An overview of the arch module's role and abilities.

§1. Prerequisites. The arch module is a part of the Inform compiler toolset. It is presented as a literate program or "web". Before diving in:

§2. Architecture versus VM. The Inform 7 build process works in two stages: first it generates abstract Inter code, then it further generates "final code" from that.

It's an appealing notion that this first stage might be universal: that is, that inform7 could generate the same Inter code regardless of the eventual build product needed, and that only the second stage would vary according to this.

Which is very nearly true, but not quite. Here's why not:

Reason (c) could be avoided, at some cost in complexity, but reasons (a) and (b) are something we cannot sensibly avoid without making Inter a much higher-level form of bytecode. Instead, we have "architectures" for Inter: for example, 32-bit with debugging enabled is the 32d architecture. See Architectures; if ever we introduce a 64-bit VM, that will need new architectures, and this is where they would go.

§3. A target_vm object, on the other hand, expresses the choices made at the second stage too. The term "VM" is traditional here, and stands for "virtual machine", because until 2021, Inform could only generate code which would ultimately run on virtual machines called Glulx and the Z-machine. But it can now, for example, also generate C.

As a result, "VM" now has a more general meaning, and really means "form of final code generation". The Glulx format used to be specified by supplying the command-line option -format=ulx to inform7 or inter: that still works, though it is deprecated, and -format=Inform6/32d is better. But equally possible now would be -format=C/32d. Here the target is a native executable to be compiled with a C compiler.

As these new-style -format options suggest, the compilation process thus involves a combination of both architecture and target:

                             depends on architecture:           depends on target:
    Source text -----------> Inter code       ----------------> Bytecode for
                  INFORM7                       via INFORM6     target virtual machine
                                              ----------------> Executable
                                                via CLANG/GCC

Note that a single target_vm object can be used with just one architecture: use the function TargetVMs::get_architecture to obtain this. If a target supports multiple architectures, then there will be multiple target_vm objects for it, one for each architecture it supports. For example, the Glulx VM can be reached by Inform6/32 or Inform6/32d. There can also be multiple versions: for example, Inform6/16/v8 is a valid target. The function TargetVMs::find finds the target_vm object associated with a given textual form like "C/32d", if the toolchain supports this.

§4. Compatibility. Not all software in the Inform stack — source text from the user, extensions, kits of Inter code — will be compatible with every architecture, or with every VM. We represent that by giving something a compatibility_specification object to say what it can work with: the function Compatibility::test determines whether any given VM is allowed with this specification.

A specification can be converted to or from text: see Compatibility::write and Compatibility::from_text. Typically, such text might read "for 32d only".

Lastly, Compatibility::all returns a specification meaning "works with anything". This should be the default; Compatibility::test_universal tests whether a specification is equivalent to this.