To compile run-time support for properties.


define UNSET_TABLE_OFFSET -654321
typedef struct property_compilation_data {
    int do_not_compile;  for e.g. the "specification" pseudo-property
    int metadata_table_offset;  position in the property_metadata word array at run-time
    struct package_request *prop_package;  where to find:
    struct inter_name *prop_iname;  the identifier we would like to use at run-time for this property
    int translated;  has this been given an explicit translation?
    int prn_emitted;  has this been emitted to Inter yet?
    int implemented_as_attribute;  is this an Inter attribute at run-time?
    int store_in_negation;  this is the dummy half of an either/or pair
    int visited_on_traverse;  for temporary use when compiling objects
    int use_non_typesafe_0;  as a default to mean "not set" at run-time
} property_compilation_data;

void RTProperties::initialise_pcd(property *prn, package_request *pkg, inter_name *iname) {
    if (pkg == NULL) {
        pkg = Hierarchy::package(CompilationUnits::find(current_sentence), PROPERTIES_HAP);
        Hierarchy::markup_wording(pkg, PROPERTY_NAME_HMD, prn->name);
    if (iname == NULL) {
        iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_with_memo(PROPERTY_HL, pkg, prn->name);
    prn->compilation_data.prop_package = pkg;
    prn->compilation_data.do_not_compile = FALSE;
    prn->compilation_data.prop_iname = iname;
    prn->compilation_data.prn_emitted = FALSE;
    prn->compilation_data.translated = FALSE;
    prn->compilation_data.metadata_table_offset = UNSET_TABLE_OFFSET;
    prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation = FALSE;
    prn->compilation_data.implemented_as_attribute = NOT_APPLICABLE;
    prn->compilation_data.visited_on_traverse = -1;
    prn->compilation_data.use_non_typesafe_0 = FALSE;

§2. These functions are to help other parts of Inform to visit each property just once, when working through some complicated search space. (Visiting an either/or property also visits its negation.)

int property_traverse_count = 0;
void RTProperties::begin_traverse(void) {

int RTProperties::visited_in_traverse(property *prn) {
    if (prn->compilation_data.visited_on_traverse == property_traverse_count) return TRUE;
    prn->compilation_data.visited_on_traverse = property_traverse_count;
    if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
        property *prnbar = EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn);
        if (prnbar) prnbar->compilation_data.visited_on_traverse = property_traverse_count;
    return FALSE;

void RTProperties::do_not_compile(property *prn) {
    prn->compilation_data.do_not_compile = TRUE;

int RTProperties::can_be_compiled(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->compilation_data.do_not_compile)) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§3. Used to support the run-time storage code: see "Properties of Objects".

void RTProperties::offset_in_runtime_metadata_table_is(property *prn, int pos) {
    prn->compilation_data.metadata_table_offset = pos;
int RTProperties::get_offset_in_runtime_metadata_table(property *prn) {
    return prn->compilation_data.metadata_table_offset;


int RTProperties::stored_in_negation(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or_data == NULL)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    return prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation;

void RTProperties::store_in_negation(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or_data == NULL)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    if (EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn) == NULL) internal_error("singleton EO cannot store in negation");

    prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation = TRUE;
    if (EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn)) EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn)->compilation_data.store_in_negation = FALSE;

§5. Translated names of properties. Some properties have translated names mechanically generated by Inform (indeed all properties initially have, as we saw above), but others must have names corresponding to those used in the template: these are, we say, "translated". The following routine accomplishes that. It is normally used in response to explicit requests in the source text (see below), but can also be used by plugins to give their favourite properties names which will help their own run-time support code to work.

void RTProperties::set_translation(property *prn, wchar_t *t) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("translation set for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation)) {
        RTProperties::set_translation(EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn), t);
    for (int i=0; ((t[i]) && (i<31)); i++) {
        if ((Characters::isalpha(t[i])) || (Characters::isdigit(t[i])) || (t[i] == '_'))
            PUT_TO(T, t[i]);
            PUT_TO(T, '_');
    Produce::change_translation(prn->compilation_data.prop_iname, T);
    Hierarchy::make_available(Emit::tree(), prn->compilation_data.prop_iname);
    prn->compilation_data.translated = TRUE;

void RTProperties::set_translation_S(property *prn, text_stream *t) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("translation set for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation)) {
        RTProperties::set_translation_S(EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn), t);
    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, t) {
        wchar_t c = Str::get(pos);
        if ((isalpha(c)) || (Characters::isdigit(c)) || (c == '_'))
            PUT_TO(T, (int) c);
            PUT_TO(T, '_');
    Str::truncate(T, 31);
    Produce::change_translation(prn->compilation_data.prop_iname, T);
    prn->compilation_data.translated = TRUE;

int RTProperties::has_been_translated(property *prn) {
    return prn->compilation_data.translated;

text_stream *RTProperties::current_translation(property *prn) {
    if (prn->compilation_data.translated == FALSE) return NULL;
    return Produce::get_translation(RTProperties::iname(prn));

§6. Emitting to Inter.

