Properties which can either be present or not, but have no value attached.

§1. A design choice. A property name structure with the either/or flag set represents one which is true or false. It's not obvious what the best way to handle these properties would be. A traditional computer-science view would be that a property like "open" is really just another valued property, whose kind of value is "truth state" — that is, "true" or "false". The word "closed" would then be no property at all, only a sort of syntactic sugar for a particular way to initialise the "open" property.

But in natural language, there seems no reason why "open" should be somehow more real than "closed". Source text ought to regard them as linguistically the same, and might talk about "the closed property" just as readily as "the open property". It's true that at some low-level implementation level these two properties, "open" and "closed", are tied together, but otherwise they ought both to be just as valid.

The language is the same either way, but the compiler has to choose which of these tacks it will take in implementing either/or properties. The first approach involves messy higher-level code pretending that certain linguistic features are properties even when they don't map onto property structures, which is bad; the second approach involves messy lower-level code coping with the fact that two different property structures are somehow the same, which is also bad. In the end, we went with the second approach (but about every two years consider stripping it out and rewriting the other way, just the same).

§2. The rule, therefore, is:

§3. Requesting new named properties. This is how the either/or properties declared by the source text are made.

property *Properties::EitherOr::obtain(wording W, inference_subject *infs) {
    if (<k-kind>(W)) {
        Problems::Issue::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_KindAdjectiveClash),
            "this tries to create a new either/or adjective with the same name "
            "as an existing kind",
            "which isn't allowed. For example, 'A hopper can be a container.' is "
            "not allowed because something either is, or is not, a 'container', "
            "and that can never change during play. 'Container' is a kind, and "
            "those are fixed. 'A hopper is a container' would be allowed, because "
            "that makes a definite statement.");
    property *prn = Properties::obtain(W, FALSE);
    prn->either_or = TRUE;
    kind *K = InferenceSubjects::domain(infs);
    if (prn->adjectival_meaning_registered == NULL)
        Properties::EitherOr::create_adjective_from_property(prn, W, K);
        Properties::EitherOr::make_new_adjective_sense_from_property(prn, W, K);
    return prn;

§4. Requesting new nameless properties. These are properties needed for implementation reasons by the template, and which are added to the model by plugins here inside Inform, but which have no existence at the source text level — and hence have no names.

Setting them up as adjectives may seem a little over the top, since they cannot be encountered in source text, but the world model will have to set these properties by asserting propositions to be true; and type-checking of those propositions relies on adjectival meanings.

property *Properties::EitherOr::new_nameless(wchar_t *I6_form) {
    wording W = Feeds::feed_text(I6_form);
    package_request *R = Hierarchy::synoptic_package(PROPERTIES_HAP);
    inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_with_memo(PROPERTY_HL, R, W);
    property *prn = Properties::create(EMPTY_WORDING, R, iname);
    prn->either_or = TRUE;
    Properties::set_translation(prn, I6_form);
    Properties::EitherOr::create_adjective_from_property(prn, EMPTY_WORDING, K_object);
    prn->run_time_only = TRUE;
    return prn;

§5. Initialising details.

void Properties::EitherOr::initialise(property *prn) {
    prn->negation = NULL;
    prn->stored_in_negation = FALSE;
    prn->implemented_as_attribute = NOT_APPLICABLE;
    prn->adjectival_meaning_registered = NULL;
    prn->adjectival_phrase_registered = NULL;
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    prn->eo_parsing_grammar = NULL;

§6. When created, all properties start out as singletons; the following joins two together into a pair. It's allowed to rejoin an existing pair (either way around), but not to break one.

