To feed the hierarchy of instances and their property values into Inter.

§1. Emitting the property values. The following routine is called on every kind which can have properties, and also on every individual instance of those kinds. Superkinds are called before subkinds, and kinds are called before their instances, but we don't manage that here.

inter_ti cs_sequence_counter = 0;
void RTPropertyValues::emit_subject(inference_subject *subj) {
    LOGIF(OBJECT_COMPILATION, "Compiling object definition for $j\n", subj);
    kind *K = KindSubjects::to_kind(subj);
    instance *I = InstanceSubjects::to_instance(subj);

    inter_name *iname = NULL;
    if (K) iname = RTKinds::iname(K);
    else if (I) iname = RTInstances::emitted_iname(I);
    else internal_error("bad subject for emission");

    Produce::annotate_i(iname, DECLARATION_ORDER_IANN, cs_sequence_counter++);

    Compile the actual object1.1;
    LOGIF(OBJECT_COMPILATION, "Compilation of $j complete\n", subj);

§1.1. We need to compile with or has clauses for all the properties our object will have, and we need to be careful not to compile them more than once, even if there's more than one permission recorded for a given property; so we do this with a "traverse" of the properties, in which each one is marked when visited.

Compile the actual object1.1 =

    Annotate with the spatial depth1.1.1;
    Append any inclusions the source text requested1.1.2;
    Emit inferred object properties1.1.3;
    Emit permitted but unspecified object properties1.1.4;

§1.1.1. Annotate with the spatial depth1.1.1 =

    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    if ((I) && (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(Instances::to_kind(I)))) {
        int AC = Spatial::get_definition_depth(I);
        if (AC > 0) Produce::annotate_i(iname, ARROW_COUNT_IANN, (inter_ti) AC);

§1.1.2. This is an ugly business, but the I7 language supports the injection of raw I6 code into object bodies, and the I6 template does make use of this a little. In an ideal world we would revoke this ability.

Append any inclusions the source text requested1.1.2 =

    Config::Inclusions::compile_inclusions_for_subject(incl, subj);
    if (Str::len(incl) > 0) Emit::append(iname, incl);

§1.1.3. Now, here goes with the properties. We first compile clauses for those we know about, then for any other properties which are permitted but apparently not set. Note that we only look through knowledge and permissions associated with subj itself; we've no need to look at those for its kind (and its kind's kind, and so on) because the Inform 6 compiler automatically inherits those through the Class hierarchy of I6 objects — this is why we have made the class hierarchy at I6 level exactly match the kind hierarchy at I7 level.

Emit inferred object properties1.1.3 =

    inference *inf;
    KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, subj, property_inf) {
        property *prn = PropertyInferences::get_property(inf);
        current_sentence = Inferences::where_inferred(inf);
        LOGIF(OBJECT_COMPILATION, "Compiling property $Y\n", prn);
        RTPropertyValues::emit_propertyvalue(subj, prn);

§1.1.4. We now wander through the permitted properties, even those which we have no actual knowledge about.

Emit permitted but unspecified object properties1.1.4 =

    inference_subject *infs;
    for (infs = subj; infs; infs = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(infs)) {
        property_permission *pp;
            property *prn = PropertyPermissions::get_property(pp);
            if ((infs == subj) ||
                RTPropertyValues::emit_propertyvalue(subj, prn);

§2. Either way, then, we end up here. The following works out what initial value the property will have, and compiles a clause as appropriate.

int RTPropertyValues::emit_propertyvalue(inference_subject *know, property *prn) {
    package_request *R = NULL;
    instance *I = InstanceSubjects::to_instance(know);
    if (I) R = RTInstances::package(I);
    kind *K = KindSubjects::to_kind(know);
    if (K) R = Kinds::Behaviour::package(K);
    int storage_cost = 0;
    if ((RTProperties::visited_in_traverse(prn) == FALSE) &&
        (RTProperties::can_be_compiled(prn))) {
        if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) &&
            prn = EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn);
        value_holster VH = Holsters::new(INTER_DATA_VHMODE);
        Properties::compile_inferred_value(&VH, know, prn);
        Now emit a propertyvalue2.1;
    return storage_cost;

§2.1. Now emit a propertyvalue2.1 =

    instance *as_I = InstanceSubjects::to_instance(know);
    kind *as_K = KindSubjects::to_kind(know);
    inter_ti v1 = LITERAL_IVAL, v2 = (inter_ti) FALSE;
    property *in = prn;

    Holsters::unholster_pair(&VH, &v1, &v2);

