To read or write inter between memory and binary files.

§1. Reading and writing inter to binary. The binary representation of Inter, saved out to a file, is portable and complete in itself.

int trace_bin = FALSE;
int suppress_type_errors = FALSE;

void Inter::Binary::read(inter_tree *I, filename *F) {
    LOGIF(INTER_FILE_READ, "(Reading binary inter file %f)\n", F);
    long int max_offset = BinaryFiles::size(F);

    FILE *fh = BinaryFiles::open_for_reading(F);

    inter_error_location eloc = Inter::Errors::interb_location(F, 0);
    inter_bookmark at = InterBookmark::at_start_of_this_repository(I);

    inter_warehouse *warehouse = InterTree::warehouse(I);

    inter_ti *grid = NULL;
    inter_ti grid_extent = 0;
    unsigned int X = 0;

    Read the shibboleth1.2;
    Read the annotations1.3;
    Read the resources1.4;
    Read the symbol equations1.5;
    Read the bytecode1.6;
    if (grid) Memory::I7_array_free(grid, INTER_BYTECODE_MREASON, (int) grid_extent, sizeof(inter_ti));


§1.1. Symmetrically:

void Inter::Binary::write(filename *F, inter_tree *I) {
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Writing binary inter file %f\n", F);
    LOGIF(INTER_FILE_READ, "(Writing binary inter file %f)\n", F);
    FILE *fh = BinaryFiles::open_for_writing(F);
    inter_warehouse *warehouse = InterTree::warehouse(I);

    Write the shibboleth1.1.1;
    Write the annotations1.1.2;
    Write the resources1.1.3;
    Write the symbol equations1.1.4;
    Write the bytecode1.1.5;


§1.2. The header is four bytes with a special value (equivalent to the ASCII for intr), then four zero bytes, so that we can tell this file from a text file coincidentally opening with those letters.

define INTER_SHIBBOLETH ((inter_ti) 0x696E7472)

Read the shibboleth1.2 =

    if ((BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X) == FALSE) ||
        ((inter_ti) X != INTER_SHIBBOLETH) ||
        (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X) == FALSE) ||
        ((inter_ti) X != 0)) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, 0, I"not a binary inter file");

§1.1.1. Write the shibboleth1.1.1 =

    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) INTER_SHIBBOLETH);
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) 0);

§1.3. Next we have to describe the possible range of annotations. We need these now, because they will be referred to in the symbol definitions in the resource block later on.

Read the annotations1.3 =

    inter_ti ID = 0;
    while (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &ID)) {
        if (ID == 0) break;
        unsigned int L;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &L) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<L; i++) {
            unsigned int c;
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &c) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
            PUT_TO(keyword, (int) c);
        if (SymbolAnnotation::declare(ID, keyword, INTEGER_IATYPE) == FALSE) {
            WRITE_TO(err, "conflicting annotation name '%S'", keyword);
            Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), err);

§1.1.2. Write the annotations1.1.2 =

    inter_annotation_form *IAF;
    LOOP_OVER(IAF, inter_annotation_form) {
        if (IAF->annotation_ID == INVALID_IANN) continue;
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, IAF->annotation_ID);
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::len(IAF->annotation_keyword));
        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(P, IAF->annotation_keyword)
            BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::get(P));
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, 0);

§1.4. There follows a block of resources, which is a list in which each entry opens with a word identifying which resource number is meant; when this is zero, that's the end of the list and therefore the block. (There is no resource 0.)

Read the resources1.4 =

    unsigned int count = 0;
    if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &count) == FALSE)
        Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
    if (count > 0) {
        unsigned int grid_extent = 0;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &grid_extent) == FALSE)
            Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        if (grid_extent == 0) {
            Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"max zero");
            grid_extent = 1000;
        grid = (inter_ti *) Memory::calloc((int) grid_extent, sizeof(inter_ti), INTER_BYTECODE_MREASON);
        for (inter_ti i=0; i<grid_extent; i++) grid[i] = 0;
        for (inter_ti i=0; i<count; i++) {
            unsigned int from_N;
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &from_N)) {
                inter_ti n;
                switch (i) {
                    case 0: n = InterTree::global_scope(I)->resource_ID; break;
                    case 1: n = InterTree::root_package(I)->resource_ID; break;
                    default: n = InterWarehouse::create_resource(warehouse); break;
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Reading resource %d <--- %d\n", n, from_N);
                if (from_N >= grid_extent) {
                    from_N = grid_extent-1;
                    Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"max incorrect");
                grid[from_N] = n;
            } else Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        for (inter_ti i=0; i<grid_extent; i++) {
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "%d ", grid[i]);
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "\n");