void Properties::EitherOr::make_negations(property *prn, property *neg) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or == FALSE)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    if ((neg == NULL) || (neg->either_or == FALSE)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    if ((prn->negation) || (neg->negation)) {
        if ((prn->negation != neg) || (neg->negation != prn)) {
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            Problems::quote_property(2, prn);
            Problems::quote_property(3, neg);
            if (prn->negation) {
                Problems::quote_property(4, prn);
                Problems::quote_property(5, prn->negation);
            } else {
                Problems::quote_property(4, neg);
                Problems::quote_property(5, neg->negation);
            Problems::Issue::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BrokenNegationPair));
                "In %1, you proposed to set up the properties '%2' and '%3' as "
                "opposites of each other. But I can't allow that, because '%4' "
                "already has an opposite in another context ('%5').");

    prn->negation = neg; neg->negation = prn;

property *Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or == FALSE)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    return prn->negation;


int Properties::EitherOr::stored_in_negation(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or == FALSE)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    return prn->stored_in_negation;

void Properties::EitherOr::make_stored_in_negation(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or == FALSE)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    if (prn->negation == NULL) internal_error("singleton EO cannot store in negation");

    prn->stored_in_negation = TRUE;
    if (prn->negation) prn->negation->stored_in_negation = FALSE;

§8. Miscellaneous details:

#ifdef IF_MODULE
grammar_verb *Properties::EitherOr::get_parsing_grammar(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or == FALSE)) return NULL;
    return prn->eo_parsing_grammar;

void Properties::EitherOr::set_parsing_grammar(property *prn, grammar_verb *gv) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or == FALSE)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    prn->eo_parsing_grammar = gv;

adjectival_phrase *Properties::EitherOr::get_aph(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or == FALSE)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    return prn->adjectival_phrase_registered;

§9. Assertion.

void Properties::EitherOr::assert(property *prn,
    inference_subject *owner, int parity, int certainty) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::unary_PREDICATE_from_aph(
        Properties::EitherOr::get_aph(prn), (parity)?FALSE:TRUE);
    Calculus::Propositions::Assert::assert_true_about(prop, owner, certainty);

§10. Compilation. Inform 6 provides "attributes" as a faster-access, more memory-efficient form of object properties, stored at run-time in a bitmap rather than as key-value pairs in a small dictionary. Because the bitmap is inflexibly sized, only some of our either/or properties will be able to make use of it. See "Properties of Objects" for how these are chosen; the following simply keep a flag recording the outcome.

int Properties::EitherOr::implemented_as_attribute(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or == FALSE)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    if (prn->implemented_as_attribute == NOT_APPLICABLE) return TRUE;
    return prn->implemented_as_attribute;

void Properties::EitherOr::implement_as_attribute(property *prn, int state) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or == FALSE)) internal_error("non-EO property");
    prn->implemented_as_attribute = state;
    if (prn->negation) prn->negation->implemented_as_attribute = state;

§11. Otherwise, each either/or property is stored as either true or false in a given cell of memory at run-time — wastefully since only 1 of the 16 or 32 bits in that memory word is used, but at least rapidly. The following compiles this true or false value.

(Because of the way the attribute optimisation works, it's very important not to change the strings of compiled code here without making a matching change in "Properties of Objects".)

void Properties::EitherOr::compile_value(value_holster *VH, property *prn, int val) {
    if (val) {
        if (Holsters::data_acceptable(VH))
            Holsters::holster_pair(VH, LITERAL_IVAL, 1);
    } else {
        if (Holsters::data_acceptable(VH))
            Holsters::holster_pair(VH, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);

void Properties::EitherOr::compile_default_value(value_holster *VH, property *prn) {
    if (Holsters::data_acceptable(VH))
        Holsters::holster_pair(VH, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);

§12. Either/or properties as adjectives. What makes either/or properties linguistically interesting is their use as adjectives: an open door, a transparent container. Adjectival meanings arising in this way are of the EORP_KADJ kind, and the following is called every time an either/or property is created, to create its matching adjectival meaning:

void Properties::EitherOr::create_adjective_from_property(property *prn, wording W, kind *K) {
    adjective_meaning *am =
        Adjectives::Meanings::new(EORP_KADJ, STORE_POINTER_property(prn), W);
    Adjectives::Meanings::declare(am, W, 1);
    Adjectives::Meanings::set_domain_from_kind(am, K);
    prn->adjectival_phrase_registered = Adjectives::Meanings::get_aph_from_am(am);
    prn->adjectival_meaning_registered = am;

void Properties::EitherOr::make_new_adjective_sense_from_property(property *prn, wording W, kind *K) {
    adjectival_phrase *aph = prn->adjectival_phrase_registered;
    if (Adjectives::Meanings::applicable_to(aph, K)) return;
    adjective_meaning *am =
        Adjectives::Meanings::new(EORP_KADJ, STORE_POINTER_property(prn), W);
    Adjectives::Meanings::declare(am, W, 2);
    Adjectives::Meanings::set_domain_from_kind(am, K);