    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (RTProperties::implemented_as_attribute(prn))) {
        if (RTProperties::stored_in_negation(prn)) {
            in = EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn);
            v2 = (inter_ti) (v2)?FALSE:TRUE;
    if (as_I) Emit::instance_propertyvalue(in, as_I, v1, v2);
    else Emit::propertyvalue(in, as_K, v1, v2);

§3. Attribute allocation. At some later stage the business of deciding which properties are stored at I6 run-time as attributes will be solely up to the code generator. For now, though, we make a parallel decision here.

void RTPropertyValues::allocate_attributes(void) {
    int slots_given_away = 0;
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property) {
        if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) &&
            (RTProperties::stored_in_negation(prn) == FALSE)) {
            int make_attribute = NOT_APPLICABLE;
            Any either/or property which some value can hold is ineligible3.1;
            An either/or property translated to an existing attribute must be chosen3.2;
            Otherwise give away attribute slots on a first-come-first-served basis3.3;
            RTProperties::implement_as_attribute(prn, make_attribute);

§3.1. Any either/or property which some value can hold is ineligible3.1 =

    property_permission *pp;
        inference_subject *infs = PropertyPermissions::get_subject(pp);
        if ((InferenceSubjects::is_an_object(infs) == FALSE) &&
            (InferenceSubjects::is_a_kind_of_object(infs) == FALSE))
            make_attribute = FALSE;

§3.2. An either/or property translated to an existing attribute must be chosen3.2 =

    if (RTProperties::has_been_translated(prn)) make_attribute = TRUE;

§3.3. Otherwise give away attribute slots on a first-come-first-served basis3.3 =

    if (make_attribute == NOT_APPLICABLE) {
        if (slots_given_away++ < ATTRIBUTE_SLOTS_TO_GIVE_AWAY)
            make_attribute = TRUE;
            make_attribute = FALSE;

§4. Rapid run-time testing. The preferred way to access either/or properties of an object at run-time is to use the pair of routines GetEitherOrProperty or SetEitherOrProperty, defined in the I6 template, because that way suitable run-time problems are generated for mistaken accesses. But if we want the fastest possible access and know that it will be valid, we can use the following.

void RTPropertyValues::emit_iname_has_property(kind *K, inter_name *N, property *prn) {
    RTPropertyValues::emit_has_property(K, InterNames::to_symbol(N), prn);
void RTPropertyValues::emit_has_property(kind *K, inter_symbol *S, property *prn) {
    if (RTProperties::implemented_as_attribute(prn)) {
        if (RTProperties::stored_in_negation(prn)) {
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), NOT_BIP);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), HAS_BIP);
                    Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K, S);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, RTProperties::iname(EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn)));
        } else {
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), HAS_BIP);
                Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K, S);
                Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, RTProperties::iname(prn));
    } else {
        if (RTProperties::stored_in_negation(prn)) {
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), EQ_BIP);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PROPERTYVALUE_BIP);
                    Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K, S);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, RTProperties::iname(EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn)));
                Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_truth_state, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);
        } else {
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), EQ_BIP);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PROPERTYVALUE_BIP);
                    Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K, S);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, RTProperties::iname(prn));
                Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_truth_state, LITERAL_IVAL, 1);

§5. In-table storage. Some kinds of non-object are created by table, with the table columns holding the relevant property values. The following structure indicates which column of which table will store the property values at run-time, or else is left as -1, 0 if the property values aren't living inside a table structure.

typedef struct property_of_value_storage {
    struct inter_name *storage_table_iname;  for the relevant column array
} property_of_value_storage;

property_of_value_storage *latest_povs = NULL;  see below

§6. It's a little inconvenient to work out some elegant mechanism for the table compilation code to tell each kind where it will be living, so instead we rely on the fact that we're doing one at a time. The table-compiler simply calls this routine to notify us of where the next batch of properties will be, and we mark them down in the most recently created property permission.

property_of_value_storage *RTPropertyValues::get_storage(void) {
    property_of_value_storage *povs = CREATE(property_of_value_storage);
    povs->storage_table_iname = NULL;
    latest_povs = povs;
    return povs;

void RTPropertyValues::pp_set_table_storage(inter_name *store) {
if (store == NULL) internal_error("ugh");
    if (latest_povs) {
        latest_povs->storage_table_iname = store;

§7. The code generator will need to know these numbers, so we will annotate the property-permission symbol accordingly:

inter_name *RTPropertyValues::annotate_table_storage(property_permission *pp) {
    property_of_value_storage *povs =
    return povs->storage_table_iname;