inter_name *RTProperties::iname(property *prn) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("tried to find iname for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation))
        return RTProperties::iname(EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn));
    return prn->compilation_data.prop_iname;

package_request *RTProperties::package(property *prn) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("tried to find package for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation))
        return RTProperties::package(EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn));
    return prn->compilation_data.prop_package;

void RTProperties::emit_single(property *prn) {
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("tried to find emit single for null property");
    if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation)) {
    if (prn->compilation_data.prn_emitted == FALSE) {
        inter_name *iname = RTProperties::iname(prn);

        kind *K = Properties::kind_of_contents(prn);
        if (K == NULL) internal_error("kindless property");
        prn->compilation_data.prn_emitted = TRUE;

        Emit::property(iname, K);
        if (prn->Inter_level_only) Emit::permission(prn, K_object, NULL);
        if (prn->compilation_data.translated)
            Produce::annotate_i(iname, EXPLICIT_ATTRIBUTE_IANN, 1);
        Produce::annotate_i(iname, SOURCE_ORDER_IANN, (inter_ti) prn->allocation_id);

void RTProperties::emit(void) {
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property) {
        if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) &&
            (prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation)) continue;
        kind *K = Properties::kind_of_contents(prn);
        if (K == NULL) internal_error("kindless property");
        property_permission *pp;
            inference_subject *subj = pp->property_owner;
            if (subj == NULL) internal_error("unowned property");
            kind *K = KindSubjects::to_kind(subj);
            if (K) Emit::permission(prn, K, RTPropertyValues::annotate_table_storage(pp));

void RTProperties::emit_default_values(void) {
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property) {
        if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) &&
            (prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation)) continue;
        kind *K = Properties::kind_of_contents(prn);

void RTProperties::annotate_attributes(void) {
    property *prn;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property) {
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
            if (prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation) continue;
            Produce::annotate_i(RTProperties::iname(prn), EITHER_OR_IANN, 0);
            if (RTProperties::implemented_as_attribute(prn)) {
                Produce::annotate_i(RTProperties::iname(prn), ATTRIBUTE_IANN, 0);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(prn->name))
            Produce::annotate_w(RTProperties::iname(prn), PROPERTY_NAME_IANN, prn->name);
        if (prn->Inter_level_only)
            Produce::annotate_i(RTProperties::iname(prn), RTO_IANN, 0);

void RTProperties::emit_instance_permissions(instance *I) {
    inference_subject *subj = Instances::as_subject(I);
    property_permission *pp;
        property *prn = pp->property_granted;
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn))
            if (prn->compilation_data.store_in_negation) continue;
        Emit::instance_permission(prn, RTInstances::emitted_iname(I));

§7. Compilation. Inform 6 provides "attributes" as a faster-access, more memory-efficient form of object properties, stored at run-time in a bitmap rather than as key-value pairs in a small dictionary. Because the bitmap is inflexibly sized, only some of our either/or properties will be able to make use of it. See "Properties of Objects" for how these are chosen; the following simply keep a flag recording the outcome.

int RTProperties::implemented_as_attribute(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or_data == NULL)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    if (prn->compilation_data.implemented_as_attribute == NOT_APPLICABLE) return TRUE;
    return prn->compilation_data.implemented_as_attribute;

void RTProperties::implement_as_attribute(property *prn, int state) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or_data == NULL)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    prn->compilation_data.implemented_as_attribute = state;
    if (EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn)) EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn)->compilation_data.implemented_as_attribute = state;

§8. Otherwise, each either/or property is stored as either true or false in a given cell of memory at run-time — wastefully since only 1 of the 16 or 32 bits in that memory word is used, but at least rapidly. The following compiles this true or false value.

(Because of the way the attribute optimisation works, it's very important not to change the strings of compiled code here without making a matching change in "Properties of Objects".)

void RTProperties::compile_value(value_holster *VH, property *prn, int val) {
    if (val) {
        if (Holsters::data_acceptable(VH))
            Holsters::holster_pair(VH, LITERAL_IVAL, 1);
    } else {
        if (Holsters::data_acceptable(VH))
            Holsters::holster_pair(VH, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);

void RTProperties::compile_default_value(value_holster *VH, property *prn) {
    if (Holsters::data_acceptable(VH))
        Holsters::holster_pair(VH, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);

§9. Value property compilation. When we compile the value of a valued property, the following is called. In theory the result could depend on the property name; in practice it doesn't. (But this would enable us to implement certain properties with different storage methods at run-time if we wanted.)

