To manage constant values of enumerated kinds, including kinds of object.

§1. Instances are named constants of kinds which have a finite range (unlike "number", say), and where the possibilities are entirely up to the source text to specify (unlike "truth state", say), and where the values form part of the model world, so that inferences can be made about them, and properties attached to them, and so on (unlike "rulebook", say). For example, in

Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, blue and green.

three instances are created: "red", "blue" and "green", which are constants of kind "colour" made to differ from all other known "colour" values (including each other). Objects are instances too:

Peter carries a blue ball.

creates two instances of "object" (though the world-model-completion code will eventually make them instances of the subkind "thing" unless other evidence turns up to suggest otherwise).

typedef struct instance {
    struct noun *tag;
    struct package_request *instance_package;
    struct inter_name *instance_iname;
    int instance_emitted;
    struct parse_node *creating_sentence;  sentence creating the instance
    struct parse_node *instance_of_set_at;  and identifying its kind
    struct inference_subject *as_subject;

    int enumeration_index;  within each kind, named constants are counted from 1
    struct general_pointer connection;  to the data structure for a constant of a kind significant to Inform
    struct adjective *usage_as_aph;  if this is a noun used adjectivally, like "red"

    int index_appearances;  how many times have I appeared thus far in the World index?
    struct instance_usage *first_noted_usage;
    struct instance_usage *last_noted_usage;
} instance;

§2. We are going to record uses of these in the index, so:

typedef struct instance_usage {
    struct parse_node *where_instance_used;
    struct instance_usage *next;
} instance_usage;

§3. We record the one most recently made:

instance *latest_instance = NULL;

§4. We also need to keep track of three in particular:

int no_ggs_recorded = 0;
instance *grammatical_genders[NO_GRAMMATICAL_GENDERS];

instance *Instances::grammatical(int g) {
    if (no_ggs_recorded != NO_GRAMMATICAL_GENDERS) return NULL;
    return grammatical_genders[g-1];

§5. Creation. Since this is the first of several "protected model procedures" in the Inform source, a brief explanation. Inform's world model is brought into being by assertion sentences; these are converted to logical propositions; and the propositions then "asserted", a formal process of arranging the world so that they become true. Since some propositions assert the existence of instances, the process sometimes means calling the following routine. What makes it "protected" is that it is not allowed to be called from anywhere else, and any attempt to do so will throw an internal error. (This ensures that we don't accidentally break the rule that the model world is fully specified by the propositions concerning it.)

instance *Instances::new(wording W, kind *K) {
    Simplify the initial kind of the instance5.1;
    property *cp = Properties::Conditions::get_coinciding_property(K);
    instance *I = CREATE(instance);
    Initialise the instance except for its noun5.2;
    Make a noun for the new instance5.3;
    Instances::set_kind(I, K);
    Add the new instance to its enumeration5.4;
    latest_instance = I;
    LOGIF(OBJECT_CREATIONS, "Created instance: $O (kind %u) (inter %n)\n", I, K, Instances::iname(I));
    if ((Kinds::eq(K, K_grammatical_gender)) &&
        (no_ggs_recorded < NO_GRAMMATICAL_GENDERS))
        grammatical_genders[no_ggs_recorded++] = I;
    return I;

§5.1. If we don't know the kind, we assume "object"; if we're asked for a kind more specific than "object", we make it just "object". (It will be refined later on.)

Simplify the initial kind of the instance5.1 =

    if (K == NULL) K = K_object;
    K = Kinds::weaken(K, K_object);

§5.2. Initialise the instance except for its noun5.2 =

    I->instance_package = NULL;
    I->instance_iname = NULL;
    I->instance_emitted = FALSE;
    I->creating_sentence = current_sentence;
    I->instance_of_set_at = current_sentence;
    I->usage_as_aph = NULL;
    I->enumeration_index = 0;
    I->connection = NULL_GENERAL_POINTER;
    I->index_appearances = 0;
    I->first_noted_usage = NULL;
    I->last_noted_usage = NULL;
    I->as_subject = InferenceSubjects::new(Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(K),

§5.3. When we create instances of a kind whose name coincides with a property used as a condition, as here:

A door can be ajar, sealed or wedged open.

we will need "ajar" and so on to be (in most contexts) adjectives rather than nouns; so, even though they are instances, we give them blank nametags to prevent them being parsed as nouns.

