Local variables are used for call parameters, temporary values, and other ephemeral workspace.

§1. Declaration. When some other part of the runtime or imperative modules wants to compile an Inter function, it will need to ensure that any local it creates is declared as part of that function. This is how, and it returns the Inter symbol referring to the variable.

inter_symbol *LocalVariables::declare(local_variable *lvar) {
    return LocalVariableSlates::declare_one(lvar);

§2. Call parameters. These are the ones with names in Inform 7 source text, and generally come from prototypes of phrases.

local_variable *LocalVariables::new_call_parameter(stack_frame *frame,
    wording W, kind *K) {
    local_variable *lvar = LocalVariableSlates::allocate_I7_local(&(frame->local_variables),
    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "Call parameter $k added\n", lvar);
    return lvar;

§3. These are numbered 0, 1, 2, ..., as created, and the following returns that index number:

int LocalVariables::get_parameter_number(local_variable *lvar) {
    if ((lvar == NULL) || (lvar->lv_purpose != TOKEN_CALL_PARAMETER_LV))
        internal_error("not a call parameter");
    return lvar->index_with_this_purpose;

§4. Other call parameters. However, our Inter function may also (or instead) be called with other arguments, and those are "other call parameters": they have no I7 source text name, and instead referred to by their Inter identifiers alone.

local_variable *LocalVariables::new_other_parameter(text_stream *identifier) {
    stack_frame *frame = Frames::current_stack_frame();
    if (frame)
        return LocalVariableSlates::ensure_Inter_identifier(&(frame->local_variables),
            identifier, OTHER_CALL_PARAMETER_LV);
    return NULL;

inter_symbol *LocalVariables::new_other_as_symbol(text_stream *identifier) {
    local_variable *v = LocalVariables::new_other_parameter(identifier);
    return LocalVariables::declare(v);

§5. Finally, when phrase options are used in invoking a phrase, a bitmap is passed to its Inter routine, and this occupies a pseudo-call-parameter:

void LocalVariables::options_parameter_is_needed(stack_frame *frame) {
        I"phrase_options", OTHER_CALL_PARAMETER_LV);

local_variable *LocalVariables::options_parameter(void) {
    stack_frame *frame = Frames::current_stack_frame();
    if (frame)
        return LocalVariableSlates::find_Inter_identifier(&(frame->local_variables),
            I"phrase_options", OTHER_CALL_PARAMETER_LV);
    return NULL;

§6. Both sorts of parameter count:

int LocalVariables::is_parameter(local_variable *lvar) {
    if ((lvar) &&
        ((lvar->lv_purpose == TOKEN_CALL_PARAMETER_LV) ||
            (lvar->lv_purpose == OTHER_CALL_PARAMETER_LV)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§7. Let values. These can only be created in the current frame, and they are immediately declared.

local_variable *LocalVariables::new_let_value(wording W, kind *K) {
    stack_frame *frame = Frames::current_stack_frame();
    if (frame == NULL) internal_error("tried to add let value without stack frame");
    local_variable *lvar = LocalVariableSlates::allocate_I7_local(&(frame->local_variables),
        LET_VALUE_LV, W, K, NULL, -1);
    if (Produce::emitting_routine(Emit::tree()))
    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "Let value $k allocated\n", lvar);
    return lvar;

§8. Some LET_VALUE_LV variables are protected from being changed by "let" or "now" — that sounds contradictory, but for example loop counters in "repeat" constructs are also LET_VALUE_LV locals, and we want to stop the source text from altering those. Protection is opt-out for let values: we have to call LocalVariables::unprotect if we want a let value to be modifiable from source text.

Note that TOKEN_CALL_PARAMETER_LV locals are unprotected, which means that it's legal in Inform to modify one of the call parameters to a phrase.1 Protection would be meaningless for the other two sorts of local, since they aren't accessible from I7 source text anyway.

void LocalVariables::unprotect(local_variable *lvar) {
    lvar->current_usage.protected = FALSE;

int LocalVariables::protected(local_variable *lvar) {
    if ((lvar->lv_purpose == LET_VALUE_LV) && (lvar->current_usage.protected)) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, lvar->current_usage.varname);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ProtectedFromLet));
            "In %1, it looks as if you want to use 'let' to change the value of "
            "the temporary variable '%2'. Ordinarily that would be fine, but it's "
            "not allowed when the variable is used as the counter in a 'repeat' "
            "loop, or has some other do-not-disturb purpose - this could cause "
            "chaotic effects. The rule is: you can only change an existing value "
            "with 'let' if it was created by 'let' in the first place.");
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§9. Internal locals. "Internals" are Inter locals which do not correspond to anything at the I7 level, and which are used to implement some low-level feature. They can only be created in the current frame.

