Compiling an Inter function from the body of an imperative definition.

§1. Compilation. This is a short section, but the function CompileImperativeDefn::go sits at the top of a mountain of code occupying most of the rest of this module. That's a function called either from Phrase Requests or from here:

void CompileImperativeDefn::not_from_phrase(id_body *idb, int *i, int max_i,
    shared_variable_access_list *legible, rule *R) {
    if (idb->compilation_data.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed) {
        CompileImperativeDefn::go(idb, legible, NULL, R);
        CompileImperativeDefn::advance_progress_bar(idb, i, max_i);
        idb->compilation_data.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed = FALSE;

void CompileImperativeDefn::advance_progress_bar(id_body *idb, int *i, int max_i) {
    if (idb->compilation_data.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed) {
        ProgressBar::update(4, ((float) (*i))/((float) max_i));

§2. Either way, all compilations of non-inline imperative bodies come through here:

void CompileImperativeDefn::go(id_body *idb, shared_variable_access_list *legible,
    to_phrase_request *req, rule *R) {
    parse_node *code_at = ImperativeDefinitions::body_at(idb);
    if (Node::is(code_at->next, DEFN_CONT_NT)) code_at = code_at->next;

    LOGIF(PHRASE_COMPILATION, "Compiling phrase:\n$T", code_at);

    current_sentence = code_at;
    stack_frame *frame = &(idb->compilation_data.id_stack_frame);
    inter_name *iname = req?(req->req_iname):(CompileImperativeDefn::iname(idb));
    inter_name *md_iname = req?(req->md_iname):NULL;

    Set up the stack frame for this compilation request2.2;

    packaging_state save = Functions::begin_from_idb(iname, frame, idb);
    Compile some commentary about the function to follow2.1;
    Compile the body of the function2.3;

    if (md_iname) {
        WRITE_TO(syn, "%W", idb->head_of_defn->log_text);
        Emit::text_constant(md_iname, syn);
    current_sentence = NULL;

§2.1. Compile some commentary about the function to follow2.1 =

    if (req == NULL) {
        EmitCode::comment(I"No specific request");
    } else {
        WRITE_TO(C, "Request %d: ", req->allocation_id);
        Kinds::Textual::write(C, PhraseRequests::kind_of_request(req));

§2.2. Set up the stack frame for this compilation request2.2 =

    id_type_data *idtd = &(idb->type_data);

    kind *version_kind = NULL;
    if (req) version_kind = PhraseRequests::kind_of_request(req);
    else version_kind = IDTypeData::kind(idtd);
    CompileImperativeDefn::set_up_stack_frame_for_compilation(frame, idtd, version_kind, FALSE);

    if (req) Frames::set_kind_variables(frame,
    else Frames::set_kind_variables(frame, NULL);

    Frames::set_shared_variable_access_list(frame, legible);

    LocalVariableSlates::deallocate_all(frame);  in case any are left from an earlier compile
    PreformCache::warn_of_changes();  that local variables may have changed

§2.3. Compile the body of the function2.3 =

    current_sentence = code_at;
    if (RTRules::compile_test_head(idb, R) == FALSE) {
        if (code_at) {
            CompileBlocksAndLines::full_definition_body(1, code_at->down, TRUE);
        current_sentence = code_at;
        RTRules::compile_test_tail(idb, R);

        Compile a terminal return statement2.3.1;

§2.3.1. In Inter, all functions must return a value: in Inform 7, some phrases do not. If we are compiling a function to perform such a phrase, we have it return 0. This value will almost certainly be thrown away, but it seems clearest to make it 0 in all cases.

Otherwise, if execution reaches the end of our function, we return the default value for its return kind: for example, the empty text for K_text.

Compile a terminal return statement2.3.1 =

    kind *K = Frames::get_kind_returned();
    if (K) {
        if (DefaultValues::val(K, EMPTY_WORDING,
            "value decided by this phrase") != TRUE) {
                "it's not possible to decide such a value",
                "so this can't be allowed.");
    } else {
        EmitCode::val_number(0);  that is, "false"

§3. Data about compilation. Each imperative definition body has the following data attached to it.

typedef struct id_compilation_data {
    struct stack_frame id_stack_frame;
    int at_least_one_compiled_form_needed;  do we still need to compile this?

     for inline definitions only:
    int inline_mor;  inline manner of return
    int inline_wn;  word number of inline definition, or -1 if not inline
    struct inter_schema *inline_front_schema;  inline definition translated to inter, if possible
    struct inter_schema *inline_back_schema;  inline definition translated to inter, if possible
    int inter_defn_converted;  has this been tried yet?