Otherwise, we have a choice of whether to allow ambiguous references or not. Inform traditionally allows these for instances of object, but not for other instances: thus "submarine green" (a colour, say) must be spelled out in full, whereas a "tuna fish" (an object) can be called just "tuna".

Make a noun for the new instance5.3 =

    int exact_parsing = TRUE, any_parsing = TRUE;
    if ((cp) && (Properties::Conditions::of_what(cp))) any_parsing = FALSE;
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K)) exact_parsing = FALSE;

    if (any_parsing) {
        if (exact_parsing)
            I->tag =
                Nouns::new_proper_noun(W, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
                    NAMED_CONSTANT_MC, Rvalues::from_instance(I), Task::language_of_syntax());
            I->tag =
                Nouns::new_proper_noun(W, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
                    NOUN_MC, Rvalues::from_instance(I), Task::language_of_syntax());
    } else {
        I->tag = Nouns::new_proper_noun(W, NEUTER_GENDER, 0,
            NAMED_CONSTANT_MC, NULL, Task::language_of_syntax());

§5.4. The values in an enumerated kind such as our perpetual "colour" example are numbered 1, 2, 3, ..., in order of creation. This is where we assign those numbers, and also where we give corresponding adjectival meanings in the kind in question is also a property.

There are two reasons why we don't do the same for objects: firstly, because "object" has a whole hierarchy of subkinds, there's no unique numbering — the same object may be thing number 17 but vehicle number 3 — and secondly, because we won't know the exact kind of objects until much later on; for now the only thing we are sure of is that they are indeed objects. Enumerations for objects within kinds is certainly useful, but it's harder to do and will be done later on: see the "Instance Counts" plugin.

Add the new instance to its enumeration5.4 =

    if (!(Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K))) {
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::has_named_constant_values(K) == FALSE)
            internal_error("tried to make an instance value for impossible kind");
        I->enumeration_index = Kinds::Behaviour::new_enumerated_value(K);
        if (cp) Instances::register_as_adjectival_constant(I, cp);


parse_node *Instances::get_creating_sentence(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->creating_sentence;


source_file *Instances::get_creating_file(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(I->creating_sentence)));

§8. Coincidence with property names. Suppose, as always, we have:

Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, white and blue. A door has a colour.

The third sentence causes the following to be called, for the kind "colour" and the property "colour", whose names coincide:

void Instances::make_kind_coincident(kind *K, property *P) {
    Properties::Conditions::set_coinciding_property(K, P);

§9. That causes us to "update adjectival forms" for the property "colour", a sort of general round-up to make sure that all of its possible applications are covered by suitable adjectives. For instance, "red" must be registered as an adjectival constant to cover doors. We will call this again if a further use of colour turns up subsequently, e.g., in response to:

A vehicle has a colour.

void Instances::update_adjectival_forms(property *P) {
    if (Properties::is_either_or(P) == TRUE) return;
    kind *K = Properties::Valued::kind(P);
    if (P == Properties::Conditions::get_coinciding_property(K)) {
        instance *I;
            Instances::register_as_adjectival_constant(I, P);

§10. So here is where we need to make "red", "white" or "blue" adjectives specifying colour. And we will also call this if a further instance of colour turns up subsequently, e.g., in response to

Mauve is a colour.

void Instances::register_as_adjectival_constant(instance *I, property *P) {
    property_permission *pp;
        inference_subject *infs = World::Permissions::get_subject(pp);
        InferenceSubjects::make_adj_const_domain(infs, I, P);

§11. Logging.

void Instances::log(instance *I) {
    Instances::write(DL, I);

void Instances::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *I) {
    if (I== NULL) { WRITE("<null instance>"); return; }
    if (Streams::I6_escapes_enabled(DL) == FALSE) WRITE("I%d", I->allocation_id);
    Nouns::write(OUT, I->tag);
    if (!(Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(Instances::to_kind(I)))) {
        Kinds::Textual::write(OUT, Instances::to_kind(I));

§12. As subjects. Instances can be reasoned about, so they correspond to inference subjects.

int Instances::get_numerical_value(instance *I) {
    return I->enumeration_index;

inference_subject *Instances::as_subject(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->as_subject;

§13. As mere names.