local_variable *LocalVariables::new_internal(text_stream *identifier) {
    stack_frame *frame = Frames::current_stack_frame();
    if (frame)
        return LocalVariableSlates::ensure_Inter_identifier(&(frame->local_variables),
            identifier, INTERNAL_USE_LV);
    return NULL;

inter_symbol *LocalVariables::new_internal_as_symbol(text_stream *identifier) {
    local_variable *v = LocalVariables::new_internal(identifier);
    return LocalVariables::declare(v);

local_variable *LocalVariables::new_internal_commented(text_stream *identifier,
    text_stream *comment) {
    local_variable *lvar = LocalVariables::new_internal(identifier);
    if (lvar) lvar->comment_on_use = comment;
    return lvar;

inter_symbol *LocalVariables::new_internal_commented_as_symbol(text_stream *identifier,
    text_stream *comment) {
    local_variable *v = LocalVariables::new_internal_commented(identifier, comment);
    return LocalVariables::declare(v);

§10. For example, ct_0 and ct_1 contain the current table and row selection, in phrases for which that's relevant.

void LocalVariables::add_table_lookup(void) {
    LocalVariables::new_internal_commented(I"ct_0", I"currently selected table");
    LocalVariables::new_internal_commented(I"ct_1", I"currently selected row");
    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "Stack frame acquires CT locals\n");

int LocalVariables::are_we_using_table_lookup(void) {
    stack_frame *frame = Frames::current_stack_frame();
    if (frame == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (LocalVariableSlates::find_Inter_identifier(&(frame->local_variables),
        I"ct_0", INTERNAL_USE_LV)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§11. Similarly sw_v holds a temporary switch value, in some cases.

local_variable *LocalVariables::add_switch_value(kind *K) {
    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "Stack frame acquires switch value\n");
    return LocalVariables::new_internal_commented(I"sw_v", I"switch value");

§12. And this retrieves the local on the current stack frame with the given identifier, if it exists.

local_variable *LocalVariables::find_internal(text_stream *identifier) {
    stack_frame *frame = Frames::current_stack_frame();
    if (frame)
        return LocalVariableSlates::find_Inter_identifier(&(frame->local_variables),
            identifier, INTERNAL_USE_LV);
    return NULL;

§13. Searching by identifier. One way is to search the slate for a scratch variable by its Inter name:

local_variable *LocalVariables::by_identifier(text_stream *name) {
    stack_frame *frame = Frames::current_stack_frame();
    if (frame)
        return LocalVariableSlates::find_any_Inter_identifier(&(frame->local_variables), name);
    return NULL;

§14. Locals used in predicate calculus have the names x, y, z, a, b, ...; the following looks for this identifier, where v counts from 0 to 25 through this reordered alphabet.

local_variable *LocalVariables::find_pcalc_var(int v) {
    stack_frame *frame = Frames::current_stack_frame();
    if (frame) {
        local_variable *lvar;
        LOOP_OVER_LOCALS_IN_FRAME(lvar, frame)
            if (Str::len(lvar->identifier) == 1)
                if (Str::get_at(lvar->identifier, 0) == pcalc_vars[v])
                    return lvar;
    return NULL;

§15. Searching by index. Another way to search is by index. The following, for instance, returns the ith call parameter on the current slate (counting from 0), or NULL if there isn't one.

local_variable *LocalVariables::get_ith_parameter(stack_frame *frame, int i) {
    local_variable *lvar;
    int c = 0;
    LOOP_OVER_LOCALS_IN_FRAME(lvar, frame)
        if (lvar->lv_purpose == TOKEN_CALL_PARAMETER_LV)
            if (c++ == i)
                return lvar;
    return NULL;

§16. "It", when it's allowed, refers always to the first call parameter. This is used, for instance, in defining adjectives by phrases, where the value which is to be judged goes in to the first call parameter.

local_variable *LocalVariables::it_variable(void) {
    stack_frame *frame = Frames::current_stack_frame();
    if ((frame) && (frame->local_variables.it_variable_exists))
        return LocalVariables::get_ith_parameter(frame, 0);
    return NULL;

§17. Searching by I7 source name. Because local variables come and go on the breeze, we parse them by hand rather than with the excerpt parser's symbols table.2 All the same we make use of the excerpt hashing function, to reuse as much earlier work as possible, and the following is very fast.

