To compile Inter functions.

§1. The code in this section is used throughout the imperative and runtime modules whenever an Inter function needs to be compiled. This will often not be a function corresponding to a definition in the soruce text; more often, it will be a support function needed to implement some feature at runtime.

However it happens, every function is compiled using code like so:

    inter_name *iname = /* work something out here */;
    packaging_state save = Functions::begin(iname);
     declare some call parameters
     now compile the code in the function

This will create a new stack frame for the function, which is usually what is wanted. If we want to compile it using an existing frame frame, then instead call Functions::begin_framed(iname, frame), not Functions::begin(iname); and a third version, Functions::begin_from_idb(iname, frame, idb) exists if we are compiling from an imperative definition idb.

There are nearly 100 examples of this simple API being used in Inform, so it's not hard to find code to imitate if you want to compile a new function.

Note that only one function can be compiled at a time: Functions::end must be called before Functions::begin (or similar) can be called again.

§2. There aren't really three different methods, because:

packaging_state Functions::begin(inter_name *iname) {
    return Functions::begin_from_idb(iname, NULL, NULL);
packaging_state Functions::begin_framed(inter_name *iname, stack_frame *frame) {
    return Functions::begin_from_idb(iname, frame, NULL);

§3. Between the beginning and the end, we need to keep track of:

typedef struct function_under_compilation {
    struct id_body *from_idb;  if any — many functions do not arise this way
    struct stack_frame *function_stack_frame;  the stack frame for this function
    int currently_compiling_nnp;  is this a nonphrasal stack frame we made ourselves?
    struct inter_package *into_package;  where Inter is being emitted to
    struct inter_name *currently_compiling_iname;  function we end up with
    struct linked_list *label_namespaces;  of label_namespace
} function_under_compilation;

int function_compilation_is_happening_now = FALSE;
function_under_compilation current_function;


int Functions::a_function_is_being_compiled(void) {
    return function_compilation_is_happening_now;

id_body *Functions::defn_being_compiled(void) {
    if (function_compilation_is_happening_now)
        return current_function.from_idb;
    return NULL;

parse_node *Functions::line_being_compiled(void) {
    if (function_compilation_is_happening_now)
        return current_sentence;
    return NULL;

linked_list *Functions::current_label_namespaces(void) {
    if (function_compilation_is_happening_now) {
        if (current_function.from_idb)
            return current_function.from_idb->compilation_data.label_namespaces;
        return current_function.label_namespaces;
    return NULL;

§5. If the frame argument is set, then we'll use that; otherwise we will create a new nonphrasal stack frame.

packaging_state Functions::begin_from_idb(inter_name *iname, stack_frame *frame,
    id_body *idb) {
    if (iname == NULL) internal_error("no iname for function");
    if (function_compilation_is_happening_now)
        internal_error("functions cannot be compiled simultaneously");
    function_compilation_is_happening_now = TRUE;

    if (frame == NULL) {
        frame = Frames::new_nonphrasal();
        current_function.currently_compiling_nnp = TRUE;
    } else {
        current_function.currently_compiling_nnp = FALSE;
    current_function.function_stack_frame = frame;
    packaging_state save = Emit::new_packaging_state();
    current_function.into_package = Produce::block(Emit::tree(), &save, iname);
    current_function.currently_compiling_iname = iname;
    current_function.from_idb = idb;
    if (idb) {
        current_function.label_namespaces = NULL;
    } else {
        current_function.label_namespaces = NEW_LINKED_LIST(label_namespace);
    return save;

§6. The real work comes at the end. At this point, we have compiled the body of the code into the Inter package created above, but it is not yet part of an Inter function.

What we do with this depends on whether any block values were used in the function, because it they were then we need to worry about memory allocation. The following pseudocode gives the general idea. Suppose we want to create a function called public_name. If no block values were needed, we do the obvious thing:

    public_name(t1, t2, ..., tn) {
        ... package code here ...

But if block values are involved, we make two functions, a "shell" with the outward-facing name, and a "kernel" which does the actual work. If we suppose that the kernel returns an ordinary value, then this happens:

    public_name(t1, t2, ..., tn) {
        ...allocate memory...
        RV = kernel_name(t1, t2, ..., tn)
        return RV
    kernel_name(I7RBLK, t1, t2, ..., tn) {
        ... package code here ...

Since we do not support exceptions in the Inter VM, it follows that whatever kernel_name does — even if it fails in some way at runtime — all allocated memory will safely be deallocated.

A slight variation is needed if the kernel returns a block value, as follows:

    public_name(t1, t2, ..., tn) {
        ...allocate memory...
        BlkValueCopy(BRV, kernel_name(t1, t2, ..., tn))
        return BRV
    kernel_name(BRV, t1, t2, ..., tn) {
        ... package code here ...