wording Instances::get_name(instance *I, int plural) {
    if ((I == NULL) || (I->tag == NULL)) return EMPTY_WORDING;
    return Nouns::nominative(I->tag, plural);

wording Instances::get_name_in_play(instance *I, int plural) {
    if ((I == NULL) || (I->tag == NULL)) return EMPTY_WORDING;
    return Nouns::nominative_in_language(I->tag, plural, Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()));

int Instances::full_name_includes(instance *I, vocabulary_entry *wd) {
    if (I == NULL) return FALSE;
    return Nouns::nominative_singular_includes(I->tag, wd);

noun *Instances::get_noun(instance *I) {
    return I->tag;

text_stream *Instances::identifier(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return I"nothing";
    return UseNouns::identifier(I->tag);

inter_name *Instances::iname(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    if (I->instance_iname == NULL) {
        I->instance_package = Hierarchy::local_package(INSTANCES_HAP);
        UseNouns::noun_compose_identifier(I->instance_package, I->tag, I->allocation_id);
        I->instance_iname = UseNouns::iname(I->tag);
        Hierarchy::markup_wording(I->instance_package, INSTANCE_NAME_HMD, Nouns::nominative(I->tag, FALSE));
    return I->instance_iname;

§14. Writer.

void Instances::writer(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *format_string, void *vI) {
    instance *I = (instance *) vI;
    if (I == NULL) WRITE("nothing");
    else switch (format_string[0]) {
        case 'I':  bare %I means the same as %+I, so fall through to...
        case '+': Write the instance raw14.1; break;
        case '-': Write the instance with normalised casing14.2; break;
        case '~': {
            inter_name *N = Instances::iname(I);
            if (Str::len(I->tag->name_compilation.nt_identifier) > 0) WRITE("%S", I->tag->name_compilation.nt_identifier);
            else WRITE("%n", N);
        default: internal_error("bad %I modifier");

§14.1. Write the instance raw14.1 =

    wording W = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%+W", W);
    else {
        WRITE("nameless ");
        kind *K = Instances::to_kind(I);
        W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%+W", W);

§14.2. Write the instance with normalised casing14.2 =

    wording W = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%W", W);
    else {
        WRITE("nameless ");
        kind *K = Instances::to_kind(I);
        W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%W", W);

§15. Parsing (instances only). Ordinarily these constants are read by the S-parser in the normal way that all constants are read — see the next chapter — but it's occasionally useful to bypass that and just parse text as an instance name and nothing else. (We don't need to filter explicitly for the kind because only instances have excerpts registered under NOUN_MC.)

instance *Instances::parse_object(wording W) {
    parse_node *p;
    if (Wordings::empty(W)) return NULL;
    if (<s-literal>(W)) return NULL;
    p = Lexicon::retrieve(NOUN_MC, W);
    if (p == NULL) return NULL;
    noun_usage *nu = Nouns::disambiguate(p, FALSE);
    noun *nt = nu->noun_used;
    if (Nouns::is_proper(nt)) {
        parse_node *pn = RETRIEVE_POINTER_parse_node(Nouns::meaning(nt));
        if (Node::is(pn, CONSTANT_NT)) {
            kind *K = Node::get_kind_of_value(pn);
            if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K))
                return Node::get_constant_instance(pn);
    return NULL;

§16. The first internal matches only instances of kinds within the objects; the second matches the others; and the third all instances, of whatever kind.

<instance-of-object> internal {
    instance *I = Instances::parse_object(W);
    if (I) { ==> { -, I }; return TRUE; }
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

<instance-of-non-object> internal {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(NAMED_CONSTANT_MC, W);
    instance *I = Rvalues::to_instance(p);
    if (I) { ==> { -, I }; return TRUE; }
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

<instance> internal {
    if (<s-literal>(W)) { ==> { fail nonterminal }; }
    W = Articles::remove_the(W);
    instance *I = Instances::parse_object(W);
    if (I) { ==> { -, I }; return TRUE; }
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(NAMED_CONSTANT_MC, W);
    I = Rvalues::to_instance(p);
    if (I) { ==> { -, I }; return TRUE; }
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§17. The kind of an instance. By this of course we mean the most specific kind to which an instance belongs: if we write

Kathy is a woman.

then the Kathy instance is also a person, a thing, an object and a value, but when we talk about the kind of Kathy, we mean "woman".