        for (inter_ti i=0; i<count; i++) {
            unsigned int from_N = 0;
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &from_N) == FALSE)
                Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
            if ((from_N == 0) || (from_N >= grid_extent)) {
                Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"from-N out of range");
                from_N = grid_extent - 1;
            inter_ti n = grid[from_N];
            unsigned int X = 0;
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X) == FALSE)
                Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Reading resource %d -> %d type %d\n", from_N, n, X);
            switch (X) {
                case TEXT_IRSRC: Read a string resource1.4.1; break;
                case SYMBOLS_TABLE_IRSRC: Read a symbols table resource1.4.2; break;
                case NODE_LIST_IRSRC: Read a node list resource1.4.4; break;
                case PACKAGE_REF_IRSRC: Read a package resource1.4.3; break;

§1.1.3. Write the resources1.1.3 =

    inter_ti max = 0, count = 0;
        if (n+1 > max) max = n+1;
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) count);
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) max);
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) n);
        inter_ti RT = InterWarehouse::resource_type_code(warehouse, n);
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Writing resource %d type %d\n", n, RT);
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) n);
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, RT);
        switch (RT) {
            case TEXT_IRSRC: Write a string resource1.1.3.1; break;
            case SYMBOLS_TABLE_IRSRC: Write a symbols table resource1.1.3.2; break;
            case PACKAGE_REF_IRSRC: Write a package resource1.1.3.3; break;
            case NODE_LIST_IRSRC: Write a node list resource1.1.3.4; break;
            default: internal_error("unimplemented resource type");

§1.4.1. Read a string resource1.4.1 =

    text_stream *txt = Str::new();
    InterWarehouse::create_ref_at(warehouse, n, STORE_POINTER_text_stream(txt), NULL);
    unsigned int L;
    if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &L) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<L; i++) {
        unsigned int c;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &c) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        PUT_TO(txt, (int) c);

§ Write a string resource1.1.3.1 =

    text_stream *txt = InterWarehouse::get_text(warehouse, n);
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::len(txt));
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::get(P));

§1.4.2. Read a symbols table resource1.4.2 =

    inter_symbols_table *tab = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, n);
    if (tab == NULL) {
        tab = InterSymbolsTable::new(n);
        InterWarehouse::create_ref_at(warehouse, n, STORE_POINTER_inter_symbols_table(tab), NULL);
    while (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X)) {
        if (X == 0) break;
        unsigned int st;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &st) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        unsigned int uniq;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &uniq) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");

        unsigned int L;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &L) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<L; i++) {
            unsigned int c;
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &c) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
            PUT_TO(name, (int) c);
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &L) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<L; i++) {
            unsigned int c;
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &c) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
            PUT_TO(trans, (int) c);

        inter_symbol *S = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_name_creating_at_ID(tab, name, X);
        InterSymbol::set_type(S, (int) st);
        if (uniq == 1) InterSymbol::set_flag(S, MAKE_NAME_UNIQUE_ISYMF);
        if (Str::len(trans) > 0) InterSymbol::set_translate(S, trans);

        unsigned int bm;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &bm) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        S->annotations.boolean_annotations |= (bm / 0x20);
        L = bm & 0x1f;
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<L; i++) {
            unsigned int c1, c2;
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &c1) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &c2) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
            inter_annotation IA = SymbolAnnotation::from_pair(c1, c2);
            if (SymbolAnnotation::is_invalid(IA))
                Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"invalid annotation");
            if (grid) if (IA.annot->iatype == TEXTUAL_IATYPE) IA.annot_value = grid[IA.annot_value];
            SymbolAnnotation::set(-1, S, IA);
        if (InterSymbol::is_plug(S)) {
            while (TRUE) {
                unsigned int c;
                if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &c) == FALSE)
                    Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
                if (c == 0) break;
                PUT_TO(N, (wchar_t) c);
            Wiring::wire_to_name(S, N);