Here BRV is a pointer to memory in which to write the return value: note that we copy it before we deallocate any of the memory which was likely used to generate it.

void Functions::end(packaging_state save) {
    if (function_compilation_is_happening_now == FALSE)
        internal_error("function compilation has not started, so cannot end");

    stack_frame *frame = current_function.function_stack_frame;
    inter_name *kernel_name = NULL;
    inter_name *public_name = current_function.currently_compiling_iname;
    if ((Frames::uses_local_block_values(frame)) ||
        (frame->no_formal_parameters_needed > 0))
        kernel_name = Produce::kernel(Emit::tree(), public_name);

    kind *F_kind = Frames::deduced_function_kind(frame);

    int needed = LocalVariableSlates::size(frame);
    if (kernel_name) needed++;
    if (TargetVMs::allow_this_many_locals(Task::vm(), needed) == FALSE)
        Issue a problem for too many locals6.2;


    Emit::function(kernel_name?kernel_name:public_name, F_kind, current_function.into_package);

    if (kernel_name) Compile an outer shell function with the public-facing name6.1;

    if (current_function.currently_compiling_nnp) Frames::remove_nonphrase_stack_frame();
    Produce::end_main_block(Emit::tree(), save);

    function_compilation_is_happening_now = FALSE;
    current_function.currently_compiling_nnp = FALSE;
    current_function.function_stack_frame = NULL;
    current_function.into_package = NULL;
    current_function.currently_compiling_iname = NULL;
    current_function.from_idb = NULL;

§6.1. Compile an outer shell function with the public-facing name6.1 =

    int returns_block_value =

    inter_package *block_package = Produce::block(Emit::tree(), NULL, public_name);
    inter_symbol *rv_symbol = NULL;
    Compile I6 locals for the outer shell6.1.1;
    Compile some setup code to make ready for the kernel6.1.2;
    Compile a call to the kernel6.1.3;
    Compile some teardown code now that the kernel has finished6.1.4;
    Compile a return from the outer shell6.1.5;
    Emit::function(public_name, F_kind, block_package);

§6.1.1. Suppose the function has to return a list. Then the function is compiled with an extra first parameter (called I7RBLK), which is a pointer to the block value in which to write the answer. After that come all of the call parameters of the phrase (but none of the "let" or scratch-use locals). If, on the other hand, the function returns a word value, I7RBLK is placed after the call parameters, and is used only as a scratch variable.

Compile I6 locals for the outer shell6.1.1 =

    if (returns_block_value)
        rv_symbol = Produce::local(Emit::tree(), K_number, I"BRV", 0, I"block return value");
    if (!returns_block_value)
        rv_symbol = Produce::local(Emit::tree(), K_number, I"RV", 0, I"return value");

§6.1.2. We allocate memory for each pointer value used in the stack frame:

Compile some setup code to make ready for the kernel6.1.2 =


    for (int i=0; i<frame->no_formal_parameters_needed; i++) {
        nonlocal_variable *nlv = TemporaryVariables::formal_parameter(i);

§6.1.3. Compile a call to the kernel6.1.3 =

    if (returns_block_value) {
        inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(BLKVALUECOPY_HL);
            EmitCode::val_symbol(K_number, rv_symbol);
    } else {
            EmitCode::ref_symbol(K_value, rv_symbol);

§6.1.4. Here we deallocate all the memory allocated earlier.

Compile some teardown code now that the kernel has finished6.1.4 =

    for (int i=frame->no_formal_parameters_needed-1; i>=0; i--) {
        nonlocal_variable *nlv = TemporaryVariables::formal_parameter(i);

§6.1.5. Compile a return from the outer shell6.1.5 =

        EmitCode::val_symbol(K_value, rv_symbol);

§6.2. Issue a problem for too many locals6.2 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TooManyLocals),
        "there are too many temporarily-named values in this phrase",
        "which may be a sign that it is complicated enough to need breaking up "
        "into smaller phrases making use of each other. "
        "The limit is 15 at a time for a Z-machine project (see the Settings) "
        "and 256 at a time for Glulx. That has to include both values created in the "
        "declaration of a phrase (e.g. the 'N' in 'To deduct (N - a number) points: "
        "...', or the 'watcher' in 'Instead of taking something in the presence of "
        "a man (called the watcher): ...'), and also values created with 'let' or "
        "'repeat' (each 'repeat' loop claiming two such values) - not to mention "
        "one or two values occasionally needed to work with Tables. Because of all "
        "this, it's best to keep the complexity to a minimum within any single phrase.");