Note that this is not stored as a field in the instance structure, because that would be redundant. Inform already knows which subjects are more specialised than which other ones, and by making a call, we can find out.

kind *Instances::to_kind(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    inference_subject *inherits_from = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(I->as_subject);
    return InferenceSubjects::as_kind(inherits_from);

int Instances::of_kind(instance *I, kind *match) {
    if ((I == NULL) || (match == NULL)) return FALSE;
    return Kinds::conforms_to(Instances::to_kind(I), match);

§18. Ordinarily, instances never change their kind, but instances of "object" are allowed to refine it. Such revisions are allowed to specialise the kind (e.g., by changing a "person" to a "man") but not to contradict it (e.g., by changing a "supporter" to a "container").

void Instances::set_kind(instance *I, kind *new) {
    if (I == NULL) {
        LOG("Tried to set kind to %u\n", new);
        internal_error("Tried to set the kind of a null object");
    kind *existing = Instances::to_kind(I);
    int m = Kinds::compatible(existing, new);
    if (m == ALWAYS_MATCH) return;
    if (m == NEVER_MATCH) {
        LOG("Tried to set kind of $O (existing %u) to %u\n", I, existing, new);
        Issue a problem message for a contradictory change of kind18.1;
    Plugins::Call::set_kind_notify(I, new);
    InferenceSubjects::falls_within(I->as_subject, Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(new));
    I->instance_of_set_at = current_sentence;
    LOGIF(KIND_CHANGES, "Setting kind of $O to %u\n", I, new);

§18.1. Issue a problem message for a contradictory change of kind18.1 =

    if (current_sentence != I->instance_of_set_at) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source(2, I->instance_of_set_at);
        Problems::quote_kind(3, new);
        Problems::quote_kind(4, existing);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_KindsIncompatible));
            "You wrote %1, but that seems to contradict %2, as %3 and %4 "
            "are incompatible. (If %3 were a kind of %4 or vice versa "
            "there'd be no problem, but they aren't.)");
    } else {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_object(2, I);
        Problems::quote_kind(3, new);
        Problems::quote_kind(4, existing);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible));
            "You wrote %1, which made me think the kind of %2 was %4, "
            "but for other reasons I now think it ought to be %3, and those "
            "are incompatible. (If %3 were a kind of %4 or vice versa "
            "there'd be no problem, but they aren't.)");


parse_node *Instances::get_kind_set_sentence(instance *I) {
    return I->instance_of_set_at;

§20. Iteration schemes.

    LOOP_OVER(I, instance)
        if (Instances::of_kind(I, K))
    LOOP_OVER(I, instance)
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_an_enumeration(Instances::to_kind(I)))

§21. The number of instances of a given kind makes a neat example:

int Instances::count(kind *K) {
    int c = 0;
    instance *I;
    return c;

§22. Connections. Some of Inform's plugins give special meanings to particular kinds, in such a way that they need to be given additional structure. For example, the Scenes plugin needs to make instances of "scene" more than mere names: each one has to have rulebooks attached, and conditions for starting and ending, and so on. To achieve this, each instance is allowed to have a single pointer to another data structure.

This mechanism is used only by plugins. For instances of Inform's core kinds, including "object", the connection is always blank.

void Instances::set_connection(instance *I, general_pointer gp) {
    I->connection = gp;

general_pointer Instances::get_connection(instance *I) {
    return I->connection;

§23. Indexing count. This simply avoids repetitions in the World index.

void Instances::increment_indexing_count(instance *I) {

int Instances::indexed_yet(instance *I) {
    if (I->index_appearances > 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§24. Not every instance has a name, which is a nuisance for the index:

void Instances::index_name(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *I) {
    wording W = Instances::get_name_in_play(I, FALSE);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
        WRITE("%+W", W);
    kind *K = Instances::to_kind(I);
    W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name_in_play(K, FALSE, Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()));
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
        WRITE("%+W", W);


void Instances::note_usage(instance *I, parse_node *NB) {
    if (I->last_noted_usage) {
        if (NB == I->last_noted_usage->where_instance_used) return;
    instance_usage *IU = CREATE(instance_usage);
    IU->where_instance_used = NB;
    IU->next = NULL;
    if (I->last_noted_usage == NULL) {
        I->first_noted_usage = IU;
        I->last_noted_usage = IU;
    } else {
        I->last_noted_usage->next = IU;
        I->last_noted_usage = IU;