§13. And here are the methods which define EORP adjectives. They arise other than by parsing, as we've seen, so:

adjective_meaning *Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_parse(parse_node *q,
    int sense, wording AW, wording DNW, wording CONW, wording CALLW) {
    return NULL;

§14. Compiling tests or assertions of these adjectives is easy, because it just means using their schemata in the usual way...

int Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_compile(property *prn, int T, int emit_flag, ph_stack_frame *phsf) {
    return FALSE;

§15. ...but writing those schemata is not so easy, partly because of the way either/or properties may be paired, partly because of the attribute storage optimisation applied to some but not all of them.

void Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_compiling_soon(adjective_meaning *am, property *prn, int T) {
    if (am == NULL) internal_error("Unregistered adjectival either/or property in either/or atom");

    if (Adjectives::Meanings::get_ready_flag(am)) return;

    kind *K = Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain(am);
    if (Kinds::Compare::le(K, K_object))
        Set the schemata for an either/or property adjective with objects as domain15.1
        Set the schemata for an either/or property adjective with some other domain15.2;

§15.1. The "objects" domain is not really very different, but it's the one used overwhelmingly most often, so we will call the relevant routines directly rather than accessing them via the unifying routines GProperty and WriteGProperty — which would work just as well, but more slowly.

Set the schemata for an either/or property adjective with objects as domain15.1 =

    if (Properties::EitherOr::stored_in_negation(prn)) {
        property *neg = Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn);
        inter_name *identifier = Properties::iname(neg);

        i6_schema *sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "GetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n) == false", identifier);

        sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, NOW_ADJECTIVE_TRUE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "SetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n, true)", identifier);

        sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, NOW_ADJECTIVE_FALSE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "SetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n, false)", identifier);
    } else {
        inter_name *identifier = Properties::iname(prn);

        i6_schema *sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "GetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n)", identifier);

        sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, NOW_ADJECTIVE_TRUE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "SetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n, false)", identifier);

        sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, NOW_ADJECTIVE_FALSE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "SetEitherOrProperty(*1, %n, true)", identifier);

§15.2. Set the schemata for an either/or property adjective with some other domain15.2 =

    if (Properties::EitherOr::stored_in_negation(prn)) {
        property *neg = Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn);

        i6_schema *sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "GProperty(%k, *1, %n) == false", K,

        sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, NOW_ADJECTIVE_TRUE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n)", K,

        sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, NOW_ADJECTIVE_FALSE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n, true)", K,
    } else {
        i6_schema *sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "GProperty(%k, *1, %n)", K,

        sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, NOW_ADJECTIVE_TRUE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n, true)", K,

        sch = Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, NOW_ADJECTIVE_FALSE_TASK, FALSE);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "WriteGProperty(%k, *1, %n)", K,

§16. To assert an adjective like "open" is to draw an inference about its property.

int Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_assert(property *prn,
    inference_subject *infs_to_assert_on, parse_node *val_to_assert_on, int parity) {
    if (parity == FALSE) World::Inferences::draw_negated_property(infs_to_assert_on, prn, NULL);
    else World::Inferences::draw_property(infs_to_assert_on, prn, NULL);
    return TRUE;

§17. And finally:

int Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, property *prn) {
    property *neg = Properties::EitherOr::get_negation(prn);
    WRITE("either/or property");
    if (Properties::permission_list(prn)) {
        WRITE(" of "); World::Permissions::index(OUT, prn);
    } else if ((neg) && (Properties::permission_list(neg))) {
        WRITE(" of "); World::Permissions::index(OUT, neg);
    if (neg) WRITE(", opposite of </i>%+W<i>", neg->name);
    return TRUE;