     for non-inline definitions only:
    struct package_request *requests_package;
    struct linked_list *label_namespaces;  of label_namespace
    int compile_with_run_time_debugging;  in the RULES command
    struct inter_name *ph_iname;  or NULL for inline phrases
} id_compilation_data;


id_compilation_data CompileImperativeDefn::new_data(parse_node *p) {
    id_compilation_data phcd;
    phcd.id_stack_frame = Frames::new();
    phcd.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed = TRUE;

    phcd.inline_wn = -1;
    phcd.inline_front_schema = NULL;
    phcd.inline_back_schema = NULL;
    phcd.inter_defn_converted = FALSE;
    phcd.inline_mor = DONT_KNOW_MOR;

    phcd.ph_iname = NULL;
    phcd.label_namespaces = NEW_LINKED_LIST(label_namespace);
    phcd.requests_package = NULL;
    phcd.compile_with_run_time_debugging = FALSE;
    return phcd;

§5. An iname can, for convenience, be attached. For "To..." phrases, no iname is attached; it will be different in each different instantiation of the definition. But for rules and adjective definitions, this is useful:

void CompileImperativeDefn::set_iname(id_body *idb, inter_name *iname) {
    idb->compilation_data.ph_iname = iname;

inter_name *CompileImperativeDefn::iname(id_body *idb) {
    return idb->compilation_data.ph_iname;

§6. Definition bodies with an inline definition use these functions, and are never run through CompileImperativeDefn::go at all:

int CompileImperativeDefn::is_inline(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb->compilation_data.inline_wn < 0) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

void CompileImperativeDefn::make_inline(id_body *idb, int inline_wn, int mor) {
    idb->compilation_data.inline_wn = inline_wn;
    idb->compilation_data.inline_mor = mor;
    idb->compilation_data.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed = FALSE;

wchar_t *CompileImperativeDefn::get_inline_definition(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb->compilation_data.inline_wn < 0)
        internal_error("tried to access inline definition of non-inline phrase");
    return Lexer::word_text(idb->compilation_data.inline_wn);

inter_schema *CompileImperativeDefn::get_front_schema(id_body *idb) {
    Construct the schemas from the inline text if this has not yet been done6.1;
    return idb->compilation_data.inline_front_schema;

inter_schema *CompileImperativeDefn::get_back_schema(id_body *idb) {
    Construct the schemas from the inline text if this has not yet been done6.1;
    return idb->compilation_data.inline_back_schema;

§6.1. Construct the schemas from the inline text if this has not yet been done6.1 =

    if (idb->compilation_data.inter_defn_converted == FALSE) {
        if (idb->compilation_data.inline_wn >= 0) {
        idb->compilation_data.inter_defn_converted = TRUE;

§7. Non-inline compilation is sometimes the result of filling requests for instantiation. The different requested versions then appear in the requests package for the function:

void CompileImperativeDefn::prepare_for_requests(id_body *idb) {
    idb->compilation_data.requests_package =
        Hierarchy::local_package_to(PHRASES_HAP, idb->head_of_defn->at);
package_request *CompileImperativeDefn::requests_package(id_body *idb) {
    return idb->compilation_data.requests_package;

§8. Preparing the stack frame. The stack frame needs to be made ready for compilation. The following is called immediately the body is created.

void CompileImperativeDefn::initialise_stack_frame(id_body *body) {
    stack_frame *frame = &(body->compilation_data.id_stack_frame);
    CompileImperativeDefn::set_up_stack_frame_for_compilation(frame, &(body->type_data),
        IDTypeData::kind(&(body->type_data)), TRUE);
    if (PhraseOptions::allows_options(body))

§9. However, CompileImperativeDefn::set_up_stack_frame_for_compilation is also called each time the definition is compiled: note that if a definition is being instantiated for multiple different kinds, kind_in_this_compilation will vary, and will not be the same as the one supplied in CompileImperativeDefn::initialise_stack_frame.

void CompileImperativeDefn::set_up_stack_frame_for_compilation(stack_frame *frame,
    id_type_data *idtd, kind *kind_in_this_compilation, int first) {
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_in_this_compilation) != CON_phrase)
        internal_error("not a function kind");

    kind *args = NULL, *ret = NULL;
    Kinds::binary_construction_material(kind_in_this_compilation, &args, &ret);

    int N = IDTypeData::get_no_tokens(idtd);
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        if (Kinds::get_construct(args) != CON_TUPLE_ENTRY) internal_error("bad tupling");
        kind *K;
        Kinds::binary_construction_material(args, &K, &args);
        if (first) {
            LocalVariables::new_call_parameter(frame, idtd->token_sequence[i].token_name, K);
        } else {
            local_variable *lvar = LocalVariables::get_ith_parameter(frame, i);
            if (lvar) LocalVariables::set_kind(lvar, K);

    if (Kinds::eq(ret, K_nil)) Frames::set_kind_returned(frame, NULL);
    else Frames::set_kind_returned(frame, ret);