void Instances::index_usages(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *I) {
    int k = 0;
    instance_usage *IU = I->first_noted_usage;
    for (; IU; IU = IU->next) {
        parse_node *at = IU->where_instance_used;
        if (at) {
            source_file *sf = Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(at)));
            if (Projects::draws_from_source_file(Task::project(), sf)) {
                if (k == 1) {
                    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight");
                    WRITE("<i>mentioned in rules:</i> ");
                } else WRITE("; ");
                Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(at)));
    if (k > 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§26. As subjects. Some methods for instances as inference subjects:

wording Instances::SUBJ_get_name_text(inference_subject *from) {
    instance *I = InferenceSubjects::as_nc(from);
    return Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);

general_pointer Instances::SUBJ_new_permission_granted(inference_subject *from) {
    return STORE_POINTER_property_of_value_storage(

void Instances::SUBJ_complete_model(inference_subject *infs) {

void Instances::SUBJ_check_model(inference_subject *infs) {

§27. See below.

void Instances::SUBJ_make_adj_const_domain(inference_subject *S,
    instance *I, property *P) {
    Instances::make_adj_const_domain(I, P, NULL, InferenceSubjects::as_instance(S));

§28. Since all instances are single values, testing for inclusion under such a subject is very simple:

int Instances::SUBJ_emit_element_of_condition(inference_subject *infs, inter_symbol *t0_s) {
    instance *I = InferenceSubjects::as_nc(infs);
    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), EQ_BIP);
        Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, t0_s);
        Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Instances::iname(I));
    return TRUE;

§29. Here's how to place the instance objects in order. The ordering is used not only for compilation, but also for instance counting (e.g., marking the black gate as the 8th instance of "door"), so it's needed earlier than the compilation phase, too.

Code wanting to create an ordering should first call begin_sequencing_objects and then send the objects, in turn, via place_this_object_next.

They are stored as a linked list with the links in an array indexed by the allocation IDs of the objects.

instance **objects_in_compilation_list = NULL;
instance *first_object_in_compilation_list = NULL;
instance *last_object_in_compilation_list = NULL;

void Instances::begin_sequencing_objects(void) {
    int i, nc = NUMBER_CREATED(instance);
    if (objects_in_compilation_list == NULL) {
        objects_in_compilation_list = (instance **)
            (Memory::calloc(nc, sizeof(instance *), OBJECT_COMPILATION_MREASON));
    for (i=0; i<nc; i++) objects_in_compilation_list[i] = NULL;
    first_object_in_compilation_list = NULL;
    last_object_in_compilation_list = NULL;

void Instances::place_this_object_next(instance *I) {
    if (last_object_in_compilation_list == NULL)
        first_object_in_compilation_list = I;
        objects_in_compilation_list[last_object_in_compilation_list->allocation_id] = I;
    last_object_in_compilation_list = I;

§30. For instance, here we put them in order of definition, which is the default. Note that only instances, not kinds, appear.

void Instances::place_objects_in_definition_sequence(void) {
    instance *I;

§31. And we read the order back using these macros:

define FIRST_IN_COMPILATION_SEQUENCE first_object_in_compilation_list
define NEXT_IN_COMPILATION_SEQUENCE(I) objects_in_compilation_list[I->allocation_id]

§32. Compilation looks tricky only because we need to compile instances in a set order which is not the order of their creation. (This is because objects must be compiled in containment-tree traversal order in the final Inform 6 code.) So in reply to a request to compile all instances, we first delegate the object instances, then compile the non-object ones (all just constant declarations) and finally return TRUE to indicate that the task is finished.

int Instances::SUBJ_compile_all(void) {
    instance *I;
    LOOP_OVER(I, instance)
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(Instances::to_kind(I)) == FALSE)
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    return TRUE;

§33. Either way, the actual compilation happens here:

void Instances::SUBJ_compile(inference_subject *infs) {
    instance *I = InferenceSubjects::as_nc(infs);

inter_name *Instances::emitted_iname(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    inter_name *iname = Instances::iname(I);
    if (I->instance_emitted == FALSE) {
        I->instance_emitted = TRUE;
        Emit::instance(iname, Instances::to_kind(I), I->enumeration_index);
    return iname;

package_request *Instances::package(instance *I) {
    Instances::iname(I);  Thus forcing this to exist...
    return I->instance_package;

§34. Adjectival uses of instances. Some constant names can be used adjectivally, but not others. This happens when their kind's name coincides with a name for a property, as might for instance happen with "colour". In other words, because it is reasonable that a ball might have a colour, we can declare that "the ball is green", or speak of "something blue": whereas we are not allowed to use "score to beat" adjectivally since (a) it is a variable, and (b) "number" is not a coinciding property: we would not ordinarily write "the ball is 4". (A quirk in English does allow this, implicitly construing number as an age property, but we don't go there in Inform.)