        LOGIF(INTER_BINARY, "Read symbol $3\n", S);

§ Write a symbols table resource1.1.3.2 =

    inter_symbols_table *T = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, n);
    if (T) {
        LOOP_OVER_SYMBOLS_TABLE(symb, T) {
            BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, symb->symbol_ID);
            BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) InterSymbol::get_type(symb));
            if (InterSymbol::get_flag(symb, MAKE_NAME_UNIQUE_ISYMF))
                BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, 1);
                BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, 0);
            BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::len(symb->symbol_name));
            LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(P, symb->symbol_name)
                BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::get(P));
            BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::len(symb->translate_text));
            LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(P, symb->translate_text)
                BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::get(P));
            inter_annotation_set *set = &(symb->annotations);
                0x20*((unsigned int) set->boolean_annotations) +
                (unsigned int) LinkedLists::len(set->other_annotations));
            if (set->other_annotations) {
                inter_annotation *A;
                LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(A, inter_annotation, set->other_annotations) {
                    inter_ti c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
                    SymbolAnnotation::to_pair(*A, &c1, &c2);
                    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) c1);
                    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) c2);
            if (InterSymbol::is_plug(symb)) {
                text_stream *N = Wiring::wired_to_name(symb);
                LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, N)
                    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::get(pos));
                BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, 0);
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, 0);

§1.4.3. And similarly for packages.

Read a package resource1.4.3 =

    unsigned int p;
    if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &p) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
    unsigned int cl;
    if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &cl) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
    unsigned int rl;
    if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &rl) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
    unsigned int sc;
    if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &sc) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
    inter_package *parent = NULL;
    if (p != 0) parent = InterWarehouse::get_package(warehouse, grid[p]);
    inter_package *stored_package = InterWarehouse::get_package(warehouse, n);
    if (stored_package == NULL) {
        stored_package = InterPackage::new(I, n);
        InterWarehouse::create_ref_at(warehouse, n, STORE_POINTER_inter_package(stored_package), stored_package);
    if (cl) InterPackage::mark_as_a_function_body(stored_package);
    if (rl) InterPackage::mark_as_a_root_package(stored_package);
    if (sc != 0) {
        if (grid) sc = grid[sc];
        InterPackage::set_scope(stored_package, InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, sc));
    unsigned int L;
    if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &L) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<L; i++) {
        unsigned int c;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &c) == FALSE) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        PUT_TO(N, (int) c);
    InterPackage::set_name(I, (parent)?(parent):(I->root_package), stored_package, N);

§ Write a package resource1.1.3.3 =

    inter_package *P = InterWarehouse::get_package(warehouse, n);
    if (P) {
        inter_package *par = InterPackage::parent(P);
        if (par == NULL) BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, 0);
        else BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) par->resource_ID);
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) InterPackage::is_a_function_body(P));
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) InterPackage::is_a_root_package(P));
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, P->package_scope->resource_ID);
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::len(P->package_name_t));
        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(C, P->package_name_t)
            BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) Str::get(C));

§1.4.4. We do nothing here, because frame lists are built new on reading. It's enough that the slot exists for the eventual list to be stored in.

Read a node list resource1.4.4 =

    if (InterWarehouse::get_node_list(warehouse, n) == 0)
        InterWarehouse::create_ref_at(warehouse, n, STORE_POINTER_inter_node_list(InterNodeList::new()), NULL);