local_variable *LocalVariables::parse(stack_frame *frame, wording W) {
    if (frame == NULL) return NULL;
    local_variable *lvar = LocalVariables::parse_inner(frame, W);
    if (lvar) lvar->current_usage.parsed_recently = TRUE;
    return lvar;

local_variable *LocalVariables::parse_inner(stack_frame *frame, wording W) {
    Recognise the pronoun it as parameter 017.1;
    Remove the definite article17.2;
    Recognise the it-pseudonym as parameter 017.3;
    Parse the locals directly17.4;
    return NULL;

§17.1. Recognise the pronoun it as parameter 017.1 =

    if (frame->local_variables.it_variable_exists)
        if (<agent-pronoun>(W)) {
            pronoun_usage *pu = <<rp>>;
            if (Stock::usage_might_be_third_person(pu->usage))
                return LocalVariables::it_variable();

§17.2. Remove the definite article17.2 =

    if (<definite-article>(W)) return NULL;
    W = Articles::remove_the(W);

§17.3. Only a few stack frames allow "it" and only some of those also have a pseudonym for it, so it doesn't seem worth hashing this:

Recognise the it-pseudonym as parameter 017.3 =

    if ((Wordings::nonempty(frame->local_variables.it_pseudonym)) &&
        (Wordings::match(W, frame->local_variables.it_pseudonym)))
        return LocalVariables::it_variable();

§17.4. Earlier builds of Inform went to some trouble to parse these in reverse creation order, so that if the same name existed both as a loop variable and outside it, the inner one would always be parsed — compare C, where this is legal (if doubtful in style). But since the Inform language no longer permits local names to be overloaded like this, there's no longer any need.

Parse the locals directly17.4 =

    int h = Lexicon::wording_hash(W);
    local_variable *lvar;
    LOOP_OVER_LOCALS_IN_FRAME(lvar, frame)
        if ((Wordings::nonempty(lvar->current_usage.varname)) &&
            (h == lvar->current_usage.name_hash) &&
            (lvar->allocated == TRUE) &&
            (Wordings::match(W, lvar->current_usage.varname)))
                return lvar;

§18. And this is much the same function in a Preform wrapper:

<existing-local-name> internal {
    local_variable *lvar = LocalVariables::parse(Frames::current_stack_frame(), W);
    if (lvar) {
        ==> { -, lvar };
        return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§19. Monitoring parsing. It turns out to be useful to check whether local variables are ever accessed by something we're compiling. To do this, call LocalVariables::monitor_local_parsing, compile some code, and then call LocalVariables::local_parsed_recently to see whether that code ever accessed the locals (or the two ct table-selection variables).

int stack_selection_used_recently = FALSE;
void LocalVariables::monitor_local_parsing(stack_frame *frame) {
    if (frame) {
        local_variable *lvar;
        LOOP_OVER_LOCALS_IN_FRAME(lvar, frame)
            lvar->current_usage.parsed_recently = FALSE;
    stack_selection_used_recently = FALSE;

void LocalVariables::used_ct_locals(void) {
    stack_selection_used_recently = TRUE;

int LocalVariables::local_parsed_recently(stack_frame *frame) {
    if (frame) {
        local_variable *lvar;
        LOOP_OVER_LOCALS_IN_FRAME(lvar, frame)
            if (lvar->current_usage.parsed_recently) return TRUE;
    if (stack_selection_used_recently) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§20. Callings. A "calling" is a declaration of the sort found in text like "a body which is part of a person (called the owner)". This will need to create a local variable with the name "the owner". Here W would be that name, and K would be K_body:

wording PM_CalledWithDash_wording = EMPTY_WORDING_INIT;

local_variable *LocalVariables::ensure_calling(wording W, kind *K) {
    if ((Frames::current_stack_frame()) && (<new-calling>(W))) {
        local_variable *lvar = <<rp>>;
        if ((K) && (lvar)) LocalVariables::set_kind(lvar, K);
        return lvar;
    return NULL;

§21. The work is done by this Preform grammar:

<new-calling> ::=
    <definite-article> <new-calling-unarticled> | ==> { pass 2 }
    <new-calling-unarticled>                      ==> { pass 1 }

<new-calling-unarticled> ::=
    *** - *** |                                   ==> Issue PM_CalledWithDash problem21.1
    <existing-local-name> |                       ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-type-expression-or-value> |                ==> Vet to see if this name can be overloaded21.2
    ...                                           ==> { 0, LocalVariables::new_let_value(W, K_object) }

§21.1. Issue PM_CalledWithDash problem21.1 =

    if (!(Wordings::eq(PM_CalledWithDash_wording, W))) {
        PM_CalledWithDash_wording = W;
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CalledWithDash),
            "a '(called ...)' name is not allowed to include a hyphen",
            "since this would look misleadingly like a declaration of kind of value it has.");
    ==> { 0, NULL }