These adjectives are easy to handle:

adjective *Instances::get_adjective(instance *I) {
    return I->usage_as_aph;

adjective_meaning *Instances::ADJ_parse(parse_node *pn,
    int sense, wording AW, wording DNW, wording CONW, wording CALLW) {
    return NULL;

void Instances::ADJ_compiling_soon(adjective_meaning *am, instance *I, int T) {

int Instances::ADJ_compile(instance *I, int T, int emit_flag, ph_stack_frame *phsf) {
    return FALSE;

§35. Asserting such an adjective simply asserts its property. We refuse to assert the falseness of such an adjective since it's unclear what to infer from, e.g., "the ball is not green": we would need to give it a colour, and there's no good basis for choosing which.

int Instances::ADJ_assert(instance *I,
    inference_subject *infs_to_assert_on, parse_node *val_to_assert_on, int parity) {
    if (parity == FALSE) return FALSE;
    property *P = Properties::Conditions::get_coinciding_property(Instances::to_kind(I));
    if (P == NULL) internal_error("enumerative adjective on non-property");
    World::Inferences::draw_property(infs_to_assert_on, P, Rvalues::from_instance(I));
    return TRUE;

§36. Some pretty-printing for the index, and we're done.

int Instances::ADJ_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *I) {
    property *P = Properties::Conditions::get_coinciding_property(Instances::to_kind(I));
    if (Properties::Conditions::of_what(P) == NULL) {
        if (Properties::permission_list(P)) {
            WRITE("(of "); World::Permissions::index(OUT, P); WRITE(") ");
        WRITE("having this %+W", P->name);
    } else {
        WRITE("a condition which is otherwise ");
        kind *K = Instances::to_kind(I);
        int no_alts = Instances::count(K) - 1, i = 0;
        instance *alt;
            if (alt != I) {
                WRITE("%+W", Instances::get_name(alt, FALSE));
                if (i == no_alts-1) WRITE(" or ");
                else if (i < no_alts) WRITE(", ");
    return TRUE;

§37. Adjectival domains. Let's reconstruct the chain of events, shall we? It has been found that an instance, though a noun, must be used as an adjective: for example, "red". Inform has run through the permissions for the property ("colour") in question, and found that, say, it's a property of doors, scenes and also a single piece of litmus paper. Each of these three is an inference subject, so InferenceSubjects::make_adj_const_domain was called for each in turn. By different means, those calls all ended up by passing the buck onto the following routine: twice with the domain set being a kind (door and then scene), once with set being null and singleton being an instance (the litmus paper).

void Instances::make_adj_const_domain(instance *I, property *P,
    kind *set, instance *singleton) {
    kind *D = NULL;
    Find the kind domain within which the adjective applies37.1;
    adjective_meaning *am = NULL;
    Create the adjective meaning for this use of the instance37.2;
    Write I6 schemas for asserting and testing this use of the instance37.3;

§37.1. Find the kind domain within which the adjective applies37.1 =

    if (singleton) D = Instances::to_kind(singleton);
    else if (set) D = set;
    if (D == NULL) internal_error("No adjectival constant domain");

§37.2. Create the adjective meaning for this use of the instance37.2 =

    wording NW = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
    am = Adjectives::Meanings::new(ENUMERATIVE_KADJ,
        STORE_POINTER_instance(I), NW);
    I->usage_as_aph = Adjectives::Meanings::declare(am, NW, 4);
    if (singleton) Adjectives::Meanings::set_domain_from_instance(am, singleton);
    else if (set) Adjectives::Meanings::set_domain_from_kind(am, set);

§37.3. Write I6 schemas for asserting and testing this use of the instance37.3 =

    i6_schema *sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK, FALSE);
        "GProperty(%k, *1, %n) == %d",
            D, Properties::iname(P), I->enumeration_index);
    sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, NOW_ADJECTIVE_TRUE_TASK, FALSE);
        "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n, %d)",
            D, Properties::iname(P), I->enumeration_index);