::get_at(raw, i+1) == '/'))
            Past this point escape characters do not apply4.2.1;
        if (c == '@') {
            int skip = 1, decimal = FALSE, hexadecimal = FALSE;
            Extract the escape token2.2.2;
            if (hexadecimal) Expand hexadecimal Unicode value2.2.3
            else if (decimal) Expand decimal ZSCII value2.2.4
            else Expand TeX-style digraph2.2.5;
            i += skip-1;
        } else {
            if ((c == '^') && (is_dictionary_word)) PUT_TO(text, '\'');
            else PUT_TO(text, c);

§4.2.1. Past this point escape characters do not apply4.2.1 =

    while (i < Str::len(raw)) {
        PUT_TO(text, Str::get_at(raw, i));