§ Write a node list resource1.1.3.4 =


§1.5. Read the symbol equations1.5 =

    while (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X)) {
        if (X == 0) break;
        if (grid) X = grid[X];
        inter_symbols_table *from_T = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, X);
        if (from_T == NULL) {
            WRITE_TO(STDERR, "It's %d\n", X);
            internal_error("no from_T");
        unsigned int from_ID = 0;
        while (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &from_ID)) {
            if (from_ID == 0) break;
            unsigned int to_T_id = 0;
            unsigned int to_ID = 0;
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &to_T_id) == FALSE)
                Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
            if (grid) to_T_id = grid[to_T_id];
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Read eqn %d -> %d\n", X, to_T_id);
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &to_ID) == FALSE)
                Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
            inter_symbols_table *to_T = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, to_T_id);
            if (from_T == NULL) internal_error("no to_T");
            inter_symbol *from_S = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID(from_T, from_ID);
            if (from_S == NULL) internal_error("no from_S");
            inter_symbol *to_S = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID(to_T, to_ID);
            if (to_S == NULL) internal_error("no to_S");
            Wiring::wire_to(from_S, to_S);

§1.1.4. Write the symbol equations1.1.4 =

        inter_symbols_table *from_T = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, n);
        if (from_T) {
            BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) n);
            LOOP_OVER_SYMBOLS_TABLE(symb, from_T) {
                if (Wiring::is_wired(symb)) {
                    inter_symbol *W = Wiring::wired_to(symb);
                    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, symb->symbol_ID);
                    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, W->owning_table->resource_ID);
                    if (trace_bin)
                        WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Write eqn %d -> %d\n", n, W->owning_table->resource_ID);
                    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, W->symbol_ID);
            BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, 0);
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, 0);

§1.6. Read the bytecode1.6 =

    while (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X)) {
        eloc.error_offset = (size_t) ftell(fh) - PREFRAME_SIZE;
        int extent = (int) X;
        if ((extent < 2) || ((long int) extent >= max_offset)) Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"overlarge line");
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Reading bytecode, extent %d\n", extent);

        inter_package *owner = NULL;
        unsigned int PID = 0;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &PID)) {
            if (grid) PID = grid[PID];
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "PID %d\n", PID);
            if (PID) owner = InterWarehouse::get_package(warehouse, PID);
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Owner has ID %d, table %d\n", owner->resource_ID, owner->package_scope->resource_ID);
        inter_tree_node *P = Inode::new_node(warehouse, I, extent-1, &eloc, owner);

        for (int i=0; i<extent-1; i++) {
            unsigned int word = 0;
            if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &word)) P->W.instruction[i] = word;
            else Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
        unsigned int comment = 0;
        if (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &comment)) {
            if (comment != 0) Inode::attach_comment(P, (inter_ti) comment);
        } else Inter::Binary::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"bytecode incomplete");
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Verify\n");
        inter_error_message *E = NULL;
        if (grid) E = Inter::Defn::transpose_construct(owner, P, grid, grid_extent);
        if (E) { Inter::Errors::issue(E); exit(1); }
        suppress_type_errors = TRUE;
        E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(owner, P);
        suppress_type_errors = FALSE;
        if (E) { Inter::Errors::issue(E); exit(1); }
    if (trace_bin) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Done\n");
        NodePlacement::move_to_moving_bookmark(P, &at);

§1.1.5. Write the bytecode1.1.5 =

    InterTree::traverse_root_only(I, Inter::Binary::visitor, fh, -PACKAGE_IST);
    InterTree::traverse(I, Inter::Binary::visitor, fh, NULL, 0);


void Inter::Binary::visitor(inter_tree *I, inter_tree_node *P, void *state) {
    FILE *fh = (FILE *) state;
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) (P->W.extent + 1));
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) (Inode::get_package(P)->resource_ID));
    for (int i=0; i<P->W.extent; i++)
        BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) (P->W.instruction[i]));
    BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) (Inode::get_comment(P)));

§3. Errors in reading binary inter are not recoverable:

void Inter::Binary::read_error(inter_error_location *eloc, long at, text_stream *err) {
    eloc->error_offset = (size_t) at;
    Inter::Errors::issue(Inter::Errors::plain(err, eloc));

§4. This tests a file to see if it looks like Inter binary:

int Inter::Binary::test_file(filename *F) {
    int verdict = TRUE;
    FILE *fh = BinaryFiles::open_for_reading(F);
    unsigned int X = 0;
    if ((BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X) == FALSE) ||
        ((inter_ti) X != INTER_SHIBBOLETH)) verdict = FALSE;
    if ((BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X) == FALSE) ||
        ((inter_ti) X != 0)) verdict = FALSE;
    return verdict;