To manage link symbols.


typedef struct wiring_data {
    struct inter_symbol *connects_to;
    struct text_stream *wants_to_connect_to;
    int no_connections;
} wiring_data;

wiring_data Wiring::new_wiring_data(inter_symbol *S) {
    wiring_data wd;
    wd.connects_to = NULL;
    wd.wants_to_connect_to = NULL;
    wd.no_connections = 0;
    return wd;

inter_symbol *Wiring::cable_end(inter_symbol *S) {
    while ((S) && (S->wiring.connects_to)) S = S->wiring.connects_to;
    return S;

inter_symbol *Wiring::wired_to(inter_symbol *S) {
    if (S) return S->wiring.connects_to;
    return NULL;

int Wiring::has_no_incoming_connections(inter_symbol *S) {
    if ((S) && (S->wiring.no_connections == 0)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Wiring::is_wired(inter_symbol *S) {
    if (Wiring::wired_to(S)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void Wiring::wire_to(inter_symbol *S, inter_symbol *T) {
    if (S == NULL) internal_error("null symbol cannot be wired");
    if ((InterSymbol::is_metadata_key(S)) || ((T) && (InterSymbol::is_metadata_key(T))))
        internal_error("metadata keys cannot be wired");
    if (S->wiring.connects_to == T) return;
    if (S->wiring.connects_to) S->wiring.connects_to->wiring.no_connections--;
    S->wiring.connects_to = T;
    S->wiring.wants_to_connect_to = NULL;
    if (T) T->wiring.no_connections++;
    LOGIF(INTER_SYMBOLS, "Wired $3 to $3\n", S, T);
    int c = 0;
    for (inter_symbol *W = S; W; W = W->wiring.connects_to, c++)
        if (c == 100) {
            c = 0;
            for (inter_symbol *W = S; ((W) && (c < 20)); W = W->wiring.connects_to, c++)
                LOG("%d. %S\n", c, W->symbol_name);
            internal_error("probably made a circuit in wiring");

void Wiring::wire_to_name(inter_symbol *S, text_stream *T) {
    if (S == NULL) internal_error("null symbol cannot be wired");
    if (InterSymbol::is_metadata_key(S)) internal_error("metadata keys cannot be wired");
    if (Str::len(T) == 0) internal_error("symbols cannot be wired to the empty name");
    if (Str::get_at(T, 0) == '/') internal_error("symbols cannot be wired to URLs");
    Wiring::wire_to(S, NULL);
    S->wiring.wants_to_connect_to = Str::duplicate(T);

int Wiring::is_wired_to_name(inter_symbol *S) {
    if ((S) && (Str::len(S->wiring.wants_to_connect_to) > 0)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

text_stream *Wiring::wired_to_name(inter_symbol *S) {
    if (S) return S->wiring.wants_to_connect_to;
    return NULL;

void Wiring::shorten_wiring(inter_symbol *S) {
    inter_symbol *E = Wiring::cable_end(S);
    if ((S != E) && (Wiring::wired_to(S) != E)) Wiring::wire_to(S, E);

void Wiring::make_plug_wanting_identifier(inter_symbol *S, text_stream *wanted) {
    Wiring::wire_to_name(S, wanted);

void Wiring::make_socket_to(inter_symbol *S, inter_symbol *to) {
    Wiring::wire_to(S, to);

int unique_plug_number = 1;
inter_symbol *Wiring::plug(inter_tree *I, text_stream *wanted) {
    inter_package *connectors = LargeScale::ensure_connectors_package(I);
    WRITE_TO(PN, "plug_%05d", unique_plug_number++);
    inter_symbol *plug = InterSymbolsTable::create_with_unique_name(
        InterPackage::scope(connectors), PN);
    Wiring::make_plug_wanting_identifier(plug, wanted);
    LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Plug I%d: $3 seeking %S\n", I->allocation_id, plug, Wiring::plug_name(plug));
    return plug;

inter_symbol *Wiring::socket(inter_tree *I, text_stream *socket_name, inter_symbol *to) {
    inter_package *connectors = LargeScale::ensure_connectors_package(I);
    inter_symbol *socket = InterSymbolsTable::create_with_unique_name(
        InterPackage::scope(connectors), socket_name);
    Wiring::make_socket_to(socket, to);
    LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Socket I%d: $3 wired to $3\n", I->allocation_id, socket, to);
    return socket;

inter_symbol *Wiring::find_socket(inter_tree *I, text_stream *identifier) {
    inter_package *connectors = LargeScale::connectors_package_if_it_exists(I);
    if (connectors) {
        inter_symbol *S = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_name_not_equating(
            InterPackage::scope(LargeScale::connectors_package_if_it_exists(I)), identifier);
        if (InterSymbol::is_socket(S)) return S;
    return NULL;

inter_symbol *Wiring::find_plug(inter_tree *I, text_stream *identifier) {
    inter_package *connectors = LargeScale::connectors_package_if_it_exists(I);
    if (connectors) {
        inter_symbol *S = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_name_not_equating(
            InterPackage::scope(LargeScale::connectors_package_if_it_exists(I)), identifier);
        if (InterSymbol::is_plug(S)) return S;
    return NULL;

void Wiring::wire_plug(inter_symbol *plug, inter_symbol *to) {
    if (plug == NULL) internal_error("no plug");
    LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Plug $3 wired to $3\n", plug, to);
    Wiring::wire_to(plug, to);

§2. See Connectors (in bytecode) for more, but consider this example:

To call the kit: (- ExampleKitFunction(); -).

To begin:
    call the kit.

The inform7 compiler makes a main source tree out of this. It doesn't have a definition of ExampleKitFunction; that's defined in, say, HypotheticalKit, which is being linked in after compilation. Indeed, the compiler has no way even to know where in the package hierarchy of the Inter tree for HypotheticalKit this function will be. What to do?

What it does is to create a symbol S representing the function which equates like so:

            S (regular symbol) ->   main
                                            ExampleKitFunction (plug symbol)

Once the Inter code for the kit has been loaded, we also find symbols:

            ExampleKitFunction (socket symbol) ->   main
                                                            ExampleKitFunction (regular symbol)

So now we must connect the plug to the socket. S will then connect through to the actual definition, and all will be well.

void Wiring::connect_plugs_to_sockets(inter_tree *I) {
    inter_package *connectors = LargeScale::connectors_package_if_it_exists(I);
    if (connectors) {
        inter_symbols_table *ST = InterPackage::scope(connectors);
            if (Wiring::is_loose_plug(S)) {
                inter_symbol *socket = Wiring::find_socket(I, Wiring::plug_name(S));
                if (socket) Wiring::wire_plug(S, socket);

int Wiring::is_loose_plug(inter_symbol *S) {
    if ((InterSymbol::is_plug(S)) && (Wiring::is_wired(S) == FALSE)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

text_stream *Wiring::plug_name(inter_symbol *S) {
    if (Wiring::is_loose_plug(S)) return Wiring::wired_to_name(S);
    return NULL;