§21.2. Vet to see if this name can be overloaded21.2 =

    parse_node *already = <<rp>>;
    if (LocalVariables::permit_as_new_local(already, TRUE) == FALSE) {
        LOG("Meaning already existing: $T\n", already);
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        if (Specifications::is_kind_like(already))
            Problems::quote_text(3, "a kind");
            Problems::quote_kind_of(3, already);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CalledOverloaded));
            "In %1, it looks as if '%2' is going to be a temporary name which something "
            "will be called. But I can't allow that, because it already has a meaning "
            "as %3.");
        ==> { 0, NULL }
    } else return FALSE;

§22. The following rather inelegantly picks up any apparent callings in some text, making all of them objects.

wording last_mnc_wording = EMPTY_WORDING_INIT;
void LocalVariables::make_necessary_callings(wording W) {
    if (Wordings::within(W, last_mnc_wording)) return;
    last_mnc_wording = W;
    while (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
        if (<text-including-a-calling>(W)) {
            wording V = GET_RW(<text-including-a-calling>, 2);
            W = GET_RW(<text-including-a-calling>, 3);
            LocalVariables::ensure_calling(V, K_object);
        } else break;

§23. Permissible names. This is an interesting issue of policy. Suppose the source text says:

let the slate be 1;

and, far away, an object called "the slate" is sitting on a schoolroom desk. Do we allow this, thus temporarily changing the meaning of "slate", or do we throw it out with a problem message? If we allow it, we enable source text to become less clear, since meaning now depends on context. If we forbid it, we cause all sorts of things to go wrong with extensions (including not least the Standard Rules): because suppose they contain a local called "slate" somewhere, and then the unsuspecting user writes

The slate is on the desk.

Now there's a conflict, and the user will be baffled, never having read the extension he's using. So we do allow this, and certain other overloadings of meanings, too, but it would be too much to say that every phrase has its own namespace.

Callings get one extra benefit, because they typically exist more fleetingly — often only for the sentence where they're defined — and because the syntax is more explicit. So you can write:

if an infected person can see a healthy person (called random bystander), ...

even if "random bystander" might otherwise be a request to randomly generate an instance of the kind "bystander".

int LocalVariables::permit_as_new_local(parse_node *found, int as_calling) {
    if (Node::is(found, AMBIGUITY_NT)) found = found->down;
    if ((Specifications::is_kind_like(found)) &&
        (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(Specifications::to_kind(found)) == FALSE)) return FALSE;
    if ((Node::is(found, UNKNOWN_NT)) ||
        (Node::is(found, NONLOCAL_VARIABLE_NT)) ||
        (Specifications::is_description(found)) ||
        (Rvalues::is_object(found)) ||
        (Rvalues::to_instance(found)) ||
        (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(found, CON_table_column)) ||
        (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(found, CON_property))) return TRUE;
    if (as_calling)
        if (Specifications::is_phrasal(found)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§24. Kind. Of a single variable:

kind *LocalVariables::kind(local_variable *lvar) {
    if (lvar) return lvar->current_usage.kind_as_declared;
    return NULL;

§25. Locals are sometimes created before their kinds are known, so this call exists to fix that:

void LocalVariables::set_kind(local_variable *lvar, kind *K) {
    if (lvar == NULL) internal_error("Tried to set kind of nonexistent local variable");
    LOGIF(LOCAL_VARIABLES, "Kind of local $k set to %u\n", lvar, K);
    lvar->current_usage.kind_as_declared = K;

§26. Logging.

void LocalVariables::log(local_variable *lvar) {
    LocalVariables::write(DL, lvar);

void LocalVariables::writer(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *format_string, void *vL) {
    local_variable *lvar = (local_variable *) vL;
    if (lvar == NULL) internal_error("no such variable");
    switch (format_string[0]) {
        case 'L':  bare %L means the same as %+L, so fall through to...
        case '+': WRITE("%+W", lvar->current_usage.varname); break;
        case '-': WRITE("%-W", lvar->current_usage.varname); break;
        case '~': WRITE("%S", lvar->identifier); break;
        default: internal_error("bad %L modifier");

void LocalVariables::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, local_variable *lvar) {
    if (lvar->allocated == FALSE) { WRITE("LV<unallocated>"); return; }
    if (Wordings::nonempty(lvar->current_usage.varname)) WRITE("LV\"%W\"", lvar->current_usage.varname);
    else WRITE("LV<nameless>");
    Kinds::Textual::write(OUT, lvar->current_usage.kind_as_declared);