When a property is used to store certain forms of relation, it then needs to store either a value within one of the domains, or else a null value used to mean "this is not set at the moment". Since that null value isn't a member of the domain, it follows that the property is breaking type safety when it stores it. This means we need to relax typechecking to enable this all to work; the following keep a flag to mark that.

void RTProperties::use_non_typesafe_0(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or_data)) internal_error("non-value property");
    prn->compilation_data.use_non_typesafe_0 = TRUE;

int RTProperties::uses_non_typesafe_0(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or_data)) internal_error("non-value property");
    return prn->compilation_data.use_non_typesafe_0;

void RTProperties::compile_vp_value(value_holster *VH, property *prn, parse_node *val) {
    kind *K = ValueProperties::kind(prn);
    CompileValues::constant_to_holster(VH, val, K);

void RTProperties::compile_vp_default_value(value_holster *VH, property *prn) {
    if (RTProperties::uses_non_typesafe_0(prn)) {
        if (Holsters::data_acceptable(VH))
            Holsters::holster_pair(VH, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);
    kind *K = ValueProperties::kind(prn);
    current_sentence = NULL;
    if (RTKinds::compile_default_value_vh(VH, K, prn->name, "property") == FALSE) {
        Problems::quote_wording(1, prn->name);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_PropertyUninitialisable));
            "I am unable to put any value into the property '%1', because "
            "it seems to have a kind of value which has no actual values.");

§10. Now for the methods.

void RTProperties::write_either_or_schemas(adjective_meaning *am, property *prn, int T) {
    kind *K = AdjectiveMeaningDomains::get_kind(am);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K))
        Set the schemata for an either/or property adjective with objects as domain10.1
        Set the schemata for an either/or property adjective with some other domain10.2;

§10.1. The "objects" domain is not really very different, but it's the one used overwhelmingly most often, so we will call the relevant routines directly rather than accessing them via the unifying routines GProperty and WriteGProperty — which would work just as well, but more slowly.

Set the schemata for an either/or property adjective with objects as domain10.1 =

    if (RTProperties::stored_in_negation(prn)) {
        property *neg = EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn);
        inter_name *identifier = RTProperties::iname(neg);

        i6_schema *sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, TEST_ATOM_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "GetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n) == false", identifier);

        sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "SetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n, true)", identifier);

        sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "SetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n, false)", identifier);
    } else {
        inter_name *identifier = RTProperties::iname(prn);

        i6_schema *sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, TEST_ATOM_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "GetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n)", identifier);

        sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "SetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n, false)", identifier);

        sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "SetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n, true)", identifier);

§10.2. Set the schemata for an either/or property adjective with some other domain10.2 =

    if (RTProperties::stored_in_negation(prn)) {
        property *neg = EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn);

        i6_schema *sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, TEST_ATOM_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "GProperty(%k, *1, %n) == false", K,

        sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n)", K,

        sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n, true)", K,
    } else {
        i6_schema *sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, TEST_ATOM_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "GProperty(%k, *1, %n)", K,

        sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n, true)", K,

        sch = AdjectiveMeanings::make_schema(am, NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n)", K,


property *RTProperties::make_valued_property_identified_thus(text_stream *Inter_identifier) {
    wording W = Feeds::feed_text(Inter_identifier);
    package_request *R = Hierarchy::synoptic_package(PROPERTIES_HAP);
    Hierarchy::markup(R, PROPERTY_NAME_HMD, Inter_identifier);
    inter_name *using_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_with_memo(PROPERTY_HL, R, W);
    property *prn = Properties::create(EMPTY_WORDING, R, using_iname, FALSE);
    RTProperties::set_translation_S(prn, Inter_identifier);
    return prn;


int RTProperties::test_provision_schema(annotated_i6_schema *asch) {
    kind *K = Deferrals::Cinders::kind_of_value_of_term(asch->pt0);
    property *prn = Rvalues::to_property(asch->pt1.constant);
    if (K) {
        if (prn) {
            if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K))
                Compile a run-time test of property provision12.1
                Determine the result now, since we know already, and compile only the outcome12.2;
            return TRUE;
        } else if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K)) {
            kind *PK = Deferrals::Cinders::kind_of_value_of_term(asch->pt1);
            if (Kinds::get_construct(PK) == CON_property) {
                if (Kinds::eq(K_truth_state, Kinds::unary_construction_material(PK)))
                    Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "WhetherProvides(*1, true, *2)");
                    Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "WhetherProvides(*1, false, *2)");
                return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§12.1. Since type-checking for "object" is too weak to make it certain what kind of object the left operand is, we can only test property provision at run-time:

Compile a run-time test of property provision12.1 =

    if (Properties::is_value_property(prn))
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "WhetherProvides(*1, false, *2)");
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "WhetherProvides(*1, true, *2)");

§12.2. For all other kinds, type-checking is strong enough that we can prove the answer now.

Determine the result now, since we know already, and compile only the outcome12.2 =

    if (PropertyPermissions::find(KindSubjects::from_kind(K), prn, TRUE))
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "true");
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "false");


int RTProperties::test_property_value_schema(annotated_i6_schema *asch, property *prn) {
    kind *K = Deferrals::Cinders::kind_of_value_of_term(asch->pt0);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K)) return FALSE;
        "GProperty(%k, *1, %n) == *2", K, RTProperties::iname(prn));
    return TRUE;

int RTProperties::set_property_value_schema(annotated_i6_schema *asch, property *prn) {
    kind *K = Deferrals::Cinders::kind_of_value_of_term(asch->pt0);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K)) return FALSE;
        "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n, *2)", K, RTProperties::iname(prn));
    return TRUE;